2008年8月30日 星期六

30萬人嗆馬 擠爆凱道Thousands of Taiwanese rally against president

Thousands of Taiwanese rally against president

Tens of thousands of Taiwanese have marched in the streets of Taiwan's capital to protest the president's efforts to improve relations with China. Protesters said they were worried that President Ma Ying-jeou was leaning toward China too quickly and that it might bring disastrous political consequences. Saturday's protest is the first mass rally against Ma since his inauguration about 3 months ago. Taiwan's sovereignty has been long disputed between Taipei and Beijing. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949, but China continues to claim Taiwan as part of its territory.

30萬人嗆馬 擠爆凱道
馬 政府五二○上任以來,政經措施一味傾中,台灣主權頻遭矮化,民生經濟空前困窘。台灣社等民間團體因此選在昨天舉行「百日怒吼.全民站出來」八三○大遊行, 東西兩路並進,表達「顧腹肚、護主權、要陽光」的訴求,隊伍最後在凱道會師,人潮塞爆景福門周邊道路,展現了嗆馬的沛然氣勢。(記者方賓照攝)

人數超乎預期 擠不進場

〔記 者李欣芳、施曉光/台北報導〕「百日怒吼.全民站出來」八三○大遊行群眾昨塞爆總統府前凱達格蘭大道,參與民眾以「顧腹肚、護主權、要陽光」等明確的三大 訴求向馬政府嗆聲。遊行人數超乎預期,最後集結的群眾大會地點凱達格蘭大道,群眾太多擠到爆,很多民眾擠不進會場,只能待在附近街道。




反馬政府傾中 民眾怒吼





敲打鍋碗瓢盆 喊顧腹肚

東 線隊伍是由台獨聯盟主席黃昭堂、台灣社社長吳樹民等人領軍,前總統府國策顧問黃崑虎雖腳傷也坐著輪椅參與遊行。西線隊伍則是由長老教會走在最前頭,包括九 ○八台灣國運動、台教會等多個本土社團及民進黨主席蔡英文領軍的縣市大隊也在西線遊行,沿路有民眾拿著鍋碗瓢盆敲打應和,也有人以鑼鼓助聲勢。



動員能量不受影響 反超乎預期

〔記者黃維助、曾韋禎、施曉光/台北報導〕由本土社團發起的百日怒吼遊行活動昨天熱鬧登場,原本以為受扁案打擊,將嚴重影響動員能量,但參與遊行的綠營百 里侯與立委,昨天異口同聲強調,民眾自動參與程度超乎想像,不敢動員的公職人員會後悔,黨內有人不敢協辦遊行,結果證明參與協辦才是對的。



理性訴求成功 一掃悲觀氣氛


少數不敢動員公職人員 必定後悔

「本來只動員四、五部遊覽車,但最後追加到三十部」,走完遊行,揮汗如雨的屏東縣立委潘孟安笑著說,藍軍操作過頭,反而激發綠營支持者的動員能量,這次基 層自動參與嗆馬遊行的程度,已超乎他原先的想像,他只能說,少部分不敢動員的綠營公職人員,在看了遊行的場面後,一定會後悔。





Earthquake toll rising in southern China

An earthquake in southwest China's Sichuan province has killed 15 people and injured nearly a hundred, as houses in rural villages collapsed, state media reported. The United States Geological Survey said the quake, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale, struck at 4:30 pm on Saturday, about 160 kilometres northwest of Kunming, Yunnan state's provincial capital. Many people in the capital remained outdoors on Saturday evening for fear of aftershocks. A massive quake hit Sichuan province in May this year, killing nearly 70,000 people, with about 18,000 still missing.

中国城乡 人均收入比 3.33:1(2006年为3.28)

在中国新一届领导班子上任六年之后,本周五,中国及境外媒体纷纷公布了2008年是中国城乡差距最糟糕的一年。为此,农业部部长孙政才对中国青年报表示: “中国城乡 人均收入比扩大到了3.33:1。2006年这一差距比估计为3.28,是1984年以来城乡收入差距最大的一年。”

孙政才在最近的一次会议上表示:“特别 是今年一年,城乡收入差距前景更不好预测,这与不确定的农民收入增长因素有关。农民增收的目标可能很难实现。”目前中国农民的数量为8亿,北京理工大学经 济学教授胡星斗认为解决农民人口过多的最好办法是让农村人口逐步脱离农业是中国面临的一项艰巨任务。他说:“不改变城乡人口差距,中国城乡人口收入就得不 到缩减。对于中国社会的发展趋势目前没有其它选择,而差距越大越容易导致中国社会的不稳定。”



近十年来,虽然废除了在中国(以这样或那样形 式)存在了2600年的农业税制度。尽管官方几经努力,但数据表明,城乡收入差距在过去的几年间,仍在持续扩大。2000年,中国城乡收入比为2.79: 1,与1984改革开放以来的收入比1.71相比,1984年为最低水平。鉴于如此多的农村人口要依靠数量有限的可耕地过活,农村家庭的收入增长一直落后 于城市家庭。



2008年8月29日 星期五

Our revels now are ended

The Beijing Olympics

Our revels now are ended

Aug 28th 2008 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition


━━ n., vi. (〈英〉-ll-) 酒宴(をする,をして騒ぐ); 大いに楽しむ ((in)).
rev・el・(l)er ━━ n.
 ━━ n. 酒宴.

A substantial pageant, but its fading leaves not a wrack behind

IT ALL went much as China’s leaders had hoped. The ceremonies were spectacular, the stadiums as good as any in the world and China won far more gold medals than any other country. The world’s most important politicians showed up and no one, bar a handful of vexatious foreigners, staged protests. But after spending tens of billions of dollars and huge political energy, China’s leaders might be wondering whether it was all worth it.

The occasional glimpses on national television of their wooden expressions as they watched the closing spectacular of the Olympic games on August 24th revealed little of what they felt. This was a show they had helped to choreograph, sometimes in minute detail. But they have suppressed almost all public discussion about the choices they made and the expense involved.

Officially the games cost $2.2 billion, compared with an original estimate of $1.6 billion. Beijing also spent $40 billion on preparing its infrastructure and cleaning up the environment. But China’s secretive budgeting system makes it impossible to verify these figures. Chinese officials say the infrastructure had to be built anyway and that spending was in line with that of previous host cities. But the impression given was of little expense spared.

Vice-President Xi Jinping, at least, has reason to celebrate. The games were his first big political test since he emerged as China’s leader-in-waiting after a Communist Party congress in October last year. Mr Xi took charge of preparations for the games, a move apparently aimed at demonstrating the importance the party attached to them (officially a lower-ranking Politburo member, Beijing’s party chief, Liu Qi, remained the top organiser). Organisationally the games went well.

Less clear is whether the games will pay the kind of political dividends that China had hoped for domestically and abroad. The gold-medal haul (51 compared with America’s 36 and 23 for Russia) will boost national pride. But many complain about the impact that stringent security precautions and tightened visa restrictions for foreigners have had on business. Security has been particularly intense in Tibet and neighbouring Xinjiang. This may well worsen grievances among their inhabitants and strengthen pro-independence sentiment in both regions.

