2010年6月30日 星期三


中国 | 2010.06.30


北京大学举行的第八届中国互联网研究年会上讨论了不少在官方看来属于敏感的话题,比如推特政治,以及中国互联网表达自由的法治现状等。其中所体现出的学术 不自我设限,令一些与会者颇感欣慰。

在年会6月29日的讨论中,清华大学政治学系学者 吴强作了题为"中国推特政治的共时性"发言。所谓"推特政治",吴强解释说:"主要是自08年以来,中国推特用户所发展出来的一个反威权的文化,以及在这 种反威权文化支撑下的抗争行动,汇总起来成为一种抗争政治。这也可以叫做推特政治,或推特民主。"


吴强认为,在中国被封锁的推特形成了一个互联网审查之外的政治空间,并出现了一些"推特异议人士"。根据不同的调查,中国推特用户大概在10万至 20万之间,其中活跃用户约在2万至5万之间。与中国四亿网民相比,这一数字显得十分微小。尽管如此,吴强仍认为,推特政治对主流社会发挥着重要的影响 力:

"在推特的活跃用户当中,某种意义上讲,聚集了中国目前大部分的政治活跃人士。包括各行各业,比如说媒体,还有专门从事社会运动的,海外的异见人 士、民主活动家,还有国内对现行政治体制有独立见解的人。推特能够聚集起这样一些运动领袖、舆论领袖、异见领袖,通过这些人以及他们言论的传播,影响到中 国其它的网络媒体和传统媒体。"

吴强还介绍了推特政治"共时性"的含义,即通过发表推特信息,把抗争现场与网上讨论现场共时地联络起来。同样是推特用户的艺术家艾未未不久前在接受 中山大学教授艾晓明采访时,也谈到了这一点。今年2月,艾未未等多名艺术家为抗议强拆艺术家区在长安街游行,并即时通过推特传播游行的信息。艾未未在艾晓 明采访中表示,"当然我推特一发,很多媒体记者都能看到。我觉得,这就成了世界上最成功的一个游行。我拍摄像和发推特;这个事也就算完成了。我们不通知一 家媒体,因为我觉得我们本身就是媒体;我们本身就是发声,我们本身就是传播。所以这个本身已经完全化解了过去的一种结构体系,我觉得漂亮也是漂亮在这 儿。"


年会的与会者主要是长期关注和研究互联网的人士。中国知名博客作者安替也是其中之一,在有关推特政治的讨论环节中,他也表达了自己的意见,指出在公 民社会2.0的时代,官方审查也同样进入2.0时代,尽管在技术上可能滞后,但仍值得关注。



"很不容易。前七届互联网研究年会都是在中国大陆之外。第八届是在大陆举行。虽然会议大部分是用英文进行,但讨论的相对来说还是比较敏感的题目。我 觉得至少表现出一个学术的底线,那就是学术并没有禁忌。这次年会提交的论文并没有曾经担心的自我审查,那种导致学术研究变质的情况。年会至少表现的还是一 个相当有自由度的讨论。这很难得。虽然可能有一些语言上的自我保护,但讨论的还都是真问题。"

在30日的讨论中同样有一些敏感的题目,比如北京大学方可成“中国互联网表达自由的法治现状研究”。他在发言中谈到福建三名网民因言论获罪的事件。 《中国防火长城——互联网审查的法律经济学》一书的作者赵克诚也作了发言。赵克锋编著的这本书中提到中国互联网审查的法律依据、所涉及的国际公约、所采取 的技术手段等问题。




媒体看中国 | 2010.06.30


据估计,目前中国基督教会的教徒人数超过了中国共产党七千万党员的总数。与1949年秋中华人民共和国刚成立时三百万天主教徒和七十万福音新教教徒的统计 数字相比,中国基督徒人数增长了二十倍。

2001年至2007年在北京任福音新教社区主教,2007年起在北京神学院任教的德国福音新教神学家格罗尔德•海因克(Gerold Heinke)在《新苏黎世报》上发表文章说,中国基督教教徒人数的急剧增加说明基督教在中国有了令人难以置信的兴旺发展。文章从几个方面分析了推动这一 发展趋势的原因:

"首先,作为意识形态基础的毛主义在中国已经过时,而基督教信仰超越家庭,具有万众一心的集体精神。中国社会十分以家庭为中心,但经济发展迫使千百 万农民充当农民工在中心城市打工,打破了家庭结构,教会社区可以为他们提供一种替代家庭的生活方式。

第二,中国的基督教社区以完全不同的另一种方式提供精神解脱。例如教会集体为病人进行祷告,按照新约全书的方式把手放在病人额头上给予祝福或者通过 教会社区关心帮助那些往往无力支付医疗费用的病人。

中国基督教社区增长的第三个原因是人们追求理想方向、与神的精神相遇,也追求人生的意义。在这方面,基督教社区也可以为中国当今社会提供与众不同的 内容。中国的传统宗教中,老年男子说了算,而在基督教社区,70%新入教的教徒是妇女,妇女可以在基督教组织中承担更大的责任。"

在中国加入基督教仍有“麻烦”Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:

文章观察了中国官方"三自"爱国教会之外的家庭教会,发现"即使巨大压力和迫害也不能迫使这些独立教会融入官方机构,它们或多或少受到压迫,但是仍 然在地下活动,传播福音。"文章说,"在中国成为基督教徒仍然有风险":

"四世纪末,基督教就成了罗马帝国的国教。与欧洲不同,基督教在中国从来就没有成为社会权力结构的一部分。中国人成为基督徒总是意味着成为少数群 体,会给日常生活增加麻烦,他们不得不忍受迫害。在中国,成为基督徒也是逆潮流而行。但也许正因为如此,中国的基督徒才富有活力:因为只有活鱼才能逆流而 上。

中国的基督教社区只拥有最小量的教会房屋和教会组织,他们是'没有教堂的教会'。家庭教会运动在自己成员的家中聚会。甚至官方承认的'三自运动'也 没有足够的教堂,以适应教会不断扩大的需求。中国的教会就象其使用的称呼一样,更多是一场信众的'运动',而不是传统意义上的教会。'运动'这个概念表明 基督教在中国仍然有很大的活力,教会在继续壮大。"




2010年6月29日 星期二

Google Inc.中國新招/ ECFA

中國政府威脅將取消其在中國提供網上內容的許可證之後﹐ 谷歌公司(Google Inc.)說將改變中國用戶接入其互聯網搜索服務的方式。

尚不清楚政府是否將批准這一變化並延長谷歌公司的許可 證有效期。谷歌公司說其許可證將於6月30日到期。

中國外交部發言人秦剛在週二的例行記者會上說﹐他尚未看到谷歌公司的新聲明。他重申了 中國的立場﹐即中國政府鼓勵外資企業依法在華運營﹐也依法管理互聯網。

中國工業和信息化部發言人週二說﹐無法對記者提出的置評要求做出回 應。
今年1月﹐谷歌公司說受到了據稱來自中國的網絡攻擊。三個月前﹐谷歌停止在中國自行審查其互聯網搜索結果。目前﹐中國使用自己的互聯網過濾器審查谷歌的搜 索結果。

谷歌在過去一段時間內把登陸中國內地網站──Google.cn的用戶自動轉到不審查搜索結果的香港網站 ──Google.com.hk。


作 為回應﹐谷歌表示未來幾天內它將停止將搜索要求自動轉至谷歌香港網站的做法。取而代之的做法是﹐當訪問Google.cn網站的用戶點擊一個圖標後﹐將可 轉至一個新版Google.com.hk網站。在這個新網站﹐用戶能夠接入一些Google.cn曾提供的服務﹐如產品搜索和文本翻譯﹐中國政府未要求谷 歌對這些服務進行自我審查。

谷歌仍將通過Google.com.hk 在網頁上提供未經過濾的搜索結果。

谷歌公司稱﹐在 做出這些改變的基礎上﹐它已向中國政府申請延續其互聯網許可證的有效期。

谷歌的首席法律長莊孟德(David Drummond)在該公司的博客上寫道﹐這一新做法符合我們不自我審查的承諾﹐而且我們相信它也符合當地法律。他說﹐我們因此希望谷歌的互聯網許可證基 於這一情況將獲得延續﹐以便我們能夠繼續通過Google.cn向中國用戶提供服務。

Amir Efrati

Google Inc. (GOOG) said it would change how Chinese users access its Internet search service after the Chinese government threatened to revoke the company's license to provide online content in that country.

It's unclear whether the government will approve the change and renew Google's license, which the company said expires on June 30.

The move comes three months after Google stopped self-censoring its Internet search results in China, after complaining in January that it had been hit with a cyber attack that it said came from that country. China's own Internet filters now censor Google's searches.

Google had been automatically redirecting users of Google.cn, which is based in mainland China, to a Hong Kong-based site, Google.com.hk, that doesn't censor search results.

But the Chinese government has told the company that approach was 'unacceptable,' according to a Monday post on the company's blog.

In response, Google said over the next few days it would stop the automatic redirect. Instead, visitors to Google.cn will be able to click on an icon that transports them to a new version of Google.com.hk. On the new site, users can access some services that had once been powered by Google.cn, such as product search and text translate, which don't require self-censoring by the company.

