2010年6月1日 星期二

Chinese workers swap angst for anger

2010年06月01日 14:51 PM

Chinese workers swap angst for anger

The workers' defiance was written in red ink. “If you are Chinese you will definitely not sign – one for all and all for one,” a striking Honda employee wrote over a form urging his colleagues to renounce further industrial action.


Suicidal angst is giving way to worker solidarity in southern China, as a factory strike that has halted the Japanese carmaker's nationwide operations enters its second week.


Most worryingly for the Chinese government, the industrial unrest at Honda and other big employers in Guangdong province is raising questions about the nature of work itself on 21st century factory floors.


A new generation of alienated Chinese workers is signalling that it is determined to fight back.


“We're different from our parents' generation,” said Cha Jinhua, a Guangdong-based labour activist. “Their wishes were simple – earn some money and return to their home towns. We want to stay in the cities and enjoy our lives here. But we demand respect.”


The angst on China's shop floor hit international headlines just over a week ago when a ninth worker killed himself at a huge factory belonging to Foxconn, the Taiwanese contract manufacturer for groups such as Apple, Dell and HP.


The company's usually media-unfriendly founder, Terry Gou, rushed to the facility in Shenzhen, a manufacturing centre bordering Hong Kong, to defuse the crisis. Within hours of his departure, a 10th Foxconn worker was dead and the company's image-conscious clients said they would launch their own investigations into the tragedies.

平时对媒体素不友好的公司创始人郭台铭(T确errry Gou)赶到位于制造业中心深圳的工厂,试图化解危机。他离开后仅仅几个小时,第10名富士康员工便自杀身亡。该公司的不少客户,注重自身形象,将各自对这些悲剧事件展开调查。

The ensuing and unrelated strike at Honda's transmission plant in Foshan, another factory town, has added an unexpected political element to China's evolving labour crisis. The right to strike was excised from the Chinese constitution in 1982, and attempts by workers to organise outside the official All China Federation of Trade Unions are frowned on by Beijing.

随后,在佛山本田变速器工厂发生 的另一起罢工事件,为中国不断升级的劳工危机增加了一些意料外的政治元素。中国宪法于1982年取消了罢工的权利,任何不经官方中华全国总工会(All China Federation of Trade Unions)组织的工人罢工,都会遭致北京方面的不满。

Yet Honda's workers have achieved this, while three other car factories that rely on the plant's components have had to close as well.


“The strike and negotiations are continuing,” one Honda worker told the Financial Times yesterday.


“We are doing this ourselves. The [official] union doesn't represent us and never showed up [to the talks]. We don't even know who the union chairman is. We want to elect our own chairman but the request was turned down.”


If he and his colleagues succeed in securing higher wages and voting in their own union representative, as they are demanding, their victory will have far wider repercussions than the quiet acts of individual desperation witnessed at Foxconn.


When confronted by worker suicides or industrial unrest, the initial tendency of Foxconn, Honda and other multinational manufacturers is to react with bewilderment.


Their shop floors are modern, clean and well-lit, they point out. Recreational facilities are first-rate. Last week at Foxconn, Mr Gou proudly showed reporters his factory's Olympic-sized swimming pool.


However, this appears to be missing the point. It is the often-repetitive, tedious nature of assembly-line work that is haunting workers, who are further exhausted by constant overtime and night shifts.


“Whether you live on the farm or in a factory, you still have to work,” said a tired 18-year-old student trainee at Honda, whose shift runs from 10.20pm to 7.20am.


While not actively involved in the strike, he is supportive of his older colleagues' industrial action.


He has refused to sign the “promise note” in which Honda asked workers to pledge that they “absolutely will not lead, organise or participate in work slowdowns, stoppages or strikes”.


The note also demanded that employees shun un-authorised gatherings that “violate employment regulations, cause the company economic harm or have a negative social influence”.


“If they secure a higher wage, I will consider working here after I graduate,” added the Honda trainee, who currently earns 900 renminbi ($132, €107, £91) a month.


At least a third of the transmission plant's employees are interns, reflecting a wider use of students and temporary employees across China's manufacturing sector as demand for labour outstrips supply. This, in turn, has increased the bargaining power of workers across southern China.


“The previous availability of labour in China meant you could de-automate industrial processes and turn cheap workers into machines,” said Arthur Kroeber, managing director at the Dragonomics consultancy in Beijing. “If workers didn't like it, they knew there were 10 other guys waiting to take their job. Now there's no one waiting to take their job.”

北 京龙洲经讯(Dragonomics)董事总经理葛艺豪(Arthur Kroeber)表示:“以往中国充足的劳动力意味着,你可以在工业生产过程中去自动化,把廉价的劳动力变成机器。如果工人们不愿意,他们知道,还有10 个人等着顶替他。现在,没人愿意干他们的工作。”

The chief executive of a large textile firm that employs tens of thousands of people in Guangdong said: “Workers just don't want to do the same job every day of every week. It's very mind-numbing and must be very depressing.”