For all the good cheer generated by the gold medals, the party is clearly nervous of the slightest challenge to its authority. Having named three Beijing parks where protests would be allowed during the Olympics, the police turned down all of at least 77 applications for permission to hold demonstrations. Among those who applied were two women in their 70s who wanted to complain about inadequate compensation for being relocated from their homes. The authorities responded to their request by sentencing both to a year in labour camp, though the sentences are suspended as long as they behave well.

Officials made strenuous efforts to keep disaffected citizens from other provinces away from the capital during the games. But security is likely to be relaxed after the Paralympics, which will be held in Beijing between September 6th and 17th. The grievances, from land disputes to official corruption, that bring thousands of people to the capital every year in a usually futile search for redress will soon resurface. Even in the security-conscious build-up to the games large riots were reported in several Chinese towns over local abuses of power.

Abroad, China’s hospitality (towards those who managed to get visas, at least), lavish spectacles and magnificent new stadiums drew widespread praise. But there will be many doubts about whether all the Olympic bonhomie has transformed the way China sees the world. As China’s response to foreign reactions to the unrest in Tibet in March suggested, this can be worryingly xenophobic. The party still sees it as essential to its legitimacy to portray the country as a victim of Western efforts to contain and dismember it.

Tony Blair, a former British prime minister, argued in the Wall Street Journal this week that the games would mark a “new epoch”, involving an irreversible opening up of China and a steady decline of “ignorance and fear” of the country. But what many outside China saw during the Olympics was a clampdown on dissent and a disdain even for the spontaneous street-party exuberance of previous games. This will hardly dispel worries about the impact of China’s rise.

2008年8月28日 星期四


Car Bombing of Police Bus Kills 8 in Pakistan as the Taliban Pursue Security Forces

Ijaz Muhammad/Associated Press

Local residents examined the wreckage of a police bus after a bomb blast in Bannu, Pakistan, on Thursday.

Indian PM: Floods a 'calamity'; aid airdropped in

Massive flooding in northern India has displaced nearly two million people and led India's prime minister to call the floods a "national calamity". Manmohan Singh toured the eastern Indian state of Bihar which has been ravaged by the monsoon-swollen Kosi river which breached its banks ten days ago and changed its course. Singh announced an aid package of more than 1.5 million euros. Food and medicine is being airdropped to stranded people. More than 800 people across India have been killed this monsoon season, which lasts until September.

Malaysian opposition leader stages dramatic walkout

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has used his first day back in parliament to stage a walkout with scores of opposition lawmakers. The walkout occurred during a debate on a proposed law that would make it mandatory for criminal suspects to provide DNA samples. Critics claim that the law is meant to bolster a new sodomy charge against Anwar - the government denies this. Anwar was sworn in as a federal legislator on Thursday after ten years of parliamentary absence following convictions for sodomy and corruption.

Malaysia extends peacekeeping mission in southern Philippines

Malaysia has agreed to extend its peacekeeping mission in the southern Philippines by three months. Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim said his country had acceded to a request by the Philippines to extend the peacekeepers' mandate to monitor a truce between Muslim rebels and the Philippine government. Malaysia has at least 12 peacekeepers on Mindanao island, where the Moro Islamic Liberation Front is fighting government troops for self-rule. Their mandate was to expire on August 31, but with the latest extension they will remain in Mindanao until November 30.

China and Iraq sign landmark oil deal

China and Iraq have signed a landmark three billion dollar deal to exploit oil in the Middle Eastern country. According to a statement from the Iraqi Embassy in Beijing, the deal was signed late on Wednesday by Chinese officials and Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani. The agreement revives a 1997 contract that granted China exploration rights to the Al-Ahdab oil field in the province of Wassit, just south of Baghdad. The statement said the revised terms of the deal increase the anticipated output from the billion-barrel field to 110,000 barrels per day from the originally planned 90,000 barrels per day. It says the contract is to run for 20 years after production begins three years from now.

2008年8月27日 星期三

We Can Help China Embrace the Future By TONY BLAIR


We Can Help China Embrace the Future

August 26, 2008; Page A21

The Beijing Olympic Games were a powerful spectacle, stunning in sight and sound. But the moment that made the biggest impression on me came during an informal visit just before the Games to one of the new Chinese Internet companies, and in conversation with some of the younger Chinese entrepreneurs.

These people, men and women, were smart, sharp, forthright, unafraid to express their views about China and its future. Above all, there was a confidence, an optimism, a lack of the cynical, and a presence of the spirit of get up and go, that reminded me greatly of the U.S. at its best and any country on its way forward.

These people weren't living in fear, but looking forward in hope. And for all the millions still in poverty in China, for all the sweep of issues -- political, social and economic -- still to be addressed, that was the spirit of China during this festival of sport, and that is the spirit that will define its future.

During my 10 years as British leader, I could see the accelerating pace of China's continued emergence as a major power. I gave speeches about China, I understood it analytically. But I did not feel it emotionally and therefore did not fully understand it politically.

Since leaving office I have visited four times and will shortly return again. People ask what is the legacy of these Olympics for China? It is that they mark a new epoch -- an opening up of China that can never be reversed. It also means that ignorance and fear of China will steadily decline as the reality of modern China becomes more apparent.

Power and influence is shifting to the East. In time will come India, too. Some see all this as a threat. I see it as an enormous opportunity. But we have to exercise a lot of imagination and eliminate any vestiges of historic arrogance.

The volunteer force that staged the Games was interested, friendly and helpful. The whole feel of the city was a world away from the China I remember on my first visit 20 years ago. And the people are proud, really and honestly proud, of their country and its progress.

No sensible Chinese person -- including the country's leadership -- doubts there remain issues of human rights and political and religious freedom to be resolved. But neither do the sensible people -- including the most Western-orientated Chinese -- doubt the huge change, for the better, there has been. China is on a journey. It is moving forward quickly. But it knows perfectly well the journey is not complete. Observers should illuminate the distance to go, by all means, but recognize the distance traveled.

The Chinese leadership is understandably preoccupied with internal development. Beijing and Shanghai no more paint for you the complete picture of China than New York and Washington do of the U.S. Understanding the internal challenge is fundamental to understanding China, its politics and its psyche. We in Europe have roughly 5% of our population employed in agriculture. China has almost 60%. Over the coming years it will seek to move hundreds of millions of its people from a rural to an urban economy. Of course India will seek to do the same, and the scale of this transformation will create huge challenges and opportunities in the economy, the environment and politically.

For China, this economic and social transformation has to come with political stability. It is in all our interests that it does. The policy of One China is not a piece of indulgent nationalism. It is an existential issue if China is to hold together in a peaceful and stable manner as it modernizes. This is why Tibet is not simply a religious issue for China but a profoundly political one -- Tibet being roughly a quarter of China's land mass albeit with a small population.

So we should continue to engage in a dialogue over the issues that rightly concern people, but we should conduct it with at least some sensitivity to the way China sees them.

