2011年9月27日 星期二

台灣國債佔GDP45%逾公債法債限/government debt and budget balances

審計長︰若依國際標準計算 台灣國債佔GDP45%逾公債法債限




國 民黨立委賴士葆詢問林慶隆,國債狀況嚴不嚴重?林慶隆指出,台灣國內債務金額近五兆元,平均每位國民要揹負二十萬元債務,雖未超過公債法規定,仍在GDP 四十%以內,但現行計算方式與國際標準不同,沒有把非營業基金的自償性債務計入,如果一併計算,大約還要再加四、五千億元債務,這樣就會達到GDP四十 五%。





此 外,民進黨政府時期的新聞局,在九十六年曾以宣導入聯公投、整體施政傳播專案等名義要求各部會分攤經費,為此立法院曾決議要求各部會追回總計近兩億元的違 法動支經費,審計部決算時也將相關支用經費列於各部會應保留數,但至今已近四年,各部會沒有依立院決議向新聞局追回,成為呆帳,保留期限又將在今年底屆 滿。




自償性計畫債務舉借及控管要點 - 國立臺灣大學

host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/all_law/3/3-71.html - 頁庫存檔 - 封鎖 host.cc.ntu.edu.tw 的所有結果
國立臺灣大學自償性計畫債務舉借及控管要點. 經民國95年6月13日第2436次行政會議通過. 一、為健全本校進行自償性計畫之財務管理,依本校校務基金自籌收入收 ...


New forecasts for the government debt and budget balances of rich countries

AS THE euro area’s sovereign-debt crisis has gone from bad to worse, financial tensions now pose a grave threat not just to the European economy but beyond. Yet there is no simple gauge that explains why investors fret about some euro-zone economies while keeping faith with others that retain their own currencies. Judged by its towering gross sovereign-debt burden and its primary budget deficit (ie, excluding interest payments), as shown in IMF figures published on September 21st, Japan should be in the firing line. Instead its government continues to be able to borrow at extraordinarily low interest rates. One reason is that very little of the debt is held by foreign investors. Another is that, unusually, the government has big offsetting financial assets that bring down net debt to a more manageable 130% of GDP. Despite a relatively small primary deficit projected for this year, Greece is peculiarly vulnerable because of the scale of its indebtedness and the fact that so big a chunk of it is held abroad, a characteristic also shared by Ireland and Portugal, the two other bailed-out countries. As important, in joining the single currency, these economies lost the ability to reduce debt by inflation and to spur growth and competitiveness through devaluation. That makes investors fear that the only way to relieve oppressive debt burdens is through default.
