2010年3月22日 星期一

news, Google in HK move to defeat censors

Google in HK move to defeat censors

Google yesterday carried through on its promise to end censorship of its local Chinese search engine, bringing to a head the company's increasingly acrimonious confrontation with Beijing over its policing of the internet.

The US internet company has decided to redirect some search requests on its local Chinese service, google.cn, to its Hong Kong arm, which it said stood beyond the reach of Chinese censors.

“It's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China,” David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer, said in a blog post announcing the move.

“We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services.”

It was not immediately clear what steps China was planning to counter the change, which became effective in the middle of the night in Beijing.

Beijing could block access in China to both google's local and Hong Kong search sites, just as it blocks many foreign websites on the mainland.

Google's action comes four years after it first agreed to bow to Chinese censors in order to run a legal search service from inside the country. It promised in January to end the practice.

Despite Google's efforts to cast its talks with Chinese authorities in recent weeks as a negotiation over operating an uncensored service, it has been roundly rebuffed by Chinese officials.

As Google readied an uncensored service to offer to Chinese internet users in recent days, government officials in China have taken a tougher line against the company. Official news outlets have accused Google of acting as an agent of the US government in trying to put pressure on China.

Mr Drummond said the Chinese government “has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement.”

The announcement left a question hanging over the fate of google.cn, which will still handle less politically sensitive searches, as well as the fate of its 600-strong workforce in China and its remaining operations there.

“This is a way to keep our services in China – we are not pulling out of China,” a spokesman said. The company said it intended to continue its research and development arm in Beijing, which pre-dated google.cn, and to sell advertising to local Chinese advertisers for the Hong Kong service.

However, it said that the scale of the sales operation would depend partly on how many users in mainland China were able to access the site.



谷歌首席法律顾问戴维•德拉蒙德(David Drummond)在一份博客帖子中宣布了上述决定。他表示:“此举是完全合法的,且将显著提升中国内地人民对信息的获取。”













最近欧盟委托研究机构进行的一项研究表明,欧盟成员国在技术革新能力上追赶美国和日本的速度在放慢甚至出现倒退,而巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国构成的所谓"金砖四国(BRIC)"则在迅速缩短与欧盟的距离,特别是中国有可能在今后10年内超过欧盟成为技术革新大国。德国之声记者就此采访了"欧盟革新能力2009年调查报告"的作者之一、荷兰马斯特里赫大学的研究员胡戈.霍兰德斯(Hugo Hollanders):
1992年12月22日,联合国大会通过相关决议,将3月22日定为“世界水日”,目的是提醒公众重视水资源问题。虽然地球表面大部分地区被水覆盖,水资源看起来似乎取之不尽用之不竭。 然而实际上,地球表面的水中,97.5%是海水和沼泽的咸水,只有余下的2.5%是淡水。 如果不算冰川融化的水, 那么地球上可供人类享用的淡水只占水资源的0.003%。 目前全球有近乎三分之一的人口得不到足够的淡水。
