2010年7月4日 星期日


知情人士透露﹐通用電氣首席執行長伊梅爾特說﹐外 企在華開展業務越來越難了﹐而奧巴馬政府在發展與企業界關係方面作出的努力不如往屆政府。

Workers in China grasp the power of the strike
The Guardian
The next day she and the rest of the 1000-strong workforce repeated the demonstration at the Japanese-owned factory, which makes parts for Toyota and Honda. ...


Chinese labour unrest is being replicated in south-east Asia where factories that compete with China to supply low-cost goods are facing walkouts as employees demand better pay and benefits.

中国劳资纠纷正在东南亚得到复制,一些与中国竞争、供应低成本商品的工厂,正面临雇员 停工。这些雇员要求得到更好的薪酬和福利。

In Cambodia, workers are poised to stage a three-day strike this month in a dispute over the minimum wage while in Vietnam, thousands of workers at a Taiwanese-owned shoe factory staged a strike recently demanding higher salaries.

在柬埔寨,工人们正准备针对最低工资问题上的纠纷,在本月举行为期三天的罢工。而在越 南,一家台资鞋厂的数千名工人最近举行了罢工,要求加薪。

The disputes match similar action in China, where growing worker dissatisfaction has led to industrial unrest and higher wages. As a result, foreign factory owners are increasingly moving production from southern and eastern China – long seen as the “workshop of the world” – to the interior and other Asian developing nations.

这些纠纷与中国的类似行动相仿。在中国,工人们与日俱增的不满,引发了劳资纠纷并导致 加薪。其结果是,外资工厂主正日趋将生产从华南和华东(长期被视为“世界工厂”)迁往中国内陆和亚洲其它发展中国家。

Labour costs in countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos remain a fraction of those in China. But, while their governments have been jostling to attract foreign manufacturers, unions are keen to protect their members and industrial action is on the rise, together with minimum wages across the region.

柬埔寨、越南和老挝等国家的劳动力成本仍远低于中国。但是,尽管这些国家的政府竞相吸 引海外制造商,但工会组织却热衷于保护自己的成员,因此该地区的劳工行动和最低工资均呈上升趋势。

The average garment worker in Cambodia, where the minimum wage is one of the lowest in the world, earns $50 (€40, £33) per month plus a $6 living allowance bonus. The government has proposed a $5 increase, but the Free Trade Union, which represents more than 80,000 labourers, intends to go ahead with the strike unless minimum pay is increased to $70.

柬埔寨的最低工资可排在全球最低的国家之列,该国一般的制衣工人每月可挣50美元,外 加6美元的生活补贴。柬埔寨政府已提议加薪5美元,但代表8万余名劳工的自由工会(Free Trade Union)仍有意举行罢工——除非最低工资增至70美元。

The Vietnamese government increased the minimum wage for workers at foreign-owned companies to 1m dong ($52.50) this year. In Laos, the minimum wage was increased last year from 290,000 kip ($35) to 348,000 kip ($42) per month.

越南政府今年已将外资企业工人的最低工资上调至100万越南盾(合52.50美元)。 在老挝,最低工资已在去年从29万基普(合35美元)上调至34.8万基普(合42美元)。

Cambodia has a relatively high number of active unions and most garment factories are represented, says John Ritchotte, of the International Labour Organisation. However, he points out that industrial unrest is not uncommon across the region.

国际劳工组织(ILO)的约翰•里乔特(John Ritchotte)表示,柬埔寨有相对较多的活跃工会,多数制衣厂的工人都得到了工会的代表。但他指出,东南亚地区的劳资纠纷并不少见。

“Even in those countries without independent unions, such as Vietnam and Laos, disputes occur, particularly during periods of high inflation,” he says. “The number of disputes has grown substantially over the past five years.”

“即便是那些没有独立工会的国家,如越南和老挝,也会发生劳资纠纷,尤其是在高通胀时 期,”他表示。“过去五年来,纠纷数量已大幅上升。”

At the same time, Cambodia's open business environment, in which companies can be 100 per cent foreign owned, is expected to attract increasing foreign investment. According to figures from the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, 290 new foreign companies registered in the country in the first quarter of 2010, an increase of 56 per cent on the same period last year.

尽管如此,柬埔寨的开放的商业环境(外资可100%全资拥有企业)预期将吸引越来越多 的外来投资。根据柬埔寨商务部的数据,2010年一季度,有290家新外资企业在该国登记,同比增长56%。

