2011年6月12日 星期日

越南人再次舉行反華示威/Vietnam seeks US support in China dispute


英國《金融時報》 本•布蘭德河內報導

Vietnam seeks US support in China dispute




“中國正在搞一場宣傳活動,目的是混淆視聽,”在河內中國大使館外參加抗議的55歲的投資顧問范家明(Pham Gia Minh,音譯)表示。 “我們必須讓世人了解,​​我們想要和平,但是當侵略者到來時,我們將​​站起來反抗他們。”




去年7月,中國對美國國務卿希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的話作出憤怒反應,當時希拉里堅稱,南海對美國具有戰略重要性,並提出美國願意扮演調停角色。

美國在上週五表示,對最新動態表示“不安”。美國國務院發言人馬克•唐納(Mark Toner)警告稱,“展示武力”只會加劇緊張。


“中國的行為已從自信發展到咄咄逼人,”新加坡東南亞研究所(ISEAS)研究員、南海海上安全問題專家伊恩•斯托里(Ian Storey)表示。

Vietnam has called on the US and other nations to help resolve the escalating territorial disputes in the resource-rich South China Sea, in a move likely to anger Beijing.

Tensions between China and Vietnam continued to rise over the weekend, ahead of live-fire drills planned by Vietnam’s navy on Monday on an islet around 20 miles from the coast of central Vietnam, described by Hanoi as “routine”.

Stirred by a number of maritime confrontations with China over recent weeks, hundreds of Vietnamese took part in rare anti-China protests on Sunday for the second straight weekend, with the usually draconian police allowing the demonstrations to take place.

“China is running an information campaign to blind people,” said Pham Gia Minh, a 55-year-old investment consultant who attended a protest outside the Chinese embassy in Hanoi. “We have to let people understand that we want peace but when the aggressor comes we will stand up to them.”

In addition to China and Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan claim some or all of the territory in the contested area of the South China Sea, which is believed to contain vast oil and gas reserves and incorporates key trade routes and abundant fish stocks.

The Vietnamese government has ratcheted up its rhetoric in recent weeks amid growing public disquiet over perceived maritime bullying by China. At the weekend Vietnam’s foreign ministry said that it would “welcome” efforts by the US and other nations to help resolve the South China Sea dispute.

Such sentiments are unlikely to go down well in Beijing, which insists that the long-running row must be resolved on a purely bilateral basis.

China reacted angrily last July when Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, insisted that the South China Sea was of strategic importance to the US and offered to act as a mediator.

The US said on Friday that is was “troubled” by the latest developments, with Mark Toner, a state department spokesman, warning that “shows of force” only increase tensions.

Hanoi and Beijing have traded accusations of infringement of sovereignty.

“China’s behaviour has gone from assertive to aggressive,” said Ian Storey, a fellow at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore and an expert on maritime security in the South China Sea.
