2012年1月7日 星期六

Taiwan's top election issue: 棄馬 棄馬 棄馬--- 台灣沸騰/台湾选举观察:这里的选举很安静

Taiwan's top election issue: rich earn 6 times more than poor
Christian Science Monitor
Taiwan, one of the four Asian Tiger nations known for its economic growth, is about to elect a new president. Voters are most concerned with economic improvement. By Ralph Jennings, Correspondent / January 11, 2012 Supporters wave flags to welcome ...
Taiwanese voters weigh ties to China at the polls
By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY BEIJING – The presidential election in Taiwan this weekend pits blue-flagged Chinese Nationalist Party against the green-flagged Democratic Progressive Party. But it is the red of the People's Republic of China across the ...
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Vote Holds Fate of Nuclear Power in Taiwan
New York Times
TAIPEI, Taiwan — In Saturday's election, as voters here choose a president and a new legislature, their decisions will also determine whether Taiwan pulls the plug on a state-backed nuclear power industry that provides the country with a fifth of its ...

China a Sticky Point in Taiwan Vote

Trade Deal With Beijing Has Been Slow to Yield Benefits, Opening Door for Opposition Candidate

Campaigning goes into high gear for Taiwan's presidential election, with China relations weighing heavily on this week's vote. The WSJ's Deborah Kan speaks to Paul Mozur.

TAIPEI—Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of economic opening to China has frustrated a key constituency: struggling middle- and low-income workers, who could cost him elections this week. That outcome would alarm Beijing and heighten uncertainty in an area that has long been a flashpoint in U.S.-China relations.

Following massive rallies Sunday by both the ruling Kuomintang and the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party in the capital, Taipei, Mr. Ma and DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen were back campaigning Monday.

In the presidential office, Mr. Ma met Lions Club leaders from the city of Kaohsiung. He touted his recent progress in trade deals with China and other countries, calling the agreements "the winning strategy and our way to survive in the future."

[TAIWAN2] Reuters

President Ma Ying-jeou shakes hands in Xinbei, northern Taiwan.

Meanwhile in Chiayi, considered a battleground in this election, Ms. Tsai cruised the streets in a bulletproof truck, waving to supporters.

Mr. Ma and Ms. Tsai have been running neck-and-neck, according to analysts, though they say a third candidate, James Soong, could tip the result toward Ms. Tsai by taking votes from Mr. Ma.

When he signed a landmark trade and investment deal with China in June 2010, Mr. Ma promised that it would create jobs and spur growth by attracting Chinese investment and tourists, and by opening new opportunities in China for the island's companies. But the China deal has been slow to produce concrete results: Unemployment remains high by Taiwan standards, wages have stagnated and the economy is set to slow. Chinese investment in Taiwan has been negligible.

[TAIWAN1] Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Taiwan's opposition presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen, in purple, campaigns from a bullet-proof vehicle in Chiayi on Monday.

Political analysts say Mr. Ma's prospects also have been damaged by a widening of the wealth gap. A perception is building among low-wage workers that trade with China has disproportionately benefited the rich. Their anger is fueled by soaring property prices in Taipei and other major cities.

Ms. Tsai has cashed in on the disappointment. She has promised more jobs for low-income workers, low-cost housing, and improved education. Her campaign has struck a chord, giving it a chance to pull off an upset in only the fifth democratic election in the island's history. That would be a remarkable turnaround for a party that during the previous election was mired in a corruption scandal involving former President Chen Shui-bian. Mr. Chen is currently serving a 17½-year jail sentence.

The bullet-proof trucks sporadically used by the candidates are a reminder that Taiwan's generally peaceful society has experienced two major attacks just ahead of elections in the past eight years. In 2004, then-President Chen and his vice president, Annette Lu, were both shot in a jeep while campaigning in the southern city of Tainan. Neither was seriously injured, but the incident prompted accusations from his opponents that he had faked the shooting to win re-election, which he did by a razor-thin margin. Forensic studies found that a shooting did in fact take place from outside the jeep, debunking conspiracy theories. The suspected shooter was later found drowned.