The main Internet search engine on the Web page would still yield unfiltered results via Google.com.hk.

The company said it had submitted its Internet license renewal application based on the changes.

'This new approach is consistent with our commitment not to self censor and, we believe, with local law,' wrote David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer, on the company blog. 'We are therefore hopeful that our license will be renewed on this basis so we can continue to offer our Chinese users services via Google.cn,' he wrote.

Amir Efrati

灣和中國大陸週二簽署了首份內容廣泛的貿易協議﹐該協議 將降低數百種石化、紡織和其他商品的關稅﹐並開放從銀行業到兩岸投資在內的各類服務﹐這一協議的簽署將進一步加強兩岸經濟聯繫。

台灣海峽 交流基金會(Straits Exchange Foundation)和大陸海峽兩岸關係協會在重慶舉行的第五次會議上﹐兩岸談判代表簽署了《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, 簡稱ECFA)和《海峽兩岸知識產權保護合作協議》。

雙方還同意就 開展醫藥衛生服務合作及投資保護進行談判﹐以便在年底前在台灣舉行的第六次會議中就這些內容達成協議。此外﹐雙方代表還同意建立一個“兩岸經濟合作委員 會”﹐委員會每六個月舉行一次會談﹐討論ECFA的進一步實施和談判事宜。

海峽交流基金會發佈聲明稱﹐該協議將帶來區域整合﹐並為海峽兩 岸經濟合作打下基礎。

根據該協議﹐中國大陸將降低539種台灣商品的關稅﹐總價值138.3億美元﹐約佔台灣輸往大陸商品總額的 16.1%。台灣將降低267種大陸進口商品的關稅﹐金額28.6億美元﹐佔大陸輸往台灣商品總額的10.5%。對於雙方來說﹐相關商品的關稅將從現在的 最高15%逐步下降﹐第一年降至10%或以下﹐第二年降至5%或以下﹐第三年降至零。

雙方預計將在三年內取消首批商品的關稅。上述協議不 涉及中國大陸的農產品和對台勞務輸出。該協議仍需要獲得台灣立法院的批准。

在中國大陸與台灣在東南亞的出口競爭對手整合度日益增加的情況 ﹐為了提高其出口競爭力﹐台灣一直在與大陸磋商ECFA協議。中國大陸是台灣最大的貿易夥伴。

去年台灣對大陸的出口總額837億美元﹐佔 台灣全部出口的41.1%。2009年對大陸石化產品的出口額總計78.8億美元﹐佔對大陸出口總額的9.4%。

在經歷了長達數十年的敵 對狀態後﹐兩岸在近年來經濟聯繫日益緊密的情況下最終達成了貿易協議﹐消除了兩岸貿易和投資中剩餘的大部分壁壘。

台灣總統馬英九表示 ﹐ECFA將有助於台灣與本地區經濟進一步整合﹐稱該協議將幫助台灣與其他經濟體簽署自由貿易協議。亞洲各經濟體因擔心惹惱大陸而遲遲不願與台灣簽署自由 貿易協議。


根據 ECFA﹐中國同意向台灣公司開放包括銀行、會計﹐飛機維護、保險和醫院等11個服務領域。

中國將允許在大陸運營的台灣銀行在大陸分支機 構開設兩年後開展人民幣業務。如果其分支機構在運營首年後實現贏利﹐將獲准向在大陸的台資企業提供人民幣貸款。但兩岸銀行監管機構尚未考慮允許兩岸銀行相 互投資。

2010年6月28日 星期一

Made in China

2. 幾年前 中國開始擔心他國對它的妖魔化

它們發現 Made in China 是個惡標籤

所以希望提倡 Made with China

今晨 我終於在 BBC的WORLD SERVICE中看到它們的廣告

比較 1.上周六看到的REX 所穿的 "China-Free" (沒有中國貨色)的襯衫

2. 台灣某鞋廠回台灣設廠做訂製鞋: Made in Taiwan

3. 中國的汽車 Made in U.K.或 Made in Japan

2010年6月27日 星期日

Lessons from 'The Karate Kid' -- Japan out, America down, China on the rise

Lessons from 'The Karate Kid' -- Japan out, America down, China on the rise
Washington Post

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 27, 2010

A movie that gets fans to stand on one leg and flap their arms would hardly seem like a platform for a lesson in geopolitics. The 1984 version of "The Karate Kid" owes its iconic status, in large part, to its timeless themes of teenage anxiety, courage and moral redemption -- not to anything it might tell us about the United States' role in the world.

This Story

But when paired with its summer 2010 remake, the two movies offer a parable on the transformation of the global economy, the end of the American century and the changing balance of power between the United States and Asia. Between Jackie Chan's sly digs about global warming and Jaden Smith's status as a refugee of the U.S. economy, you can almost feel the world's center of gravity shifting.

Rewind the Betamax to 1984 and you'll recall that, back then, California was still the promised land, the place where the film's teenage protagonist, Daniel LaRusso, and his mom had moved from New Jersey to start a new life. It was also the place to which the family of Daniel's Japanese mentor, Mr. Miyagi, had immigrated years before.

The original movie's America was a land of exterior allure and interior motion, a place that allowed an old Japanese karate master and an Italian American kid from Jersey to form a life-altering friendship. It was the melting pot at its most potent.

It was also an America halfway through the Reagan years, a superpower at the height of its Cold War influence but still coming to terms with its own strength, still grappling with the proper uses of force. Between oil shocks and inflation, the 1970s and early 1980s had not been great for the economy. But if the United States worried about imports, trade deficits and currencies, it was Japan that provoked concern.

Interwoven with crane kicks and Cobra Kais, the movie offered some subtle moralizing on U.S. conflicts of the past half-century: Miyagi was not just any Japanese immigrant, but a World War II hero who had fought against his native land on America's behalf and whose wife and son had died in childbirth in a U.S. internment camp. Meanwhile, the bullies who antagonized Daniel were trained by a Vietnam veteran whose merciless approach to martial arts contrasted with Miyagi's karate-as-life-lesson approach. A corny device, but also laden with overtones of "Vietnam bad, World War II good."

In hindsight, this was not just a coming-of-age flick, but a uniquely American film that adroitly captured national dynamics, circa 1984.

Jump to the new version. Japan -- diminished on the world stage by a lost decade of economic stagnation, an aging and contracting population, a once-mighty yen facing marginalization -- has disappeared from the story.

U.S. interests in Asia now revolve around China, and the movie has been set in Beijing in what amounts to a two-hour-plus advertisement for the country, featuring stunning landscapes, smog-free skies and a Forbidden City void of police. (Perhaps the $5 million in funding from the Chinese government, together with permission to film in the country, helped shape the outcome? That's a question for Jaden's dad, Will Smith, one of the producers.)

Key plot dynamics are reversed. America is no longer the land of opportunity. The boy protagonist, Dre Parker, has left the economic mayhem of urban Detroit. He and his mother have been transferred by an unnamed car company from a failing factory in Michigan to a presumably thriving one in China. No more escaping to the surfer 'burbs of California. Presumably no jobs are there, either.

Instead it is all the way to an apartment complex in downtown Beijing. As Dre's mom announces, China is now home. This is no temporary ex-pat gig, it appears, but a full-blown inversion of the immigration patterns that defined the modern global economy.

It's an improbable reversal that speaks directly to the American anxieties of 2010. If the United States is no longer a beacon for ambitious immigrants -- and indeed is exporting bright young families -- maybe it is in decline.

China, it would seem from the movie's perspective, is clearly the future. Dre, thumbing through a dated book about the country, expects to find nothing but old Fu Manchu characters and crumbling buildings. Instead he is awed by the sparkling Olympic village, the cute young women, the parks buzzing with activity -- tai chi, soccer, basketball, music. It seems like everybody in China has an outdoor hobby.

This Story

As in the original, the boy is beset by bullies, and there's still a malevolent martial arts teacher. Various bits of dialogue and key scenes are retained from the original, and the remake is still a fun ride on a young-meets-old, East-meets-West and good-beats-bad level.

But it tells a different story.

Any about subtext are dispelled by Mr. Han, the Mr. Miyagi successor played by Hong Kong-born martial arts crossover star Jackie Chan. Han turns out to be not just the building handyman, but a full-fledged kung fu master. (This remake might be better titled "The Kung Fu Kid," because karate, more associated with Japan, has been replaced by the Chinese martial arts discipline.)

For all we know, Han might also have been advising the Chinese government at the Copenhagen climate talks last fall. He is, at any rate, a handyman with an environmental conscience.

When the new Americans complain of a broken water heater in their apartment, he explains that they only have to flip the switch and wait half an hour before showering, then turn the heater off.

There's a switch? They seem puzzled. In the United States, hot water is always just there.

Put in a switch, Han lectures, and save the planet.

There's a blunter moment as well. Like Miyagi in the original, Han plays briefly at trying to catch a fly with a pair of chopsticks -- but then abruptly pulls out a flyswatter and smashes the insect.

There's little doubt where the flyswatter was made, but by the end of the movie one might wonder: Was that a joke or a warning?