This means that the West needs a strong partnership with China, one that goes deep, not just economically but politically and culturally. The truth is that nothing in the 21st century will work well without China's full engagement. The challenges we face today are global. China is now a major global player. So whether the issue is climate change, Africa, world trade or the myriad of security questions, we need China to be constructive; we need it to be using its power in partnership with us. None of this means we shouldn't continue to raise the issues of human rights, religious freedoms and democratic reforms as European and American leaders have done in recent weeks.

It is possible to hyperbolize about the rise of China. For example, Europe's economies are still major and combined outreach those of China and India combined. But, as the Olympics and its medal tables show, it is not going to stay that way. This is a historic moment of change. Fast forward 10 years and everyone will know it.

For centuries, the power has resided in the West, with various European powers including the British Empire and then, in the 20th century, the U.S. Now we will have to come to terms with a world in which the power is shared with the Far East. I wonder if we quite understand what that means, we whose culture (not just our politics and economies) has dominated for so long. It will be a rather strange, possibly unnerving experience. Personally, I think it will be incredibly enriching. New experiences; new ways of thinking liberate creative energy. But in any event, it will be a fact we have to come to terms with. For the next U.S. president, this will be or should be at the very top of the agenda, and as a result of the strength of the Sino-U.S. relationship under President Bush, there is a sound platform to build upon.

The Olympics is now the biggest sporting event in the world, and because of the popularity of sport it is therefore one of the events that makes a genuine impact on real people. These Games have given people a glimpse of modern China in a way that no amount of political speeches could do.

London 2012 gives Britain a tremendous chance to explore some of these changes and explain to the East what the modern West is about. One thing is for certain: Hosting the Olympics is now a fantastic opportunity for any nation. My thoughts after the Beijing Games are that we shouldn't try to emulate the wonder of the opening ceremony. It was the spectacular to end all spectaculars and probably can never be bettered. We should instead do something different, drawing maybe on the ideals and spirit of the Olympic movement. We should do it our way, like they did it theirs. And we should learn from and respect each other. That is the way of the 21st century.

Mr. Blair, former prime minister of Great Britain, is teaching a course on faith and globalization at the Yale Schools of Management and Divinity.

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, plus video commentary, on Opinion Journal.

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Tony Blair


















New car taxes in China

這招實在不算什麼 重點是要擋得住國內外之壓力

Car taxes in China

Taking another road

Aug 21st 2008
From The Economist print edition

China finds a way to cut car imports without offending the WTO

LESS than a month after losing its first legal dispute with the World Trade Organisation (WTO), China has introduced a new tax that will achieve much of what it originally wanted, only by another route. Moreover, it is a “green” tax. Who could object to that?

For the past few years China has imposed a special 25% tariff on imported car parts, rather than the usual 10%, if the parts made up more than half of the value of a vehicle. (Imported new cars are also subject to a 25% tariff.) This was to encourage foreign carmakers to use more local suppliers and reduce imports. But America, the European Union and Canada argued that the tariff was against WTO rules. In July the WTO, based in Geneva, agreed.

China may yet appeal. In the meantime, the government has found another way to reduce the flow of expensive automotive imports. On August 13th the government announced a new “green” tax that will come into effect on September 1st. The new tax is meant to reduce fuel consumption and fight pollution. Rather than further raising the tax on fuel, which increased by almost 20% in June, the government is taxing gas-guzzling cars. By an amazing coincidence, most such cars are foreign-made.

Cars with engine capacities larger than 4.1 litres will now incur a 40% sales tax—twice the previous level. Cars with engines between 3 and 4.1 litres will be taxed at 25%, up from 15%. The tax on the smallest cars, with engines smaller than 1 litre, will fall from 3% to 1%. The 8% and 10% taxes on other cars will not change.

The government says the new tax will encourage a shift to more fuel-efficient cars. It will also help Chinese carmakers, as they tend to make cars with engines smaller than 2.5 litres. Foreign carmakers, which make most of the cars with larger engines, will suffer. Imported large-engine cars achieved record sales-growth in the first half of 2008, increasing by 26%, to 80,700 units. Imports of cars with 3-litre engines grew by more than 50%, and imports of sport-utility vehicles were up 79%.

But there were signs of a slowdown even before the new tax. Although the Chinese car market bucked the global trend in the first half, higher fuel costs and tumbling stockmarkets are now putting buyers off. Overall sales are still expected to rise this year by 8-10%, but this is half the level predicted at the start of the year, and far less than struggling foreign carmakers were hoping for.

China’s new tax is canny. It cuts fuel use, reduces imports, benefits local carmakers and may help to improve air quality. It also prevents any more pesky calls from Geneva.

2008年8月25日 星期一

越南 住友金属、台湾CSCと薄板合弁契約を締結 最新の台湾映画

[日系] ベトナムニュース

2008/08/25 19:11 JST配信

 合弁会社名は「チャイナ・スチール・スミキン・ベトナム」で、東南部バリア・ブンタウ省のミーサンA2工業団地に工場を建設する。投資額は11億 5000万米ドル(約1270億円)。CSCが51%、住友金属工業が30%、住友商事が5%を出資する。工場は年産約160万トンで、2012年初頭の 稼動を目指している。




写真=「練習曲」(©2007 Ziegfeld Films Co.,Ltd)

 シネマート六本木(港区六本木3、TEL 03-5413-7711)で8月23日より、台湾映画の特集上映「台湾シネマ・コレクション2008」が開催されている。

 台湾で高い興行収入を記録した作品を中心に、若手監督による最新台湾映画8作品を上映。2007年度の台湾興行収入1位を記録した映画で、聴覚障害を持 つ青年が自転車で台湾一周旅行をする道中を描いた「練習曲」(チェン・ホァイエン監督)、台湾出身の有名俳優チャン・チェンさんや日本から江口洋介さんが 参加するSFホラー大作「シルク 」(スー・チャオピン監督)、「靴に恋する金魚」のロビン・リー監督による最新作「DNAがアイ・ラブ・ユー」などのラインアップを揃える。料金は1回券 =1,300円、5回券=5,000円。開催期間は9月26日まで。

 同映画館を運営するエスピーオー(六本木3)の担当者は、「台湾映画というとこれまで侯孝賢(ホウ・シャオシェン)監督作品など抽象的で少し難しい作品 が注目を集めてきたが、最近は大衆的でエンターテインメント性の高い作品も多く出てきており、今回はそういった作品を選定した。楽しみながら新しい台湾映 画を知ってもえれば」と話す。


2008年8月24日 星期日








布魯金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)學者、曾任世界銀行(World Bank)亞洲業務首席經濟學家的霍米•哈拉斯(Homi Kharas)說﹐

Associated Press
這並不意味著中國無法延續自1979年開始改革以來的發展勢頭﹐但需要找到新的增長源泉﹐並應對新的挑戰。華盛頓卡內基國際和平基金會(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)的中國問題學者裴敏欣說﹐中國政府已經收獲了最容易實現的成果。



美國財政部長亨利•鮑爾森(Henry Paulson)在上週發表的一篇文章中寫道﹐











是上海一所學校的管理人員﹐一年前剛剛買了一部別克凱越(Buick Excelle)轎車。但自從政府被迫上調燃油價格以來﹐他上個月一天也沒開過這輛車。邱家新說這輛車現在成了自己的負擔。他現在改乘公共汽車上班了。











Andrew Batson / Jason Dean

中國再度上調電價凸顯能源形勢嚴峻 2008-08-20
中國通脹緩解 憂慮猶存 2008-08-13
民間融資威脅中國金融調控 2008-07-24
中國經濟政策短期內似難調整 2008-07-23
中國經濟增速明顯放緩 2008-07-17
反通脹還是保增長﹖ 2008-07-15中國如何更好地應對通脹 2008-07-10

2008年8月23日 星期六

Beijing’s Bad Faith Olympics 極惡質的北京奧運



Beijing’s Bad Faith Olympics

Published: August 22, 2008

The Beijing Olympics still have one more day to run. But the final gold medal — for authoritarian image management — can already be safely awarded to China’s Communist Party leadership.

