新闻报道 | 2010.12.08
德国基民盟政治家施泰因巴赫(Erika Steinbach)说,中国对刘晓波获奖的反应显示,在那里为言论自由和民主事业奋斗的人们,必须付出怎样的代价。施泰因巴赫是德国联邦议院联盟党议会 党团人权与人道援助事务的发言人。她表示,对其他国家提出抵制授奖仪式的要求,将刘晓波的支持者称为"小丑"以及阻止人们前往奥斯陆,这一切都清楚表明, 中国是怎样地蔑视人权。
到目前为止,共有19个国家明确表示将不参加12月10日在奥斯陆举行的和平奖颁奖仪式。这些国家当中有俄罗斯、苏丹、哥伦比亚、伊朗、伊拉克以及 阿富汗。此前,中国曾发出过威胁,参加领奖仪式的国家要后果自负。德国"受威胁民族协会"指出,不去参加颁奖典礼的19个国家都是些以在本国内粗暴践踏人 权而闻名的国家。
该组织亚洲事务负责人德柳斯(Ulrich Delius)说,"这一圈子里的国家包括国际法院的大部分潜在调查对象 ","他们中间没有缅甸和白俄罗斯的独裁统治者,是因为它们在挪威没有设大使馆,所以也就没有收到邀请。"
潘嘉伟希望,通过授奖唤起更多中国人了解刘晓波,了解他的作品以及他为实现和平和自由做出的努力。他说,这一点做起来很难,因为国内宣传机器将刘晓 波说成是"罪犯",而且管制其它信息渠道。不过,"很多大陆来香港的旅游者同时也对政治话题感兴趣",在呼吁释放刘晓波的名单上签字的人并不为少数。而且 回到大陆后,他们也会传播这类信息。此外,潘嘉伟还说,对互联网的封锁并非没有漏洞。
China's Inflation Is A Monetary Phenomenon
China Construction Bank Chairman: Eyeing Taiwan Bank Stake - Report
Wall Street Journal
HK) Chairman Guo Shuqing said China's second-largest bank by assets wants to buy a stake in a mid-sized bank in Taiwan to expand its yuan-clearing,
----- 出處 /注four eyes, sans, lensless frames of glasses
Once upon a time, it was a schoolyard taunt to label someone "four-eyes," but in Taiwan, they have adopted an unusual take on such labels. There is a strange and ubiquitous fashion trend seen among Taipei's teens and twentysomethings who sport eyeglass frames sans the lenses. It is not entirely clear where the trend originated, as some point to the Japanese and Korean pop scene as the trend's provenance, while others argue it to be a homegrown Taiwanese fashion. Regardless, the lensless frames of glasses have become a fashion accessory worn by Taipei's fashionistas.
On Taipei's metro system -- always the fashion playground, it is commonplace to see girls batting their long, fake lashes out past where the glass would sit in the plastic frames. Or in Taipei's hip Ximen district to see girls shopping for glass frames to accessorize. Some girls choose oversized square-ish glasses frames, while others opt for the more sleek and stylish variety. The seemingly common response of why girls are choosing the foureye-ish look is simply for fashion, the opportunity to accessorize further and be a little more different.
"They look stylish," a teenage girl named Fan said as she adjusted her polka-dotted square pair, that almost reached her black square cut bangs. "I have three or four pair of them, but these are my favorites." She happened to also be wearing contacts behind the lensless frames. Nothing like a little redundant irony when fashion is at play. When she was asked why not just wear regular glasses, Fan commented that the glass made the frames too heavy.