2009年11月30日 星期一




































Beijing's Strategies to Control Taiwan by 2012

By Wu Tsen-hsi
Epoch Times Staff
Created: Nov 28, 2009 Last Updated: Nov 29, 2009

Chinese law professor Yuan Hongbings new book, Taiwan Disaster, is now on bookshelves in Taiwan.
Taiwan Disaster, a new book by Chinese law professor Yuan Hongbing, is now on bookshelves in Taiwan. (Song Bilong/ The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Chinese communist regime is determined to “unify” with Taiwan by 2012, according to exiled Chinese law professor Yuan Hongbing. He discloses confidential findings in his new book, Taiwan Disaster, which was released on Nov. 17 in Taipei.

In his presentation at National Taiwan University on November 17, Yuan said that a lot of documents quoted in the book were provided by regime insiders—insiders who risked their own lives to reveal the truth.

In his book, Yuan maintains that, through its strategy of unifying the market and financial systems of the mainland with those of Taiwan, Beijing is, at the same time, stepping up its own reunification agenda with its neighbor.

While Taiwan appears to be benefiting from the current economic cooperation with the mainland, in the end Beijing plans to achieve its political endgame of "Unification via the Economy."

In an interview with The Epoch Times, Yuan Hongbing said, "The [global] financial crisis which began in late 2007 resulted from the practice of excessive consumption. It was meant to be an opportunity for mankind to reflect on our worthiness and the true purpose of our lives.

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) however, is utilizing [the crisis] to achieve its ultimate goal of enslaving the entire human race—with Taiwan as its first target."

Failing to recognize the dangers

Yuan says it appears that the government of Taiwan has failed to sense the danger. Instead, it is trying to instill a single thought in the minds of the people of Taiwan–a thought he believes to be totally opportunistic in nature.

The misguided thought is that as long as Taiwan works in concert with the CCP, it will narrowly escape the impending global economic catastrophe.

Yuan expressed his serious concerns that Taiwan is compromising its democratic principles under pressure from the regime.

He believes that in the face of the information he has disclosed, the people of Taiwan need to rebuild the spirit and values that are the foundational basis of the Republic of China. Taiwan must rebuild its willpower as a nation if it is to maintain its system of liberty, Yuan asserts. Otherwise, it could become impossible for them to recover their confidence in the future.

Source of disclosures

Yuan’s main source for his disclosures of the CCP's political agenda presented itself when he was able to obtain a highly classified document—Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's June 2008 speech given during the expanded meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CCP.

Yuan said the meeting primarily focused on plotting the strategy behind the Taiwan unification plan. The level of confidentiality of the meeting is also notable: the meeting was deep in a cavern in Beijing’s West Mountain—the Central Military Commission's First Strategic Command Center.

Strategy: make Taiwan economically dependent on the Mainland

In that classified meeting, Wen Jiabao said that the global financial storm of 2008 had provided a precious opportunity for the CCP to settle issues related to the Taiwan strait.

Short on energy and mineral resources, both Taiwan's market and its space are limited. Consequently, importing energy and mineral resources and exporting products are the two lifelines of Taiwan, Yuan said.

Wen is certain that the only way Taiwan's economy can survive the global economic crisis is by relying on the mainland. Therefore, Wen maintains that Taiwan will have to agree to integrate economically with the mainland if it expects to utilize the mainland for its economic development.

Wen also stated that an agreement must be signed to ensure that the rules of economic integration are followed. "Economic integration is by nature, economic unification. Taiwan benefits from it economically, and we [the CCP] fulfil our political goal by doing it," Wen said, according to Yuan.

Yuan also reveals that Prime Minister Li Keqiang explained in depth that in order to break through the investment barrier erected by the government of Taiwan, a number of Taiwan’s merchants will have to be used as agents.

They would, of course, be relatively well paid, and would manage the CCP's investments in Taiwan's banks, insurance companies, and other strategic economic entities.

Li concluded by saying, "To manipulate Taiwan's stock market so it rises or falls according to our will—that will take a lot of capital investment, but the expenditure is worthwhile, considering what we will gain politically."

Strategy: claim large percentage of Taiwan’s export market

Yuan also reveals in his book that the CCP's Economic Unification Plan for Taiwan clearly stipulates a goal of "Market Integration." The mainland would become the primary market for Taiwan's industrial and agricultural export products, accessing 90 percent of Taiwan's total agricultural product output for export in the shortest time possible; the mainland would become the primary source of Taiwan's strategic resources, including energy resources; and the regime would ensure that a target number of 500,000 mainland tourists visiting Taiwan each year would be maintained up to 2012, assuring that the mainland remains the primary source of Taiwan's tourism."

Strategy: erode political platforms from within

Another key strategy of the regime is to erode Taiwan’s politico-economic factions from within. To accomplish this, the regime will focus on corrupting the Kuomintang (KMT) leaders and marginalizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP.)

The CCP's economic strategy specifically targets the upper-classes of the Kuomintang (KMT), the sponsors of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and several million Taiwanese merchants.

The book also mentions a confidential 2002 document forwarded from the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CCP to the Provincial army level. The document stipulates that the CCP should protect any investments made by upper-class KMT members and other influential individuals, including those investments made directly in their names, or indirectly, in their friends' or relatives' names.

The book quotes a 2008 document issued by China’s Central Government which states: “The [Chinese Communist] Party should take advantage of the Kuomintang’s return to power, and complete the reunification of Taiwan by 2012, before the Party’s 18th National Congress.

“This should be achieved by comprehensive unification efforts in political, economic, cultural and social areas. [The reunification] will completely smash the conspiracy of domestic and foreign enemies to overthrow socialist China through the utilization of Taiwan’s so-called democratic experiences,” the document reads...

中共CNN上廣告/艾未未: 每一个的觉悟/ 色 中國 倫敦

陸CNN上廣告 強打「中國製造 世界合作」






就連法國頂級模特兒所穿的知名品牌服飾,也是「中國製造」。廣告最後出現的飛機畫面,是融合全球各地工程師的結晶,以突出「世界合作」的訴求,並提升西方 世界對中國製造產品的認知度,讓外國不再把中國視為一個成本低廉的製造國。又如一個類似iPod的MP3播放器上用英文標記「在中國製造,但我們使用來自 矽谷的軟件」,展示著愛音樂也愛中國製造的理念。



中国 | 2009.11.30


去年四川地震后,在舆论对豆腐渣工程的责问声中,中国艺术家艾未未呼吁当局调查并公布死亡学生人数,并发起搜集遇难学生资料的民间行动。今年8月艾未未在 成都遭到公安拘禁和殴打。10天前,他的银行账户受到警方调查。11月27日,数十名各界人士在互联网上发表《声援艾未未的网络呼吁》,对艾未未的人身安 全表示关注,要求停止一切对他的威胁与迫害,并呼吁关心和支持他的人们以各种可能的方式进行声援。呼吁书发表的当天德国之声记者与正在台北的艾未未通了电 话。


