2019年8月22日 星期四

印尼巴布亞和西巴布亞省爆發抗議活動 , Indonesia sends 1,000 police to quell protests

 印尼巴布亞和西巴布亞省爆發抗議活動 ,數千人與警察發生衝突,並點燃了一座政府大樓。此前有報導稱,該國泗水市的學生遭到警察騷擾,並被警方以帶有種族歧視的話語辱罵。 (《 紐約時報 》)
Indonesia has sent more than a thousand security personnel to quell protests in the restive provinces of Papua and West Papua, as violence spirals in the region.
The protests were sparked by allegations that Indonesian police used excessive force on a group of Papuan students, after they were accused of throwing the country's flag into a ditch.
