2010年6月19日 星期六

蔡英文:ECFA要公投是台灣民意/Dalai Lama's “non-political”visit to Japan

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(中央社記者葉素萍台北19日電)民進黨新北市長參選人蔡英文今天指出,高度民意要求兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)要公投,「絕對不是民進黨或在野黨 製造出來的」,這是台灣一個成熟民主社會整體的民意。

蔡英文並說,民進黨昨天公布的民調並非66%贊成簽ECFA,而是21.1%支持儘速簽訂,45.6%認為有完整配套後再簽訂;民調的重點在於民間有很大 的憂慮,希望政府應完整評估、確保台灣利益不會受損害情況下,才能再往前走。


對媒體報導國民黨新北市長參選人朱立倫昨天與汐科業者座談時說,全世界沒有任何一個國家為了簽自由貿易協定辦公投,「只有一個地方,因政黨惡鬥,現在要開 始大鬧的,就是台灣。」對此,蔡英文表示失望。

蔡英文上午出席台北海洋技術學院畢業典禮,接受媒體訪問指出,朱立倫曾擔任過政府重要職務,但顯然沒有體認到ECFA不只是單純的FTA(自由貿易協 定)。

她說,ECFA牽涉到一個非常大的經濟體,而且是對台灣有政治上意圖、軍事上敵意的政體,這對台灣政治、社會、經濟都會帶來深遠影響,與其他案完全不一 樣,台灣人民當然有權利要求公投。

Dalai Lama Says Talks Would ‘Inconvenience’ Japan’s Government

June 19, 2010, 12:22 AM EDT

By Stuart Biggs

June 19 (Bloomberg) -- The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, said he has no plan to request official talks that would “inconvenience” Japan’s government and that his lecture tour in the country is “non-political.”

The Dalai Lama, 74, arrived in Japan yesterday to lecture on Buddhism at a temple in central Japan’s Nagano prefecture, and in Yokohama. He spoke to reporters today at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan in Tokyo.

Overseas receptions of the Tibetan religious leader have angered China’s government, which regards him as a separatist since he fled to India in 1959. China objected to the Dalai Lama’s meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in February and canceled a China-European Union summit after French President Nicolas Sarkozy met with him in 2008.

“This is a non-political visit, so I have nothing to ask or discuss with the government,” the Dalai Lama said today. “I don’t want to create any inconvenience to anybody.”

China opposes outside pressure on how the country runs Tibet, which was brought under its rule in 1950.

--Editors: Mike Millard, Jim McDonald.
