2011年9月19日 星期一

月光族 2011/ 讓馬成為一任光光族: 蘋論:北京輕鄙馬總統





歐巴馬的決定,鼓舞了中國長期以來努力阻擋美國售台先進武器的企圖,並向美國表達了得寸進尺向前推進的軍售紅線。小布希時代,台灣反軍購的國民黨 立委逢扁必反,濫用多數席次的優勢,多次否決軍購案,浪費了寶貴的時機;現在的歐巴馬當局已把關心與中國的合作,凌駕於關心台灣的安全之上,於是才有現在 噬臍莫及的狼狽局面,以及飛官飛「鐵棺材」的惡果。
受到歐巴馬的鼓舞,中共政權在國際上 的宣傳喉舌《環球時報》,本月17日刊載一篇題為「反制軍售,台北應進入報復目標」的社評,指出以往對美國軍售台灣只報復美國,「今後的報復應當把台北也 拉進來」。還說北京制裁台北的手段,比制裁華盛頓的更多,要讓台北清楚,它不可能總在北京的報復中受到「優待」。「台灣的主要政治力量都挺軍購,這說明台 灣的政治土壤出了問題。」


為什麼北京認為現在制裁台北的手段比對 華盛頓的更多?是不是馬政府應該反省?這不是一般的警告,是以上對下很不給馬面子的羞辱。維基解密錢復曾對楊甦棣透露:他兩度私會國台辦主任王毅,對方都 要求他傳話給馬:「我們為馬做了這麼多,他應該也為我們做點什麼。」前後對照,馬在中國眼中顯然不受尊重,輕鄙之意躍然紙上。我們建議馬積極上緊做美國關係的螺絲,糾正這些年疏遠鬆弛的台美關係,就像日、韓、越、菲、星等國家那樣,不斷強化對美關係,作為制衡中國的力量。

月光族- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

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zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/月光族 - 頁庫存檔
月光族指将每月赚的钱都用光、花光的人,所谓“洗光吃光,身体健康”,而不進行儲蓄。 月光族一般都是年轻一代,他们与多數倡導的勤俭节约消费观念不同,只要 ...

CHANGING CHINA: China's new peasant workers live life one day at a time



photoYoung workers eat at a food stall in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, after work. (Teruo Kashiyama)

SHANGHAI--With no clear goal except to work and spend the money he earns, 22-year-old Wang Bo was enjoying boiled dumpings while drinking Tsingtao beer from the bottle, one of many young workers coverging on the food stalls in the street in the evening.

Wang works in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, which has enjoyed huge economic success serving as the factory to the world.

"In one month when I worked 150 hours of overtime, my salary was this much," Wang said, showing one hand with all five fingers extended.

A salary of 5,000 yuan (about 60,000 yen or $780) is about double the average monthly salary of migrant workers from rural villages.

However, Wang admits that he saves almost no money.

"I am what people refer to as 'yueguangzu,' " Wang said, referring to the term for people who spend all of their monthly salary.

China's rapid economic rise was fueled by peasant workers like Wang who moved to urban areas to find better jobs. In the past, those workers sacrificed a lot to devote their lives to work in order to send back money to families on the farm.

However, China now faces a new generation of peasant workers who wander back and forth between urban areas and rural villages without any plan for the future, and many no longer toil with the need to send part of their earnings home.

Wang moved from a farm in Shaanxi province to Shenzhen to find work. He now is employed in a factory of Foxconn, the Taiwan manufacturer that is the world's largest supplier of electronic components to such companies as Apple Inc. for its iPhone.

Foxconn employs close to half a million workers in Shenzhen alone and more than a million in all of China.

Born on a farm, Wang dropped out of high school and moved to Shenzhen to work at Foxconn. His work involves cutting metal sheets for electronic components. While his initial salary was slightly under 2,000 yuan, the minimum wage in Shenzhen was raised by 20 percent in April. Wang also passed a promotion test and his basic salary increased by 70 percent.

Like almost all migrant workers, he first entered the company dorm and lived in a room for 16 with no air conditioning.

Becoming annoyed at the constant coming and going of colleagues, Wang moved to an apartment outside of the factory that had a monthly rent of 500 yuan.

Several years ago he only spent 20 yuan a day on food, but now he spends 50 yuan. He has also changed his beer preference from the cheapest one that cost 3 yuan each to Tsingtao, which costs double the price.

He sends no money back home to his family.

"Both of my parents have income, and they also pay for my younger sister's college fees," Wang said.

That allows him to spend his salary as he likes. At the end of last year, he bought a computer for 4,980 yuan, and he enjoys karaoke several times a month.

While he does not think he lives luxuriously, Wang said, "I have no idea where the money goes."

Although he is satisfied with his present life, he has lost sight of what he really wanted to do, so has begun thinking about returning to his rural village at the end of the year.

Meanwhile, in Shanghai, work continues on the Shanghai Center building. Upon completion, it will have 121 floors with a height of 632 meters, which will make it the tallest building in China.

A majority of the 1,600 or so construction workers are migrant workers of the old generation, meaning they are about 40 years old.

One such worker is Gong Xuehai, 38, who came from Hubei province. He continues to send money back to his family, so he only spends about 1,000 yuan on food and other expenses out of a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan. Before the Lunar New Year this year, he sent back 25,000 yuan.

Only about 10 percent of the construction workers at the site are under 20.

Gong said, "When we were children everyone was poor. I am used to hard work. Young people today cannot do manual labor because they have never experienced hardship or having to persevere."

After a day's work, Gong pays 25 yuan for 30 boiled dumplings, but he orders nothing to drink. Even that meal is a luxury he only enjoys once every month or two because of the high consumer prices in Shanghai.