李登輝與蔡英文攜手參加626大遊行,成為受注目的焦點。其實,蔡英文接民進黨主席後,就改變民進黨在陳水扁時代對李的態度,蔡英文的「尊李」基 調甚至感染到黨內重要公職身上,前往翠山莊拜會絡繹於途。

根據中評社報導,蔡英文在雙英辯論(4月25日)前以及新北市長提名後(6月初),兩度秘密造訪李登輝,李還在雙英辯論當天親自打電話指導蔡辯論 之道。昔日長官與部屬對話,一聊就是2、3個小時,李蔡互動良好。

近李人士透露,李登輝對蔡英文溫和、穩健的改革步伐很欣賞,因為蔡沒有「四大天王」的派系包袱,與傳統民進黨人士思維不盡相同,加上她對主權與國 家定位的堅持,李認為,「四大天王」的時代已經過去了,不論蔡有沒有選上新北市,蔡都是2012民進黨最可能甚至是唯一人選。

近李人士表示,李登輝在台灣民間仍有影響力,這樣的力量就連國民黨也不敢漠視,馬英九從未對老李惡言相向;當年還擔任桃園縣長的朱立倫,只要大溪 鴻禧山莊有活動,總是盡量挪出時間與李登輝及其客人們禮貌性打招呼,絲毫不敢怠慢。

由於,李登輝老家在新北市三芝鄉、又主政12年,過去國民黨本土派部屬與地方望族一直有互動,李登輝在新北市的影響力,格外引人注目;然而,隨著 李在ECFA議題上涇渭分明,說明李已完全重歸綠營隊伍。

蔡英文的「尊李」基調至為明確,民進黨人士看在眼裡,重要黨公職也前往翠山莊拜會,例如,高雄市長陳菊曾在黨內初選前(5月底前)秘密拜會老李, 高雄縣長楊秋興本來也要在黨內初選到翠山莊,因太忙而延到初選過後。近來,政壇傳出李登輝支持楊秋興獲得李登輝與台聯支持出來競逐大高雄市長,指的就是楊 曾拜會李所致。

不過,近李人士指出,李會晤楊,不是支持楊秋興出來挑戰陳菊,也不是談選舉,主要是談小林村建慰靈碑一事,政壇捕風捉影傳出李支持楊,讓李不太高 興。

2010年6月26日 星期六

15萬人怒吼 反ECFA護台灣

《反ECFA大遊行》大遊行昭告國際 台灣人民拒絕ECFA


台灣人民抗議簽ECFA,堅定上街頭表達最深沉怒吼,向 國際社會傳達,反對國共兩黨決策漠視民意,人民要公投決定兩岸政策。綠營結合將受衝擊的傳產業者抗議,更凸顯馬政府對ECFA報喜不報憂,而因堅定反 ECFA,也促成綠營團結護台灣抗衡馬政府傾中。

這場大遊行,只是揭開綠營反ECFA抗爭的序曲,由於ECFA簽訂後,未來仍將展開多回合 的談判,對綠營來說,反ECFA確實是一場長期抗戰,未來台灣多項早損清單勢必被逼上談判桌,為維護台灣產業與勞工權益,綠營勢必要以更強火力展開對馬政 府的長期監督。

熱情民眾不分南北,上街頭表達心聲,群眾更冒雨在凱道集結,戳破了國民黨所謂遊行不具正當性的說法,執政黨不知反省人民為何 要以上街怒吼的抗爭手段反對政府的政策,反而打壓綠營發動群眾運動,這種背離民意的政黨,人民只有透過選票加以唾棄。

馬政府片面誇大 ECFA的好處,一再避談台灣產業的衝擊,無視於過去發生中國毒奶粉事件,以及簽ECFA後,中國黑心產品更將充斥台灣的事實,傾中的馬政府,慣常報喜不 報憂,一味鼓吹兩岸政策開放帶來的好處,這次大遊行,彰顯來自民間青年、婦女、藍白領勞工、農民等各階層對台灣前途的憂慮。

別具意義的是, 台灣人民藉由上街頭昭告國際,反對國共聯手唱和,抗議國共的決策黑箱作業、跳脫民意,這也是向國際社會傳達,台灣人民對馬政府一連串傾中政策的強烈疑慮。

馬 政府愈是打壓,人民要求ECFA公投作主的意志就更強烈,在大遊行前,馬英九出面消毒辯稱,只要人民依公投法的規定提案,政府不會干預,但民進黨與台聯各 自辛苦連署超過十萬份ECFA公投提案,卻硬是遭揣摩上意的公審會駁回。不能依法發動公投,人民只有上街抗議,無論馬英九如何撇清政府沒干預公投案,只怕 抗議的民眾打死也不相信!

久未參與民進黨群眾運動的李登輝,這次更與蔡英文等民進黨菁英聯手反ECFA,也象徵本土勢力大團結,一致反對馬 政府的兩岸政策。

大遊行民眾吹響「呼呼塞 拉」,向馬政府傾中政策嗆聲。 (記者方賓照攝)
反ECFA遊行隊伍昨日下午 兵分二路前往凱達格蘭大道,前總統李登輝在自萬華火車站集結的「反一中隊」出發前,特地登上指揮車給眾人加油打氣。(記者叢昌瑾攝)

〔記 者蘇永耀、陳慧萍、彭顯鈞/台北報導〕昨日六二六大遊行反對馬政府傾中,參與遊行的前總統李登輝致詞時強調,人民最痛心的,就是身為總統的馬英九處處配合 中國來統一台灣,這種人已「無資格做台灣總統」,呼籲大家要「棄馬保台」。

批馬配合中國 統一台灣

總統府發言人羅智強低調回應表示,政府的兩岸政策一向秉持以台灣為主、對人民有利的原則,始終捍衛台灣主權、尊 嚴與利益,談判過程也一向秉持對等互惠原則。

多年未參加遊行的李登輝,在下午三點四十五分抵達「反一中大隊」集合點的萬華車站,受到民眾熱 情歡呼,高喊「李總統好!」穿著寬鬆衣衫的李前總統也高舉著手致意,並登上指揮車發表演說;李登輝最後還與遊行群眾在凱達格蘭大道會合,並登上舞台與現場 共呼「五都全贏」、「棄馬保台」等口號。

ECFA禍台 反對到底

李 登輝說,ECFA就是以中國為中心的一場陰謀,這影響台灣甚鉅。但馬政府與北京簽,既不問台灣人民,也不讓人民公投決定,便自己去與中國談判。這種不重視 民意的政府,大家就是要反對到底。

對近日早收清單公布,李登輝抨擊,之前偷偷摸摸都不敢說,等到公布了,才說要與業者溝通。如今談判都已經 結束,與業者溝通也沒用了;這種不負責任的政府,是讓大家看笑話。

李登輝也提醒,ECFA只是「架構」,以後要繼續談;現在沒有開放中國進 口的產品,未來隨時可開放,這樣下去,台灣將會「去了了」。他沉痛的說,馬英九處處配合北京來統一台灣,這種人已經沒有資格當台灣的總統。

至 於中國所謂「讓利」,李登輝也駁斥說「攏是假」。因為讓利對象只有大財團或一些大陸台商,並不是台灣多數的人民、勞工、農民或中小企業。

慷慨激昂致詞 群眾歡呼

李登輝表示,現在最重要的,就是要依靠民主制度,這才能保 護台灣。他呼籲人民要用選票來反對「這個不疼惜台灣的馬英九政府」,年底的五都選舉要讓「我們全贏」;下次的總統大選要用選票選給「咱的人」。

長 達十分鐘的戶外致詞,也讓現場情緒激昂,高喊「李登輝加油、台灣加油」。李登輝之後與群眾一起從艋舺大道出發步行一段路程,受到沿街民眾拍手歡迎,李前總 統也趨前握手。


15萬人怒吼 反ECFA護台灣

李登輝:「大家大團結、五都全贏、棄 馬保台!」

〔記者李欣芳、王貝林、黃佳琳、曹明正/綜合報導〕抗議馬政府執意與中國簽署ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議), 人民上街頭發出怒吼!民進黨昨在台北發動大遊行,來自各地民眾熱情參與,冒著大雨堅定地擠滿凱達格蘭大道,用具體行動表達不滿。參與遊行的李登輝前總統在 凱道演講會結束前上台,帶領群眾高喊:「大家大團結、五都全贏、棄馬保台!」

民眾冒雨上 街嗆 馬南下視察

總統馬英九沒留在台北傾聽民眾的心聲,選擇南下高雄縣市視察,卻又大談ECFA簽訂之後的願景,強調現今兩 岸氣氛和緩,台灣海峽已經是和平大道,ECFA不是一中市場,也不會形成一中市場,呼籲「與其一味反對,不如理性監督」,他將會在七月一日宣布後ECFA 經濟戰略。

強烈批判馬政府傾中的李登輝,昨會同台灣之友會總會長黃崑虎等本土社團領袖,登上凱道主舞台,喊出上述口號。隨後民進黨主席蔡英 文與民進黨五都市長提名人蘇貞昌等人上台,向群眾鞠躬致謝,感謝眾多民眾冒雨熱情參與。

