2010年1月5日 星期二

The Apparatgeist calls :手機即將奴役近七成人類?

Apparatgeist was a neologism invented in 2002 by James E Katz and Mark Aakhus as a term to define a sociologic basis of mobile communication theory, specifically within the context of its relationship to technology and society.

It is a term that is used to suggest the spirit of the machine that influences both the design of the technology as well as the initial and subsequent significance accorded them by users, non-users and anti-users.

The word has its origins in the Germanic and Slavic word apparat, and the Germanic word geist; the former meaning the technological and sociological aspects of the machine, more commonly associated with the word apparatus, and the latter meaning spirit, in the Hegelian (Hegel, 1997) sense of spirit or mind which is defined as the essence which animates the lives of all human cultures in diverse ways.

It draws attention to issues which include the way that people use mobile technologies as tools in their daily life in terms of tool-using behavior and the relationship among technology, body and social role....the rhetoric and meaning-making that occur via social interaction among users (and non-users).


Maddock,R. [n.d.] The Mobile Phone as the New ‘Mixed-Reality’ Interface for Digital Art – a New Form of Apparatgeist?. Available at http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~rmaddock/reflection/projassesDec/PGPD.pdf. Accessed 7 September 2008


作者:經濟學人  出處:Web Only 2010/01


手 機市場成長極為迅速,十年前全球只有不到5億使用者,現在已經高達46億。富有國家的用戶人數已經超過人口,就連貧窮國家也有一半以上的人擁有手機。隨著 通話費用降低,通話時間也隨之延長。2000年初期,平均每月通話時間為174分鐘 ,到了09年初已經升至261分鐘。



並不是每個人都同意,科技一向是由社會所建構。羅格斯大學的教授Jame Katz認為有「機械之靈」,在個人通訊科技方面,儘管有少數國家差異,但人們的反應大致相同。

密西格大學的Scott Campbell認為,長期下來大部分國家差異會消失,但他認為部分基於經濟產生的差異會保留下來,例如貧窮國家使用手機的方式不同,只是因為民眾缺錢。

國家之內也會有所差異,Nokia以使用者來分類,而非地理;例如,有的人只知道如何打開手機,有的人則總是想要最新的手機。不過在服務內容方 面,Nokia就非在注重地方文化。Nokia在發展中國家推出了一系列服務,從農業資訊到語言學習都包含在內,而在己發展國家,手機則會與下載音樂服務 搭配出售。

