2015年2月28日 星期六

Singapore at 50: From swamp to skyscrapers

Just how did tiny ‪#‎Singapore‬ grow from swamp to one of the richest countries in the world?

Fifty years ago Singapore gained independence - it became one of the region's leading economies thanks to immigrants like Sharanjit Leyl's grandfather.

2015年2月27日 星期五

compares the Korea North-South divides

South Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye, is pushing the idea of unification as a “bonanza”. For the North, whose minuscule economy is roughly 40 times smaller than that of the South and is only beginning to show signs of reform, that would certainly be the case. But what of South Korea’s gains? Today’s ‪#‎Dailychart‬ compares the Korea North-South divides http://econ.st/18tWU03

2015年2月26日 星期四

習近平、 王坤沙、羅星漢、「果敢王」彭家聲、白所成










中國「世界工廠」挑戰;經濟好景不再; 中國失業大軍構成隱憂

外資紛紛急撤出中國 微軟將裁員9000人

2015-02-26  17:25
2015-02-26 17:25







英國《金融時報》 吉密歐 北京報導

        去年中國創造了1322萬就業崗位,而且經濟增長放緩迄今是逐漸的。這些情況使共產黨確信,它可以允許增長進一步放緩。 總體就業壓力也在減輕,因為中國的勞動年齡人口已經在2011年見頂,預計將在未來幾年加快下降——這歸因於實行幾十年的一胎化政策。


Vladimir Putin's Party

Vladimir Putin has been courting Asian friends old and new. Mr Putin is holding a big party in Moscow in May to mark the 70th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s defeat. He has invited Xi Jinping of China; North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and President Park Geun-hye of South Korea—though as a staunch American ally, Ms Park will find it hard to gohttp://econ.st/18ovmZY

IN WHAT must have seemed a good idea at the time, Julie Bishop, Australia’s foreign minister, this week gave an interview to BuzzFeed, a digital news-service,...

2015年2月25日 星期三

德媒:新疆維吾爾大逃亡 離棄中國奔向土耳其

德媒:新疆維吾爾大逃亡 離棄中國奔向土耳其

綜合報導 2015-02-25 19:57


德國《日報》(Die Tageszeitung,簡稱TAZ)2月24日刊登一篇文章「離開中國前往土耳其」為題專文,指出不少維吾爾人在中國新疆飽受歧視,因此越來越多人試圖離開中國,前往土耳其。根據該國非正式的估計資料,從去年夏天以來,約有7千名維吾爾人輾轉逃到土耳其避難,今年1月以來,維吾爾人的流亡人數與過去相較,持續呈現增長趨勢。

報導內容,引述土耳其蔬果商販,目前志願擔任「東突厥移民協會」主席的阿克約爾(Recep Sadettin Akyol)的看法指出,他的家人也是在1950年代,從中國來到土耳其。他說,從中國來的,前往土耳其尋求幫助的兄弟姐妹人數,現在越來越多。阿克約爾表示,已經逃離成功的維吾爾人,多數不願講述,一段段不堪回首經歷;他們也不想給後來的人(即未來可能選擇逃亡者)製造任何麻煩。阿克約爾估計,現在大約還有4-5千名維吾爾人,流離輾轉於逃往土耳其的路上。

中國當局把那些試圖越境出走的維吾爾人視為,準聖戰組織的潛在「恐怖份子」。阿克約爾則認為,這是無稽之談;畢竟,從西方國家前往敘利亞的人數,比這個還要多出好幾倍。 ……目前,對大多數維吾爾人來說,從中國逃往土耳其是一條「艱辛危險」旅程。新疆往西的邊境與吉爾吉斯斯坦、哈薩克斯坦接壤,這些據點被中共當局嚴密監控。所以,維吾爾人多數會從越南、老撾(寮國)、泰國越境,然後抵達伊斯蘭教國度的馬來西亞;接下來再從當地得到接濟,前往最終的目的地土耳其。