And on the eve of 2010 mayoral elections, Sean Lien, the son of former Kuomintang Vice President Lien Chan, was shot in the head while stumping for a KMT city council candidate. The bullet tore through his cheek and exited below his temple. According to reporting by local media, the alleged shooter claims he was aiming to shoot the city-council candidate but mistook Mr. Lien for him. The Lien family insists the shooting was politically motivated and premeditated.

Four years ago, Wu Kuo-ming, 35 years old, voted for Mr. Ma after growing tired of Taiwan's wilting competitiveness under Mr. Chen. But he has changed his mind as housing prices in Taipei precludes him from living in an area with good schools for his daughter. "The only way I can afford a decent home in Taipei is if I rob a few banks or if I hit the lottery jackpot," he said.

Besides, Mr. Wu said, "Beijing has not become any friendlier...It has a high-and-mighty attitude that Taiwan owes everything to China and without their mercy, Taiwan will flop overnight." He adds: "Tsai has my vote because Beijing needs to know that Taiwanese people can't be bought."

While many in Taiwan believe China is key to the island's economic future, Taiwanese are distrustful of their neighbor and few support any political integration with China, which considers Taiwan a renegade province.

Both Beijing and Washington have welcomed steps by Mr. Ma to warm cross-strait ties. The U.S. sees the rapprochement as defusing a regional problem that holds the potential to bring the U.S. and China into military conflict. Although the U.S. has officially taken no sides in the election, its recent decision to make Taiwan a candidate for visa-free travel and a visit by Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Poneman are widely read in Taiwan as tacit support for Mr. Ma.

Mr. Ma faces suspicions among some voters that he will take steps to formally align Taiwan with China and reduce its prized de facto independence. Ms. Tsai has struck a moderate tone on China, but nevertheless has been hampered by concern that intense Chinese distrust of the DPP may make it difficult for her to nurture economic ties with China that are so important for Taiwan's economic security.

Chen Chao-chien, a professor of public relations at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan, said Beijing's response to a victory by Ms. Tsai would depend on the margin. "Beijing will be dismayed and could slow down cross-strait talks for a few months. But it could also offer more economic sweeteners to test the DPP's bottom line," he said.

Mr. Ma argues that Taiwan's current economic situation would be far worse without the trade deals with China.

最後假日催票拚場 雙英日夜沸騰台北城


〔本 報記者/綜合報導〕昨天是選前超級星期天,綠藍陣營把握最後假日全台動員大拚場。民進黨總統候選人蔡英文從南攻到北,車隊掃街加四場晚會強力催票;國民黨 則在北、中、花、東四地舉辦「為台灣讚出來」大遊行,緊接著總統候選人馬英九連趕桃園、台南兩場造勢晚會。雙方各自固守大本營,再直搗對手票倉。

蔡從南出發 連趕四場晚會



蔡 英文昨天每場造勢都不厭其煩闡釋「大聯合政府」概念。她表示,十幾年來很多人覺得台灣很紛擾,因為政治對抗、政黨不能合作,她宣示從二○一二年開始,台灣 要走入政黨和諧的民主,民進黨如果執政,將籌組大聯合政府,找全台灣最優秀人才組成執政團隊,將來閣揆不一定是要民進黨籍。


小英台南晚會 10萬人沸騰

稍 後在台南市壓軸晚會,規模更是驚人,支持群眾把卅米的海安路,從成功路到民族路段擠得水洩不通,場面壯觀。蔡英文大進場時,短短一百八十公尺,走了十五分 鐘才擠上舞台,台南市長賴清德大喊:「蔡英文,咱的第一女總統已經來到成功路口,要進總統府就差這麼一步。」現場群眾情緒沸騰,不少民眾興奮地說,「已經 很久沒看過這麼激情的場子了!」






超級週末 瘋狂掃街 全台巷戰// 蔡馬宋尬場 南北拚人氣
馬英九昨晚出席在新北市板橋舉辦的「青年向前行,新北讚出來」晚會時,受到民眾熱情歡迎。 (記者羅沛德攝)
蔡英文昨晚在台南的造勢晚會,現場估計湧入10萬群眾,場面壯觀。 (記者朱沛雄攝)
宋楚瑜昨晚在台南舉行首場大型造勢晚會,隔著國安人員的人牆,熱情民眾仍爭相和宋楚瑜握手。 (記者王俊忠攝)


