2011年5月25日 星期三

2號、3號反應堆大部分燃料棒可能已熔解/ Earthquake

Earthquake, not tsunami, may have damaged cooling system at No. 3 reactor


photoSmoke rises from the No. 3 reactor building at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on March 14. (DigitalGlobe)

Data from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant indicates that the March 11 earthquake--not the tsunami--damaged piping for the emergency core cooling system at the No. 3 reactor, leading to a meltdown, experts said.

Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant's operator, has insisted that a tsunami far exceeding expectations led to the accident at the plant, and that shaking from the magnitude-9.0 earthquake did not cause serious damage to crucial equipment.

Junichi Matsumoto, a TEPCO official, told a news conference on May 24 that the piping at the reactor may not have even been damaged.

"We suspect a malfunctioning of a pressure instrument," he said.

However, data released on May 24 by TEPCO points to the possibility of quake damage to the high-pressure coolant injection system, which is part of the ECCS and critical in preventing crises at nuclear power plants, experts said.

Keiji Miyazaki, professor emeritus of nuclear reactor engineering at Osaka University, said the piping at the reactor was probably ruptured before the waves hit the plant.

Since the piping of a high-pressure coolant injection system is inside the reactor building, "it unlikely to be damaged in tsunami," he said.

The ECCS can function even after a blackout because it is mainly powered by steam produced by residual heat from fuel rods in the reactor pressure vessel.

According to TEPCO, the No. 3 reactor was cooled by other equipment after the regular cooling system became disabled when the tsunami cut the electricity supply on March 11.

But that equipment also stopped working around noon on March 12.

When the high-pressure coolant injection system kicked in after sensing a lack of water in the reactor, the water level was restored temporarily.

However, the battery connected to valves at the reactor died, rendering TEPCO unable to open and close them. This caused the water level to drop again, exposing the nuclear fuel rods and causing a meltdown.

When the ECCS was working, pressure in the pressure vessel was 75 atmospheres.

But the pressure decreased to 10 atmospheres in about six hours, a phenomenon highly unlikely under ordinary circumstances, experts said.

Based on the data, TEPCO assumed the sharp decline in pressure occurred because steam was leaking from damaged parts of the piping.

TEPCO said if the piping was damaged, it was the result of the tsunami.

The company failed to cool the No. 1 through No. 3 reactors after the emergency diesel generators for the cooling systems were knocked out. That led to hydrogen explosions at two reactors that sent a huge amount of radioactive materials into the atmosphere.

Preliminary data on the impact of the quake released by TEPCO showed that the vertical shaking at the No. 3 reactor was within the maximum level under anti-quake guidelines for nuclear facilities.

However, the swaying from the quake was slightly above the level the utility was prepared for.

The ECCS, including the high-pressure coolant injection system, is required to have the highest quake-resistance level under the government's guidelines.

In addition, the building housing the reactor is supposed to be able to withstand the force of a massive jolt, compared with other facilities, such as turbine buildings.

TEPCO has said the plant was well equipped to deal with a massive earthquake, but not a huge tsunami.

Experts say glitches before the March 11 disaster, coupled with damages caused by the tsunami--and the quake--contributed to the crisis at the plant.

If quake damage is confirmed at the plant's reactor, safety standards and measures would have to be reviewed, possible leading to expensive reinforcements for reactors operated by the nation's electric power companies.

Although construction of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant started before previous anti-quake guidelines were compiled in 1978, some in the nuclear industry said the plant could withstand the impact of even a magnitude-9.0 quake.

They said current quake-resistance standards for nuclear power plants are sufficient.

But experts say that a detailed analysis based on sufficient data will be needed to determine if the tsunami was the sole cause of the ongoing crisis at the plant.

(This article was compiled from reports by Ryoma Komiyama, Takashi Sugiyama and Eisuke Sasaki.)















作者:Peter Kujath/李魚

新闻报道 | 2011.05.24








根据东京电力公司显示的资料,自然灾害发生不到一天后,即3月12日,1号反应堆就已经开始核芯熔毁。本周二,该公司正式承认,在2号和3号反应堆 内也发生了部分核芯熔毁。他们说,自然灾害发生60至100小时后,这一过程已经开始,而且反应堆内的核燃棒很可能大部分已经融化。也就是说,3号反应堆 从3月13日、2号反应堆从3月14日开始出现核芯熔毁。此前,日本官方承认的核灾难程度同美国专家作出的分析相比,要低得多。现在,日本接受了美国科学 家的估测。




日本核泄漏危机发生后,人们尤其对运营公司以及日本政府奉行的信息政策提出尖锐的批评。这是一次仅次于25年前切尔诺贝利核灾难的重大事故,但在地 震和海啸发生后的头几周里,不论是公司还是政府,都不断重申,福岛核电厂最多只会出现部分核芯熔毁。但随着事件的进一步恶化以及越来越多的真相公布于众, 公司和政府的表态也不得不渐渐改口。


不过,日本科学家也承认,没有人预料到这次的灾难会带来这样的后果。这名接受NHK采访的日本核物理学家说,"包括我自己在内,没有真正认真考虑到 会发生这样的灾难。人们预设的前提实际上是,不会出现所有能源都被切断的情况。我们虽然也思考过最糟糕场景,但我们却不认为它们会真的发生。我们真的很天 真。"


作者:Peter Kujath/李鱼
