2011年6月13日 星期一

日本反核大遊行/ 台灣大放水/藍封殺非核提案 核四140億預算過關

藍封殺非核提案 核四140億預算過關

〔記者邱燕玲、林毅璋/台北報導〕立法院院會昨日三讀通過「一百年度中央政府總預算案附 屬單位預算營業及非營業部分」,由於日本核災引發全球關心核電廠安全問題,民進黨團提案要求核一、二、三廠不延役,核四不商轉並刪除相關預算,但表決後全 遭國民黨團封殺,核四一百年度因此繼續編列一四○億元預算。



綠黨:核四已砸2500億 錯上加錯


針 對核電廠相關預算,民進黨團共提十個提案,包括「刪除核四廠預算一四○億元」、「要求經濟部撤回核一廠延役之申請案,未來也不得送出核二、核三廠延役的申 請」、「暫停核四興建案」、「撤銷台東縣達仁鄉列為低放射性廢棄物最終處置設施場潛在場址之公告」等,但表決後都遭國民黨團封殺,並通過國民黨團的修正 案。


綠委斥藍營霸凌民意 現出原形








Demonstrations against nuclear power blanket Japan


photoPeople march around Koriyama Station in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, on June 11, calling for a nuclear-free society. (Ikuro Aiba)

Marking three months after the crisis erupted at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake, protesters marched against nuclear power generation in rallies across Japan on June 11.

In Tokyo's Shinjuku district, where about 20,000 people participated in a march that started at about 3 p.m., 43-year-old company employee Makoto Saito joined the protest along with his wife and two sons.

"Above all things, I care about my children's future. There is no way except for suspending the operations of nuclear power plants immediately," said Saito, who was taking part in a demonstration of this kind for the first time.

The protests across Japan were organized, through the Internet and other means, by environmental and other groups under the title, "6-11 Datsu-Genpatsu 100-Mannin Action" (June 11 nuclear power generation-free one million people action).

Organizers have held similar demonstrations in Tokyo since the accidents took place at the Fukushima plant in the aftermath of the March 11 quake and resulting tsunami, which swamped the plant.

According to the groups, demonstrations and other anti-nuclear events were held on June 11 at about 140 sites across Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima and also Fukui Prefecture, where four nuclear power plants are located.

Demonstrations and rallies were also held in parts of Fukushima Prefecture where the Fukushima No. 1 plant is sited. In Koriyama, in the central part of the prefecture, about 200 people marched while holding placards that read, "No More Fukushima" and "Return our hometowns."

Apparently due to the accidents at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the radiation level in Koriyama remains more than 20 times higher than that in Tokyo.

Madoka Hashimoto, a 36-year-old homemaker from Sukagawa in the prefecture, took part in the demonstration while wearing a mask with the attached message, "I cannot even take a deep breath."

"To tell the truth, I don't want to take part in a demonstration. But I thought that we have to raise anti-nuclear voices from local areas (in Fukushima Prefecture)," she said.

Rallies and demonstrations against nuclear power were also held overseas in June 11 in cities such as Paris, Melbourne, Hong Kong and Taipei.

In Paris, several thousands of people gathered in front of the city government building and expressed their solidarity with the Japanese who were calling for a nuclear-free world. Lawmakers from the Europe Ecology-The Greens and other political parties spoke against the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy, which is promoting the generation of nuclear power.