《法新社AFP》引述世界維吾爾代表大會(World Uighur Congress),土耳其當地的副主席塞耶特.唐特克(Seyit Tümtürk)的看法指出,從新疆逃出來的維吾爾人,多數是攜家帶眷,包括婦女及小孩。中共官方對於這類逃難行為,一再表達難以容忍之意,因為維吾爾人離開自己的祖國,竟然採取攜家帶眷的離棄方式。

英國《BBC》報導指出,去年11月間,泰國曾逮捕近300名偷渡入境的疑似維吾爾人。土耳其外交部長部長卡烏索戈魯(Mevlut Cavusoglu),曾向泰國交涉,表示土耳其願意接納這些難民;引渡難民期間,位於泰國的中國外交官員,曾前往確認這些人,認為係為來自中國西北部新疆的維吾爾人;然而但這些非法難民,則一致聲稱自己是土耳其國民。


2015年2月24日 星期二

今年穗經濟規模料超港; 中國「世界工廠」地位褪色



成本趨升 「遲早冇得做」






2015年2月20日 星期五

Bomber Kills Up to 8 in Xinjiang

Bomber Kills Up to 8 in Xinjiang, Radio Free Asia Reports


HONG KONG — A suicide bomber in the volatile Chinese region of Xinjiang killed as many as eight people on Friday when he grabbed a police officer and set off an explosive device attached to his body, according to a report by Radio Free Asia.
香港——据自由亚洲电台(Radio Free Asia)报道,在中国形势不稳定的新疆地区,一名自杀式炸弹袭击者上周五一把抓住一名警察,并引爆了绑在他身上的爆炸装置,致多达八人死亡。
The young man, a member of the Uighur ethnic group, set off the device in Hotan Prefecture, an impoverished part of Xinjiang near the border with India and Pakistan, the report said. In addition to the deaths, at least seven people remained hospitalized, Radio Free Asia, a news service funded by the United States government, reported on Monday, citing interviews with a hospital worker and a shopkeeper.
The account could not be independently confirmed, and the Chinese state news media had yet to report on the attack.
In recent years, Xinjiang, in China’s far west, has been the scene of many bloody clashes between Uighurs, a Turkic group that makes up about 40 percent of the region’s population, and the ethnic Han who make up China’s majority. Violence between Uighurs and Han in Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi, in July 2009killed nearly 200 people.
Some of the Muslim Uighurs have embraced radical forms of Islam, and many resent the political and economic domination of their homeland by Han. Some Uighurs want to set up an independent East Turkestan.
一些维吾尔族穆斯林信奉了激进的伊斯兰教派,许多人都对汉族对他们家园政治和经济上的主宰怀有怨恨。一些维吾尔人想要建立一个独立的东突厥斯坦(East Turkestan)国。
Radio Free Asia reported that Friday’s attack took place in Guma County, known as Pishan in Chinese. A man who answered the telephone at the Pishan County Public Security Bureau said he had no information about the attack, and a man at the Pishan County People’s Hospital said, “We’re not allowed to answer your question, sorry.” Neither man would give his name.
自由亚洲电台报道称,周五的袭击发生在固玛镇(Guma County),其被中国称为皮山镇。一名在皮山镇公安局接起电话的男子称,他没有关于是次袭击的信息,一名在皮山县人民医院的男子称,“我们不能回答你的问题,抱歉。”两人均不愿透露姓名。
Hotan Prefecture, part of the Uighur heartland in southwestern Xinjiang, is one of the region’s poorest areas. In recent years, it has been the scene of several deadly clashes between Uighurs and the police. In July 2011, 18 people in Hotan died when rioters stormed a police station. In recent years, such violence has spilled across Xinjiang’s borders to other regions of China.
Last March 1, a group of knife-wielding assailants went on a rampage in a crowded railway station in Kunming in southwestern China, killing 29 people and wounding more than 140. The Chinese government said the attackers were Uighurs. The following month, assailants armed with explosives and knives killed at least three people and wounded 79 outside a train station in Urumqi, an attack the government also attributed to Uighur separatists.
The Urumqi attack in April coincided with the end of a visit to the region by President Xi Jinping. During Mr. Xi’s two years as China’s top leader, his government has taken an increasingly uncompromising stance toward Uighurs who advocate anything that strays from total support of the Communist Party and its policies.
Ilham Tohti, a Uighur economist fluent in Chinese who taught at a university in Beijing, was sentenced to life in prison in September for inciting separatism. Mr. Tohti had argued that China’s policy of repressing an entire ethnic group in a bid to curb the attacks was counterproductive and led to more violence.
曾在北京一所大学任教、中文流利的维吾尔族经济学家伊力哈木·土赫提(Ilham Tohti)于9月因煽动分裂被判处无期徒刑。土赫提曾提出,中国试图通过压制整个民族来控制袭击事件的做法是适得其反的,会导致更多暴力事件。
Patrick Boehler contributed reporting.
傅才德(Michael Forsythe)是《纽约时报》记者。
Patrick Boehler对本文有报道贡献。