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Beijing got what it wanted out of this globally televised spectacular. It reaped a huge prestige bonanza that it will surely use to promote its international influence and, we fear, further tighten its grip at home.

It pocketed these gains without offering any concessions in return. When it increased repression — rather than loosening up — a supine International Olympic Committee barely offered a protest. Most world leaders, including President Bush, were nearly as complicit.

In Beijing for the opening ceremony, Mr. Bush seemed eager to play the role of the apolitical sports fan, instead of publicly pressing China’s leaders on the ongoing Olympics crackdown. That nicely fit into the Chinese script of talking up sports while shutting down politics.

To win the right to host these Games, China promised to honor the Olympic ideals of nonviolence, openness to the world and individual expression. Those promises were systematically broken, starting with this spring’s brutal repression in Tibet and continuing on to the ugly farce of inviting its citizens to apply for legal protest permits and then arresting them if they actually tried to do so.

Along the way, government critics were pre-emptively rounded up and jailed, domestic news outlets tightly controlled, foreign journalists denied full access to the Internet and thousands of Beijing’s least telegenic residents were evicted from their homes and out of camera range. On Friday, the Chinese police confirmed that six Americans protesting China’s rule in Tibet had been sentenced to 10 days of detention.

Surely one of the signature events of these Games was the sentencing of two women in their late 70s to “re-education through labor.” Their crime? Applying for permission to protest the inadequate compensation they felt they had received when the government seized their homes years ago for urban redevelopment.

A year ago, the I.O.C. predicted that these Games would be “a force for good” and a spur to human-rights progress. Instead, as Human Rights Watch has reported, they became a catalyst for intensified human-rights abuse.

Mr. Bush has taken some note of China’s appalling human-rights record this summer — privately meeting with Chinese dissidents in Washington just before his visit to the Games and gently nudging his hosts on religious freedom while in Beijing. With these repression-scarred Olympics now drawing to a close, Mr. Bush and other world leaders must tell Beijing that its failure to live up to its Olympic commitments will neither be ignored nor forgotten.

The medal count and DVD sales cannot be the last word on the Beijing Games.

BBC 中國

《泰晤士報》的頭條是國際奧委會調查,中國奧運體操金牌選手何可欣是否真的14歲。 報道說,國際奧委會已經下令調查中國當局是否隱瞞何可欣的真實年齡。 何可欣在北京奧運會的女子團體項目和個人高低杠項目都奪得金牌。 不過,一名美國電腦專家沃克指出,他發現官方文件顯示,何可欣只有14歲,而不是官方聲稱的16歲。
《泰晤士報》說,體操項目女選手的最低年齡限制在1981年從14歲提高到15歲,1997年規定至少16歲,以保障年輕運動員的身心健康。 報道說,除何可欣外,另外兩名女體操運動員江鈺源和楊伊琳的年齡也受到了質疑。

《泰晤士報》報道,中國工商銀行已經超越環球最大對手,成為了世界上最賺錢的銀行。 報道說,不過在三年前,中國工商銀行還在政府挽救之列。但是昨天已經超過美國的花旗銀行和英國的匯豐銀行,成為世上最有價值的銀行,今年上半年的純利比去年同期增長了57%。 報道援引在香港的分析家說,中國工商銀行今年上半年的50.5億英鎊純利大幅度超前匯豐銀行的41.3億英鎊。 不過,一些分析家表示謹慎,認為中國的銀行體系尚未成熟,倘若出現全球經濟放緩,中國將無法幸免而受損。

東京証券交易所是僅次于紐約証券交易所的世界第二大交易所。日本泡沫經濟瓦解后,由于股價長期低迷、股票交易沉悶、審核手 續繁雜、維持交易成本高等原因,在東京証交所上市交易的外國企業銳減,目前僅剩下20余家,遠低于1991年高峰時期的127家。為了增加活力,提升交易 收入,東京証交所將目光轉向具有高度成長潛力的中國企業。迄今為止,共有三家中國企業在東京証交所上市。

亞洲互動傳媒有限公司(Asia Media Company Limited,以下簡稱亞洲互動傳媒)于2007年4月26日作為首家中國內地企業在東京証交所創業板上市。這家新興公司主要通過有線電視網提供電視節 目指南,并經營電視節目的廣告代理業務。公開資料顯示,公司的大股東中包括電通、伊藤忠商事、NTT DOCOMO等日本著名企業的投資公司。 前CEO崔建平當初接受《日本經濟新聞》的訪問時表示,盡管在東京証交所上市要比在歐美或香港市場上市接受更為嚴格的審核,但能成為首家在日本上市的中國內地企業"具有歷史性意義"。

私自挪用公司資金 被東京証交所舉報 亞洲互動傳媒股票上市時的首日開盤價為672日元,6個交易日實現股價翻番,當年7月19日曾漲至2055日元,但在12月中旬發行新股后一路下跌。 2008年6月3日,亞洲互動傳媒在其日文網站上發表公告稱,該公司CEO崔建平在未得到公司董事會同意的情況下,私自挪用全資子公司的資金1億多人民幣,為其個人創辦的另一家公司進行債務擔保。崔建平隨后辭去了CEO職務。

亞洲互動傳媒雖然在公告中表示將考慮對崔建平追究民事及刑事責任,但未有任何進展。8月1日,東京証交所正式宣布,為保護股東及投資者的利益,已向北京市公安局舉報,要求追究崔建平的刑事責任。由東京証交所直接出面追究上市公司原經營者,在東京証交所的歷史上是第一次。 影響惡劣 連累其他中國企業 8月19日,東京証交所宣布于次日將該企業轉入"整理板塊",一個月后的9月20日將其摘牌,勒令退市。8月20日,亞洲互動傳媒的收盤價僅為6日元。 崔建平的行為影響極為惡劣,嚴重損害了日本股民對中國企業的印象,使日本市場認識到投資中國企業的巨大風險。

亞洲互動傳媒 被摘牌的消息,導致去年8月在東京証交所上市的另一家中國企業博奇環保的股票暴跌,8月20日該股票的跌幅一度高達8.49%。東京証交所也承認,因此事 件的影響,已經准備上市的其他中國企業的上市日期已被推遲。 同時,此事件對于大力吸引外國企業上市的東京証交所也是一個極大的打擊。負責上市審核的主承銷商野村証券和東京証交所均受到日本媒體和股民質疑和指責。