艾未未:我觉得中国目前的情况是对很多个人,特别是对维护自己权利的个人构成了很大的威胁。我以前没有太意识到这个问题,直到我为谭 作人的案子作证的时候,遇到了警方的阻挠和暴力。这个时候你会意识到事情是相当的严重,一个国家的司法机构竟然公然地违法。之后我们又通过合法的渠道进行 申诉,在3个月后得到警方的正式的回答是,他们没有做错任何事,也不存在暴力的问题,他们的执法是合法的。



艾未未:我认为这是原因之一,但并不一定是主要原因。因为在中国社会可以看到,很多并没有明确的维权意识的人仍然受到了不同形式的暴 力,受到暴力之后他们才变成了维权人士。今天我们可以看到,很多人站出来,开始为他人的不幸提出支持或呼吁,正是由于暴力的普遍存在,以及它会威胁到每一 个公民生存的最基本的前提。


艾未未:当然,这是他们做的一件我觉得不那么明智的事。显然,政府对一个公民要进行迫害的话,是可以找到各种理由的。很明显,对这种 理由将会引起的反弹以及社会上由此产生的公众舆论,他们已经无所顾忌。这样一个社会将走向何处?它如何自视其统治和基本的管理水平,这些都是让人感到荒诞 之处。当然这种荒诞是以每个个人付出更大的代价来显现的。











性諜色誘 倫敦官員中招 2009-11-30

倫敦市長包瑞斯˙強生(Boris Johnson)的副手伊恩 克里蒙特(Ian Clement),去年曾代表倫敦參加北京奧運。出發前英國軍情局曾經警告,大陸有可能會派美女間諜色誘換取情報,沒想到他一到了北京就中招。 根據英國鏡報的報導指出,伊恩被賦予的任務,是與2012年倫敦奧運的可能投資者建立良好關係。然而就在奧運開幕官方派對裡,他無意中結識一名美艷的大陸女子,伊恩聲稱對方主動提供名片,還邀請他一起喝酒聊天,結果沒過多久,伊恩就將女子帶回自己的房間。 接下來,伊恩聲稱:「我醒來時她正要離開,我想我們應該有發生關係,但說實在的,中間發生了些什麼,我幾乎想不起來,我猜她一定有在酒中下藥。」 驚覺情況不妙後,伊恩馬上清查,發現他放置機密檔案的文件夾有被翻動的跡象,而他黑莓機裡的資料,也已經被下載。伊恩說:「黑莓機是我討論重要商業決定的工具,他們(大陸)應該是想知道我向誰招商、與誰碰面,還有倫敦的其他事情。」 「事後我沒打電話回報,因為我認為這並沒有國家安全問題,她拿走的是經濟資料。」選擇隱瞞的伊恩,由於被查出浮報公帳,於今年六月被迫下台,他還因為五起詐欺案,被判刑確定。

2009年11月29日 星期日

少子高齢化/ 台灣食品藥物管理局(TFDA)

台湾・台北(Taipei)で子どもを遊び場に連れて行く母親たち(2009年11月8日撮影)。(c)AFP/PATRICK LIN 【11月29日 AFP】出生率が世界一低く、高齢化が急速に進む

【11月29日 AFP】出生率が世界一低く、高齢化が急速に進む台湾。少子高齢化で数々の社会問題が起きる可能性があると台湾紙、聯合報(United Daily News)が28日伝えた。

 同紙が楊志良(Yaung Chih-liang)衛生署長(衛生相)の話として伝えたところによると、2300万人の人口を抱える台湾の出生率はわずか1.07で、日本の1.57をも下回っている。





台灣食品藥物管理局(TFDA)明年元月1日成立,TFDA局長熱門人選的衛生署藥政處處長康照洲日前表示,TFDA成立後,整合了衛生署跨局處的功能,將加速新藥及醫材審查流程,也會加速促成兩岸醫藥相互認證,有助國內生醫產業發展。 經濟日報29日報導,法人認為,TFDA成立後,將 ...

2009年11月28日 星期六

Textbook sheds light on Khmer Rouge era

《中英對照讀新聞》Textbook sheds light on Khmer Rouge era教科書闡明赤柬時代史實


Textbook sheds light on Khmer Rouge era


Three decades have passed since the fall of the Khmer Rouge government. Yet only now are Cambodian schoolchildren finally starting to learn about what happened during the Pol Pot era.


As many as two million people died in the late 1970s from forced labour, malnutrition and the summary execution of so-called "enemies of the revolution".


But official information has been thin on the ground. Until now the official school text contained a mere five lines on the Pol Pot era.


Khamboly Dy has expanded that paragraph to an entire textbook for the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, an organisation which gathers evidence about Khmer Rouge atrocities.

作者Khamboly Dy則把那一段話擴大成替柬埔寨史料中心所寫作的一整本教科書,該組織專門蒐集有關赤柬政權暴行的證據。

"After the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia was so damaged and fragile - like broken glass," he says. "The young generation has the responsibility to repair this broken glass. They need to understand what happened in their country before they can move forward to build up democracy, peace and reconciliation.



cast/shed/throw light on sth:對某事提出解釋或說明、啟發,如Let’s see if she can throw any light on this question.(看看她能否對這個問題提出任何解釋。)

summary:形容詞,指即時的、草率的、即決的,如summary arrest(當場逮捕),summary dismissal(即決解僱),summary execution尤指未經法庭合法程序審理、立即處決人犯。

be thin on the ground:片語(常見於英國與澳洲英語),指某事或某人數量不多、少見,如Bears are getting rather thin on the ground in European forests.(歐洲森林裡的熊數量愈來愈少了。)


据新华社北京11月28日电(记者徐博)记者28日从国家认监委获悉,我国已有2000多个政府部门通过了ISO9000质量管理体系认证。以提高质量为核心、强调过程方法的ISO9000 ...

德语媒体 | 2009.11.28





几天前,瑞士诺华制药公司宣布在中国投资十亿瑞士法郎建设科研中心。按照目前市场发展状态,这是合理的决定。几年前,这家公司就在上海设立了一个小 型研究所,与当地的大学和医院建立了联系。现在巴塞尔的这家公司进行了一次更大的跃进,把上海提升为与美国同等的第三大科研地点。

诺华公司的这一决定使自己走到了不久前谨慎开始的运动前列:在中国的各外国制药公司集团都建立了正规科研机构,不再只是廉价购买一些部门的服务项目 或进行临床调查。它们明白,要想夺取这个市场,与3500家地方制药厂家竞争,就必须在当地广泛建立网络。开设科研中心不仅可以使用中国科研人员的技术, 也可以与在药物使用问题上做决策的医院和政府部门建立联系,施加影响。"



"八十年代时,北京的红绿灯前满是等候的自行车,私人汽车很少。此后,中国开始了机动化革命。现在,北京的街道上每天增加一千辆新汽车,1700万 人口的首都不久将有四百万辆汽车在污染环境。这不仅因为人们追求舒适和机动,也因为许多北京人迁往郊区或被大型建筑项目排挤出了市区。

