2010年8月17日 星期二

“處女膜修復”Made in China:

Made in China: New Hymens

Ever wanted a second chance at your first time? That's an opportunity that's available to an increasing number of Chinese women, as twentysomething women flock to surgeons' offices for "hymen restoration." The procedure is typically associated with Muslim countries (where it's often illegal), but the Washington Post reports that it's gaining popularity in China, where decades of economic growth haven't been enough to eradicate "a deeply conservative, male-chauvinistic attitude." Women experiment with sex at a younger age, but men continue to want to marry virgins ("If you go to buy a cellphone, of course you'd want to buy a new cellphone.") The solution is not abstinence, but what one gynecologist calls a "white lie." "We can fix it so everything is perfect," the doctor says cheerfully. Most of her patients (she sees about 20 every month) are young women who are about to marry. They shell out $737 for the half-hour procedure, and their husbands are never the wiser. But there's another, cheaper path toward "revirgination," available wherever Chinese vibrators are sold: an "artificial hymen that, when inserted, purports to create a lifelike sensation for the man and emits fake blood when ruptured."
曾想過要第二次機會在你第一次?這是一個機會,這是提供給越來越多的中國婦女,20來歲的婦女聚集到外科醫生辦公室的“處女膜修復”。該過程通常與穆斯林國家(它的通常是非法的),但華盛頓郵報報導說,這是越來越受歡迎的中國,在幾十年的經濟增長還不足以根除“一個極為保守,男性沙文主義的態度。”婦女與性別實驗在年輕的年齡,但男子繼續想娶處女(“如果你去購買手機,當然你想購買一台新手機。”)的解決方案是不節制,但一婦科醫生所謂的“善意的謊言。” “我們可以解決這個問題,所以一切是完美的,”醫生高興地說。她的病人大多數(她看到每個大約 20個月)是年輕婦女誰是即將結婚。他們掏出七百三十七美元為半小時的程序,和她們的丈夫也不會是明智的。但還有一個更便宜的道路走向“revirgination,”可供出售的所有中國振動器是:一個“人造處女膜,當插入,看來是創建一個栩栩如生的感覺該男子,並發出假血時破裂。”