2008年8月22日 星期五


中国 | 2008.08.22


正如许多西方人害怕的那样,也正如中国政府所期望的那样,中国代表队在本届奥运会上收获了源源不断的金牌,把人们的注意力从人权、开幕式"造假"和新闻自 由问题上吸引到比赛场上来了。德意志广播电台在周二晨间节目中采访了《南德意志报》特派北京记者托马斯-吉斯纳,问问他除了赛事之外,有什么发现。


答:当 然了,奥运会的确是在北京举行,运动员们也都是远道而来参加比赛,还有将近25000名来自媒体的代表。这些都是真的。但是,作为奥运会必不可少的一部 分,比如来自世界各地数以十万计的体育迷挤满赛场的场面,我们却没有看到。在比赛成绩方面,我们觉得自己看到的不过是漂亮的表面现象而已。也许在今后的几 年中,我们才会慢慢知道,谁是这一届奥运会上"兴奋剂比赛"的赢家。




答:本 来规定的每日一次的媒体吹风会,在奥运会刚开始的时候也确实是每天进行的,但是现在已经不是这样了。上周五开了一次新闻发布会,然后就停了两天,主办方也 没有说明理由。周一又开了一次,会上就通知我们,在奥运会闭幕之前还有两次新闻发布会,周三一次,周五一次。北京奥组委不希望外国媒体通过一些敏感问题向 北京施加压力的场景给国内媒体和观众带来不佳影响,因为新闻发布会上也有很多中国记者,他们对于西方记者的发难感到十分惊讶。北京奥组委可能是害怕通过这 样的接触,中国媒体记者也会学来西方的作风,所以想要试图阻断这种直接的碰撞。


答:这 也是组织者一开始就精心策划的。比赛一开始的时候,他们用天气太冷、太热、太潮湿等等来解释,还解释说是因为很多观众对预赛不感兴趣。但是,迫于赞助商的 压力,他们渐渐开始动员本地居民来看比赛,把座位填满。主办方显然在比赛之前就给一些机关、单位、学校分发了很多比赛入场券,这也是社会主义文化的一个特 色。政府方面也知道,这些人中,很多根本不会来看比赛,比如有些远在几百公里之外的中学生,他们是没法到北京来看比赛的。但是,这样主办方就可以说,你 看,门票都已经卖出去了,我们也不知道这些人为什么没有来。


Russia Set To Leave A Battered Georgia

這篇 wsj 說"歐州"

Russia Set To Leave A Battered Georgia

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Russia, under intense diplomatic pressure, announced it will begin pulling troops out of neighboring Georgia -- but it leaves behind a battered Western ally.

Since a separatist dispute flared into open war Aug. 8, Moscow has occupied chunks of Georgia's territory, strangled its economy, cut transport links and damaged key investment projects.

For many former Soviet states ringing Russia, the show of force was a clear warning. 'They want to show nothing is safe here if it isn't under their control,' said Georgian Economy Minister Yekaterina Sharashidze, of the Russian government. 'The goal is to create an economic and humanitarian disaster that will rebound on the government' and topple it.

There's also widespread skepticism in Georgia that Moscow will stick to its commitment to withdraw. Previous pledges to pull back its troops from Georgian territory haven't been honored. In making an announcement Sunday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev gave no timetable for the completion of the pullout.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will attend an emergency session of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels to fashion a more detailed response to Russia's actions.

A White House spokesman, Gordon Johndroe, said NATO countries are likely to put Georgia and Ukraine on the track to becoming members of the Western military alliance at a meeting of foreign ministers in December. The U.S. failed to persuade other NATO members to do that at a summit earlier this year, in part because of Russian pressure. (Please see related article.)

In a speech in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi Sunday, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel said NATO could help with reconstruction and rebuilding Georgia's military once Russia withdraws.

A full reconstruction program will likely require significant external aid. Georgian officials have only just started drawing up estimates for the cost of repairing damage inflicted by the Russian military. The final figure will be 'billions' of dollars, said First Deputy Minister of Economic Development Vakhtang Lejava.

Russian officials deny targeting civilian infrastructure, saying their forces are working to secure weapons caches abandoned by retreating Georgian forces. But events on the ground cast doubt on that.

Events in Poti, a Georgian town on the Black Sea coast, also suggest Russia has used the conflict to draw a noose around Georgia's economy. Though hundreds of miles from the fighting in Georgia's separatist province of South Ossetia and clearly not a military asset, Poti's huge commercial port was targeted 10 days ago in a Russian bombing raid that killed 10 people and wounded 40. The town itself has seen daily incursions by Russian troops who have looted stores, trashed offices and systematically destroyed military infrastructure, according to Georgian officials. Some looting has been captured on local television.

Meanwhile, about eight Russian ships of the Black Sea fleet, including a cruiser, also sailed down the coast and took up position just off Poti harbor, according to city officials. 'They effectively blocked the port,' said Merab Kabunia, head of the border-police unit of the Georgian coast guard. 'It amounted to an economic blockade.' The ships stayed for eight days, he said, obstructing tankers trying to reach the harbor. Russian officials said the ships were there to support the ground forces and ensure transit of humanitarian cargoes.

Poti is a key gateway for goods destined for Azerbaijan and Armenia as well as the landlocked nations of Central Asia. Tajikistan imports alumina powder through Poti and exports finished aluminum. Azerbaijan ships in cars and clinker for cement and exports scrap metal to Turkey, while Kazakhstan exports grain through the port. Armenia, unable for political reasons to trade through either Turkey or Azerbaijan, relies almost entirely on Georgia's railway system, which has a terminus in Poti.

Poti's port isn't the only Georgian economic asset that has come under threat. Russian-backed rebels in the country's second breakaway region, Abkhazia, have moved south to grab a big hydroelectric power station near the Inguri River. Russian planes have also dropped bombs on the Heidelberg cement factory near Gori, and near the BP PLC-run Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which carries 850,000 barrels of oil a day to the Mediterranean, according to Georgia's government. Russia denies targeting them.

Witnesses say Russian troops also assaulted a small military base on the outskirts of Poti, where helicopters landed and blew up a radar installation. Soldiers ransacked the base's warehouse. Their choice of booty surprised the Georgians. 'They cleaned out a store we used for old clothes -- used underwear, old socks,' said a Georgian soldier at the base, who declined to give his name. 'They also took a black-and-white TV set and some tins of motor oil.'

Russian officials denied reports of looting, saying Russian forces were securing weapons and equipment abandoned by retreating Georgian troops. 'The weapons and ordnance are registered, counted and sorted,' said Anatoly Nogovitsyn, a spokesman for the Russian General Staff. 'A decision on their future use will be taken later. Our task is to prevent these arms from spreading out of control across the Caucasus.'


