2009年9月4日 星期五


时事风云 | 2009.09.04


西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛结束6天访问台湾祈福之旅,9月4日ㄧ早搭机返回印度。达赖喇嘛在登机前依循此次访台的一贯低调态度,并未发表正式谈话。但他表示, 他随时准备回西藏,而且,所有的西藏人都是这么想的。虽然达赖喇嘛强调此行是宗教性质,言行也仅守分际,不过两岸关係确实因他访台而生变,未来如何发展, 有待观察。德国之声特约记者从台北发来报道。


达赖喇嘛是应民进党籍高雄市长陈菊等南部7县市长之邀,访问台湾为受创严重的南台湾88水灾灾民消灾祈福。由于他身分特殊,此行引发不小的政治联想 与争议,但达赖喇嘛除在抵台前就强调,此行的目的,就是为灾民祈福。为了避免带来台湾的困扰,达赖喇嘛取消了预定的记者会及北部的演讲,将访台行程限缩在 南部的祈福法会、演讲,以及与天主教枢机主教单国玺的对谈,低调的会见民进党主席蔡英文,并在台北接见藏胞和信徒。

根据台湾在野党的民调,台湾多数人民支持达赖喇嘛台湾之行。然而,民进党此时邀请达赖喇嘛访台,也被质疑是政治操作,而且因救灾不力而声望下挫的马 英九总统虽核准达赖喇嘛访台,却与之保持距离。自达赖喇嘛抵台,抗议他访台的声音也如影随形。对此,达赖喇嘛不以为意,还称赞这是台湾民主的可贵,他也表 示能体谅马英九总统。但达赖喇嘛身边的人及民进党方面却为他抱不平,认为这是马英九政府屈服於中国的压力。民进党民调中心主任陈俊麟说:"在这样的一个民 意状况之下,马政府真的应该好好想一想,不要用政治思考来对待这样一个宗教性、人道关怀的活动。用所谓的批评和恐吓。中国对于这样一个事情也必须好好思 考。"

达赖喇嘛为幸存者赐福Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 达赖喇嘛为幸存者赐福

马英九政府否认对达赖喇嘛访台行程有任何施压,不过行政院长刘兆玄也表示,达赖喇嘛访台不能说对两岸关系完全没有影响,但他希望这个影响能够比较短 暂。刘兆玄说:"把这件事情定位在一个人道关怀、属于宗教层次的关怀、心灵抚慰,这样一个层次的话,问题就不大。我也希望,各方都不要太政治化这件事 情。"


作者:尼尔 (台北特约记者 )


China anger over Dalai Lama trip

Dalai Lama, 4 August
China is quick to criticise nations that show support for the Dalai Lama

China has criticised an invitation from Taiwan to the Dalai Lama, calling him a separatist who wants to sabotage improving cross-strait relations.

Taiwan's president granted opposition requests for Tibet's spiritual leader to comfort victims of Typhoon Morakot.

But a statement from Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Bureau said the Dalai Lama was not a "pure religious figure".

"Under the pretext of religion, he has all along been engaged in separatist activities," the statement said.

"He raises the religious banner and continues to carry out attempting to split the country."

The authorities in Beijing said Taiwan's pro-independence opposition had ulterior motives in asking the more pro-Beijing President Ma Ying-jeou to approve the Dalai Lama's visit.

"Some of the people in the Democratic Progressive Party use the disaster rescue excuse to invite Dalai to Taiwan to sabotage the hard-earned positive situation of cross-straits relations," the statement said.

Comforting victims

Under Taiwan's previous pro-independence administration, the Dalai Lama visited the island several times - most recently in 2001.

Michael Bristow
Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing
It is not a surprise that China has expressed its "resolute opposition" - it objects to most of the Dalai Lama's overseas visits. Beijing believes his aim is to garner support for Tibetan independence.

What is perhaps surprising is that Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou has approved the visit. He has worked hard to improve Taiwan's relationship with China since he took office last year. This trip risks undermining those efforts.

But Mr Ma has faced criticism at home recently for what many see as a slow response to the devastation caused by Typhoon Morakot. Many Taiwanese people also say he is just too close to Beijing.

Mr Ma probably gambled that, at this moment, it was better to risk annoying China than his own voters.

But President Ma, who came to power in 2008, is much closer to China than his predecessor Chen Shui-bian.

Last year he refused to grant permission for a visit by the Dalai Lama, saying the timing was not right as his government was working to improve relations with Beijing.

But the typhoon and its aftermath have left Mr Ma in a difficult position.

The Chinese government considers Mr Ma's administration far easier to deal with than the island's previous pro-independence leadership.

However, an estimated 500 people were killed by severe flooding and mudslides caused by the typhoon - the worst Taiwan has suffered for 50 years - and Mr Ma's administration has been criticised for its slow and inefficient response.

His popularity has plunged to a record low of 20% over his handling of the disaster.

According to the BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei, the president needed to give the green light to the Dalai Lama's visit because he could not afford to hurt his and his party's image any further.

Military soldiers helping to clean the streets of Linbian, in southern Taiwan
Many relatives of those killed in the south of Taiwan blame the government

So after a five-hour meeting with security officials, he chose to allow the trip.

Correspondents say that harsh Chinese criticism might play into the hands of Taiwan's opposition by reducing Mr Ma's popularity even further.

The Tibetan spiritual leader is due to arrive on 31 August and to stay for four days, with the focus of his trip being entirely to comfort those affected by the typhoon.

The Dalai Lama has long been eager to visit Taiwan, and is looking forward to the trip, his aide told Reuters news agency.

Taiwan is home to a large exiled Tibetan community, and millions of Taiwanese are Buddhists.

A spokesman for Taiwan's Presidential Office insisted "cross-strait relations will not be negatively affected" by the decision.

達賴喇嘛訪台心願 安撫災民受創心靈 【14:25】







