2014年5月18日 星期日

台塑集團鋼廠?名工人死亡,?人受傷---越南河靜省 HA TINH PROVINCE反華潮擴大,


Hà Tĩnh Province
Tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
Location of Hà Tĩnh within Vietnam
Location of Hà Tĩnh within Vietnam


據 台塑越南河靜鋼鐵員工在台親友指出,聽聞到越南人在當地放出消息說台塑集團屬於中國投資、建設港口是為了南海方便進出,因此5月18號全國排華大遊行目的 只有一個:要破壞河靜鋼,不讓河靜鋼繼續建設,而且暴民從南部、北部向河靜聚集中。消息並指,明天河靜恐怕會有好幾萬暴民。




在發生襲擊事件的那個工業區,接受採訪的越南工人都不承認 自己參與了襲擊,其中很多人還譴責了襲擊活動。不過,一些人同時暗示,最終原因在於中國,以及中國在越南人視為己有的水域安置石油鑽井平台的決定。兩國派 往南海爭議水域的船隻都報稱自己受到了衝撞,一些照片顯示中方的高壓水炮正在噴射越南船隻。
據報道,最嚴重的一些暴力行為發生在河靜的一家台灣鋼鐵廠。台塑集團(Formosa Plastics Group)周四表示,數百名抗議工人於周三下午衝擊了該集團旗下的工廠,襲擊了那裡的中國員工。該集團稱,有一名工人在襲擊中死亡,有90人受傷。
台灣外交部長林永樂(David Lin)周四對立法委員們說,台灣正在採取措施,以便確保所有想離開越南的台灣人都能離開。他還說,台灣官方肯定會為遭受損失的台灣公司向越方索取賠償。 周四,總部位於台灣的中華航空公司向胡志明市派出了兩架包機,以應接突然增多的想離開越南的台灣人,此前,該公司的兩個常規航班都已售空。
一家台灣企業的經理彭志明(Peng Zhi-ming,音譯)說,他覺得,闖進他工廠進行打砸搶的人群中有幾個是工廠以前的僱員。他的工廠約有70名僱員。
儲百亮(Chris Buckley)是《紐約時報》記者,Thomas Fuller自曼谷對本文報道有貢獻。

Anti-Chinese Violence Convulses Vietnam, Pitting Laborers Against Laborers

HA TINH PROVINCE, Vietnam — One Chinese laborer said angry Vietnamese workers had stomped on his hands, crushing them. Another said his son had been struck in the head with a metal rod by a Vietnamese mob that had sought out Chinese for beatings. At least one Chinese worker died.
While anti-Chinese violence in southern Vietnam earlier in the week targeted foreign factories, the outburst of anger here in the nation’s center took a more vindictive turn late Wednesday, with Vietnamese turning on Chinese laborers. The violence in Ha Tinh appeared to be the worst convulsion against Chinese since a territorial dispute inflamed anger in Vietnam.