1979年,中国的自行车产量首次超过一千万辆。三十年后的今天,中国的汽车产量也达到一千万辆。带有加宽行李架、黑色车框的'飞鸽'和'凤凰'加 重自行车几乎消失,三轮车也只用于旅游观光。但今天还有三分之一的中国人拥有一辆自行车,自行车联合会估计全国约有四亿七千万辆自行车。




2009年11月27日 星期五


〔記者江志雄、林相美、林曉雲、趙靜瑜、李文儀/綜合報導〕教育部廿六日以部長吳清基的名義,發出公 文給各縣市政府,指壹傳媒「動新聞」模擬重大社會刑案犯罪過程,各縣市政府應督導學校利用適當時機宣導勿收看此不良影片。台中市政府亦決定,市府及所屬機 關圖書館將破壞蘋果日報上連結動新聞的條碼,讓民眾無法觀看動新聞。

教部要學校督導學生 拒看動新聞

吳 清基昨天表示,動新聞是不適當的資訊,教育部向來拒絕任何色情暴力資訊進入校園,且依據「台灣學術網路使用規範」,教育部也禁止使用台灣學術網路 (TANet)做為傳送具威脅性的、猥褻性的、不友善性的資料,因此阻擋TANet中有關「動新聞」的相關連結,以避免學生在使用校園網路時接觸不當資 訊。

蘋果日報要告郝 市府稱難成立


北 市府發言人趙心屏昨天召開記者會,強調戒嚴之說「誤導視聽」,嚴重扭曲市府維護兒童與青少年身心健康的用心和立場。法規會主委葉慶元表示,壹傳媒提出訴願 是對法律理解有嚴重謬誤,各級學校、機關本來就沒有訂閱特定報紙的義務,對未成年使用讀者,學校有責任篩選訂閱刊物的內容,壹傳媒提訴願是混淆視聽。




菲律賓South Korea

South Korea Admits Civilian Killings During War
Authorities executed at least 4,900 civilians suspected of communist sympathies at the start of the Korean War.


鄰近菲律賓南部大屠殺地點 聯合國人員遭槍決 【17:53】

〔本報訊〕聯合國兒童基金會一名工作人員布拉漢(Nestor Bulahan),傳出26日在菲律賓南部遭到槍殺,由於案發當地距離日前菲律賓南部大屠殺地點,只有短短45公里,因此這起槍殺事件又引起各界高度關注。



2009年11月26日 星期四


台湾の7~9月GDP、年率8.25%成長 2四半期連続プラス

 【台北=新居耕治】台湾の行政院(内閣)主計処が26日発表した2009年7~9月期の実質域内総生産(GDP)は前期比年率で8.25%増(前年同期 比1.29%減)となり、2四半期連続のプラス成長だった。液晶パネルなどIT(情報技術)関連製品の輸出回復や、半導体の設備投資増加などを映した。














继美国总统奥巴马之后,中国总理温家宝也许诺参加下月初在哥本哈根举行的世界气候峰会。中国外交部一名发言人周四宣布了这一消息,并表示,中国希望 哥本哈根会议达成公平和理性的协议。中国今天首次公布了减排目标。据官方的新华社报道,国务院总理温家宝昨天主持召开国务院常务会议,决定到2020年中 国控制温室气体排放的行动目标,根据这一目标,至2020年,中国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年减少40至45%。中国和美国是全球最大的温 室气体排放国。根据美国政府日前宣布的本国减排目标,至2020年,美国温室气体排放量将比2005年减少17%,至2030年,减少30%。

中国 | 2009.11.26


自中国建国以来至80年代末的近40年时间里,博彩行业在中国是被禁止的。而且中国政府也禁止打麻将等任何形式的赌博。但是自中国改革开放之后,中国政府 发现博彩业可以为国家带来不菲的收入,因此为博彩行业解禁,全国范围内有许许多多的彩票销售点,出售包括体育彩票在内的各种彩票,但是同时也经常传出作弊 丑闻。


中国人爱好赌博的习性为王女士提供了生活的经济来源。然而,有很长的时间,中国人根本不可能沉溺于赌博。自1949年建国之后,共产党领导下的中国 政府严禁任何形式的赌博。直到80年代初中国实行改革开放政策之后,才重新允许博彩行业的存在。1987年,首都北京的首家博彩公司正式开业,从那时起至 今,彩票销售点已经遍布全国,随处可见。中国发行的所有合法彩票几乎都是国家垄断的福利彩票。其收入被用于改善体育和社会福利系统。获准发行的不是传统的 数字彩票就是体育彩票。购买彩票最低价格2元,中彩金额可高达500万元。其中足球彩票是最受欢迎的。由于中国缺少顶尖的足球俱乐部,因此,人们喜欢购买 外国球队的彩票。

一位购买彩票的李先生说:“我自己买彩票的时候,一般都是买国外的,如意大利联赛,德国联赛这样的国外比赛,去猜欧洲联赛的比赛结果。而且国内的彩票给的也大多是国外联赛的场次。” #b#


李先生认为,中国的赌博并非全部是合法的。越来越多的中国人觉得只去购买国家发行的彩票不够过瘾,因此非法赌博在中国盛行。其中之一就是小范围的街 头赌博。如一些人坐在街头打麻将。由于他们赌博的数额不大,因此警察睁一只眼,闭一只眼,但是另一方面,中国非法赌博的团伙越来越多,并不断爆出丑闻,例 如在赛马和足球彩票中出现的作弊现象,这种事情在中国屡见不鲜。足球迷李先生说,“我觉得全世界所有的人都挺喜欢赌博的。但有些人挺上瘾的。他们可能投入 很多钱,希望能赚回来。但是他们怎么能保障比赛结果是他们预想中的呢? 也许他们会有些背后的勾当。而对那些投入真感情的球迷来说,这很伤害他们的感情,而且这本身也是一种腐败行为,属于假球。”




今天洪醫師說他兒子現在當美國人權之志工律師 打海地的美國領事館廚師案件成功拉

轉型正義週訊 No.70 (2009/11/26)


聯合國柬埔寨法院特別法庭(Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia , ECCC)聽取了赤柬時期監獄領導人康克尤(Kaing Khek Eav)案的結案陳詞。檢察官要求法庭判處康克由40年有期徒刑


1970年代的波布(Pol Pot)政權下,柬埔寨有近200萬人,將近四分之一的人口死於迫害、強迫勞動與營養不良。









智利總統蜜雪兒巴切萊(Michelle Bachelet)宣佈,將每年的1030訂為「政治受難者紀念日」。以紀念數千名被皮諾契政權殺害的死難者。



除了追悼紀念受難者之外,如何處理加害者的討論,在智利社會仍可輕易掀起波瀾。保守派的總統候選人Sebastían Piñera在十一月初與皮諾契時代退役軍警人員聚會時,公開表示如果他贏得大選,他將不會繼續追究曾經犯下人權侵害案件者的責任。這在智利社會引發辯論。

他的說法是:「如果我能進入總統府,我會用盡各種手段來確保正義以適當的方式得到實踐,而不是永無休止的來回循環」。現場近千名退役人員自是大聲喝采。退役將領Fernando Cordero告訴媒體:「我們讓他明瞭我們的問題。他也承諾,會在總統職權內盡其所能的把事情做得公平又妥當」。

