2011年5月7日 星期六

劉曉波《我沒有敵人》Free Word Centre

【明報專訊】諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波仍在獄中,但首部關於他個人的紀錄片已經問世。關於劉曉波的紀錄片《我沒有敵人》將在下周一於倫敦自由文字中心(Free Word Centre)播放,而已失蹤超過1個月的異見作家艾未未也將在紀錄片中的訪談出現。

片長30分鐘 有艾未未訪談

英 國《衛報》報道,《我沒有敵人》片長30分鐘,片中會有包括艾未未在內的多名劉曉波支持者的訪談。紀錄片播放後還會有一個現場問答環節,導演帕里斯均和旅 英華人作家馬健和紀錄片的會出席。活動由國際筆會旗下的英國筆會、查禁目錄(Index On Censorship)等關注世界言論自由的作家團體組織。



Free Word

- [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]Free Word Centre is an international centre for literature, literacy and free expression which aims to promote and protect the power of the word, ...
www.freewordonline.com/ - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容

The struggle of man against tyranny is the struggle of memory against forgetting.
Milan Kundera

Creative and free expression: the transforming power of words

At Free Word, we know that words matter. Speaking out for what people believe makes us feel human. Having the freedom to read and write what we like gives our lives meaning. We need words not just to live but to flourish.

That is why Free Word works to promote, protect and democratise the power of the written and spoken word, nationally and internationally.

Free Word is a place where media meets literature which brings people together to work collaboratively. People who are involved in literature, literacy and free expression are brought together with our unique programmes, events and attractive facilities, which include a lecture theatre, various meeting rooms, atrium and a café.

The idea

The idea for Free Word emerged in 2004, when literature and free expression organisations met to discuss ways of working together. Eight founder organisations came

Word :道;聖言:指天主聖三的第二位聖子,亦即降生成人的耶穌基督(若一 1-18 )。同拉丁文之 Verbum

Word of God :聖言;天主聖言:指天主的一切聖訓,首先是聖經(尤其指福音),然後是教會的宣講。狹義的聖言指耶穌基督。
