2017年12月30日 星期六

A North Korean diary 說不出的詭異.....



A North Korean diary

Few tourists have managed to peek behind the curtain of North Korea's isolated dictatorship. One of the few is the journalist Lucca Faccio, who visited Kim Jong Un's regime, and found a country marked by poverty, repression and indoctrination.
Watch video42:55
Anyone venturing behind the world’s last Iron Curtain into North Korea will experience a very different country to the one we know only through the usual images of rocket launches and mass rallies. The country is ruled by the dictator Kim Jong Un, whom the people worship - or are made to worship - as a god-like father figure. Little is known about daily life in North Korea, because all images that reach the outside world have been censored by the government. Visitors rarely see evidence of oppression, enforced conformity and starvation in the rural population. Still, journalist Lucca Faccio is able to offer some interesting insights into the isolated country - although, of course, government watchdogs are on his heels everywhere he goes.