「民主社會中軍事政治犯組織」(Organization of Military Political Prisoner in Democracy)也大為讚賞Piñera的「勇氣」:「他勇於觸及為抵抗馬克思主義恐怖份子,而遭到迫害、起訴與被譴責的軍人和警察議題」。


面對這些爭論,最高法院院長Milton Juica保持低調:「如果有人認為智利有公民未能得到應有的權利保障,那他應該明確的指出問題何在」。他也提及法院將加快審理皮諾契政權的人權侵害案件。

根據調查,在皮諾契17年的統治中,超過三千名政治犯遭到殺害或強迫失蹤,至少有28000人曾遭拘禁與凌虐,包括現任總統密雪兒˙巴切萊(Michelle Bachelet)

巴切萊的父親,空軍將領Alberto Bachelet在皮諾契發動政變後不久被捕下獄,因不堪折磨而心臟病發死於獄中。巴切萊與母親也曾被捕入獄,然後流放國外。


2009年11月25日 星期三

Manmohan Singh of India, and Obama arrived for the state dinner

Modern Flourishes as Obamas Host State Dinner

Published: November 24, 2009

WASHINGTON — It is an old tradition, a White House dinner governed by ritual and protocol that happens to be this city’s hottest social event. But at their first state dinner on Tuesday night, President Obama and his wife, Michelle, made sure to infuse the glittering gala with distinctive touches.

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Luke Sharrett/The New York Times

First Lady Gursharan Kaur of India, First Lady Michelle Obama, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India, and President Obama arrived for the state dinner. More Photos »


The Caucus
The Caucus

The latest on President Obama, his administration and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion.

They hired a new florist, Laura Dowling, who bedecked the tented outdoor dining room with locally grown, sustainably harvested magnolia branches and ivy. They selected a guest chef, Marcus Samuelsson of Aquavit in New York, an American citizen who was born in Ethiopia, reared in Sweden and cooks up melting pots of flavors and cuisines.

They invited local students to witness the arrival of the guests of honor, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India and his wife, Gursharan Kaur, and presented a mélange of musical entertainment, including the National Symphony Orchestra; Jennifer Hudson, the singer and actress; Kurt Elling, the jazz musician from Chicago; and A. R. Rahman, the Indian composer who wrote the score to the movie “Slumdog Millionaire.”

And at the tables, the meatless menu included a mix of Indian and American favorites, including some African-American standards. Collard greens and curried prawns, chickpeas and okra, nan and cornbread were served to the 320 guests — including some well-known Republicans and prominent Indian-Americans — who started off with arugula from the White House garden and finished up with pumpkin pie tart. (After a tasting at the White House on Sunday, the Obamas gave the dishes their stamp of approval, Mr. Samuelsson said.)

And don’t forget the dinner plates. For an administration that publicly prizes bipartisanship, what could be finer than an eclectic mix of Clinton and Bush china?

“He wants to set a tone that’s different,” Vishakha N. Desai, a dinner guest and the Indian-born president of the Asia Society, said of the president. “Obama’s celebrating not just his African-American heritage, but the cultural diversity of America. And that’s a powerful message to send to the world.”

Mr. Obama greeted his guests in Hindi and hailed the contributions of Mohandas K. Gandhi and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., saying that such “giants” are “the reason why both of us can stand here tonight.”

Mr. Singh responded, “Your journey to the White House has captured the imaginations of millions and millions of Indians.”

The evening was a potent mix of politics, diplomacy and glamour, with the administration’s favored donors mingling with lawmakers from Congress, cabinet secretaries, Indian dignitaries and Hollywood celebrities decked out in tuxedos and designer dresses. The first lady wore a golden sleeveless gown created by Naeem Khan, an Indian-American designer.

For Mr. Obama, it was also a rare break from the bruising business of governance, allowing him to showcase his role as a world leader (and a gracious host) at a time when he is managing battles over health care legislation and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq — all while watching his standing falling in the polls.

The guest list included the actors Alfre Woodard and Blair Underwood, the directors Steven Spielberg and M. Night Shyamalan, the writer Jhumpa Lahiri, former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a Republican, and Indra Nooyi, the chief executive of PepsiCo.

“It does allow him to stand above the current squabbles in politics, to assume that role of head and state and remind people of the stature of the presidency,” said Doris Kearns Goodwin, the presidential historian, who noted that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s most famous state dinner — for the king and queen of England — occurred during the Depression.

“It’s a break from the daily concerns,” Ms. Goodwin said. “This is our moment for that kind of ceremony, for that pomp and circumstance, and that’s nonpartisan.”

President Ulysses S. Grant held the first White House state dinner when he hosted King David Kalakaua of Hawaii in 1874. Through the decades, leaders have used the occasions to reward prominent allies and to nurture diplomatic relationships with more or less regularity, depending on the president. (President George W. Bush held only six state dinners, while President Bill Clinton hosted more than 20.)

So as Washington buzzed in recent days about who was invited and who was not, many wondered how the country’s first African-American president and first lady would put their personal stamp on the occasion.

The Obamas promptly distinguished themselves from their immediate predecessors by holding their dinner under a grand tent on the South Lawn to allow for a more expansive guest list. (President Bush held his dinners indoors, which sharply limited the numbers of guests.) And they emphasized some of their favorite themes, including bipartisanship, diversity and a focus on healthy meals.

The president invited several prominent Republicans, though Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, and Representative John A. Boehner, the House minority leader, sent their regrets. (The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, also could not make it.)

Mrs. Obama made a splash by showcasing deep, rich colors — apple green for the tablecloths and varying shades of plum, purple and fuchsia in the hydrangea, roses and sweet peas in the centerpieces.

There was White House honey and sage from the garden and a menu that gave vegetables and beans — including eggplants and lentils — top billing. (For a White House keen on promoting fresh fruits and vegetables, what could be more serendipitous than a guest of honor who happens to be a vegetarian?) And the Obamas shook things up by serving, among other dishes, Indian food to an Indian delegation, typically a no-no.

“You wouldn’t try to outdo the Indians; that would not be typical,” said Anita McBride, who served as Laura Bush’s chief of staff and took pains to praise Mrs. Obama as moving in a new direction. “It’s the perfect combination of American food with a nod to the visiting country.”

As for the dozens of schoolchildren invited to participate in the day’s events, many savored the chance to see the White House up close. One group of young women spent time with Mrs. Obama in the State Dining Room and learned about the history of American state dinners and sampled some pumpkin pie.

“These events probably seem like they’re miles and miles away, like they’re just untouchable,” said Mrs. Obama to the young women, some wearing sneakers and short sleeves.

She said she hoped this would inspire them to think harder about their place in the world around them.

“Who knows, maybe one of you all sitting at this table, one of our little mentees, will be living and studying somewhere in India — maybe New Delhi or Mumbai or Bangalore,” the first lady said. “Just imagine that. Start thinking about your future in that way. This visit at this table is the beginning of that for all of you.”

Helene Cooper contributed reporting.

