2010年9月2日 星期四

Carrefour sale pulls in 10 bids

The first round of Carrefour』s auction of its south-east Asian assets had attracted a pack of more than 10 bidders last night.

昨晚,法國零售商家樂福(Carrefour)對其東南亞資產的首輪拍賣吸引了逾10 家競購方。

The bidders included several large non-Asian retailers, in addition to Tesco, together with private equity firms and local retail chains in Singapore and Thailand, according to people with knowledge of the auction.

據瞭解該拍賣的人士透露,競購方中除了全球第三大連鎖超市特易購(Tesco)外,還 包括其它幾家大型非亞洲零售商,幾傢俬募股權公司、以及幾家新加坡和泰國的本地連鎖零售商。

However, no bid had been received by last night from Walmart, the world』s biggest retailer, which has identified south-east Asia as a potential area for expansion.

然而,截至昨晚,家樂福尚未收到來自全球最大零售商沃爾瑪(Walmart)的標書。 沃爾瑪曾表示東南亞是其潛在的擴張地區。

One person close to the deal said the final deadline for offers had not passed, but no bid was expected from Walmart.

接近該交易的一名人士表示,雖然提交競價的截止期限尚未過,但預計沃爾瑪不會參與競 標。

Confirmed bidders include Dairy Farm, the Singapore retail group that owns the Giant and Cold Storage chains in south-east Asia. Aeon, Japan』s second- largest retail group, and Casino, another French retailer, were also thought to be still in the race. Aeon declined to comment.

已被確認的競標方包括牛奶國際(Dairy Farm),這是一家新加坡零售集團,在東南亞擁有巨人(Giant)和冷藏公司(Cold Storage)等連鎖品牌。日本第二大零售集團永旺(Aeon)和另一家法國零售商卡西諾(Casino)也被認為仍留在角逐之中。永旺拒絕對此置評。

The strong field of bidders in the initial round of the auction suggests that Carrefour, the world』s second-largest retailer, stands a good chance of achieving its target price of $800m-$1bn for the 61 stores in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

在首輪拍賣中競購方的陣容就如此強大,意味著全球第二大零售商家樂福有很大的機會,能 以8億至10億美元的目標價格,出售其在泰國、馬來西亞和新加坡的61家門店。

Some of the bids are understood to encompass all the stores on sale, while others are for the 40 Thai supermarkets alone, or for the 19 Malaysian and two Singapore assets together.

據悉,競購方中有一些希望收購所有這些門店,而其他則是單獨針對40家在泰國的超市, 或是針對19家在馬來西亞與兩家在新加坡的超市。

Tesco is the market leader in Thailand and Malaysia with market shares of 13 per cent and 10 per cent respectively, and is thought likely to have offered to buy the entire package. Tesco declined to comment on the auction.

特易購在泰國和馬來西亞是市場領頭羊,分別佔到兩地13%和10%的市場份額,並被認 為有可能已出價購買此次家樂福所有待售資產。特易購拒絕對拍賣置評。

The planned sale follows a decision by Lars Olofsson, Carrefour』s chief executive, to redeploy resources from markets in which the retailer has little prospect of becoming leader into countries where it is top or aims to be.

這一計劃中的拍賣是家樂福首席執行官羅盛中(Lars Olofsson)推動的。他決定,將資源從這家零售商業沒什麼希望成為領導者的市場,重新部署到該公司已經或計劃成為市場第一的國家裡。

However, the French retailer is not abandoning Asia entirely – the sale will leave it with a significant operation in China, which accounts for nearly 70 per cent of its stores in the region. It will also remain in Indonesia and Taiwan. Asia generated 8 per cent of its €86bn ($110bn) sales last year.

然而,這家法國零售商並不打算完全放棄亞洲——這次拍賣不涉及它在中國的可觀業務,這 部分業務佔到家樂福亞洲地區門店近70%。家樂福也將不會撤出印尼和台灣。去年,在家樂福創造的860億歐元(合1100億美元)銷售額中,亞洲貢獻了 8%。

A person with knowledge of the transaction said that no date had been set for the next round of bidding for the Asian assets, which will take place once bankers have sifted through the details of the offers.

瞭解該交易的一位人士表示,一旦銀行家們通過了出價的細節,家樂福就將舉行下一輪亞洲 資產競標,其日期尚未確定。

Carrefour is being advised by Goldman Sachs and UBS, while Casino is being advised by Deutsche Bank. There was no comment from the banks.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)和瑞銀集團(UBS)擔任家樂福顧問,而卡西諾則由德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)提供建議。這幾家銀行都未對此置評。

