2014年5月7日 星期三

美國作為全球警察:What, ultimately, would America fight for?

"Back in the 1990s, a silent pact regulated the relationship between the great western powers and Russia. Western states treated Russia as a great power on the condition that Russia didn't act as one. But what if Russia starts to act as a great power?" via Comment is free
Slavoj Žižek: The events in Ukraine seem like the next stage of a struggle for...
The Guardian|由 Slavoj Žižek 上傳

The Economist
America's allies are nervous. With Russia grabbing territory, China bullying its neighbours and Syria murdering its people, many are asking: where is Globocop? Under what circumstances will America act to deter troublemakers? What, ultimately, would America fight for? The answer to this question matters http://econ.st/1pUEcVP