雙英今晚 到對方票倉搶票

今 天是選前超級星期天,雙英今晚都鎖定對方票倉大搶票。蔡英文上午繼續從台南沿縱貫線往北掃街行程,下午抵達彰化、台中造勢,晚上直闖藍營票倉,在北二都辦 兩場大型造勢晚會。馬英九則是上午在台中掃街,下午趕回台北凱道參加「為台灣讚出來」大遊行,晚上又深入綠營票倉,在台南辦晚會。


小英台南晚會 10萬人沸騰

稍 後在台南市壓軸晚會,規模更是驚人,支持群眾把卅米的海安路,從成功路到民族路段擠得水洩不通,場面壯觀。蔡英文大進場時,短短一百八十公尺,走了十五分 鐘才擠上舞台,台南市長賴清德大喊:「蔡英文,咱的第一女總統已經來到成功路口,要進總統府就差這麼一步。」現場群眾情緒沸騰,不少民眾興奮地說,「已經 很久沒看過這麼激情的場子了!」






馬新北打政績牌 萬頭攢動




宋也到台南 熱情民眾送暖



新闻报道 | 2012.01.11



台湾即将在本周六举行总统大选投票。国民党候选人马英九和民进党候选人蔡英文势均力敌,报端和电视里关于竞选的报道,在外界的视线里象一场没有硝烟的战 争。但与外界对本次选举的密集关注和各种解读不同,目前正在台湾观选的香港新世纪出版社负责人鲍朴和中国新媒体人北风在与德国之声连线中表示,那里的选举 很安静。



北风在走访过国民党、民进党的多个地方竞选办公室和竞选总部之后,对本次选举的初步印象是选举气氛并没有往届那么热烈: "刚开始实现民主转型的时候,选举和参与的人数会更多,气氛会更热烈,意识形态和族群的操作会更多更彻底,但当台湾两党慢慢进入一个良性的渐的竞争的时 候,会看到他们在选举中着重的是拿出对未来的政策、未来开给民众的支票是什么,这种竞争是温和和理性的竞争,这也和我们这次看到平静的气氛有关,我们没有 看到太多的族群动员、悲情动员,更看不到很强的意识形态方面的动员。这是一种进步的表现。"


据台湾以往选举历史,每到选前最后关键时刻,台湾候选人总会担心对手突出绝招,造成选情突变,例如2004年"总统"选举陈水扁遭两颗子弹袭击;2010年"五都"选举"连胜文被枪击事件"。 台湾坊间也一直有关蓝绿阵营将在选举最后使出终极绝招的传闻。



而北风则认为此次选举不太可能发生突发事件,即使万一发生对渐趋明朗的选举也不会产生根本性的改变:"即使突发事件发生,也不会对台湾未来的进程也不会有 长久的影响,例如2004年的两颗子弹,民进党由这两颗子弹带来的受益并不大,而国民党由这两颗子弹加速了转型,民进党反而拖入贪腐深渊。我想不再有人再 操作这种突发性危机的原因就在于此,任何一方都不能十足把握这种突发的危机,会不会有利自己,所以不会作为竞选的策略来考虑。"









北风也向德国之声介绍,从目前观察的情况来看,也和中国大陆媒体的宣传有差异的是,蔡英文在民众中的呼声更高些,助选团队更年轻和有活力。从大陆方面目前 限制对台湾大选有评论来看,中共当局更为忧虑蔡英文的支持率,另外,北风也观察到台湾的商人发表了大幅广告,例如"支持九二共识""挺马"等。北风认为这 可能有大陆当局背后的操作,也是大陆当局惧怕绿营的蔡英文当选的一种危机表现:"但这样的作法可能会和1996年的台湾飞弹危机及当时朱镕基放出狠话有类 似的效果,会起到相向的作用,反而会帮了蔡英文。"



