2010年1月27日 星期三

Google risks more by not exiting China



2006年谷歌(Google)进入中国时,许多“过来人”谆谆告诫:中国的列宁主义政府会使他们难以开展业务。谷歌无视这番建议,押注事实将证明 互联网比共产党更强大——不管谷歌作出了什么妥协,只要它进到了门里,大众对自由信息的需求,将会推动互联网逐步朝着更开放的方向迈进。



就不会有业务——无论在什么地方。 这一点揭示了投资者一种愚蠢反应的错误所在:他们以为,谷歌离开中国,就等于告别全球增长最快的互联网市场,毫无必要地放弃这个市场将产生的天文数字般的收入。










Why Google risks more by not exiting China
By Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics Research and Advisory 2010-01-28

The world's most innovative company just announced that it can't do business in China. What does this tell us about the state of Chinese innovation? The question answers itself. When Google entered China in 2006, it got a lot of advice from old hands that China's Leninist state would make it hard for them to do business. Google ignored this advice and gambled that the internet would prove stronger than the Communist party – that once Google was in the door on however compromised terms, popular demand for freer information would create incremental movement toward a more open internet. Four years later, Google seems to have concluded that they were wrong and the old hands were right: in the short term, and within China, the party is more powerful than the internet. If this is so, it makes no business sense for Google to be in China. Google's global business is based on open networks, free information flows, and the company's perceived right to manage those flows. That right in turn is a function of Google's credibility and trustworthiness. If Google loses its customers' trust, it has no business – anywhere.

This point puts the lie to one of the sillier reactions from investors: that by leaving China, Google would needlessly forego zillions in future revenues from the world's biggest internet growth market.

China is a big country with lots of internet users, and its online walled garden will certainly grow. But as long as a paranoid party insists on controlling what Chinese internet users can see and read and write, revenues and profits will be far lower than they would be in a free environment, and they will accrue exclusively to the companies that best navigate treacherous political waters.

Meanwhile, the opportunities for true profit from innovation in the unfettered global internet are staggering. The big risk to Google is not missing out on profits in China – quite the reverse. By staying in China on the government's terms and damaging its credibility, Google would risk foregoing a far bigger revenue opportunity in the global market.

China's leaders talk a lot about how they want to create “indigenous innovation” and turn China from a technological follower into a technological leader. Alarmist western commentators warn ad nauseam about the “inexorable shift of economic power from West to East” and the coming “Chinese century.”

Both views ignore the massive roadblock imposed by China's political system. Open networks, free flows of information, and the ability for scientific and technological innovations to cause public discomfort to established social and political structures are the very stuff of innovation in the post-industrial age. Societies that enable these qualities generate the most innovation – and innovation, not population size, is what creates economic leadership.

Until China creates a society in which the relationship between the government and the governed is based on trust rather than fear, networks will be crimped, information flows throttled, and post-industrial innovation will fail to thrive.

This does not mean that China will stop growing any time soon. Right now, China is growing fast because it is industrialising, urbanising and catching up to the global technological leaders. These processes are powerful, have a lot of momentum, and will probably last for another decade or two before they start to slow down.

But once they slow down, China will need to rely more on innovation for growth. And it will only get that innovation if its political arrangements become friendlier to it.

When that happens, a bigger and wiser Google (or its successors) will certainly find opportunities there. But until then, Google and other truly innovative information-age companies will do better, both ethically and at the bottom line, by staying away.
