2011年5月28日 星期六


Taiwan makes it legal to advocate communism

TAIPEI — Taiwan's legislature has made it legal to advocate communism, changing a law that was a legacy of the island's long Cold War with the mainland, local media reported Saturday.

Lawmakers on Friday amended the Civil Associations Act, removing an article that had made it illegal for organisations to promote communism, the Liberty Times and other newspapers said.

The proposal to amend the law had come from a legislator of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, who had argued it was a violation of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of association.

The legal amendment is mainly of symbolic significance, as the ban on communist agitation has not been implemented with any particular vigour in recent years.

For example, in August 2008, the Taiwan Communist Party was allowed to register as the island's 141st political party.

However, in the first decades after Taiwan and China split at the end of a civil war in 1949, there were pronounced fears in Taipei that Beijing could be planning a fifth column on the island as preparation for an invasion.

This tension is now a thing of the past, and relations have improved radically in recent years, especially since 2008 when China-friendly politician Ma Ying-jeou was elected Taiwan's president.

人團法修正 刪除不得主張分裂國土

三讀通過 保障言論自由




而 為符合大法官會議第六四四號解釋文,並落實「公民與政治權利國際公約」、「經濟社會文化權利國際公約」,立法院昨通過上述人團法修法。配合此二項公約施 行,地政士法、不動產估價師法中,同一區域只能有一個公會的限制,改為原則性規定;合作社法限制同一區域合作事業不能同時有二個聯合社的規定,也予刪除。