民進黨發言人蔡其昌說,這場「反對一中市場,人民公 投作主」大遊行的人數接近十五萬人,儘管傍晚起開始下起大雨,但澆不熄民眾參與的熱情,人群依舊塞滿凱道,且遊行平和、理性落幕,民進黨認為這是一場成功 的遊行。

李登輝現身遊行 民眾好感動

這場遊行昨兵分二路在 台北萬華火車站與東區頂好廣場集結,包括李登輝、蔡英文、前副總統呂秀蓮、前行政院長游錫堃、謝長廷、民進黨台北市長提名人蘇貞昌、台中市長提名人蘇嘉 全、台南市長提名人賴清德、高雄市長提名人陳菊、台聯黨主席黃昆輝、台灣國家聯盟總召姚嘉文等泛綠菁英及本土社團領袖都齊集參與。

繼二○○ 四年參與二二八手護台灣運動後,李登輝這次再度與民進黨聯手,共同反ECFA。他昨在遊行前現身萬華火車站,與蔡英文並肩遊行,引發民眾熱情騷動,爭相與 李登輝握手,導致遊行一開始人擠人,寸步難行。

不少民眾看到年邁的李登輝親自參加大遊行,並高分貝批判傾中的馬政府,直呼「感動!」也有不 少民眾高聲為蔡英文、蘇貞昌等加油。

蔡批馬背棄人民 用選票教訓

遊 行隊伍預定傍晚五時在凱道會合舉行演講會,不過兩路人馬還未抵達凱道就已下起傾盆大雨,但大雨澆不熄熱情民眾的參與,不少民眾冒雨在凱道現場聽講。台聯黨 主席黃昆輝說,這場遊行集會令人感動,這是老天爺在流眼淚!

蔡英文上台致詞時,強調如果馬政府持續封殺綠營的公投案,人民就應該在每次選舉 給馬英九總統教訓,對他投下不信任票,「這是我們的最後一道武器!」

這場遊行在晚間六時四十五分平和落幕。民進黨表示,這次遊行參與人數符 合預期。對李登輝與蔡英文遊行時並肩走,但最後在凱道卻一前一後上台,沒有同台牽手,蔡其昌說,由於要上台的人太多、舞台又太小,才分兩階段上台。

2010年6月24日 星期四


Vietnam's usually docile National Assembly has mounted a rare display of independence by voting down a controversial $56bn high-speed rail project linking the capital Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh City in the country's south.

通常温顺的越南国会否决了一个有争议的高速铁路项目,展现少有的独立性。该高铁项目计 划投资560亿美元,将连接首都河内和南部的胡志明市。

Nguyen Sinh Hung, the deputy prime minister, and the transportation minister had staked their prestige on the project, which was scheduled for completion with Japanese aid by 2035.

越南副总理阮生雄(Nguyen Sinh Hung)和交通部长均把自己的声望押在这个项目上。该项目原计划在日本援助下,于2035年竣工。

The plan was derailed when only 209 of the 493 deputies voted for the project in a ballot that required majority support. Vietnamese law mandates that all projects with budgets over $1.9bn get Assembly approval.

这一计划已经搁浅。493名议员中,只有209人投票赞成该项目,而这项表决需获得多 数支持才能通过。越南法律规定,预算在19亿美元以上的项目必须经过国会批准。

One of the deputies most critical of the project, Nguyen Minh Thuyet, said the vote was a watershed for the legislature. “It shows the Assembly has become more and more independent, and more serious in its work.”

对该项目批评得最严厉的议员之一Nguyen Minh Thuyet表示,此次表决是该立法机构的转折点。“它表明,国会已经变得越来越独立,也更加严肃认真地行使自身的职责。”

But analysts cautioned the rejection was not necessarily a sign of a permanent strengthening of democratic governance or separation of powers in the Communist party-ruled country. “Certain ministers will lose prestige, but not the government,” said Nguyen Tran Bat, chairman of the Investconsult Group in Hanoi. “Ministers will need to prepare projects more carefully before submitting them to the Assembly.”

但分析人士告诫称,此次高铁项目遭到否决,未必说明这个共产党执政国家走向民主治理或 分权。“个别部长会丧失威望,但政府不会,”河内Investconsult集团董事长Nguyen Tran Bat表示,“今后向国会递交项目计划前,部长们将必须更加慎重地准备。”

Opponents were critical of the project's potential to raise the national debt, as well as the sketchy projections for usage. The proposed 1,600-kilometre trajectory was also much longer than the 800-kilometre limit at which transit analysts say high-speed rail was competitive with air travel.

反对者批评该高铁项目有可能加重国家债务,使用预测也过于粗糙。另外,这条高铁计划长 度为1600公里,而按照交通行业分析师的意见,高铁能够与航空竞争的极限长度为800公里。


Gillard to take over as Australia’s PM

陆克文辞职 澳大利亚任命首位女总理
Gillard to take over as Australia’s PM

In an 11th hour move Kevin Rudd has bowed to pressure and stood down as Australia’s prime minister, making deputy prime minister Julia Gillard Australia’s first female leader.

陆克文(Kevin Rudd)在最后一刻屈服于压力,辞去了澳大利亚总理一职。原副总理朱莉娅•吉拉德(Julia Gillard)接任,成为澳大利亚首位女总理。

Mr Rudd resigned from the leadership at a caucus meeting on Thursday rather than force the party to a ballot. The challenge reared after a push late last night to oust Mr Rudd, driven by the factional power brokers within the Labor party concerned about his plummeting popularity.

陆克文是在周四早晨工党举行的一次“联线”会议(caucuse meeting)中辞职的,并没有迫使工党进行选举。周三晚间,对陆克文民意支持率大跌深感担忧的工党党魁们决定发起对其领导地位的挑战。

Late Wednesday night Mr Rudd remained defiant and vowed to fight until the end but by early Thursday morning he was encouraged to step down.


The Welsh-born Ms Gillard, a lawyer who has long been in politics both as an adviser and MP, was elected unopposed and Wayne Swan, the Austrlaian treasurer, was elected Labor’s new deputy leader

出身于英国威尔士的吉拉德被毫无异议地任命为总理。她是一名律师,长期涉足政坛,先后 担任顾问和议员。财长韦恩•斯旺(Wayne Swan)被任命为工党第二把手。

Mr Rudd will be the first Labor prime minister to be dumped by his party before he could complete a term in office.


Mr Rudd, ranked as one of Australia's most popular prime ministers in his first two years in power after his election in 2007, has seen his standing badly damaged by a series of policy mishaps over climate change and refugees.

陆克文于2007年当选总理,最初两年被评为澳大利亚历来最受欢迎的总理之一,但在气 候变化和难民问题上的一系列政策失误,使其声望大损。

He has also been hurt by a backlash led by powerful local mining companies over the government's decision to impose a so-called superprofits tax on the resources sector.

澳大利亚政府计划向资源行业征收暴利税的决定,引起国内各大矿业企业带头的反弹,这也 损及他的地位。

The well-funded campaign against the tax, led by some of the country's richest people in tandem with mining giants such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, has seen Labor support plummet in resource-rich states such as Queensland and Western Australia.

反对资源暴利税的活动受到慷慨资助,由澳大利亚国内一些最富有的人以及必和必拓 (BHP Billiton)和力拓(Rio Tinto)等矿业巨擘带头,已导致工党在昆士兰和西澳等资源丰富的数个州支持率大跌。

With an election expected later this year, the party's factional bosses, who represent the interests of both union powerbrokers and different state-based groupings, appear to have given up on Mr Rudd's regaining popularity.

澳大利亚将于今年晚些时候举行选举,工党内各派别领导人似乎已对陆克文再次获得民意支 持不抱希望。这些派别既包括工会权力掮客利益,也包括各州不同团体利益。

Mr Rudd, who had been due to fly to Canada today for summit of G20 nations, called the vote on his leadership late on Wednesday night after being informed by Ms Gillard that she would challenge him.

在吉拉德知会陆克文将挑战他后,陆克文于周三晚间召集了党内选举,就他的领导地位进行 表决。陆克文原定周四飞赴加拿大出席20国集团(G20)会议。



2010年6月5日的《日本經濟新聞》增刊“NIKKEI Plus 1”刊登了題為“經濟考查團·中國游客為何對‘日本制造’趨之若騖”的報 道。來自中國的游客大多會在日本購買奶粉、卡通形象商品,以及秋葉原等的電器產品作為回國的禮物,這時他們購物的標准就是“Made in Japan”……

2010年6月23日 星期三

Death Toll Rises in Southern China

(中央社台北23日電)6月13日以來發生的大雨,使中國南方10省區遭受嚴重水災,據最新統 計,受災人口高達2939萬人,因災死亡200人、失蹤123人,倒塌房屋21.5萬間,直接經濟損失約人民幣433億元。


中通社報導,中國國家防總負責人說,今年水情突出,主因為主要江河洪水量大,部分河流流量超過1998年。江西信江、撫河水流量創歷史紀錄;福建閩江發生 30年一遇的大洪水。



負責人表示,目前淮河及以南地區已全面進入主汛期,北方地區也即將進入主汛期,大江大河隨時都有發生大洪水的可能,全中國防汛工作已進入緊要關頭。 990623

Death Toll Rises in Southern China


A villager looked at a bridge damaged by flood waters in Yujiang County, Jiangxi province, China.

