2020年1月10日 星期五

Asia's Great Rivers:AFP looks at how climate change, pollution, geopolitics, and mismanagement threaten the waterways that billions rely on.

AFP Special Report - Asia's Great Rivers.
Ninety-seven kilometres of rocks stand between China and dominance over the Mekong, a mighty river that feeds millions in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
China has long wanted to dredge the riverbed in northern Thailand to open passage for massive cargo ships -- and potentially military vessels.
Full story: u.afp.com/3k4y

Special Report - Asia's Great Rivers
AFP looks at how climate change, pollution, geopolitics, and mismanagement threaten the waterways that billions rely on.
Full story: http://u.afp.com/3kZa
📸 Yangtze, China; Black Shisper glacier that fees the Indus River, Pakistan; Mekong, Thailand; Brahmaputra, India
