2010年6月24日 星期四


Vietnam's usually docile National Assembly has mounted a rare display of independence by voting down a controversial $56bn high-speed rail project linking the capital Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh City in the country's south.

通常温顺的越南国会否决了一个有争议的高速铁路项目,展现少有的独立性。该高铁项目计 划投资560亿美元,将连接首都河内和南部的胡志明市。

Nguyen Sinh Hung, the deputy prime minister, and the transportation minister had staked their prestige on the project, which was scheduled for completion with Japanese aid by 2035.

越南副总理阮生雄(Nguyen Sinh Hung)和交通部长均把自己的声望押在这个项目上。该项目原计划在日本援助下,于2035年竣工。

The plan was derailed when only 209 of the 493 deputies voted for the project in a ballot that required majority support. Vietnamese law mandates that all projects with budgets over $1.9bn get Assembly approval.

这一计划已经搁浅。493名议员中,只有209人投票赞成该项目,而这项表决需获得多 数支持才能通过。越南法律规定,预算在19亿美元以上的项目必须经过国会批准。

One of the deputies most critical of the project, Nguyen Minh Thuyet, said the vote was a watershed for the legislature. “It shows the Assembly has become more and more independent, and more serious in its work.”

对该项目批评得最严厉的议员之一Nguyen Minh Thuyet表示,此次表决是该立法机构的转折点。“它表明,国会已经变得越来越独立,也更加严肃认真地行使自身的职责。”

But analysts cautioned the rejection was not necessarily a sign of a permanent strengthening of democratic governance or separation of powers in the Communist party-ruled country. “Certain ministers will lose prestige, but not the government,” said Nguyen Tran Bat, chairman of the Investconsult Group in Hanoi. “Ministers will need to prepare projects more carefully before submitting them to the Assembly.”

但分析人士告诫称,此次高铁项目遭到否决,未必说明这个共产党执政国家走向民主治理或 分权。“个别部长会丧失威望,但政府不会,”河内Investconsult集团董事长Nguyen Tran Bat表示,“今后向国会递交项目计划前,部长们将必须更加慎重地准备。”

Opponents were critical of the project's potential to raise the national debt, as well as the sketchy projections for usage. The proposed 1,600-kilometre trajectory was also much longer than the 800-kilometre limit at which transit analysts say high-speed rail was competitive with air travel.

反对者批评该高铁项目有可能加重国家债务,使用预测也过于粗糙。另外,这条高铁计划长 度为1600公里,而按照交通行业分析师的意见,高铁能够与航空竞争的极限长度为800公里。