By Thursday, the province had settled into a wary calm as crowds of Vietnamese workers scrambled onto buses. Some said their employers had closed because of the mayhem, while others cited fear of reprisals for the violence. Some, too, may have been fleeing in fear of arrest.
News agencies quoted government officials on Thursday as saying that the unrest this week had swept through 22 of Vietnam’s 63 provinces, but they did not indicate whether the protests beyond Ha Tinh and suburbs near Ho Chi Minh City in the south had been violent or whether peace had been restored. Reports of additional deaths were unconfirmed.
In Ha Tinh, Chinese workers waiting for treatment at the main provincial hospital had bruised faces and eyes, mangled fingers, and torsos that were black and blue from kicks and punches.
“They just turned up and started attacking,” said Wang Xiangzheng, a carpenter, whose son was hit with the metal rod. He said that the several hundred Chinese workers at the construction site at the time had tried to step aside when the Vietnamese men appeared, but were attacked anyway.
“They had rocks and steel bars and pipes, and broke through the gate and started hitting us, and then they burned down the housing,” Mr. Wang said.
None of the Vietnamese workers interviewed in the industrial area where the attacks took place admitted to joining in, and many of them condemned the attacks. But some also suggested that the ultimate blame lay with China and its decision to send an oil drilling rig to waters that Vietnamese consider theirs. Ships from both nations sent to those waters in the South China Sea have reported being rammed, and photos have shown Chinese water cannons soaking Vietnamese ships.
“We’ve watched on television every day, and we’ve seen the tension,” said a worker who was planning to leave the area temporarily.
In another manufacturing zone, near Ho Chi Minh City, it remained unclear why the angry crowds had taken out their frustration, in some cases, on companies from countries other than China. Some said the workers had probably attacked Taiwanese plants because they saw Chinese writing.
“The people protesting can’t tell the difference between Taiwan and China,” said Liu Yi-xin, secretary general of the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam. “Most Vietnamese people can’t tell us apart and think Taiwanese are Chinese. It’s like Americans and English.”
That did not explain why South Korean plants had also been damaged or destroyed, but workers trying to explain the seemingly indiscriminate nature of some of the violence said those protests had simply descended into a frenzy of looting.
Some of the worst violence was reported at a Taiwanese steel plant here in Ha Tinh. Hundreds of protesting workers stormed through the Formosa Plastics Group plant on Wednesday afternoon, attacking employees from China, the company said on Thursday. One of its workers died and 90 others were injured, it reported.
While managers at some other plants said the police had done little to help, the managers of the steel plant said the local authorities had sent vehicles to evacuate the Chinese workers after the managers called. The head of the Ha Tinh provincial government visited the factory at around 10 p.m. and met with security officials, officials at Formosa Plastics said, but the rioting continued until early Thursday.
Taiwan’s foreign affairs minister, David Lin, told legislators on Thursday that Taiwan was taking steps to ensure that any of its citizens who wanted to leave Vietnam could do so, and that officials would seek compensation for damage to Taiwan’s business interests in Vietnam. China Airlines, based in Taiwan, sent two extra aircraft to Ho Chi Minh City on Thursday to handle a surge of Taiwanese trying to leave Vietnam after its two regularly scheduled flights sold out.
In some cases, factory owners said, the attackers were their own employees, but in other cases they were groups of workers traveling from plant to plant.
On Thursday, factory managers in Binh Duong Province, an industrial area north of Ho Chi Minh City where the riots appeared to have begun, surveyed the damage and complained that the police response had been listless or nonexistent.
Peng Zhi-ming, a manager at a Taiwanese business, said he had thought he recognized several former employees in the crowd that invaded his factory, which employs about 70 people.
“They came around again and again,” he said. “We called the police, but nobody came. I don’t know why they didn’t come, but the fact is they didn’t.”
A Chinese woman who said she worked in the timber industry and who uses the name M___zi on the Weibo social media site posted photos of her smashed office on Thursday morning.
“All the computers in the office were taken,” she wrote. “The ground is filled with files and fragments, the doors and windows of the dormitories were all smashed.” She called the mob “frenzied demons.”
Chinese workers at the hospital in Ha Tinh said on Thursday that the violence in the province had broken out Wednesday afternoon when crowds of Vietnamese men — numbering in the hundreds and sometimes thousands — descended on construction sites and factories and attacked the workers there with steel bars and pipes, rocks and, in some cases, knives. Neither the recovering workers nor the medical staff at the hospital knew the total number of deaths and injuries.
The Chinese worker with the mangled hands, Rui Falan, 46, was in such pain he could speak only haltingly while he waited for X-rays. He said the Chinese company he worked for had sent him to Vietnam in November.
“It wasn’t my choice,” he said. “I hope they’ll send me back home now. This was too scary.”
Growing numbers of Chinese workers have come to Vietnam to find work. Some, like Mr. Wang, the carpenter, said they had come in on tourist visas and then sought jobs with Chinese employers, often construction companies.
“If there’s work, we stay; if there’s none, we move on,” Mr. Wang said. “But now it’s not safe here. I might go back.”
Thomas Fuller contributed reporting from Bangkok.




有中国工人被暴徒殴打,纷纷倒地上,血流披面。 (目击者摄)

越南反华暴乱已有缓和迹象,越南政府表明不会允许周日的大规模反华游行。但当地的华人担心,他们仍会成为暴徒攻击的目标。位于越南中部河静市的台塑 钢铁厂,周三(5月14日)遭到数千暴徒打砸破坏,有员工向本台证实,在两次袭击中,共有21名中国公民死亡,30多人受伤。目前,约4千中国工人留在宿 舍区里,越南当局派出约百名警察在宿舍外把守保护。(文宇晴报道)













