2015年6月22日 星期一

日韓外長罕見會談難破冰;亞洲的穆斯林( Muslims) 陰影

南韓外交部長尹炳世(Yun Byung-se)與日本外務大臣岸田文雄21日進行罕見的雙邊會面,這是自從2011年以來首次日韓對談,...

More than half the world’s Muslims live in Asia, so the rise of a violent and swaggeringly self-confident strain of global jihadism is bound to disrupt the region. Asian governments worry that young people are being radicalised by Islamic State propaganda. Of the thousands of Asians who have fought with IS, many will return home, bringing with them the ideology, networks and know-how of murderous terrorismhttp://econ.st/1fqFHaV

Islamic State prompts alarm and soul-searching across Asia
