The Prada Transformer Rolls Into Korea
Published: 3/17/2009 10:21:00 AM
Lying somewhere in the middle of the art-architecture spectrum, the Prada Transformer defies conventional definition. The Prada-commissioned mobile art pavilion is inventive and functional all at once.
Reminiscent in concept of fashion giant Chanel’s own Mobile Arts Pavillion, the Prada Transformer is the centerpiece of a five month-long programme of interdisciplinary art projects due to kick off in Seoul at the end of April, and as far as project space venues go, this is one that will be sure to turn some heads – literally.
Designed by OMA/Rem Koolhaas and supported by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Prada Transformer takes on different shapes and provides different interior spaces, depending on how it is flipped. The four sides of a tetrahedron: a hexagon, a cross, a rectangle and a circle have been combined into one ingenious, malleable pavilion.
Covered completely by an elastic membrane, the shape-shifting pavilion can be flipped by cranes to provide different variations of space for exhibitions, movie screenings, and live events. The first event to take centerstage inside the Prada Transformer is an exhibition entitled “Waist Down - Skirts by Miuccia Prada”, which opens on 25 April.
Additional image taken from Dezeen.
變形Prada屋 南韓建築驚奇
變形Prada坐落在南韓首爾的十六世紀建築物慶熙宮旁,它可呈現四種外觀。(法新社) |
〔編 譯鄭寺音/綜合報導〕歡迎來到首爾參觀「變形Prada」!這是號稱全球第一座變形建築的多功能展覽館,由義大利知名品牌Prada出資,並在現代與樂金 (LG)集團的贊助下建成,它看起來像是一個巨大的帳棚,整棟建築物可呈現四種外觀,供藝術、電影、時尚及特別活動使用。
不 同形狀的牆面轉到正面時,可以用於不同用途。比方說,六角形是平面的,轉到正面時,長方形為底部,上面設有看台,此時就可以當「電影院」使用;而圓形面中 間有個突出的圓柱平台,如果轉到正面當電影院使用,圓柱部分可以作為放映機,而如果轉到底部,就可以供「特別活動」使用,提供藝術表演等的舞台。
變形Prada將於二十五日發表處女秀,展示義大利設計師Miuccia Prada的裙裝,六月時則將再變身成電影院,充分展現其多變的風貌。