国进民退--央企 v 私营企业






今年6月29日,国务院国资委主任李荣融在接受国资委及新华社网站联合访问时透露,截至2008年底,央企资产总额为18万亿元,其中80%的资产 都已上市。央企的利润年均增长近1500亿元,税收年均增加1000亿元,资产总量从7万亿元增加到18万亿元。2003年进入世界500强的央企是7 户,2008年《财富》杂志公布的是19户,2009年预计要到21户。



虽然银行自我表彰向民营中小企业贷款卓有成效,但看看银行客户的集中度就知道这有吹牛之嫌。公开数据显示,经过上半年的天量放贷,商业银行贷款与客 户急剧集中。上市银行的半年报显示,兴业银行前十大客户贷款比例由去年末的19.77%骤升至6月末的40.63%,最大单一客户贷款比例由2.82%上 升至8.13%,分别接近银监会所规定的50%和10%的监管指标底线。同样,民生银行前十大贷款客户贷款比例由去年末的27.34%上升至6月末的 45.76%,最大单一客户贷款比例由4.49%上升至9.11%;南京银行前十大客户贷款比例也由去年末的26.62%上升至46.05%,最大单一客 户贷款比例由3.36%上升至8.69%。这已经接近银监会的监管底线——对单一企业或单一项目的融资总额超过贷款行资本金余额10%的,或单一集团客户 授信总额超过贷款行资本金余额15%的,都应当组织银团贷款。


按理,中央企业80%以上的国有资产集中在军工、能源、交通、重大装备制造、重要矿产资源开发等关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域, 但现在房地产、商业等领域均有国进民退之势。最典型的案例是,央企地王频出,因为央企根本无需考虑资金不足的难题。上半年,各月成交总价排行前10名的地 块中有60%的高价地块由国资背景企业获得。近两个月内,国企陆续竞得近20个热门地块,涉及土地款超过265亿元。其中,刷新单价和总价的地块达到13 宗,直接导致地价的爆发式上涨。根据相关媒体报道,当前国资委分管的136家央企中,逾七成企业涉足房地产业,近三成收益来自房地产市场。

不仅如此,央企还有了自己的财务公司与共同的资产管理平 台,实体与金融混业倾向越来越明显。从今年年初以来,国资委鼓励央企建立财务公司,加强集团资金管理,依靠财务公司平台内部解决资金短缺的央企已经越来越 多,这从9月以来财务公司开始成为新增信贷的重要力量可见一斑。而中国诚通集团和国家开发投资公司成为央企的管理平台,新的资产公司被市场称为中投二号的 “国新资产管理公司”也浮出水面。更让人搞不懂的是,2010中央国有资本经营预算的编制重点共有三项,分别为资本性支出、费用性支出和其他费用性支出。 前两类资金用途的第一部分内容均提到了支持央企重组。也就是说,国资不会回馈社会,而会用于央企内部。

最后,央企数量减少,垄断程度加剧。以国家电网为例,今年以来向上游领域渗透,控股了两家电器设备制造类上市公司平高电气、许继电气,并且还在继续 扩张的过程中。民营电器公司告诉笔者,虽然电器制造行业是朝阳行业,但央企的垄断导致的结果是肥水不流外人田,他们无法拿到订单,生存前景堪虞。



2009年11月23日 星期一

台灣第一、第二類活動斷層 增為33條

台灣第一、第二類活動斷層 增為33條

〔記 者鍾麗華/台北報導〕經濟部地調所公布最新活動斷層分佈圖,第一類活動斷層(過去一萬年內有活動紀錄)從十二條增至十九條,第二類(過去十萬年內有活動紀 錄)從十一條增至十四條。目前在立院審議的「地質法草案」規定,建物須沒有斷層線通過才可以進行開發,學者呼籲加速立法、提高斷層附近建物防震係數。

最新分佈圖 取消存疑性斷層

經 濟部地調所二千年曾繪製「活動斷層分佈圖」,當時有四十二條活動斷層,除第一類十二條、第二類十一條外,還有包括金山斷層的十九條「存疑性活動斷層」;經 過近十年調查,明年初地調所將出版全新分佈圖,取消存疑性活動斷層,活斷層總數雖因此從四十二條縮減為三十三條,但確定的第一與第二類活斷層則分別增為十 九與十四條。


地調所調查,除獅潭、屯子腳等 維持原來第一類,包括新城、三義、鐵砧山、大茅埔─雙冬、旗山、六甲等斷層從存疑性斷層或第二類變為第一類。至於第二類斷層新增包括新竹、九芎坑、木屐 寮、後甲里、左鎮、潮州、恆春斷層。但同時也把金山、南崁、雙連坡、月眉等,從活動斷層中除名。

在三十三條活斷層中,最長的依舊是造成九二 一大地震的車籠埔斷層,總長約九十二公里,過去兩千年引起的地震至少有六次,發生時距最短二百年、最長七百年。最短的則是新化斷層,從台南縣新化東北方的 那菝林向西延伸至北勢,只有六公里,除一九四六年的新化地震外,過去一千九百年也有三次以上的活動紀錄。

敏感區建物 學者促提高防震

台 大地質系主任陳文山說,台灣斷層有上百條,有的是沒有露出地面的「盲斷層」。其實地調所公布的斷層都是過去發現的,只是現在有更多證據顯示其活動時間,將 其重新分類調整,民眾不必太過恐慌。但既然有充分證據,政府應立法保障民眾生命財產安全,例如提高斷層一定範圍內的防震係數、限建等規定。


India Transformed? Insights from the Firm Level 1988-2005

Working paper: India Transformed? Insights from the Firm Level 1988-2005

Download the PDF. Between 1986 and 2005, Indian growth put to rest the concern that there was something about the "nature of India" that made rapid growth difficult. Following broad-ranging reforms in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, the state deregulated entry, both domestic and foreign, in many industries, and also hugely reduced barriers to trade. Laura Alfaro of Harvard Business School and Anusha Chari of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill analyze the evolution of India's industrial structure at the firm level following the reforms. Despite the substantial increase in the number of private and foreign firms, the overall pattern that emerges is one of continued incumbent dominance in terms of assets, sales, and profits in both state-owned and traditional private firms.