Zhongshan, CHINA — A week of pounding rain in southern China has left at least 132 people dead and scores of others missing as officials evacuated 800,000 people living alongside swollen waterways, the state media reported on Sunday.


The unrelenting storms have drenched eight provinces, triggering landslides that swept away 31 people in Fujian, left the picturesque city of Guilin thigh-deep in muddy water and inundated 1.2 million acres of cropland, reported China Daily.

According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, at least 86 people are missing, dozens of whom were swept away by landslides earlier in the week. Officials have so far estimated the damage at $2.1 billion, with at least 156,000 homes damaged or destroyed.

The rains, which began last Sunday, are ravaging a region that just months ago was coping with a severe drought.

Television images on the state broadcaster showed rescue workers tossing ropes across an angry river to help those stranded on the other side and other workers using a dinghy to ferry a group of kindergartners to safety.

Throughout the week, the storms have wrecked havoc on travel throughout the country, forcing the cancellation of hundreds of flights and stranding thousands of passengers at airports as far away as Beijing.

The tally of those missing in landslides include 23 construction workers buried at the site of a hydroelectric dam early Tuesday in Sichuan Province and 24 people in a bus and a minivan that were sent plunging into a river Monday in Fujian Province.

On Saturday, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a warning for 80 rivers whose levels had surpassed dangerous points.

Weather forecasts suggested the crisis would only worsen in the coming days, with storms expected through the weekend.

“There will be heavy rain over the next three days, and flood-control work will face enormous challenges,” the National Meteorological Center said in a statement, warning that the rainfall in the south was as much as three times greater than normal.


2010 年06月24日 06:06 AM


The political future of Kevin Rudd, Australia's prime minister, is hanging by a thread after key powerbrokers in his Labor government concerned about his plummeting popularity forced a challenge to his leadership.

澳大利亚总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)的政治前途悬于一线,因为工党政府内的主要“权力掮客”对其民意支持率大跌深感担忧,决定强迫发起对其领导地位的挑战。

Mr Rudd will face off against his deputy, Julia Gillard, in a vote of the parliamentary Labor party this morning with the momentum shifting firmly against retaining him as the leader.

身为议会政党的工党将于今日上午举行一次选举,陆克文将对阵自己的副手朱莉娅•吉拉德 (Julia Gillard)。目前形势越来越不利于让陆克文继续担任工党领袖。

If she ousts Mr Rudd, the Wales-born Ms Gillard, a lawyer who has long been in politics both as an adviser and MP, will become Australia's first female prime minister.

如果吉拉德成功把陆克文拉下马,她将成为澳大利亚首位女总理。吉拉德出生于英国威尔 士,是一名律师,长期涉足政坛,先后担任顾问和议员。

Mr Rudd, ranked as one of Australia's most popular prime ministers in his first two years in power after his election in 2007, has seen his standing badly damaged by a series of policy mishaps over climate change and refugees.

陆克文于2007年当选总理,最初两年被评为澳大利亚历来最受欢迎的总理之一,但在气 候变化和难民问题上的一系列政策失误,使其声望大损。

He has also been hurt by a backlash led by powerful local mining companies over the government's decision to impose a so-called superprofits tax on the resources sector.

澳大利亚政府计划向资源行业征收暴利税的决定,引起国内各大矿业企业带头的反弹,这也 损及他的地位。

The well-funded campaign against the tax, led by some of the country's richest people in tandem with mining giants such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, has seen Labor support plummet in resource-rich states such as Queensland and Western Australia.

反对资源暴利税的活动受到慷慨资助,由澳大利亚国内一些最富有的人以及必和必拓 (BHP Billiton)和力拓(Rio Tinto)等矿业巨擘带头,已导致工党在昆士兰和西澳等资源丰富的数个州支持率大跌。

With an election expected later this year, the party's factional bosses, who represent the interests of both union powerbrokers and different state-based groupings, appear to have given up on Mr Rudd's regaining popularity.

澳大利亚将于今年晚些时候举行选举,工党内各派别领导人似乎已对陆克文再次获得民意支 持不抱希望。这些派别既包括工会权力掮客利益,也包括各州不同团体利益。

Mr Rudd, who had been due to fly to Canada today for summit of G20 nations, called the vote on his leadership late on Wednesday night after being informed by Ms Gillard that she would challenge him.

在吉拉德知会陆克文将挑战他后,陆克文于周三晚间召集党内选举,将就他的领导地位进行 表决。陆克文原定今天飞赴加拿大出席20国集团(G20)会议。


South Korea: An Asian Tiger That Can Stay the Course?

South Korea: An Asian Tiger That Can Stay the Course?

When Chung Un-Chan speaks of a nation once "paralyzed by anxiety and uncertainty," it's hard to imagine that the prime minister of South Korea is indeed referring to his own country. Exuding pride and confidence today, Korea is among the world's largest economies. It's also at the forefront of the global economic recovery, making one of the strongest rebounds registered by any member of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Prime Minister Chung and other government and business leaders gathered at a recent Wharton Global Alumni Forum held in Seoul to take stock of the country’s economic and industrial growth, and to discuss where Korea will go from here.

Bouncing Back: How South Korea Is Taking the World by Surprise
For many South Koreans, the country's brushes with economic disasters in recent times have been a journey "that carries deep emotions," the country's prime minister, Chung Un-Chan, acknowledged in his keynote address at Wharton's recent Global Alumni Forum in Seoul. The event served as a poignant reminder of the host country's remarkable resiliency: The last time Wharton held a gathering in Seoul was 1999, as the country reeled from the Asian currency meltdown. Back then as today, Chung said, Korea "surprised the world" and recovered far faster than expected. Now, the country needs to prove that its economy is more shock-resistant than ever.

Nation Branding: Shaking Off the Korea Discount
What does France have that South Korea doesn't? The Eiffel Tower, for one thing. It's the type of national icon that public relations and marketing experts in the East Asian country dream of having. But while Korea is unlikely to whip up its equivalent of an Eiffel Tower -- or a Sphinx or Golden Gate Bridge -- any time soon, it is trying hard to raise the country's profile around the world. That's a goal that could take years to achieve, as Yoon Dae Euh, the inaugural head of the country's Presidential Council on Nation Branding, noted at May's Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Seoul.

'Greenomics': Making Cents in a Low-Carbon World
Today's "greenomics" -- the economics of being environmentally friendly -- has companies struggling to balance their eco-ambitions with hardcore business pressures. During a panel discussion at the recent Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Seoul, experts noted that greenomics isn't just about corporate profit and loss statements. Rather, it requires a symbiotic relationship between the public and private sector, non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and consumers. Yet, as one expert noted, these groups are a long way away from helping the business world reach the day "when we no longer need the term 'greenomics' because it's embedded into everything we do."

Korea's New Central Bank Boss: Finding the Path to Global Financial Stability
South Korean central bank governor Kim Choong Soo is no stranger to controversy. When Lee Myung Bak, the country's president, called on his former economic adviser to be head of the central bank for a four-year term starting in April, many of the government's critics cried foul, saying that the appointment of such a close political ally compromises the financial institution's independence. In an interview with Knowledge@Wharton following his speech at Wharton's recent Global Alumni Forum in Seoul, Kim discussed his views on central bankers' independence as well as the hotly debated reforms he said the international foreign reserve system so sorely needs, among other topics.

Obama Says Afghan Policy Won’t Change

Obama Says Afghan Policy Won’t Change

Doug Mills/The New York Times

President Obama, with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Gen. David H. Petraeus and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, announced his removal of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as the top commander in Afghanistan on Wednesday and his appointment of General Petraeus to lead the war effort there.

WASHINGTON — President Obama removed Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as commander of American forces in Afghanistan on Wednesday, and tapped as his replacement the general’s boss and the architect of the 2007 surge in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus.

At War

Notes from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other areas of conflict in the post-9/11 era.

A timeline of General McChrystal's tenure as President Obama's top military commander in Afghanistan.

What to Do With the ‘Runaway General’?

Should General McChrystal be fired for insubordination, or do his remarks reflect a healthy level of dissent?


The Caucus

The latest on President Obama, his administration and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion.

Luke Sharrett/The New York Times

Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal

Readers' Comments

Mr. Obama, standing with General Petraeus and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the White House Rose Garden to underline the continuity and solidity of his Afghan policy, said that he had accepted General McChrystal’s resignation “with considerable regret.”

Mr. Obama said he had done so not out of personal insult over a magazine article featuring contemptuous quotes from the general and his staff about senior administration officials, but because it showed the general had not met standards of behavior for a commander, which threatened to erode trust among administration and military officials, as well as undermine civilian control of the military.

“War is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a general or president,” Mr. Obama said. “As difficult as it is to lose General McChrystal, I believe it is the right decision for our national security.”

“I welcome debate among my team,” he said, “but I won’t tolerate division.”

