2008年8月3日 星期日

EU parliament leader calls for China protests

EU parliament leader calls for China protests

The president of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, has called on Olympic athletes to demonstrate against human rights abuses when they line up in China. Writing in the German Sunday newspaper, "Bild am Sonntag", Pöttering said that he would like to encourage athletes to face up to things rather than look away. He added that it was a "duty not to forget the people of Tibet, who are fighting for their cultural survival". The Games, which start on Friday and run through until August 24, are being seen by many world leaders as an opportunity to pressure China into rights concessions, particularly with regard to Tibet.

light (sth) up, face up to sth, line up


欧洲议 会议长波特凌呼吁北京奥运会的参与者对西藏人权受侵犯表示抗议。这位德国基民盟政治家在星期日图片报上撰文,鼓励所有参加奥运会的运动员认真关注这一问 题。波特凌表示,每个人都有权以自己的方式表达立场,不应受到任何官员的禁止。此前,国际奥委会主席罗格呼吁运动员不要在奥运村和竞赛场馆作出抗议举动。 国际奥委会主席团的德国成员特雷格也为禁止抗议作了辩护,他在接受德意志电台采访时说,表达抗议有许多其他的可能性和场所,如通过新闻发布会或与当地居民 交谈。


国际奥 委会向中国四川地震灾区捐款400万美元。国际奥委会主席罗格在北京表示,国际奥委会始终同中国人民,同地震灾民和他们的家人站在一起。上述捐款将用来重 建灾区的体育基础设施。在5-12汶川大地震发生后不久,国际奥委会就像中国提供了100万美元的紧急援助。北京奥组委和中国奥委会也分别向灾区捐赠 200万美元。