时事风云 | 2009.11.23



柬埔寨红色高棉骇人听闻的恐怖统治结束30年之后,明年年初,法庭将宣布对红色高棉监狱长康克由的裁决。康克由别名杜赫,是红色高棉5名最 重要领导人当中受到法律制裁的第一人。对他的指控是犯有战争罪以及反人类罪。在1975年至1979年红色高棉统治期间,在柬埔寨因枪决、劳役或者极端的 营养不足而死于非命的人高达近200万。

波尔布特Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 波尔布特国际法庭今年年初开始,对整个案情进行了72天的讨论,在此期间,康克由对其罪行公认不讳并向死者家属请求宽恕, "我承担监狱所犯罪行的法律责任,尤其是对酷刑以及枪决。我希望利用这一机会,向幸存者深表歉意,同时也向在S21监狱里死去的人的家属,表示歉意。"

控告方首先发言的是附带起诉人。他们是当年的受害者,他们希望被告受到重罚。宣读裁决时,康克由有可能被判终身监禁。柬埔寨国际法庭不做死刑裁决。 一位附带起诉人表示: "作为红色高棉的受害者,杜赫的话让我感到震惊。红色高棉统治非常残忍暴虐。杜赫说他自己是根据法律行事,但那是他的事。我对此非 常不满。"


总理洪森本人以前就是红乔森潘Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 乔森潘色 高棉的成员,他曾有很长一段时间不同意设立国际法庭,直到今天,洪森仍然拒绝将法庭的调查扩大到红色高棉的中层领导, "我更想看到这个法庭的调查彻底失 败,而不想看到这个国家重新爆发一场内战。这一想法我不想做任何改变。国际法庭应集中精力调查红色高棉的领导人,就是那些已经受到起诉的。"


作者:Bernd Musch-Borowska / 李鱼





"欧盟委员会提出只延长15个月的建议是想促成欧盟各国达成妥协。欧盟理事会中的南欧国家要求征收惩罚性关税,以保护本国制鞋工业。2006年征收 此项关税之前,欧盟一些国家之间就发生了激烈争论:一方是仍然大量生产鞋的西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、罗马尼亚和波兰,另一方是想使消费者能购买更为廉价的 越南鞋和中国鞋的国家。2005年鞋类限额取消后,中国出口欧盟的鞋大幅增加。








92 Dead in China Mine Explosion, 16 Missing
HEGANG, ChinaChina's official news agency says at least 92 people are reported dead and 16 missing after Saturday's blast at a mine near the Russian ...

China quake activist jailed for three years
Washington Post
The court decision is another sign that China is in no mood to ease political controls after last week's visit by US President Barack Obama, who pressed the ...

中国 | 2009.11.23


本周一,四川维权人士、"六四天网"创办人黄琦被成都一家法院以"非法持有国家机密罪"判处该罪名的最高刑期--3年有期徒刑。黄琦的律师莫少平表示,作 为证据的"某某市文件"曾经在报纸上公开发表,并不属于机密。黄琦的妻子曾丽在接受德国之声电话采访时谈了她认为黄琦被判刑的主要原因,她还表示,黄琦曾 因在狱中写上诉书而遭到殴打,她担心这次会发生同样的情况。


曾丽:我觉得非常气愤。今天他们在法庭上的那种行为、那种程序,完全是违法的。一直到今天上午,我都没有收到开庭通知。我是从莫少平律师的来电才知 道今天要开庭宣判。早8点我到了法庭,但他们连旁听证都不给我。我就一直找他们的领导,找法官。我在法庭外的公示栏看到,黄琦的案子今天10点钟"公开宣 判"。"公开"的意义肯定就是大家都可以听,那么为什么我去的时候连旁听证都不给我?

后来,我和黄琦的妈妈终于拿到两个旁听证,只允许我们进去,其他在法庭外想见黄琦一面的几十个人都不能进去。法庭里面20多个人都是国安,正是那些 监视我们的人。10点半开庭宣判,总共也就是10分钟左右。宣判最后说,黄琦非法持有某某市某某文件,这个文件属于国家机密。而且,由于黄琦是2003年 判刑5年,05年才出狱,属于"累犯"。所以要"从重判决"。

法官刚说完,我就喊出来,"黄琦上诉!"我话音刚落,法官就说:"法警把黄琦带走!"黄琦说:"我要上诉!"接着他就立刻被带走了,根本不给他说话 的机会。我马上去找法官,要判决书。法官态度很恶劣,说没有判决书!然后让法警把我们推出法庭。我给莫律师打电话,他完全没想到我拿不到判决书。莫律师告 诉我有一条司法解释,第182条,规定律师和家人有权获得判决书。但等待很久之后,法官态度很恶劣地质问我说:什么第182条!




德国之声:2003年,黄琦以"煽动颠覆国家政权罪"被判处5年徒刑,这一判决与他的"六四天网"有关。而这一次,去年5月四川地震发生后, 黄琦积极参加救灾活动,与其它人一起多次组成车队前往灾区,为地震死难儿童家长维权,并在网上撰写揭露豆腐渣校舍的文章。"维权网"认为,黄琦这次被捕, 原因正是在此。您个人怎么看?

黄琦和他的儿子Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 黄琦和他的儿子曾 丽:我个人就是这样认为的。为什么这么说呢?在灾区的时候,黄琦帮助很多家长维权,接受很多国外媒体的采访。黄琦被抓以后,我就去找公安,找检察院、法院 的人,他们在接待我的时候,口里就是这样说的,说我们也知道黄琦做了很多救灾的工作,但是他给那么多的国外媒体报道豆腐渣工程,把这些事情捅出去了,肯定 会影响国家的声誉。而且,在黄琦被抓之前,每次审问他都是地震的事,问他给哪些灾民送了钱,甚至把有些灾民的钱没收了。



他进来的时候,跟我和他的妈妈说了一句话,说你们保重身体,然后就不让他说了。我看他今天精神很憔悴,脸色黄黄的,人很瘦。黄琦05年之前在监狱里 被打,留下了后遗症。这次被抓以后,我去给他送药,监狱里也不收。而且从去年6月份以来,我已经6次书面申请,因为他的病情,希望让他取保候审,但从来没 得到过答复。



2009年11月22日 星期日

India feels the chill as US warms to China

India feels the chill as US warms to China

When Manmohan Singh, India's prime minister, last visited Washington, in 2005, he was presented with a historic gift by then President George W. Bush: the US-India civilian nuclear agreement that ended New Delhi's decades-old “nuclear pariah” status and was seen as being implicitly aimed at containing a rising China.

Barack Obama has already struck a warm personal rapport with Mr Singh on the sidelines of two G20 summits this year. But as Mr Singh begins a state visit to Washington today, there is concern in New Delhi that India has moved down the US's list of priorities, anxieties re- inforced by Mr Obama's emollient overtures to China during his eight-day east-Asian tour last week.

“I don't think the US has made up its mind as to where it sees India in its geopolitical view,” said Arundhati Ghose, India's former ambassador to the United Nations.

But US officials have been at pains to emphasise the long-term importance to Washington of its relationship with India, the world's largest democracy.

“Few relationships matter more to our collective future, or hold greater promise for constructive action on the challenges that matter most for us, than the partnership between the US and India,” William Burns, US undersecretary of state for political affairs, said.

But C. Raja Mohan, an influential Indian strategic affairs analyst, said relations between New Delhi and Washington had suffered from “a bit of exhaustion from both sides” after the breakthroughs of the past few years, which saw the burial of decades-old cold war-era suspicions.

“The Obama administration is very keen on this relationship and wants to move it forward, but in terms of operationally, what's happened because of the financial crisis, there is that much attention to China,” he said.

Mr Singh's trip to Washington is seen as the opportunity to revive and reinvigorate those ties.

Certainly working relations have never been better. In the wake of last year's Mumbai attacks, in which 166 people died, including six Americans, India and the US have engaged in unprecedented intelligence co-operation.

