2012年1月4日 星期三

中國介入選舉之深/ 恫嚇台灣選民/ 陳西 / 日本人均GDP 中國十倍

China says Taiwan's opposition a threat to peace
BEIJING (Reuters) - China warned Taiwan's pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party on Wednesday that its stance on relations with Beijing could threaten a hard-won state of peaceful coexistence, as the island's closely watched elections draw near. ...

大企業挺馬 黃:看出中國介入選舉之深
針對長榮集團總裁張榮發表態挺馬並聲稱不能沒有「九二共識」,台聯黨主席黃昆輝昨天舉行記者會「三問張榮發」,並呼籲台灣人用選票表達我們不是中國政府的「順民」。 (記者羅沛德攝)












對抗中國!美國新戰略 聚焦亞太

〔編譯張沛元/綜合報導〕美國國防部預定五日公布修正後的美軍戰略檢討報告,知情官員透 露,今後的美國軍事戰略將「更切合實際」,亦即在當前預算緊縮之際,裁減地面部隊規模,並不再維持同時進行兩場戰爭的能力,轉而專注打贏一場主要戰爭;同 時擴大投資空中與海上戰力,加強關注中國可能帶來的威脅。

這項調整最大改變,就是美國接受即便軍事預算位居全球之冠,也無法負擔同時打一場 以上主要戰爭所需的地面部隊;顯示近數十年來主導國防預算決策的雙贏策略(win-win),已轉變為打贏一場與阻止另一場衝突的「贏─阻撓」(win- spoil)策略。官員解釋,利比亞衝突案例顯示,並不是從頭到尾都需要地面部隊。

國防部長潘尼塔和參謀首長聯席會議主席鄧普西,五日在國 防部舉行記者會,公布這份國防戰略評估報告。知情官員透露,美國總統歐巴馬也將罕見地親自出席記者會。報告重點包括︰強調美國在亞洲的能見度,整體減少對 歐洲、非洲與拉丁美洲的關注;改以海、空軍對付中國與伊朗的威脅,放棄需要大批地面部隊且漫長的反叛亂作戰。




這 項戰略支持在中東地區部署強大海軍力量,並以一個規模較小的快速部隊,擴大在亞洲的軍事角色;意即美軍將阻止伊朗阻斷波斯灣運油通路的企圖,對抗中國掌控 南海國際水域的行動。因此,美軍現有十一艘航空母艦都不會裁撤,因為美國總統歐巴馬認為,美國若要在太平洋與中國抗衡,應具備足夠武力。


讓出第二經濟體╱日本人均GDP 中國十倍

〔編譯盧永山/綜合報導〕儘管中國已取代日本成為全球第二大經濟體,但日本內閣府公布的 數據顯示,去年日本人均GDP達四萬二九八三美元,中國為四四三○美元,日本人均GDP為中國的近十倍。而根據國際貨幣基金(IMF)的資料,去年台灣人 均GDP為一萬八五五八美元,為中國的四倍多。

日本內閣府表示,去年日本人均GDP達四萬二九八三美元,在經濟合作發展組織(OECD)會 員國排名第十四,較二○○九年上升了兩名。排名居首的是盧森堡,人均GDP為十萬五三一三美元,居次的是挪威的八萬四四七三美元,美國名列第八,人均 GDP為四萬六五八八美元;南韓名列第二十六,人均GDP為兩萬○七五七美元,中國為四四三○美元。


China jails dissident Chen Xi for 10 years
The Guardian
A Chinese court has handed down a 10-year jail sentence to Chen Xi, the second dissident in four days to be convicted of inciting subversion through online essays. Another democracy campaigner, Chen Wei, was sentenced to nine years on 23 December. ...

新聞報導 | 2011.12.26




判決書認為,現年57歲的陳西在海外的網站發表超過36篇文章,詆毀中國共產黨。 "煽動顛覆"罪常常用來懲治異議人士,而受到共產黨領導的法院,在因政治罪名進行判決時,很少聽取辯護方的理由並做出對其有利的裁決。


陳西曾在軍隊服役,後來在一家工廠工作。據他夫人介紹,陳西因支持八九民運而入獄3年。 1996年,他再次被監禁,直到2005年獲釋。此後,陳西成立了"貴陽人權討論會"。



來源:路透社 編譯:李魚


China dissident jailed for 9 years for "subversive" essays

BEIJING | Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:46am EST

(Reuters) - Human rights advocate Chen Wei was sentenced to nine years in jail by a court in southwest China after a brief hearing on Friday in which he pleaded not guilty to subverting state power, the stiffest punishment in a crackdown on dissent this year.

Chen's lawyer, Zheng Jianwei, said the court in Suining, a city in Sichuan province, found Chen guilty of the charge of "inciting subversion of state power" by writing essays critical of the government.

"Chen said in court, 'I'm not guilty'," Zheng said in a telephone interview. Chen declared after the verdict was announced, "Dictatorship will fail, constitutional democracy will prevail," said Zheng.

Liang Xiaojun, the second lawyer who represented Chen at the trial, said the hearing lasted two and a half hours.

Chen's wife, Wang Xiaoyan, confirmed that Chen was jailed for nine years as punishment for nine essays that he had published on overseas Chinese websites.

"They downloaded all his essays from overseas, and you can't read any of them on websites inside China," Wang said in a telephone interview.

"But they still said that the essays had an extremely malign impact inside China, even though most people in China can't read them."

China uses a "firewall" of Internet filters and blocks to prevent citizens from reading websites abroad that are deemed to be politically unacceptable or socially unsound.

The sentence is the third-longest term ever handed down for inciting subversion after Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo, who has been serving an 11-year sentence since 2009, and Liu Xianbin, who was jailed for 10 years in March this year.


Chen, 42, was one of hundreds of dissidents, rights activists and protest organizers swept up in a crackdown on dissent this year, when the ruling Communist Party sought to prevent potential protests inspired by anti-authoritarian uprisings across the Arab world.

Many of those detained have been released but remain under police watch. But officials appeared determined to "make an example" of Chen, said Huang Qi, a human rights advocate in Chen's home Sichuan province and a long-time friend of his.

"First, because he was convicted before, the court would certainly give a heavier sentence," said Huang, who added that Chen had been active in many campaigns that infuriated officials, including helping parents of children killed in schools that collapsed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

"Other people have been released, but the Communist Party authorities always have one soft hand and one hard fist," said Huang. "The authorities will certainly mete out some heavy sentences to serve as a deterrent to others."

In September, Beijing-based activist Wang Lihong was jailed for nine months for "stirring up trouble," because she demonstrated outside a court to support three people on trial for maligning an official. She was later released.

China's party-run courts rarely find in favor of defendants in trials for political charges.

"I was mentally prepared for the verdict," said Chen's wife, Wang. "But it's too dark, not allowing people to speak out."

Chen, who was detained February, signed the "Charter 08" manifesto for democratic reform that was co-written by Liu Xiaobo, the jailed dissident who won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.

Two other dissidents from Sichuan detained at about the same as Chen -- Ran Yunfei and Ding Mao -- have been released.

Chen was jailed for taking part in the pro-democracy protests centered on Tiananmen Square in Beijing that ended in the armed crackdown of June 4, 1989. He was released in late 1990.

Chen's wife said she did not know if he would appeal, but said he had told his lawyers before the trial that he would not. She said his jail time would be counted as starting in February.

Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Asia-Pacific, said in a telephone interview "he's a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately.

(Reporting by Sui-Lee Wee and Chris Buckley Editing by Ron Popeski and Ed Lane)
