2022年2月24日 星期四

How China Under Xi Jinping Is Turning Away From the World

 Xi Jinping, as seen on a giant screen outside a shopping mall in July 2021, speaking at an event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of China’s Communist Party.

Andy Wong/Associated Press

How China Under Xi Jinping Is Turning Away From the World

Global engagement has helped the nation prosper. But now, its leader seems intent on recasting the meeting of minds and cultures as a zero-sum clash.

Xi Jinping, as seen on a giant screen outside a shopping mall in July 2021, speaking at an event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of China’s Communist Party.
Andy Wong/Associated Press

2022年2月23日 星期三



2022年2月21日 星期一

陽光城集團仍未能支付兩筆美元債券的逾期利息,新一屆香港行政長官換屆選舉將延後舉行 美團股價重挫至一年多以來最低水準


2022年2月15日 星期二







澳大利亚总理莫里森13日批评中国在乌克兰问题保持着“令人不寒而栗的沉默”,但是却批评澳大利亚与盟友的和平行动。目前俄罗斯和乌克兰边界的局势在恶化,美国与欧洲都发出更严厉的警告说俄罗斯很可能在近期入侵乌克兰。澳大利亚已将使馆人员转移到乌克兰西部利沃夫的一个临时办事处。 https://bit.ly/3HRkYuO

Diplomatic staff who had been stationed in Kyiv have been directed to a temporary office in Lviv in Ukraine's west.

Acting deputy secretary national security and international policy Rod Brazier told Senate estimates the final five remaining staff members had arrived in Lviv on Sunday.

"(Sunday) morning as a result of the threat to peace and stability in the region, the Australian embassy in Kyiv was temporarily closed," he said.

"The embassy has set up a facility for operations. This is a temporary move that will be kept under review considering the security situation."

The prime minister said the situation in Europe was increasingly uncertain.

"It is time to stand up against those who seek to bully, whether it is Australia, Lithuania or indeed Ukraine," he said.

"It is time to stand up to the bullies, to the autocrats who work together."

Trade Minister Dan Tehan said Australia would enact strong economic sanctions against Russia should an invasion be carried out.

"We want a de-escalation, but if (invasion) happens, then you'll be looking at sanctions and we'll be a part of that," he said.

Mr Tehan said an invasion would also likely lead to an increase in oil and gas prices and put pressure on international markets.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the situation in Ukraine had reached a "dangerous juncture".

"It's a very dangerous situation and the reverberations will be felt far and wide if, in fact, the Russians do invade," Mr Frydenberg told the Nine Network.

2022年2月14日 星期一



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2022年2月11日 星期五

U.S. vows stepped-up Indo-Pacific effort in push back against China拜登政府正在研拟推出的“印太经济框架”(IPEF)


The United States vowed on Friday to commit more diplomatic and security resources to the Indo-Pacific to push back against what its sees as China's bid to create a regional sphere of influence and become the world's most influential power.

U.S. vows stepped-up Indo-Pacific effort in push back against China

民主指数榜中国名列第148 EIU分析”中国挑战”


Artikelbild 民主指数榜中国名列第148 EIU分析”中国挑战”
英国 "经济学人智库 "周四(2月9日)发表题为”中国挑战”的2021年度民主指数报告,指出在疫情压力下,全球民主状况恶化,2021年只有不到46%的世界人口生活在民主国家,是自2006年开始进行年度调查以来最差的结果。中国在民主指数排行榜上名列第148位,即倒数第20位。台湾排名第8位。
Artikelbild 美国商会称拜登考虑对中国另启贸易调查
Artikelbild 中国推动立法:数据出境须安全评估

2022年2月4日 星期五

自招:North Korea in the midst of ‘food crisis’。承认中国科技“技不如人” 北大报告被删 触动了谁的神经?

This year’s film, titled “The Great Year of Victory 2021,” aired on Tuesday and emphasized Kim’s work on the economy. The film acknowledged that “the country’s situation is more difficult than ever,” a sign that the country’s food shortage may now be a problem that can’t be glossed over.

Putin and Xi Pledge ‘No Limits’ to Russia-China Ties.Ukraine’s Worries Grow as Russian Troops Are in Final Stages of Readiness



Putin and Xi Pledge ‘No Limits’ to Russia-China Ties

President Vladimir Putin hailed the “dignified relationship” between Russia and China as he met Xi Jinping in Beijing. Here’s the latest.

Ukraine’s Worries Grow as Russian Troops Are in Final Stages of Readiness

Ukrainian officials are newly worried about the Crimean Peninsula, where they said Russia has deployed 10,000 additional troops.

2022年2月1日 星期二

越南民众上街庆祝大胜中国国足3:1。美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)指责北京盗取美国技术和创新,对美国发起大规模黑客行动

美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)指责北京盗取美国技术和创新,对美国发起大规模黑客行动,称中国政府对西方的威胁比以往任何时候都更厚颜无耻和具有破坏性,是对美国长期经济安全最大的威胁。





