2014年9月22日 星期一

香港展開為期5天的罷課行動:Hong Kong students 'grasp destiny' in demand for democracy “可以不走的話,有誰想走?”

15小時 · 


照片中的地點位於香港中文大學,數以千計的學生們身穿白衣、佩戴黃絲帶,湧入中文大學的百萬大道,抗議中共人大針對香港特首普選所作的決議。(http://bit.ly/1rrqREd )



* 現場直播網址:bit.ly/hkclassboycott
* 真普選懶人包:bit.ly/1CfTSa1

老外節目製作團隊 / 圖片來源:Getty Images

Thousands of Hong Kong students 'grasp destiny' in demand for democracy
HONG KONG Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:17am EDT
(Reuters) - Thousands of students braved sweltering heat in Hong Kong on Monday to demand greater democracy as they launched a week-long boycott of classes, underscoring a restive younger generation's determination to challenge the Chinese Communist Party.
Dressed in white and wearing yellow ribbons, students from more than 20 universities and colleges packed into the grounds of picturesque, bay-side Chinese University where they were greeted by banners that said: "The boycott must happen. Disobey and grasp your destiny."
Managing the former British colony is proving a challenge for Beijing, which is worried that calls for democracy could spread to cities on the mainland, threatening the Communist Party's grip on power.
Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997 as a "special administrative region" (SAR) with a high degree of autonomy and freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland under a formula known as "one country, two systems".
But Beijing last month rejected demands for people to freely choose the city's next leader, prompting threats from pro-democracy activists to shut down the Central financial district.
"We are willing to pay the price for democracy. No one can take away people’s entitled right. No one. Not the SAR government and of course not the NPC," said Alex Chow, leader of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, one of the organisers of the boycott, referring to China's National People's Congress.
Chow, 24, who wore a black T-shirt with the words "freedom now", has said he was inspired by a high school teacher who began crying as he played a clip of China's bloody crackdown on pro-democracy student demonstrators in and around Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.
The protest was peaceful but the mood at the university was defiant as demonstrators demanded nominations for Hong Kong's next leader in 2017 to be open to everyone. China's leaders want to ensure only pro-Beijing candidates are on the ballot.
Chow's federation put the number of students attending the rally at about 13,000, describing the turn-out as "inspirational". There was no independent or police estimate.
The Occupy Central movement that has threatened to shut down the business district will likely be encouraged by the turnout. The students' ability to mobilise such a large crowd makes their support an increasingly important driver of Hong Kong's burgeoning civil disobedience movement.
Students converged on a long boulevard at the university, with some carrying umbrellas to protect them from the baking sun, and many chanting "united we stand" and "democracy now".
The Federation of Students said its application to hold a rally in Hong Kong's Central district had been approved for Tuesday to Thursday.
It had written a letter to Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying and planned to gather outside his office on Tuesday if it had not received a reply by then.
The Hong Kong government said in a statement it respected the students' "ambition and persistence".
"The issue of political system development has been complicated and controversial, so it’s understandable that different groups in the society hold different opinions and arguments, which is also a normal phenomenon in Hong Kong’s diversified society," it said.
The student boycott coincided with a trip by some of Hong Kong's most powerful tycoons to Beijing where they discussed Hong Kong with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
"We will continue to carry out 'one country, two systems' and the Basic Law in Hong Kong, which serve the interests of the nation, the interests of Hong Kong people, and the interests of foreign investors," said Xi, who was flanked by former Hong Kong leader Tung Chee-hwa.
"The central government will firmly support and push for the democratic development in Hong Kong and will maintain the prosperous development in Hong Kong."
The Basic Law refers to the mini-constitution for post-1997 Hong Kong which enshrines the one country, two systems formula.
Leading academics in Hong Kong have voiced support for the student boycott, with some offering to record lectures and post them online for students who miss school to watch later.
"As long as the spirit of democracy stays alive, we cannot and will not be defeated," said Chan Kin-man, a co-founder of the Occupy Central movement.
The student group Scholarism is planning to lead a boycott of secondary school classes on September 26 to rally further support for the democracy movement, while Occupy is expected to lock down the financial district around October 1.
Hong Kong has been dogged by a series of rallies this summer over the issue of electoral reform. A survey by the Chinese University showed more than a fifth of Hong Kong residents are considering leaving the city, spurred by concerns over its political future.
(Additional reporting by Venus Wu, Stefanie McIntyre, Diana Chan and Yimou Lee; Writing by Anne Marie Roantree; Editing by Nick Macfie)



Evaair Flugzeug
(德國之聲中文網)香港近月圍繞2017年特首普選的政治風波不斷。中國人大的政改決定,引發了一波一波的抗爭行動,學聯發起由周一(9月22日)起為期一周的 罷課行動,便是其中一波。香港中文大學就市民政治前景的看法進行了一項調查,於9月中訪問了1006名香港人,結果發現大部分受訪者對政治環境感到悲觀。以十分為滿分(表示極度樂觀),香港人的平均回應僅為4.22分,當中有21%甚至表示會因政治因素考慮移民。

在香港擁有三家咖啡館的店主李妍在接受德國之聲訪問時表示,她打算未來移民到台灣。她承認,政治問題是令萌生這個念頭的一大主因之一。"我不想在共產黨管治的地方下生活"她表示。"在香港生活雖然一直也不太容易,消費指數真的很高,但畢竟方便;但未來就不只是這個(經濟)問題了,還有政治問題。"她相信,在 台灣要找一份工作,要有穩定收入其實更難,但還是想要離開。
她又認為,台灣跟香港不一樣,上次" 太陽花學運 "以後讓她發現,台灣人 保護自己本土文化的意識強烈很多。他們還會去思考未來,但香港很多人已放棄。

香港上一波移民潮發生於1997年 回歸的前幾年,當時每年有數万人離開香港。北京政府1989年以武力鎮壓天安門民主運動,是觸發移民潮的其中一個背景因素。部分香港人因擔憂香港前途,紛紛移民到加拿大、澳大利亞和美國等地,直至香港政治及經濟較穩定後才回流。
不過,香港人對普選的 意見分裂嚴重,有人願意接受人大方案,有人堅持抗爭行動。調查同時訪問了香港人對"和平佔中"的看法,近46%受訪者並不支持活動,癱瘓中環交通,認為運動會損害香港經濟。