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對 於俄羅斯週邊的許多前蘇聯成員國而言﹐這番武力展示是明顯的警告。格經濟部長沙拉希澤(Yekaterina Sharashidze)說﹐俄羅斯政府想讓人們知道﹐不受他們控制就沒有安全可言﹐他們的目標是製造經濟和人道主義災難﹐讓不聽話的國家自食其果並推翻 其政府。


週二﹐美國國務卿賴斯(Condoleezza Rice)將參加北大西洋公約組織(North Atlantic Treaty Organization﹐簡稱﹕北約)在布魯塞爾舉行的緊急會議﹐此次會議旨在針對俄羅斯的行動制定出更詳細的應對措施。

白宮發言人戈登•約翰德羅(Gordon Johndroe)表示﹐北約成員國可能會在12月份的外交部長會議上啟動讓格魯吉亞和烏克蘭加入北約的進程。在今年早些時候的北約峰會上﹐部分由於俄羅斯施加的壓力﹐美國沒能說服其他北約成員國啟動這一進程。

週日﹐德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)在格魯吉亞首都第比利斯發表講話時表示﹐俄羅斯撤軍後﹐北約會幫助格魯吉亞重建軍事力量。

全面重建可能需要大量外部援助。格官員剛剛開始估算修復被俄軍破壞的設施所需要的費用。格經濟發展部第一副部長Vakhtang Lejava說﹐最終的數字可能達到數十億美元。


格 魯吉亞黑海沿岸城鎮Poti發生的事件也表明﹐俄羅斯正利用此次沖突扼殺格魯吉亞經濟。Poti巨大的民用碼頭離南奧塞梯的交戰地點數百英里之遙﹐顯然並 非軍事項目﹐但在10天前的俄羅斯炸彈襲擊中卻被列為了轟炸目標﹐轟炸造成10人死亡﹐40人受傷。格官員稱﹐Poti城本身也每天遭到俄羅斯軍隊的襲扰 ﹐後者劫掠商店、搗毀辦公室﹐並有組織地摧毀了軍事設施。當地電視台拍到了一些劫掠場面。

據Poti市政府官員稱﹐與此同時﹐俄羅斯黑海 艦隊的大約8艘艦船也沿海岸線而下﹐在Poti港口外駐扎。格魯吉亞海岸警衛隊邊境警察局局長Merab Kabunia說﹐他們等於是封鎖了港口﹐這相當於經濟封鎖。他說﹐俄艦隊停留了8天﹐阻止油輪靠港。俄羅斯官員稱﹐這些艦船是為了支持地面部隊﹐並確保 人道主義救援貨物的通行。

Poti是貨物運往阿塞拜疆和亞美尼亞以及中亞內陸國家的重要門戶。塔吉克斯坦通過Poti進口氧化鋁粉並出口 成品鋁。阿塞拜疆進口汽車和水泥渣磚﹐並向土耳其出口金屬廢料﹐而哈薩克斯坦則通過該港口出口糧食。因政治原因而無法通過土耳其或阿塞拜疆進行貿易的亞美 尼亞幾乎完全依靠格魯吉亞的鐵路系統﹐而Poti則是鐵路出海口。

Poti的港口並非格魯吉亞唯一受到威脅的經濟資產。在格魯吉亞第二個 試圖分離出去的地區阿布哈茲﹐俄羅斯支持的叛亂分子已向南方挺進﹐奪取了Inguri河附近的一座大型水電站。格政府稱﹐俄軍飛機還轟炸了格里附近的 Heidelberg水泥廠﹐還有BP-PLC經營的巴庫─第比利斯─Ceyhan輸油管線﹐後者每天向地中海輸送85萬桶石油。俄羅斯否認將這些地方列 為攻擊目標。

目擊者稱﹐俄羅斯軍隊還襲擊了Poti郊區的一個小型軍事基地﹐以直升機著陸並炸毀了一個雷達裝置。士兵們洗劫了該基地的倉 庫。他們選擇的戰利品令格魯吉亞人驚訝不已。基地中一位不願意透露姓名的格魯吉亞士兵說﹐他們掃蕩了一個儲存舊衣服的倉庫──裡面是穿過的內衣和舊襪子什 么的﹐還拿走了一台黑白電視機和幾罐發動機潤滑油。

俄羅斯官員否認了有關搶劫的報道﹐稱俄軍只是在保護撤走的格軍留下的武器和設備。俄羅斯總參謀部發言人諾戈維岑(Anatoly Nogovitsyn)說﹐武器和軍火都作了登記、清點和分類﹐稍後將決定它們將來的用途﹔我們的任務是防止這些武器流落到高加索地區。

Guy Chazan / Marc Champion

2008年8月20日 星期三

Hua Guofeng, 87, Who Led China After Mao, Dies

Hua Guofeng, 87, Who Led China After Mao, Dies

Published: August 20, 2008

HONG KONG — Hua Guofeng, who helped steer China out of the chaos of the Cultural Revolution after the death of Mao in 1976, but was pushed aside by Deng Xiaoping after a short stint as China’s top leader, died Wednesday in Beijing at 87, the state-controlled media reported.

An official in Mao’s home county, Xiangtan, in Hunan Province in the 1950s, Mr. Hua enjoyed a meteoric rise in the last two years of Mao’s life only to lose power almost as quickly after the death of Mao, his political patron. But Mr. Hua was a bridge between the excesses of Mao’s personality cult and the more pragmatic government of Deng, easing China out of the paranoia and isolation that characterized the final years under Mao.

In one of the first moves during his chairmanship of the Chinese Communist Party and prime minister just after Mao died, Mr. Hua’s security forces arrested the Gang of Four, including Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, effectively ending the decade-long Cultural Revolution. That movement — an attempt by Mao to solidify his totalitarian grasp on the nation and purge Communist Party officials he considered insufficiently loyal to his revolutionary agenda — had left hundreds of thousands of people dead, hundreds of millions of people traumatized and China’s economy in a seemingly irreversible slump.

Mr. Hua also presided over initial attempts to reinvigorate the state-directed economy, revive the education system and allow urban residents banished to the countryside during Mao’s reign to return to their homes.

But he never managed to put his own stamp on policy in the post-Mao era, and his time in power was brief. His influence evaporated by the end of 1978, and he was stripped of his leadership positions in 1980 and 1981. He lived the rest of his life in political obscurity in Beijing, although he remained a member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee through 1997.

Deng, a veteran of China’s revolutionary struggle who had been alternately promoted and punished by Mao during the previous three decades, used his influence in the army and the Communist Party to make a sharper break with Mao than Mr. Hua favored. But although Deng first reduced Mr. Hua’s influence and then eclipsed him, Mr. Hua helped hold the ruling party together during what might have been a more volatile political transition.

Deng and his allies undertook the gradual but ultimately transformative market-oriented economic changes that a quarter century later have made China a major economic power, showcasing its industrial might, explosive urban growth and national pride to the world during the Olympic Games.

The consensus that has emerged is that Mr. Hua, despite his powerful titles, played a minor role in shaping that outcome, but that he also did not try to suppress the wing of the ruling party that supported faster change.

“He was more a figure who was there when Chinese politics pivoted than himself being a pivotal figure,” said Kenneth G. Lieberthal, a political scientist and China specialist at the University of Michigan. “He succeeded Mao briefly because he was a guy nobody felt could dominate, so he didn’t set off alarm bells in any camp.”

Mao was reluctant to let strong rivals to his rule emerge, purging able administrators like Deng when they seemed to be developing their own power bases. Only in the months before Mao’s death did he elevate Mr. Hua to top positions in the government and the Chinese Communist Party.