India also signed a $2.1bn (€1.4bn, £1.3bn) deal this year to buy eight maritime reconnaissance aircraft from Boeing, its largest-ever acquisition of US military hardware, and American companies are vying for a $10bn deal to supply 126 fighter jets to update India's Soviet-era strike force. Bilateral trade, meanwhile, has doubled since 2004 to more than $43bn a year.

It is against this backdrop that the two leaders are expected to explore areas of mutual interest, including Afghanistan, global climate change, the development of green energy, agricultural co-operation and enhancing Indian education.

“The big picture in Washington is that China and India are rising and the Obama administration wants to engage them both to help solve the world's problems,” said David Rothkopf, a former official in the Clinton administration, which paved the way for Mr Bush's Indian charm offensive.

Mr Singh's trip is the first full state visit of the Obama administration, with a White House dinner tomorrow to be attended by 400 guests, and is the first time India has headed a US president's list for a state visit. But diplomatic pageantry will not be sufficient to assuage Indian concerns about Washington's broader strategic vision, especially after last week when Mr Obama and Hu Jintao, the Chinese president, jointly affirmed their commitment to work for stability in the “south-Asia region”.

New Delhi, which has atense relationship with China and suspects it of fomenting trouble locally, issued a statement emphasising “non-interference”.

“The Obama administration's relations with India are guided by the tide of events and we found the desire to cuddle up to China at our expense during his visit to Beijing particularly disconcerting,” said Gopalapuram Parthasarathy, a former Indian high commissioner to Pakistan.

New Delhi and Washington are still struggling to bridge their differences over India's reprocessing of US-supplied nuclear fuel, which must be resolved before India can buy nuclear reactors from US companies. India is also worried the US is not heeding its views on Afghanistan, for which New Delhi has provided $1.2bn in aid, and its fears about any return of the Taliban.

But whatever prickliness the Indians may have with the US, conversation has never been a problem. The contrast with Mr Obama's stilted interactions with Mr Hu could not be sharper.


印度总理曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)上次访问华盛顿是在2005年,当时的美国总统乔治•W•布什(George W. Bush)送给他一件历史性礼物:美印民用核协议,结束了印度数十年之久的“核贱民”地位,此举也被认为暗含有遏制正在崛起的中国之意。

利用今年二十国集团(G20)两场峰会的间隙,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)与辛格结下了友好的私人关系。但在辛格今日开始对华盛顿进行国事访问之际,印度却在担心自己在美国重点名单上的地位有所下落。奥巴马在上周为 期8天的亚洲之行中对中国示好,加重了印度的焦虑。

“我认为,美国还没决定好在地缘政治层面如何看待印度,”印度前驻联合国大使阿兰达蒂•戈斯(Arundhati Ghose)表示。


“就我们共同的未来而言,几乎没什么关系比印美关系更加重要。就我们面临的最重要挑战采取建设性行动而言,也几乎没什么关系比印美关系蕴含更大的希望,”美国负责政治事务的副国务卿威廉•伯恩斯(William Burns)表示。

但印度一位具有影响力的战略分析师C•拉贾•莫汉(C. Raja Mohan)表示,印美关系在近些年取得突破、埋葬了长达数十年的冷战时代的猜疑后,“双方都有点儿疲惫”,使双边关系受到影响。




印度今年还签署了价值21亿美元的协议,将向波音(Boeing)购买8架海上侦察机,这是该国有史以来最大手笔采购美国军用装备。美国企业还在争 夺一项价值100亿美元的协议,以求向印度供应126架战斗机,以更新印度的苏式军备。与此同时,双边贸易自2004年以来翻了一倍,增至每年逾430亿 美元。


“华盛顿面对的大局是,中国和印度都正在崛起,奥巴马政府希望接触这两个国家,让他们都来帮助解决全球问题,”原克林顿政府的官员大卫•罗斯科夫(David Rothkopf)表示。克林顿政府为布什对印度展开魅力攻势铺平了道路。

辛格此行是对奥巴马政府的首次正式国事访问,也是印度首次在美国总统上任后第一个对其进行国事访问。明日白宫将举行晚宴,将有400名嘉宾出席。但 外交场面不足以平息印度对华盛顿更广泛战略观的担心,尤其是在上周奥巴马与中国国家主席胡锦涛共同承诺要致力于维护“南亚地区”稳定之后。


“奥巴马政府与印度的关系受到局势的左右,我们发现,他在访华期间不顾我们的利益,一心向中国示好,这尤其让人不安,”印度前驻巴基斯坦高级专员Gopalapuram Parthasarathy表示。




Timeline: Hong Kong 香港各界议论政改方案


Timeline: Hong Kong

A chronology of key events:

1842 - China cedes Hong Kong island to Britain after the First Opium War. Over the decades, thousands of Chinese migrants fleeing domestic upheavals settle in the colony.

View of Hong Kong island from Victoria Peak in 2006
High-rise Hong Kong is densely-populated
Overall density: 6,420 people per sq km
Kwun Tong district has 52,160 people per sq km

1898 - China leases the New Territories together with 235 islands to Britain for 99 years from 1 July.

1937 - With the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Hong Kong becomes a refuge for thousands of mainland Chinese fleeing before the advancing Japanese.

1941 - Japan occupies Hong Kong. Food shortages impel many residents to flee to mainland China. The population drops from 1.6m in 1941 to 650,000 by the end of the Second World War.

1946 - Britain re-establishes civil government. Hundreds of thousands of former residents return, to be joined over next few years by refugees fleeing the civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists in China.

1950s - Hong Kong enjoys economic revival based on light industries such as textiles.

1960s - Social discontent and labour disputes become rife among poorly-paid workforce.

1967 - Severe riots break out, mainly instigated by followers of China's Cultural Revolution.

Late 1960s - Living conditions improve and social unrest subsides.

1970s - Hong Kong is established as an "Asian Tiger" - one of the region's economic powerhouses - with a thriving economy based on high-technology industries.

Countdown to handover

The last British governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, in June 1995
The last British governor, Chris Patten, ruffled Chinese feathers

1982 - Britain and China begin talks on the future of Hong Kong.

1984 - Britain and China sign Joint Declaration on the conditions under which Hong Kong will revert to Chinese rule in 1997. Under the "one country, two systems" formula, Hong Kong will become part of one communist-led country but retain its capitalist economic system and partially democratic political system for 50 years after the handover.

1989 - The massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square leads to calls for the introduction of further democratic safeguards in Hong Kong.

1990 - Beijing formally ratifies Hong Kong's post-handover mini-constitution or Basic Law.

1992 April - Chris Patten becomes last British governor of Hong Kong, with a brief to oversee the colony's handover to China.

1992 October - Chris Patten announces proposals for the democratic reform of Hong Kong's institutions aimed at broadening the voting base in elections. China is outraged that it has not been consulted and threatens to tear up business contracts and overturn the reforms after it has taken control.

1992 December - Hong Kong stock market crashes.

1994 June - After nearly two years of bitter wrangling, Hong Kong's legislature introduces a stripped-down version of Chris Patten's democratic reform package. The new legislation widens the franchise but falls far short of providing for universal suffrage.