On February 12th 1947 General Aung San, the father of independent Burma, signed the Panglong agreement with representatives of the Shan, Chin and Kachin people—three of the largest of the many non-Burman ethnic groups that today make up about two-fifths of Myanmar’s population http://econ.st/19JSEda

GDP and investment for selected ASEAN countries

Foreign investment has come flowing in: between 2010 and 2013 Myanmar’s foreign investment nearly tripled—a rate exceeding that of any other ASEAN country except the Philippines. It is not hard to see why. Myanmar sits between the markets of the two most populous countries in the world, China and Indiahttp://econ.st/19JSEda

2015年2月19日 星期四


Xi Jinping, China’s president, has taken his sweeping anti-corruption campaign into the heart of the country's military, seemingly unafraid to show that a hallowed institution is also deeply flawed. According to press reports, at least ten lorries were needed to haul away the stash of jade, gold and cash found in the basement of one general who now faces trial. But corruption isn't the only problem with China's militaryhttp://econ.st/1ARtrbg

SO EXTENSIVE was the stash of jade, gold and cash found in the basement of General Xu Caihou’s mansion in Beijing that at least ten lorries were needed to haul it...





2015年2月18日 星期三


A new Google-powered website lets you compare every constitution in the world and write your own
Constitute is a repository of all the world's constitutions, run by the Comparative Constitutions Project,https://www.constituteproject.org/search?lang=en
The World's Constitutions to Read, Search, and Compare