General Petraeus, who holds overarching responsibility for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as the head of the United States Central Command, would be required to leave his current post to take on his new appointment, which must now be confirmed by the United States Senate. Mr. Obama stressed that the change in leadership did not signal a shift in his overall war strategy in Afghanistan, where thousands of new American troops have been arriving in recent months among increasing casualties and growing questions about the progress of the war.

“This is a change in personnel, but it is not a change in policy,” Mr. Obama said.

The reshuffle injected new uncertainties into relations between the United States and the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, who had urged American leaders to let General McChrystal remain in place.

“We are not opposing his successor, but we would prefer that General McChrystal come back,” Ahmed Wali Karzai, the influential half brother of Mr. Karzai, said earlier Wednesday, suggesting that the Afghan government was realistic about the possibility that General McChrystal would be replaced.

General McChrystal had proved to be one of the few Western leaders who could work well with President Karzai, building trust and traveling to tribal meetings with him, and personally apologizing when Western military actions resulted in major civilian casualties, which have been a source of deep anger for Afghans.

In a brief statement, General McChrystal said he supported the strategy in Afghanistan and had resigned out of a “desire to see the mission succeed.” His dismissal did not alter his rank, but it was unknown what role he would next play in the Pentagon, if any.

General McChrystal and Mr. Obama met for about 20 minutes earlier in the day, after the general flew from Afghanistan to Washington on Tuesday amid a growing furor over the article, which Rolling Stone magazine posted on its Web site on Tuesday after it had leaked to other news outlets.

The article quoted General McChrystal and his aides speaking critically of nearly every member of the president’s national security team, dismissing Vice President Biden as “Bite Me”; calling the national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, a “clown”; and disparaging other top officials.

The firestorm over the article was fueled by increasing doubts — even in the military — that Afghanistan can be won and by crumbling public support for the nine-year war as American casualties rise. The remarks also laid bare the disarray and enmity in a foreign policy team that is struggling with the war.

In replacing General McChrystal, Mr. Obama decisively showed that he remained the ultimate decision-maker on military matters and would not tolerate insubordinate behavior or internal rifts among his top officers.

But the decision also invited criticism that Mr. Obama was shaking up his military command at a crucial moment in the conflict, when coalition forces are preparing to try to take control of the country’s second-largest city, Kandahar, the spiritual home of the Taliban.

Beyond that, Mr. Obama’s war strategy is in many ways a McChrystal strategy. The general devised the plan, which called for thousands of extra troops to fight the insurgency and, perhaps more important, create a sense of security for the Afghan people.

But Mr. Obama said the mission in Afghanistan, where the United States now has more than 90,000 troops, remained unchanged by General McChrystal’s removal. “We have a clear goal,” Mr. Obama said. “We are going to break the Taliban’s momentum. We are going to build Afghan capacity. We are going to relentlessly apply pressure on Al Qaeda and its leadership, strengthening the ability of both Afghanistan and Pakistan to do the same.”

The Afghanistan team has suffered many internal conflicts, including complaints from the American ambassador, Karl W. Eikenberry, about Richard C. Holbrooke, the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. In one episode that dramatized the building animosities, General Jones, the national security adviser, wrote to Ambassador Eikenberry in February, sympathizing with his complaints about a visit Mr. Holbrooke had recently made to Afghanistan. In the note, which went out over channels that were not secure, officials said, General Jones soothed the ambassador by suggesting that Mr. Holbrooke would soon be removed from his job.

The Jones note prompted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to complain to Mr. Obama, and her support for Mr. Holbrooke has kept him in his job.

The infighting has been made more severe by the increasingly perilous situation on the ground. Violence in Afghanistan is on the rise. The mission to pacify Marja and Kandahar is far off track. And the effort to create a viable Afghan government is increasingly in doubt because of widespread corruption. Criticism is mounting on Capitol Hill, even among the president’s backers, and many allies have announced that they are looking for the exit, with others expected to do the same in the coming months.

There has been vigorous debate within the administration about how to proceed in Afghanistan, but in the article General McChrystal and his aides did not overtly criticize administration policy.

Rather, the differences revealed were personal. One administration official described Mr. Obama as being particularly furious at a characterization of him in the article as not seeming “very engaged” during that first White House meeting.

Over all, the article depicted General McChrystal at the head of a small circle of aides engaged in what came close to locker-room trash talk as they discussed foreign policy, the French, their allegiance to one another and their own concerns about course of the war. The civilian communications adviser who set up the interview, Duncan Boothby, has resigned.

Helene Cooper reported from Washington and Jack Healy from New York. Reporting was contributed by Dexter Filkins from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Thom Shanker and Mark Landler from Washington.



麥克里斯特爾:西點軍校畢業的 職業軍人




在過去幾天的《滾石》雜誌風波期間,卡爾扎伊一直全力支持麥克里斯特爾,並且還呼籲奧巴馬不要撤他的 職。








在《滾石》的文章中,麥克里斯特爾對奧巴馬總統感到失望,文章還嘲笑了華府其他高官,包括副總統、國家 安全顧問等。




2010年6月20日 星期日

China Signals a Gradual Rise in Value of Its Currency

我對錢財的看法是很幼稚的 這一趟昆山行 有萬餘元人民幣 我決定便宜賣給一位朋友

China Signals a Gradual Rise in Value of Its Currency

HONG KONG — China announced on Saturday evening that it would allow greater flexibility in the value of its currency, a move that could deflect growing international criticism of its economic policies and defuse one of the greatest sources of tension between Beijing and Washington.


The statement, by China’s central bank, was the clearest sign yet that the country would allow its currency to appreciate gradually against the dollar. World leaders are due to meet next week in Canada for economic talks, and China’s currency policies had appeared a certain source of conflict.

The United States has been leading a chorus of countries urging China to let its currency fluctuate. Many members of Congress believe China’s exchange rate policy gives it an unfair trade advantage, and a movement has been growing to take retaliatory trade action if China did not make an adjustment.

President Obama and the Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, immediately praised China’s action. “China’s decision to increase the flexibility of its exchange rate is a constructive step that can help safeguard the recovery and contribute to a more balanced global economy,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. The European Commission also said it supported the move.

But it remains to be seen whether the move will significantly rebalance the global trade picture. The People’s Bank of China was cautious in its statement about how far its currency, the renminbi, might fluctuate, warning explicitly that “the basis for large-scale appreciation of the RMB exchange rate does not exist.” Chinese officials said the renminbi would move in relation to an unspecified basket of currencies, not just the dollar. Experts said that depending on how the system was designed, China could avoid rapid fluctuations.

Mr. Geithner alluded to this in a statement, saying, “This is an important step, but the test will be how far and how fast they let the currency appreciate.”

The first sign of how much currency appreciation will be tolerated is likely to come Monday morning, when the Chinese government will set the initial trading band for the value of the renminbi in Shanghai trading.

China has kept its currency value low since mid-2008 by pegging it to that of the dollar and not letting it fluctuate. Any trend in the renminbi’s value would have been higher without the peg, making China’s goods more expensive to foreign consumers and possibly slowing the country’s export-based economy.

In its statement Saturday, the central bank said that the Chinese economy was strengthening after the crisis and that it was “desirable to proceed further with reform” of the currency. Tellingly, the announcement was made almost simultaneously in Chinese and in English, a rare occurrence, and Chinese officials advised foreign governments beforehand that they were about to take a new stance on currency policy, according to an American official.

Though China said its action was based on the interests of its own economy, it has been under rising pressure from the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India. Mr. Obama had held repeated conversations with President Hu Jintao over the last year or so, the most recent of which was two weeks ago, and Mr. Geithner traveled to China for meetings last month.

China has handled currency policy gingerly, fearing that its people might see appreciation as a step taken in response to foreign pressure that might not be in the national interest.

For Mr. Obama, China’s currency has been a particularly sticky problem. He also has been leaning on Beijing to help contain the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea, to act as one of the main engines for the world economy, and to moderate its efforts to gain exclusive access to raw materials around the world needed to fuel China’s huge growth.

But Mr. Obama’s leverage has been minimal, and in the end it may have been the threat of a Congressional bill’s protectionist actions against Chinese products that convinced Beijing that it had to begin to free its currency.

That threat had been gaining ground in Congress among lawmakers convinced that China was keeping its currency value artificially low to the detriment of the American economy.

“China’s currency practice has cost American jobs and hurt American ranchers, farmers and small businesses,” Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana and the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement Saturday. “Today’s announcement is a welcome first step to help keep American businesses competitive and create more American jobs.”

Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, however, cautioned that unless China gave further detail to its plan, “we will have no choice but to move forward with our legislation.”

If the renminbi were to rise significantly, goods from the United States and other countries could eventually start displacing Chinese exports. That could help fuel economic growth in many of China’s trading partners, while braking growth in China, which has been expanding so fast that inflation is now accelerating.

Rising wages after recent labor unrest, combined with a stronger currency, may also make China a more attractive consumer market for international companies. But this could help Europe more than America, whose exports to China have been weak and concentrated in a few categories like aircraft, turbines and soybeans, while European companies have been more successful in selling high-end consumer goods there.