1995 - Elections held for new Legislative Council (LegCo).

One country, two systems

Tung Chee-hwa, Taiwan's first post-colonial rule, in June 1999
Post-colonial leader Tung Chee-hwa had a bumpy ride

1997 July - Hong Kong is handed back to the Chinese authorities after more than 150 years of British control. Tung Chee-hwa, a Shanghai-born former shipping tycoon with no political experience, is hand-picked by Beijing to rule the territory following the takeover.

1998 May - First post-handover elections held.

2001 February - Deputy Chief Executive Anson Chan, a former deputy to Chris Patten and one of the main figures in the Hong Kong administration to oppose Chinese interference in the territory's affairs, resigns under pressure from Beijing and is replaced by Donald Tsang.

2002 June - Trial of 16 members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement arrested during a protest outside Beijing's liaison office in the territory. Falun Gong remains legal in Hong Kong, despite having been banned in mainland China in 1999, and the trial is seen as a test of the freedoms Beijing guaranteed to respect after the handover. The 16 are found guilty of causing a public obstruction.

2002 September - Tung Chee-hwa's administration releases proposals for controversial new anti-subversion law known as Article 23.

2003 March-April - Both China and Hong Kong are hit by the pneumonia-like Sars virus. Strict quarantine measures are enforced to stop the disease spreading.

2003 June - Hong Kong is declared free of Sars.

Calls for reform

2003 July - A day after a visit to the territory by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, 500,000 people march against Article 23. Two Hong Kong government members resign. The bill is shelved indefinitely.

Falun Gong members meditate against the Hong Kong skyline
Falun Gong: Banned on mainland but legal in Hong Kong

2004 April - China rules that its approval must be sought for any changes to Hong Kong's election laws, giving Beijing the right to veto any moves towards more democracy, such as direct elections for the territory's chief executive.

2004 July - Some 200,000 people mark the seventh anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to Chinese rule by taking part in a demonstration protesting Beijing's ruling against electing the next chief executive by universal suffrage.

Britain accuses China of interfering in Hong Kong's constitutional reform process in a manner inconsistent with self-governance guarantees agreed before the handover.

2004 September - Pro-Beijing parties retain their majority in LegCo elections widely seen as a referendum on Hong Kong's aspirations for greater democracy. In the run-up to the poll, human rights groups accuse Beijing of creating a "climate of fear" aimed at skewing the result.

2004 December - Chinese President Hu Jintao delivers public rebuke to Tung Chee-hwa, telling him to improve his administration's performance.

Change of guard

2005 March - Amid mounting criticism of his rule, Tung Chee-hwa resigns, citing failing health. He is succeeded in June by Donald Tsang.

2005 May - Hong Kong's highest court overturns the convictions of eight of the Falun Gong members who were found guilty of causing an obstruction in the territory in 2002.

2005 June - Tens of thousands of people commemorate sixteenth anniversary of crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Hong Kong is the only part of China where the 1989 events are marked.

2005 September - Pro-democracy members of LegCo make unprecented visit to Chinese mainland. Eleven members of the 25-strong pro-democracy group had been banned from the mainland for 16 years.

2005 December - Pro-democracy legislators block Mr Tsang's plans for limited constitutional reforms, saying they do not go far enough. Mr Tsang said his plans - which would have changed electoral processes without introducing universal suffrage - went as far as Beijing would allow.

2006 March - Pope Benedict XVI elevates Bishop Joseph Zen, the leader of Hong Kong's 300,000 Catholics and an outspoken advocate of democracy, to the post of cardinal. China warns Cardinal Zen to stay out of politics.

2006 July - Tens of thousands of people rally in support of full democracy.

2007 January - New rules aim to restrict the number of pregnant women from mainland China who come to Hong Kong to give birth. Many had been drawn by the prospect of gaining Hong Kong residency rights for their children and evading China's one-child policy.

2007 April - Chief Executive Donald Tsang is appointed to a new five-year term after winning elections in March.

2007 July - Hong Kong marks 10th anniversary of handover to China. New government under Chief Executive Donald Tsang is sworn in. Plans for full democracy unveiled.

2007 December - Beijing says it will allow the people of Hong Kong to directly elect their own leader in 2017 and their legislators by 2020.

Mr Tsang hails this as "a timetable for obtaining universal suffrage", but pro-democracy campaigners express disappointment at the protracted timescale.

2008 September - Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp wins more than a third of seats in legislative elections, retaining a key veto over future bills.

2008 November - Hong Kong's economy falls into recession for the first time in five years amid the global economic slowdown.

2009 June - Tens of thousands of people attend a vigil in Hong Kong on the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The territory is the only part of China to mark the anniversary.

中国 | 2009.11.22



针对香港特区政府公布的政制改革方案,《苹果日报》署名"卢峰"的文章写道:"自从曾特首公开表明上任后要……从根本解决政改死结开始,公 众一直期望他在政改问题上有作为,有突破,为香港政制迈向全面普选定出清晰的路线图,令公众、政党、从政人士可以及早作好准备。……可惜特区政府昨天公布 的咨询文件只集中处理二○一二年的政制安排,只对畸形政制作些微修修补补,不肯提出清楚的政改路线图,甚至不肯明确表示功能组别必须逐步取消。这不但让市 民非常失望及难以接受,也完全违反曾特首自己在竞选时所作出的承诺。"

《苹果日报》的评论接着写道:"迈向普选需要很多准备及配套工作,每一步都要走得踏实,都要让市民知道是在朝普选的方向迈进。所以明确的普选路线图 跟时间表同样重要,同样不可或缺。可是特首及特区政府在这方面交了白卷,态度闪避,又不肯承诺把市民争取普选路线图的诉求直接向中央政府反映。这完全是敷 衍卸责的表现。……此外,从具体运作来看,政制发展是一环扣一环的改变,不能也不应斩件式处理,否则只会引发更大的混乱及动荡。换言之,不管是从尊重市民 意见或确保政改平稳畅顺来看,特区政府都有需要为政改定出普选路线图,并积极争取北京同意。偏偏曾特首却甘心坐在鸟笼内,不愿为市民的合理诉求向北京争 取,也不管斩件式政改的不良效果。这怎不让人失望及遗憾呢?"

但亲北京的《大公报》则发表评论认为,香港特区政府的政制改革方案应该获得香港社会的支持。该报的社论写道:"值得肯定的是,特区政府对今次政改咨 询的处理,明显比○五年有进步,主要表现在决心更大、诚意更深,也更具有政治智慧。当然,此次咨询如果能够成功,首先在于全国人大常委会○七年十二月二十 九日的'决定'给出了普选时间表,这就令到特区政府在修改二○一二两个产生办法时有了更明确的方向、有了更大的主动性和空间,也更有成功的把握。……因 此,对眼前咨询文件的发表,各方首先应做的第一件事,就是仔细阅读其内容、了解其建议,并仔细体会其中的良苦用心,而不是'闭目塞听',一不合自己胃口就 嚷著要离场、'反枱'。这不是解决问题之道,更非负责任的做法。"

摘编: 李华 (香港特约记者)

责编: 石涛