2015年2月17日 星期二

Milking New Zealand’s Way of Life

Milking New Zealand’s Way of Life

In pastoral idyll, a giant Chinese dairy plant feels out of proportion

Ken and Patricia Graham by their vineyard in Pokeno, New Zealand, with the Chinese-owned dairy plant in the background.ENLARGE
Ken and Patricia Graham by their vineyard in Pokeno, New Zealand, with the Chinese-owned dairy plant in the background. PHOTO:COURTESY OF PATRICIA GRAHAM
POKENO, New Zealand—Ken and Patricia Graham have an unwelcome new neighbor on the farm where they retired to raise sheep and cattle and tend a vineyard—a gigantic Chinese-owned infant-formula factory.
The US$165 million plant emblazoned with the company’s name—Yashili--in Chinese characters fills the view from their wooden deck. Its size is out of all proportion to the surrounding village of Pokeno, which has a population of around 400 in the heart of New Zealand’s dairy country. Before it sprung up last year the biggest structure in the area was a 14-room motel.
How do they feel? “Actually—yuck,” says Ms. Graham. “We like living in a nice rural place.”
Mr. Graham is more damning about the broader industrial development in the area spearheaded by Yashili. “It’s an absolute abomination,” he says.
The shattering of the Grahams’ rural idyll speaks to the disruptive force of China now rippling across New Zealand. China’s surging but unpredictable appetite for milk and other dairy products combined with a sudden spurt of Chinese investment in dairy plants, farmland and real estate is shaking up a traditionally placid way of life in this island nation.
Other small Asia-Pacific countries also feel the jarring effects of their massive size imbalance with China. But a unique combination of demographics and geography magnifies the impact on New Zealand.
Cows in a field in the Taranaki area in New Zealand’s North Island.ENLARGE
Cows in a field in the Taranaki area in New Zealand’s North Island. PHOTO: ZUMA PRESS
Most countries produce enough dairy products to meet their own needs and export a small surplus. New Zealand, by contrast, has only about 4.5 million people and an outsized dairy sector sustained by lush pasture. It exports 95% of its output, making it the world’s largest dairy trader.
Urbanization in China has been a windfall for New Zealand. When Chinese farmers settle in cities they buy refrigerators and stock up on milk. But China’s own milk production has struggled to meet demand. With limited agricultural land and concerns about safety after a 2008 scandal in which melamine-tainted formula sickened thousands of babies, China now heavily relies on New Zealand’s pristine farms. They provide 70% of Chinese dairy imports.
The trade has exposed New Zealand to dramatic market shocks. A speculative frenzy of Chinese milk-powder buying in 2013 has turned bust: Prices have roughly halved as others have ramped up milk production to sell to China. Farmers who recently added to their dairy herds are now culling them. Many are saddled with debt that they took on to boost production.
In time, the market gyrations will calm. Yet more fundamental changes under way in settlements like Pokeno have only just begun.
China is no longer content merely to buy New Zealand’s dairy exports: It wants a stake in the entire production chain. With New Zealand lacking its own savings to fund investments, the Chinese flood is likely to continue.
For a small country like New Zealand, this is a pivotal moment
—Rodney Jones, Wigram Capital Advisors
“For a small country like New Zealand, this is a pivotal moment,” says Rodney Jones, a New Zealander based in Beijing as a principal of Wigram Capital Advisors.
The company that built the infant-formula plant in Pokeno is majority-owned by Chinese state-backed giant China Mengniu Dairy Co. It will start production next month. All of China’s top three dairy producers now manufacture in the country.
In just a few years, a previously unknown Chinese private company—Shanghai Pengxin Group Co Ltd.—has vaulted into the top ranks of corporate farmland owners in New Zealand. Pengxin’s rapid acquisitions have touched off a debate about national identity. During the last election, opposition politicians warned that New Zealanders risked becoming “tenants in their own land.”
Such fears are overblown. Yet the sheer speed and scale of recent Chinese buying is daunting to many people in this country.
Although the stock of Chinese investment in New Zealand remains minuscule, the flow is large: About half of all inbound foreign direct investment in recent years has come from China and Hong Kong. Chinese money has helped to inflate a property bubble in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city.
Mr. Jones questions what New Zealand is getting out of all this investment beyond jobs and tax revenue. The country “is not defining its long-term interests in the right way,” he says.
Others are more sanguine. David Mahon, one of the most experienced New Zealand executives in China who runs his own advisory and investment business in Beijing, agrees there’s a risk that “the real value of what we do is owned by others.” Yet he welcomes the economy’s shift toward new sources of growth. “Our potential as a country is about to be fulfilled,” he says.
That’s not the way it feels to some of the residents of Pokeno. The Grahams, whose farm is next door to the Yashili factory, plan to soldier on for a few more years and then move away. They’re both in their 70s and still own an apartment in Auckland.
Meanwhile, Helen Clotworthy, who with her husband owns the local butchery business Pokeno Bacon, is bailing out now. Her family is moving to a quieter spot nearby, although they’ll keep the shop.
The roar of bulldozers from the Yashili factory has unsettled Ms. Clotworthy, and she’s grown anxious about the way that China is reshaping her future. “They’ve got wealth that we don’t understand in New Zealand,” she says.