2010年7月21日 星期三


新華社週三報導﹐廣東省週三已對《廣東省企業民主管理條例(草案修改稿)》進行審議﹐這是全國第一個對工資集體協商制度和爭議的協調處理機制進行規定的條例﹐以期緩解雇佣雙方之間的矛盾。廣東省此前出現一系列 工人罷工及數起工人自殺事件。

據新華社報導﹐起草該條例的主要目的之一是為了建立一個 合法的工資集體協商機制。該條例的83項條款中有25項與工資協商問題有關。

該條例草案稱﹐如果企業中有五分之一的員工要求加薪﹐那麼相 關機構應組織職工協商代表和企業就工資問題進行協商。

報導稱﹐如果企業拒絕召開或不參加工資集體協商﹐那麼工人有權停工﹐而企業不得因此 與職工解除勞動合同。

據報導﹐廣東省人大常委會一位委員表示﹐該條例是當前全國最全面的勞動法規﹐將建立一個職工可以依法提出加薪訴求的 新機制。


Another Japanese manufacturer has been hit by labour strife in Guangdong province as a wave of Chinese strikes that began in May refuses to subside.

又一家日本制造企业受到了广东省劳资纠纷的冲击,中国从5月开始的罢工潮似乎没有消退 的迹象。

The unrest is putting increasing pressure on Japanese managers to review the way they run plants in China.

这场骚动正给日本企业的管理者施加越来越大的压力,迫使他们重新审视在华工厂的经营方 式。

Several hundred workers walked off the job at an Omron factory in Guangzhou, which supplies electronic components to carmakers in the region.

在欧姆龙(Omron)位于广州市的一家工厂,数百名工人离开了工作岗位。该厂为广州 地区的汽车制造商提供电子元器件。

These include Honda, whose assembly plants in southern China suffered sporadic closures in May and June when they ran short of parts due to strikes at affiliated component makers.

其中包括本田公司(Honda)。今年5月和6月,本田位于华南的整车装配厂曾被迫短 暂停产,原因是附属部件制造商发生的罢工导致部件短缺。

Industrial unrest has hit a range of foreign companies in China this year as the rising cost of housing and other items has fuelled resentment among a new and more outspoken generation of migrant workers.

今年一系列在华外资企业遭到了工潮冲击,房价和其他商品价格的不断上涨,在更加敢言的 新一代农民工群体中引发了不满。

But Japanese companies, particularly in the automobile industry, have suffered the most frequent and serious labour problems, with workers at eight Honda and Toyota suppliers in China striking in May and June.

但日本公司,特别是汽车行业的日本公司,遭遇最频繁和严重的劳资问题。5月和6月,有 八家本田与丰田(Toyota)的在华供应商发生工人罢工。

Several of those disputes remain unresolved, though the workers have mostly returned to their jobs.


The Omron strike came after what appeared to be several weeks of improved labour relations in the area.


It also came a day after Takanobu Ito, Honda's president, defended the carmaker's global practices, blaming errors at its Chinese subsidiary for the strikes.

而前一天,本田总裁伊东孝绅(Takanobu Ito)为公司的全球管理执行方式辩护,称罢工事件应归咎于其在华子公司的错误。

Mr Ito said Honda had “taken steps” to remedy its problems in China, but did not give details.


Some analysts have blamed the relatively closed corporate culture of Honda and other Japan carmakers.


Japanese companies' tight keiretsu relationships – traditional cross-shareholdings and interlocking business relationships – make them over-reliant on a small number of suppliers, analysts say.

分析师们表示,日本公司有着紧密的“系列”(keiretsu)企业关系——即交叉持 股和联锁的传统商业联系,这使他们过于依赖少数供应商。

Japanese companies have also been accused of being reluctant to promote Chinese employees to management positions.


Omron officials in Tokyo confirmed that a strike had begun at the plant yesterday morning, but declined to give further details.


They said the manager of its striking Guangzhou plant was a Japanese expatriate.


Honda representatives in Tokyo said they were unaware of any disruption at Chinese Honda production sites arising from the Omron strike.

本田公司在东京的代表表示,他们并未获悉本田在华生产基地有因欧姆龙罢工事件引发的生 产中断。

Omron is an independent maker of electronic control systems used in everything from cash machines to railway turnstiles. Its Guang-zhou factory supplies other car groups including Ford.

欧姆龙是一家电子控制系统的独立制造商,产品类型丰富,从收银机到铁路闸门验票系统。 其位于广州的工厂也为包括福特(Ford)在内的其他汽车企业供应零件。

According to Reuters, more than half of the 700-800 workers at the Omron plant walked off the job, demanding a 40 per cent rise in their monthly wage of 1,270rmb ($187).

据路透社(Reuters)报道,欧姆龙工厂700多名工人中超过半数参加了罢工,要 求在当前月薪1270元人民币(合187美元)的基础上加薪40%。

“We are not satisfied with the current salary,” one worker was quoted as saying. “We talked to management before but got no reply. That's why we are on strike.”

“我们对目前的工资不满意,”一名工人说道。“我们向管理层进行了反映,但没有得到答 复。所以我们才会举行罢工。”

One woman who has been working at Omron for two years said: “The cost of living in Guangzhou is rising, but our wages from the factory aren't increasing at the same pace.”

一名在欧姆龙工作了两年的女工表示:“广州的生活成本正在上升,但我们从厂里拿到的工 资没有以同样的速度增加。”