For China, a stronger renminbi will increase the buying power of its consumers and could make gasoline and other imported commodities seem less expensive. Faced with spreading labor unrest, particularly in the auto industry, the government has started to make an energetic effort to improve the standard of living of industrial workers.

But many economists inside and outside China have argued that currency appreciation is in China’s interest most of all. The country has been spending nearly one-tenth of its annual economic output to buy Treasury notes and bonds and other foreign securities while printing and selling renminbi, all in an effort to prevent the renminbi from rising against the dollar.

The renminbi has already risen with the dollar by 15 percent against the euro in the last two months. That has made Chinese officials nervous about the future competitiveness of Chinese sales to Europe, the biggest market for Chinese exports.

Cui Tiankai, a vice foreign minister, said on Friday that the value of the renminbi was not a subject for global discussion, the latest in a series of remarks by Chinese officials indicating strong nationalistic sensitivities about currency policy.

But people familiar with Chinese currency policy making have been saying for two months that the Chinese leadership agreed in early April to a change of direction. A devastating earthquake in western China in mid-April followed by worries about economic turmoil in Europe delayed action on the decision.

David E. Sanger and Sewell Chan contributed reporting from Washington.

China's secret media

China's secret media

Chinese whispers

Not believing what they read in the papers, China’s leaders commission their own

IN A country where independent information-gathering is kept in check, what China’s leaders know and how they know it matters hugely. A recently leaked speech by Xia Lin, a senior editor at Xinhua, China’s government-run news agency, suggests that even though press controls have been somewhat loosened in recent years, leaders still rely heavily on secret reports filed by Xinhua journalists. Other evidence indicates this fault-prone system is actually gaining in importance.

In the speech last month Mr Xia revealed that the news agency’s public reports about an eruption of ethnic rioting in the far-western region of Xinjiang last July had played down revenge attacks by Han Chinese against members of the region’s biggest ethnic group, the Uighurs. Mr Xia said it was only after reading a classified “internal reference” report on the reprisals that China’s president, Hu Jintao, cut short an overseas tour. A summary of Mr Xia’s remarks was posted online by one of the audience. Censors removed it and tried to stop it circulating elsewhere.

The summary has not been verified. But filing secret bulletins to the leadership is one of Xinhua’s crucial roles. Many of China’s main newspapers also have classified versions covering news considered too sensitive for public consumption. They do not rely on secret intelligence, but merely report on issues that in most other countries would be the staple of journalism: public complaints; official wrongdoing; bad economic news; and foreign criticism.

In recent years China’s open media—which, thanks to the withdrawal of government subsidies, are now more commercially driven—have also been straying into these once-forbidden realms. But despite the growing assertiveness and reliability of at least a handful of open publications, the secret media have shown no sign of withering away. Some of them have gained a new lease of life—secret-sounding information sells well. China’s rapid adoption of the internet has even provided rich material for a whole new genre of classified reporting. And China’s leaders appear to be lapping it up.

The outbreak of SARS, a deadly lung disease, in 2003 exposed critical weaknesses in the “internal reference”, or neican, system. Xinhua’s first SARS report, for leaders’ eyes only, did not appear until February 9th, by when there had been some 300 cases and five deaths, dating back to November 2002. Only two days later did the leadership release the news and tell the World Health Organisation. China’s secretiveness and dilly-dallying were widely blamed for the spread of SARS.

It was not until April 20th that China’s leaders allowed the press to report the outbreak freely. But even as the number of open reports jumped, so too did Xinhua’s neican coverage. Between April 1st and July 10th, the news agency issued more than 2,700 public SARS-related reports in Chinese. It also filed more than 1,000 secret ones, and over six hours’ worth of classified audio-visual material.

In 2003 the number of comments written by leaders in the margins of Reference Proofs, a secret bulletin on international affairs for very senior officials rose by 88% compared with the year before. Six were by President Hu. Xinhua compiles such statistics assiduously to measure the impact of its work. An even more secret version of the bulletin, Reference Proofs (Supplementary Sheets), published more than three times as many reports as in 2002.

Internet usage in China soared after SARS, which boosted the appeal of virtual encounters and e-commerce. In parallel there was a surge in demand from China’s leaders for rapid updates on what the “netizens” were up to. Xinhua compiles these into another laboriously titled bulletin, Proofs of Domestic Trends (A Digest of Online Public Sentiment). In 2007 the agency’s yearbook reported a 15% growth in the number of such reports and a 50% increase in leaders’ comments on them. It seems unbothered by the paradox: public internet chat is rehashed in top-secret reports, divulging the contents of which could result in a lengthy prison term.

The plethora of information on the internet deemed too sensitive for China’s traditional media has spurred the growth of neican. Last July the Communist Party’s flagship newspaper, the People’s Daily, launched a new weekly journal for senior officials, called Online Public Sentiment: Three Rurals Internal Reference.

The similarity of its title to Xinhua’s far more restricted digest might well be calculated to give the impression that it is offering inside information on the dissatisfaction-plagued “three rurals”, which is the party’s way of referring to peasants, villages and agriculture. A sample edition available online is humdrum, but its aura of secrecy commands a subscription rate two or three times that of a standard (and far more informative) weekly magazine. A Chinese editor familiar with Reform Internal Reference, a secret weekly for low-level officials and academics, says much of its contents could be found online.

Chinese leaders themselves sometimes seem to take neican reports, produced as they are by the party’s own faithful, with a pinch of salt. In a commentary in the People’s Daily in April, China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao, revealed that leaders sometimes had to sneak out incognito in search of unadulterated information.

The open press, subject as it is to a host of censorship directives, is usually even less reliable. At the party’s five-yearly congress in 2007, Xinhua issued more than twice as many neican reports as it had at the 2002 event. In 2009 a senior provincial official called for efforts to ensure that everyone eligible for Xinhua’s neican did subscribe. There must be no “blank spots”, he said. In the realm of the censored, half-censored content is king.

2010年6月19日 星期六

蔡英文:ECFA要公投是台灣民意/Dalai Lama's “non-political”visit to Japan

20100619 19:25:30 小型字 中型字 大型字

(中央社記者葉素萍台北19日電)民進黨新北市長參選人蔡英文今天指出,高度民意要求兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)要公投,「絕對不是民進黨或在野黨 製造出來的」,這是台灣一個成熟民主社會整體的民意。

蔡英文並說,民進黨昨天公布的民調並非66%贊成簽ECFA,而是21.1%支持儘速簽訂,45.6%認為有完整配套後再簽訂;民調的重點在於民間有很大 的憂慮,希望政府應完整評估、確保台灣利益不會受損害情況下,才能再往前走。


對媒體報導國民黨新北市長參選人朱立倫昨天與汐科業者座談時說,全世界沒有任何一個國家為了簽自由貿易協定辦公投,「只有一個地方,因政黨惡鬥,現在要開 始大鬧的,就是台灣。」對此,蔡英文表示失望。

蔡英文上午出席台北海洋技術學院畢業典禮,接受媒體訪問指出,朱立倫曾擔任過政府重要職務,但顯然沒有體認到ECFA不只是單純的FTA(自由貿易協 定)。

她說,ECFA牽涉到一個非常大的經濟體,而且是對台灣有政治上意圖、軍事上敵意的政體,這對台灣政治、社會、經濟都會帶來深遠影響,與其他案完全不一 樣,台灣人民當然有權利要求公投。

Dalai Lama Says Talks Would ‘Inconvenience’ Japan’s Government

June 19, 2010, 12:22 AM EDT

By Stuart Biggs

June 19 (Bloomberg) -- The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, said he has no plan to request official talks that would “inconvenience” Japan’s government and that his lecture tour in the country is “non-political.”

The Dalai Lama, 74, arrived in Japan yesterday to lecture on Buddhism at a temple in central Japan’s Nagano prefecture, and in Yokohama. He spoke to reporters today at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan in Tokyo.

Overseas receptions of the Tibetan religious leader have angered China’s government, which regards him as a separatist since he fled to India in 1959. China objected to the Dalai Lama’s meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in February and canceled a China-European Union summit after French President Nicolas Sarkozy met with him in 2008.

“This is a non-political visit, so I have nothing to ask or discuss with the government,” the Dalai Lama said today. “I don’t want to create any inconvenience to anybody.”

China opposes outside pressure on how the country runs Tibet, which was brought under its rule in 1950.

--Editors: Mike Millard, Jim McDonald.