Mr. Hua’s greatest virtue for Mao appears to have been personal loyalty. When Mao forced the creation of large agricultural communes during the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s, he was challenged by his more moderate defense minister, Peng Dehuai.

Mr. Peng accused Mao of having become so out of touch with conditions in the countryside that he did not even know about problems emerging in his home county. Mr. Hua was a senior official in Hunan Province with experience in the county and shrewdly backed Mao against Mr. Peng, who was quickly purged.

The state-run newspaper People’s Daily later wrote, “In the course of this struggle, Comrade Hua Guofeng bravely stood the storm and resolutely protected and implemented Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and policies.”

Mao’s agricultural policies played a central role in the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese from famine in the early 1960s. But Mr. Hua moved up the ranks of the Communist Party and came to international attention in early 1975, when he was named minister of public security.

He became acting prime minister in January 1976, succeeding Zhou Enlai. Mao confirmed Mr. Hua as prime minister three months later, and appointed him deputy chairman of the Communist Party.

He succeeded Mao as the party’s chairman when Mao died five months later, and he still held China’s top positions when the Gang of Four was arrested. Some Western scholars now argue that the decision to arrest the Gang of Four was made by elder leaders of the military and internal security forces, and that Mr. Hua went along.

But the decision was possibly Mr. Hua’s most lasting achievement, finally ending the influence of Ms. Jiang, Mao’s wife, who was viewed by many Chinese as squandering economic growth and political stability in pursuit of power for herself.

Intentionally or not, he also permitted the more pragmatic Deng to emerge as China’s main policy maker. Deng tapped the expertise of more moderate economic planners, who began relaxing the state’s suffocating grip on all commercial activity, especially in southern China.

Mr. Hua was increasing marginalized in this new order. As the pace of change picked up, he was accused of slavishly adhering to the so-called two whatevers: whatever Mao said was right and whatever Mao did was right.

Having lost most of his influence by the end of 1978, Mr. Hua gave up the post of prime minister to Zhao Ziyang, one of Deng’s protégés, in September 1980. Mr. Hua was forced to relinquish his positions as chairman of the Communist Party and the central military commission in June 1981, and was succeeded in these posts by Hu Yaobang and Deng, respectively. Mr. Hua resigned from the Politburo in September 1982.

Mr. Hua is said to have married and had four children, but little is known outside China about his family.

Keith Bradsher reported from Hong Kong and William J. Wellman from New York.


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AFP/Getty Images

與 中共早些時候失勢領導人被流放偏遠山村的殘酷權力鬥爭結果所不同﹐華國鋒讓位後仍然保留了中共中央委員職位。在華國鋒執政後不久﹐毛澤東遺孀江青和"四人 幫"的其他成員即遭到逮捕﹐也標誌著1966-76年文化大革命(Cultural Revolution)結束。但外界並不清楚華國鋒在逮捕四人幫過程中扮演的角色。



1949 年中共建國後﹐華國鋒先後擔任了省政府和黨內職務﹐隨後於1969年進入中共中央委員會。次年﹐華國鋒出任毛澤東家鄉湖南省的省委書記。1975年他被任 命為副總理﹐隨後接替周恩來出任總理。在毛澤東逝世後中共黨內各派相互奪權的情況下﹐華國鋒上台執政成為了一個折衷選擇。







时事风云 | 2008.08.20


巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫宣布辞职后,西方分析家对该国政局继续动荡表示担忧,穆沙拉夫的继任会继续亲西方路线吗,该国将在地区稳定中扮演何种角色?德国之声记者Dirk Mueller就此采访了德国联邦议院外交委员会的基民盟政治家维默尔(Willy Wimmer)。

德国之声问: 维默尔先生,您认为穆沙拉夫是不是对巴基斯坦来说很糟糕,对西方而言却很好呢?

维默尔答: 这个问题很难回答,因为我们必须对巴基斯坦内部的情况和巴基斯坦在与西北部被西方称为塔利班的势力作斗争的过程中所做的贡献加以区别。在此背景下,也许在巴基斯坦新领导人上台两三年后能够回答这个问题。

问: 那么您不想打分,是吧?

答: 仅从以下这一点上,就很难去打分: 穆沙拉夫当政之初,印度北部正在进行一场受到美国支持的军事行动,当时,塔利班试图从阿富汗渗透到中国的穆斯林省份,被印度军队阻止。穆沙拉夫一直在参与 地区政治冲突。这些都是关系全球战略的事件。因此,很难对他做出评价,很难对巴基斯坦今后的未来作出判断,很难说巴基斯坦今后还会不会像穆沙拉夫执政时那 样参与地区冲突,还是会把注意力集中到当前该国急需的内政稳定上。

问: 维默尔先生,您很熟悉巴基斯坦内政。过去几个月,几年里,您多次到伊斯兰堡参加了会谈。您认为将继承穆沙拉夫权力的势力会坚持亲西方的路线吗?

答: 依我看,巴基斯坦的问题还不在于此。巴基斯坦正在向四分五裂的方向发展。俾路支人不想继续属于巴基斯坦。卡拉奇的许多人来自孟买,对伊斯兰堡很不满。旁遮 普族则想和印度重新统一。在巴基斯坦卡看看就会发现该国的这些问题,迄今为止将这些离心力团结在一起的军队现在看起来地位已经下降或者说对自己角色的定位 有了变化。 长期而言,谁将走什么样的路线都非常难说。西方应该对该国有清醒的认识,而不是首先去看巴斯坦在不稳定的北部地区不能完成什么任务,因为巴基斯坦本来就无 法控制该地区。50年来,100年来就是如此。为什么像巴基斯坦这样一个面临四分五裂的国家现在应该在与阿富汗交界的北部边境地区做到从来就没有做到过的 事呢。

问: 不知道我有没有听懂或者理解您的意思,是不是从西方的角度看,我们应该对该国继续民主化道路不感兴趣才是,因为这将加强该国分离主义的力量?

答: 至少这是一个很难回答的问题。我绝不是支持巴基斯坦的极权势力,但是,必须从这个国家有生存机会的角度来看问题。否则这个国家就会分裂,否则某一天当人们 早上翻开报纸时,也许发现巴基斯坦这个国家已经不存在了。 这就是人们不安的原因,因此巴基斯坦必须同时对许多问题作出回答。该国的不稳定程度是其他许多国家从未经历过的。


答: 他至少是一个能够很好对话的人。从与穆沙拉夫的会谈中我知道,他对德国联邦军的老朋友有很深的敬意。在世界上许多地方都可以看到这类的联系,这当然是双方对话的一个保障。内政上能够贯彻什么,谋求怎样的发展则是另外一个问题。

问: 华盛顿还能够继续对巴基斯坦的政治命运施加巨大影响吗?

