2010年11月15日 星期一

Hong Kong court rules divorcing couples must split assets equally

2010年11月15日 15:05 PM

Hong Kong court rules divorcing couples must split assets equally

Hong Kong’s highest court has ruled that divorcing couples should receive an equal share of assets in most cases, in a landmark ruling lawyers say could trigger a rush of “big money” divorce cases.


A three-judge panel decided on Friday that an unidentified 47-year-old woman, who stopped working after marrying a Hong Kong businessman in 1996, was entitled to receive half of her ex-husband’s assets, or HK$2.68m (US$346,000). Their childless marriage ended in 2003.


“To confine a non-working wife’s award to the sum needed to meet her ‘reasonable requirements’ and to permit the husband to keep the remaining assets is patently unfair and discriminatory,” Justice Roberto Ribeiro wrote in a Court of Final Appeal judgment.

李义法官(Justice Roberto Ribeiro)在终审法院判决书中写道:“将对家庭主妇的补偿局限于满足其‘合理要求’所需的金额,显然有失公平且具有歧视性。”

The latest decision puts Hong Kong’s divorce law in line with that of England and Wales, where estranged wives are entitled to half of their spouse’s wealth following a court ruling in 2000.


This has since led to a procession of huge multi-million pound divorce awards for ex-wives.


Mark Harper, partner at Withers, said: “It does mean that Hong Kong could now really become the divorce capital of this part of Asia because a spouse only needs to have a substantial connection with Hong Kong to be able to file for divorce there.

卫达仕(Withers)律师事务所合伙人马克•哈珀(Mark Harper)说:“这的确意味着,香港如今确实可能会变成亚洲这片地区的离婚圣地,因为只要一方配偶与香港有重要关系,就能在那里提起离婚。”

“If an entrepreneur has businesses in mainland China and wealth in Hong Kong, their spouse could easily file for divorce in Hong Kong,” he said.


“Also many businessmen have factories on the mainland and their wives and children often live in Hong Kong.”


Friday’s ruling upheld a lower court judgment in 2008. Then the wife, a former mainland China citizen and graduate of a top Chinese university, successfully appealed against a 2006 court decision that awarded her one-third of her ex-husband’s assets.


“The Court of Final Appeal has finally reaffirmed that any discrimination against non-earning wives are washed away,” said Peter Barnes, the wife’s attorney.

女方辩护律师彭思杰(Peter Barnes)表示:“终审法院终于重申,对家庭主妇的任何歧视都应取消。”

Jonathan Mok, partner at Mayer Brown JSM, said the ruling was likely to lead to more pre-nuptial agreements in Hong Kong, where large sums of family money are often brought into marriages, usually by the husbands.

孖士打(Mayer Brown JSM)律师行合伙人莫子应(Jonathan Mok)指出,由于婚姻中经常会涉及大笔的家族财产(通常是男方家族),这项裁定可能会造成更多香港人签订婚前协议。

“Pre-nups allow couples to decide on their own . . .  how their future matrimonial assets can be divided rather than leaving it to the courts,” he said.


Mr Harper of Withers agrees: “Given the colossal amount of wealth being created here at the moment, anyone who has links with Hong Kong  . . . will need to think about having a pre-nuptial agreement.” he said.


Although pre-nups are not legally binding in the city and have never been tested in courts, Mr Mok said that following the lKatrin Radmacher ruling in London, any question about their validity would probably be decided by the Hong Kong courts on the same basis in the UK.

虽然婚前协议在香港并无法律效力,在法院也从未有过判例,但莫子应表示,根据伦敦对卡特琳•拉德马赫(Katrin Radmacher)案的判决,香港法院可能会基于与英国相同的原则,对有关婚前协议效力的问题做出判决。

Last month, the UK’s Supreme Court upheld a pre-nup jointly signed by Ms Radmacher, a German industrial heiress, and her ex-husband Nicolas Granatino, a former investment banker.

上个月,英国最高法院支持了德国实业继承人拉德马赫女士与前夫——前投资银行家尼古拉•格拉纳蒂诺(Nicolas Granatino)共同签署的婚前协议。

The Radmacher judgment means pre-nups are likely to be given “decisive weight” by judges in “big money” divorce cases.


Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal also made clear that the equal-sharing principle might not always apply.


In another judgment handed down on Friday, the court ruled that the ex-wife of a local tycoon’s son should only get HK$11.9m, or about one-third of their assets, owing to the shortness of their marriage.


The couple were in an “on and off” relationship for 12 years before they got married in 1997 in Las Vegas.


Their “turbulent” marriage ended in 2000 when the 45-year-old wife left Hong Kong – where the couple were living in her parents-in-law’s four-storey, 20,000 sq ft mansion – for her home country, Malaysia, and did not return.


After being awarded HK$9.2m, or one-fourth of total assets, from a lower court in 2007, she appealed and was later given about 40 per cent. The 43-year-old husband appealed against that ruling.