媒体看中国 | 2010.06.19


《明镜周刊》注意到,中国新一代农民工的维权意识在增长,越来越不愿被剥削,《经济周刊》认为,如果中国工人为提高工资而罢工的趋势发展下去,中国的经济 结构将面临深刻的变化。

尽管中国八十年代取消了宪法规定的罢工权,但中国工人的零星罢工从来就没有停止过。近来,随着新一代农民工维权意识的增长,广东、北京和上 海等地的工人罢工出现了方兴未艾的态势。《明镜周刊》观察了这些地区的工潮后写道:

"对北京的计划部门来说,只要这样的形势发展只涉及个别企业,它原则上并非来得不是时候。在经济改革家邓小平向西方公司开放中国三十年之后,中国要 把自己这个廉价生产的世界工厂提升为高科技国家。

中国最重要的贸易伙伴欧洲和美国发生金融危机后,中国人被迫推动国内消费,但是人民有钱才能消费。所以副总理李克强说,调整经济结构是'今天的迫切 任务'。今年,上海与一些省份把最低工资标准提高了10%,首都北京甚至提高了20%,达到960元人民币。

'让一部分人先富裕起来',邓小平的继任人已无法用邓提出的这一实用口号安抚自己的臣民。为了防止动乱,他们必须减小不断扩大的、危险的贫富差距。 而当前的罢工浪潮有可能动摇党和国家首脑胡锦涛提出的'和谐社会'理念。千万名劳动群众在工厂门前示威的景象使领导人极为不安。

新闻检查部门已开始禁止官方媒体深入报道罢工情况,互联网中有关工潮的部分博客文章被封闭,但是中国农民工中持续发酵的不满并不能象某个不受欢迎的 网页那样轻而易举地被删除,新生的一代越来越不愿接受剥削。"


"五月份那样近50%的出口增长率也许不久将成为昔日黄花,因为中国兴旺的出口业主要依靠低廉的工资。瑞银集团中国首席经济师汪涛等专家认为,中国 的工厂工资将提高15%。提高劳动成本会压低廉价生产厂家本来就已微薄的赢利,使许多企业感到拮据。根据德意志银行的香港中国首席经济师马骏的计算,劳动 成本每提高5%,企业的赢利将减少0.4%。

但提高工资也能给中国经济带来积极效应,北京可以朝着促进私人消费的目标走近一步。多年来,中国的出口额占国内生产总值的比例在增大,而私人消费对 经济总量做出的贡献却在下降。政府想扭转这一趋势,不再依赖受到危机困扰的西方需求。

工人动乱加大了对政府的压力,迫使它最终必须认真开发具有创新高价值的工业。其中有医疗器械、通讯设备和新能源能产业,马骏对中国具有沿着这类工业 的阶梯向上攀升的机遇给予了积极评价。"


中国 | 2010.06.19


日本汽车制造商丰田公司周六宣布,丰田设在中国天津的主要组装厂一汽丰田周五(6月18日)停产,什么时候重新开工尚不可知。丰田公司的发言人称,停产的 原因是当地供应商丰田合成公司罢工。

丰田合成公司为天津的丰田主厂提供汽车塑料配件,该公司员工周四起开始罢工。丰田中国新闻发言人周四还称,零配件厂停工事件并未影响一汽丰 田的生产。


近来,中国频繁发生外资工厂工人罢工事件。丰田的行业竞争对手、日本本田公司在中国的零配件厂最先引发了这一罢工潮。不过,本田零配件厂工人已经停 止了持续数周的罢工,据说工人们显然已经准备接受资方提出的新的加薪方案。

周五,部分属于丹麦嘉士伯(Carlsberg)啤酒企业的重庆啤酒厂500多名员工罢工,反对公司将股权转让给港企嘉士伯公司。罢工者担心,企业 改制为外企后将会裁员。

针对近期多个城市发生的罢工事件,中国商务部长陈德铭周五在接受香港凤凰卫视采访时表示,系列罢工在经过处理后并没有形成全国的罢工潮。他同时指 出,"要保障员工的工资有适度增长,但同时要注意企业的承受能力。"陈德铭还说,企业应尽快转变发展方式,调整结构,"往产业的高端走,争取更大的附加 值"。对于富士康及深圳、上海等地为员工加薪后,是否会因劳动力成本提高而影响到中国订单向越南等亚洲国家转移,陈德铭表示,商务部正在调研,预计会有转 移,但规模不会很大。



2010年6月18日 星期五

印度仿制药品/ 吉尔吉斯斯坦/香港"2012政改方案"

吉尔吉斯斯坦民族冲突导致约 2000人丧生

社会 | 2010.06.18




阿沙(Asha)40岁。但是看上去比她的年龄要老得多。6年前这位印度妇女的HIV检查呈阳性。然而她不知道究竟自己是什么时候被丈夫传染的。她 的丈夫因为嫖妓染上了艾滋病,不久前刚刚死去。染病的阿沙受到了周围人-包括自己家人的歧视。她说:"作为印度妇女我不得不忍受亲属的百般歧视和虐待。然 而也正是这些亲属在经济上资助了我,资助了我的母亲和兄弟的生活。因此我也才能活到现在。"


"如果没有药,我无法再活下去,只能等死了。因为艾滋病病毒是无法杀死的, 药品不过是帮助加强我的免疫系统的功能而已。"


医生无疆界组织为HIV阳性患者和艾滋病患者提供的80%的抗逆转病毒药品来自印度的仿制药品市场。为了适合世界卫生组织的标准,印度发明了一种专 利权,这种专利权为病人获得生命所需的药品以及保护医药工业利益的之间找到了一个平衡点。而如果没有在印度生产的仿制药品,过去十年里全球死亡的患者恐怕 会达到成百上千万人。然而现在令人感到担忧的是,欧盟准备在同印度计划签署自由贸易协议的框架之下 限制仿制药品的生产, 比如通过延长原装药生产厂家的专利权期限。蒙哈内伊(Leena Menghaney)多年来一直在为所有人都能买到价格适中的药品这个目标在努力。她说,如果这个计划得到实施,那么对于全球的HIV阳性患者将是一场灾 难。

"最为重要的是,这样一来对于维持生命所必需的药品将从市场上消失。如果不再生产复制药品,那么企业将垄断市场 。 患者只能接受垄断后产生的高昂价格。"


大多数感染了艾滋病的人,尤其是在世界贫穷国家里,都没有经济能力购买原装药品。 据医生无疆界组织说,如果采用原装药,每位患者一年的治疗费用在2000年是12000美元。 而自从有了,正是因为有了复制药品,尤其是有了在印度生产的廉价仿制药品,发展中国家中的每位患者一年的治疗费只有大约80美元。


最终支付费用的是患者。 如果我们同意了这个协定, 那么印度仿制药品的生产将告终。 我们中的不少人都离不了仿制药。 我们的收入不可能支付更高的价格。

阿沙的生活也将因此受到严重影响。但她说,她本人受苦还不算什么。她最不愿意看到自己的儿子没有药。阿沙13岁的儿子也同样是HIV呈阳性。 阿沙说:"在印度,HIV呈阳性的患者受社会歧视。我不希望我的儿子因此而苦恼。他现在上8年级。我们没有告诉学校他的HIV呈阳性这件事。但是他本人知 道自己得了这个病,只能与病共存。"

作者:Ilka Steinhausen / 韩明芳


中国 | 2010.06.18


香港特首曾荫权与公民党主席余若薇17日就港府2012政改方案进行电视辩论。律师出身的余若薇在口才上明显占上风。2012政改方案能否被立法会通过还 是未知数。

香港特区政府"2012年行政长官及立法会产生办法建议"(2012政改方案)的宣传片中说,"要为普选打好基础,政府已提出方案,令 2012年的选举更民主化,政府会努力争取市民支持和立法会通过,推动民主更进一步。"

而"普选"与"民主"正是周四(6月17日)香港特首曾荫权与公民党主席余若薇电视舌战的争论焦点。从香港媒体的评论和民众的反响看,特首曾荫权显 然在电视辩论中不抵余若薇大律师的频频攻势。香港中文大学政治与行政学系的马岳在接受德国之声采访时分析说:

"余若薇主要是怀疑政府的这个方案是不是能带来真正的普选,是不是一个真正的进步。但是在辩论中,曾荫权没有有效的解释,只强调政改要向前走,民主 派不该因为追求理想方案而反对。我觉得,曾荫权没有成功的说服公众相信他的方案可以把香港带向全面民主。"


香港2012政改方案的几个重点可以归纳如下:建议立法会议席由60增至70,行政长官选举委员会人数由现在的800增至1200,行政长官候选人 提名人数增至150人。在选举办法上,建议采取"互选方式",即"只由民选区议员参与选举委员会及立法会区议会议席的互选,恪守不增加'传统'功能界别的 原则。而"功能界别"正是反对派反对的焦点。他们的主要理由是,代表商界利益、不是由民众直接选举产生的功能组别,是在变相给香港的商界和富人输送政治和 经济利益,是香港政治制度中最不民主的成份,应该彻底废除。


"有一点智慧的人都可以看得很清楚,北京当局没有意思给香港真正的民主,现在拿出来的方案是往前一点点,对将来香港是不是有真正的民主选举,完全没 有承诺。这一点香港人心里也有数。民意调查显示,超过一半的香港市民都不相信北京当局有诚意给香港民主。而且我们还听到说法,就是北京官员表示,普及平等 选举的定义不是根据国际人权公约来定,而是由北京人民政府来定。这样的说法怎么能让香港人有信心呢?"


香港立法会将于本月23日对政改法案进行表决。根据香港《基本法》,法案通过需要三分之二多数。2005年港府推出的政改方案最终遭到立法会否决。 曾荫权在17日的电视辩论中说,假如这一次方案再度遭否决,香港的民主发展将再度原地踏步。目前60名议员中有23名泛民主派议员表示将投反对票。香港中 文大学的马岳预测说:







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