2014年3月24日 星期一

Clashes as Taiwan students storm government HQ (BBC);台灣警方以暴力對付抗議民眾─德語媒體報導;

Clashes as Taiwan students storm government HQ
Students storm Taiwanese government HQ amid trade deal row

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Taiwanese police have clashed with hundreds of students who occupied government headquarters to protest at a trade deal with China.
Police used water cannon and dragged out students one by one, clearing the building by dawn on Monday.
Close to 60 people were arrested and more than 100 hurt, reports said.
The protesters say the agreement with China would hurt Taiwan's economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure from Beijing.
Another group of students and activists have occupied Taiwan's parliament since early last week.
The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says the students wants more scrutiny over all future dealings with China, including any trade agreements.
They also want the current deal - which would allow the two sides to invest more freely in each other's services markets - to be scrapped.
Policemen in riot gear keep guard as demonstrators shout slogans to protest against a trade pact with mainland China, near Taiwan's government headquarters in Taipei, on 23 March 2014 There were angry demonstrations outside government headquarters on Sunday
Police officers remove a Buddhist protester at the Executive Yuan in Taipei early on 24 March 2014 Police grappled with protesters who broke into the building
Protesters are sprayed with a water cannon during a demonstration outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei early on 24 March 2014 Water cannon were used to disperse the protesters
Paramedics carry an injured protester on a stretcher at the Executive Yuan in Taipei early on 24 March 2014 Dozens of people were hurt in the clashes, police said, with many arrested
The governing Kuomintang party says it is determined to ratify the deal with Beijing, which it says will boost the economy and create jobs.
China formally regards Taiwan as a part of its territory, despite the island governing itself for six decades.
Trading partners The protests began early last week after ruling party MPs said a joint committee had completed its review of the pact, which was signed in June 2013 but has not yet been ratified by MPs.
Students broke into the legislature late on Tuesday and have since defied police efforts to evict them, using barricades made of furniture.
On Friday thousands of people rallied to support the students, and the the opposition Democratic Progressive Party has also backed them.
On Sunday, President Ma Ying-jeou said that the occupation of parliament broke the law, adding: "I must say that [the pact] is completely for the sake of Taiwan's economic future."
Late on Sunday, some protesters pushed past riot police to storm the government headquarters, pulling down barbed wire and using ladders to access second-floor offices.
Violent clashes erupted as police moved to restore order.
China is Taiwan's biggest trading partner and in recent years ties between the two have improved.
The two sides split at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.
Earlier this year, however, they held their first direct government-to-government talks. In the past, all talks have gone via quasi-official organisations.
They have also signed several trade and investment agreements in recent years - but some fear greater economic integration with China could threaten Taiwan.

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6分鐘 ·

※ 2014.03.24 台灣─德語媒體報導※


各家媒體皆指出,這次的衝突,造成受傷的人數過百,32 人遭到逮捕。根據德國媒體《世界報(Die Welt)》指出,法新社(AFP)記者在現場看到許多血跡斑斑的抗議者。

而《明鏡(Der Spiegel)》和《世界報》也點明,總統馬英九在週日指責這些抗議人士「犯法」,並再次為服貿提出辯護。總統府周圍預料將加強警備。

德語媒體的報導,相當關注台灣和中國之間的關係。《明鏡》指出「中國視離岸的台灣島,為自 1949 年起叛變的一省;致力以中國所設下的規則統一台灣。一但台灣正式宣布獨立,北京將不排除以軍事行動落實計劃」。《薩克森報(Sächsische Zeitung)》寫著:「這些抗議聲中所表達的,是對於服貿將令民主台灣和共產中國更緊密結合的害怕。學生領導人擔憂,如此一來台灣人民的自由將受到威 脅。」

《明鏡》:台灣反對服貿抗議行動,造成 160 人受傷
