2010年7月7日 星期三



台塑六輕烯烴一廠(OL1)昨(7)日意外火災停爐,原本低迷的乙烯現貨價應聲反彈。業界推估,六輕烯烴一廠起碼停產一個月,台塑化直接營業損失將 高達38億元,且波及台塑集團旗下兩岸的下游衍生品所有生產線運作。


六輕烯烴一廠乙烯年產能70萬公噸,供料給同集團的台塑、南亞、台化多家下游工廠。火災意外停工後,台塑化還有年產乙烯100萬公噸的烯烴二廠,及乙烯年 產能120萬噸的烯烴三廠可調撥支援。

台塑化主管指出,烯烴一廠停爐後,包括乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯等石化基本原料都還有庫存,且南亞年產35萬公噸乙二醇的第二套生產線也正在停爐大修,多出來的 乙烯可調度給其他生產廠使用。

台塑化烯烴廠昨天火災停爐消息中午一傳開,原本每公噸跌至898美元的亞洲區乙烯現貨報價,賣方的出售價立刻反彈至900美元以上。由於六輕烯烴二廠將於 下(8)月停爐歲修,市場預期乙烯價格有機會「燒」出反彈行情。

據了解,台塑化已緊急通知奇美、台橡等丁二烯提料廠,7月、8月合約供料量將減少逾50%供應,可望使正探底的丁二烯價格率先止跌,進而帶動下游如丙烯腈 -丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)等產品回穩。

石化專家表示,台塑化損壞的零組件都有備品,只要馬上更換,不出幾天即可復工。但問題是發生火災,並燒了數個小時,可能連重要設備如壓縮機等均受損,這必 須向原廠訂購方能更新。且市場傳出台塑化還需配合勞檢單位調查,使該套輕裂廠可能要停產一個月,隨後在傍晚,認定事態嚴重,停產時間恐要三個月之久。

業者說,此一火燒意外打亂台塑石化供應鏈調度。先前台塑集團已決定在下月提前進行烯烴二廠歲修,若計畫不變,屆時將出現兩套合計占乙烯總產能60%的輕裂 廠同時停產。



The head of Taiwan’s biggest hotel company hopes to revive the Regent brand – once famed for its luxury hotels such as the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills – by bringing it back to Hong Kong, New York and London.

台湾最大酒店公司——晶华国际酒店集团(Formosa International Hotel Group)的负责人希望,通过让丽晶(Regent)品牌重返香港、纽约和伦敦,可以让这个曾因其豪华酒店(如贝弗利山威尔希尔酒店(Beverly Wilshire))而闻名的品牌重焕生机。

Steven Pan, chairman of the Formosa International Hotel Group, said that he was “committed to global expansion” after the company last week acquired the Regent luxury business hotel chain from privately owned Carlson Hospitality Group and Rezidor Hotel Group.

晶华国际酒店董事长潘思亮(Steven Pan)表示,他“致力于全球扩张”。上周,晶华国际酒店从私人所有的卡尔森酒店集团(Carlson Hospitality Group)和Rezidor Hotel Group手中收购了丽晶豪华连锁商务酒店业务。

“It is very important for us to return to the old Regent cities,” said Mr Pan. The Regent once led the luxury hotel industry by pioneering concepts such as full-fixture bathrooms, villa resorts, and having luxury shopping malls inside the hotels – all now industry standards. But it has since become a small name in the industry.

“回到丽晶的传统城市,对我们非常重要,”潘思亮表示。丽晶曾因一系列开创性的概念而 走在豪华酒店业的前列,例如全设备浴室、别墅度假村和酒店内豪华购物商场——如今这些都已成为行业标准。但此后,它就在业内变得寂寂无名了。

The Regent brand, founded in Hong Kong in 1970, gained prominence with the opening of its flagship Hong Kong hotel, built with Japanese financial backing, in 1980.

丽晶品牌于1970年在香港创立,1980年在日本财团支持下开设了香港旗舰酒店,从 此声名鹊起。

But the company fell on hard times with the decline of the Japanese economy in the late 1980s, and was later acquired by the Four Seasons group, which subsequently sold it to Carlson in 1997. The Hong Kong Regent – one of few hotels in the city to have a harbourfront location – was bought by the Intercontinental group and renamed in 2001.

但由于上世纪80年代末日本经济的衰落,丽晶也走入了困境,后来被四季酒店(Four Seasons)集团收购,然后于1997年卖给了卡尔森。香港丽晶酒店被洲际(Intercontinental)集团收购并于2001年重新命名—— 这是香港市内少数几家拥有可观赏海景的酒店之一。

By the time Mr Pan acquired the Regent brand from Carlson for $50m – beating 20 rival bidders including the Ritz Carlton Group, Intercontinental and the Mandarin Oriental group – there were just seven Regent-branded hotels in the world, including the Grand Formosa Regent in Taipei. This has been managed by Carlson but owned by the Formosa group.

潘思亮击败了包括丽思卡尔顿集团(Ritz Carlton Group)、洲际和文华东方(Mandarin Oriental)在内的20家竞标对手,以5000万美元从卡尔森手中收购了丽晶品牌。此时,全球只剩7家丽晶品牌酒店,其中包括由卡尔森管理、晶华国 际所有的台北晶华酒店(Grand Formosa Regent)。

Mr Pan planned to increase the brand’s international presence greatly. “What the Regent gave us was a ticket to the big leagues. We were the Taiwan champions but now we have a chance to compete in the Olympics,” he said.

潘思亮计划大幅提高丽晶品牌的国际影响力。“丽晶给了我们一张加入大联盟的门票。我们 是台湾冠军企业,但现在我们有机会在奥运会上竞争,”他说。

He said his company was planning to raise between $300m and $500m from private investors to open new hotels in Hong Kong, New York and London, in addition to 10 new hotels that the Regent already has in the pipeline.

潘思亮表示,丽晶已在筹建10家新酒店,此外,晶华国际酒店计划向私人投资者募资3亿 至5亿美元,在香港、纽约和伦敦开设新酒店。

Taipei-listed Formosa International will put up a small amount of “seed money” for the fund, he said. Mr Pan said that in Europe and the US, he favoured acquiring existing hotels. “Because of the financial crisis, [the property market in the West] doesn’t justify development, it justifies acquisition,” he said. He expected China to play a big part in the group’s expansion.

他表示,在台北上市的晶华国际酒店将为此投入少量“种子资金”。潘思亮称,在欧洲和美 国,他赞成收购现成酒店。“由于金融危机,(西方房地产市场)不适合开发,只适合收购,”他表示。他预计中国将在集团的扩张中扮演重要角色。