答: 华盛顿肯定会为此做出努力。联系到贝布托被谋杀的事件可以看到,许多事情都在华盛顿的直接影响范围内。华盛顿将作出努力,不仅是因为塔利班或是生活在与阿 富汗交壤的巴基斯北部的普什图族人,而是为了中亚的石油和天然气能够从阿富汗和巴基斯坦运往印度的长期计划,为了从中取得决定性地位。这是大的战略考量, 就美国的利益而言,谁担任巴基斯坦总统和总理将具有重要的意义。

2008年8月19日 星期二

Hong-Lim Park

獨立43年 新加坡准示威



按新加坡現行法律,民眾如欲舉行或參與五人以上的示威,事前必須向警方申請並獲准。這項法令讓星國警方可阻擋示威行動,也使得新加坡甚少出現公開示威。未 來在「演說者角落」的示威行動則不由警方監管,而是交給公園管理局維持秩序。不過示威者仍須遵守法律與秩序,避免觸及種族、語言與宗教課題。



這次新加坡開放自由示威,一般認為多少受到中共的影響。中共在北京奧運期間畫定一塊區域,允許非政府組織在戶外示威,使得新加坡出現「連中國都允許示威, 我們卻不行」的聲音。另外,新加坡此前承辦世銀與國際貨幣基金會(IMF)年會時,禁止非政府組織舉行戶外示威而遭世銀與IMF批評後,讓新加坡政府的思 考開始出現改變。


2008年8月18日 星期一

Pakistan's Musharraf steps down, water

污染 60%

Pakistan's Musharraf steps down

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is resigning after nine years in power, amid impeachment charges based on claims he violated the constitution.


2008年8月15日 星期五

Run, Thaksin, run


Run, Thaksin, run

Aug 14th 2008 | BANGKOK
From The Economist print edition

Thailand’s deposed prime minister jumps bail. But political turmoil may persist


GIVEN the avalanche of corruption cases tumbling on Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife Potjaman, it caused some surprise in Thailand when the Supreme Court let them leave the country to attend the opening of the Olympics in Beijing. Right up until the early evening on August 10th, the deposed prime minister’s spokesman was insisting that the couple would return that day to Bangkok, to appear in court the next morning. However, they flew instead to London, where they had spent a period in exile following the 2006 military coup.

In a handwritten note faxed to Thai television stations, Mr Thaksin (the puppet-master in the cartoon above) admitted that “I am not a perfect man” but claimed the cases against him were a plot by his political foes, who he said were interfering in the judiciary. He said he hoped to return to Thailand some day but made it sound like that would not be soon. The court was shocked—shocked!—that its defendants had skipped bail, and issued arrest warrants. But its decision to let the couple go to Beijing prompted speculation that they had been given the nod to flee into exile, in the hope of ending Thailand’s three-year political stand-off.

The speculation inspired a sharp recovery in Bangkok’s stockmarket, which had slumped on fears of all-out violence between supporters and opponents of Mr Thaksin. These fears had intensified in late July when Thaksin fans armed with clubs and axes attacked a demonstration by his opponents in the north-eastern city of Udon Thani, injuring around a dozen.

Hopes for calm may be dashed. The main anti-Thaksin street movement, the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), said its protests would continue until they brought down the government, a coalition led by Mr Thaksin’s allies and headed in his absence by Samak Sundaravej, a ferocious right-winger (whose strings Mr Thaksin is pulling above). Mr Thaksin is still popular among poorer, rural voters. But the urban, elite PAD might be emboldened to press on with its ideas for a “new politics”. What this means in fact is a return to old, pre-democracy politics with a mostly unelected parliament and powers for the army to intervene when it feels like it.

Perhaps a bigger question than what Mr Thaksin’s opponents will do next is what his supporters will do. Those who backed him in repeated elections remain grateful to the first Thai prime minister to give them some tangible benefits, such as cheap health care and village development funds. This has, so far, inclined them to excuse the strong whiff of corruption, and other abuses of power, around his government. Before the 2006 coup his supporters staged huge demonstrations to counter those of his opponents. If these now resume, there is a risk of violence.

Mr Samak will try to soldier on in government, although his People’s Power Party faces being dissolved for electoral malpractice, as was its predecessor, Thai Rak Thai. The mostly anti-Thaksin Bangkok press is talking up rumoured splits in the ruling coalition. But it has consistently underestimated the Thaksinites’ sticking power so far. Mr Samak seems to be trying to build bridges to the royalist and military establishment, making friends with General Anupong Paochinda, the army chief, and appointing Tej Bunnag, one of the king’s advisers, as foreign minister. But Mr Samak’s plans to rewrite the constitution, drawn up last year by a military-appointed panel, may cause fresh splits.

Indeed, it is still not clear what is the root cause of Thailand’s political conflict. Some academics suggest that it is essentially about the royalist establishment’s alarm that Mr Thaksin was building a base of public support to rival that of King Bhumibol. They may fear what will happen when the 80-year-old king’s reign ends. The PAD dresses itself in royal yellow and says it is saving Thailand from Mr Thaksin’s “republicanism”. Such matters cannot be discussed openly in Thailand because of its draconian lèse-majesté laws, which are often abused to sling mud at opponents (see article).

The Thai courts will probably go through the motions of trying to bring Mr Thaksin back to face justice. He may persuade the British courts not to extradite him, arguing he would be denied a fair trial. Of course, the Thai prosecutors and courts could prove him wrong: they could now pursue the various allegations against anti-Thaksin generals, bureaucrats and politicians with the same vigour as they are applying the law to Mr Thaksin.

South Korea president forgives some tycoons

South Korea

Pardon me

Aug 14th 2008 | SEOUL
From The Economist print edition

The president forgives some tycoons

THE leaders of South Korea’s conglomerates or chaebols have long acted as if they were above the law. Kim Seung-youn, chairman of Hanwha, an explosives, construction and insurance group, confessed last year to beating bar workers at a building site with the help of his own goons. He was retaliating after his son was hurt in a scuffle. After a few months in jail, Mr Kim was released on health grounds, and was soon back at his desk running Hanwha. This week, to mark the day South Korea celebrates liberation from Japanese colonialism, the president, Lee Myung-bak, pardoned him and 341,863 others.

They included Chung Mong-koo, the chairman of Hyundai, the world’s sixth-largest carmaker. Last year Mr Chung was convicted of embezzling about $90m from his company, and sentenced to 300 hours of community service. Chey Tae-won, of SK Group, a telecommunications, oil-refining and construction chaebol, was convicted in 2003 of illegal share swaps designed to keep the most lucrative parts of the group in his family’s control. Mr Chey did not serve any time in prison, but was given a suspended sentence. Now Mr Lee has pardoned him, too.

President Lee came to power earlier this year pledging to raise average national income per head to $40,000 a year and to achieve 7% annual economic growth. He has appealed to chaebol leaders to boost investment and jobs. But at his inauguration Mr Lee also promised to back “business leaders who are transparent and put in an honest day’s work”. So the pardons for the three chaebol bosses look a bit odd. Many South Koreans see them as proof that the wealthy are held to different standards from those applied to ordinary citizens.

Mr Lee, a former chief executive of ten different Hyundai group units, has himself been haunted by allegations that his past personal business dealings were less than pristine, particularly with regard to his family’s property sales and the failure of an investment firm he helped found. One of Mr Lee’s prospective ministers and several presidential aides have had to resign after questions were raised over their ethics. The first cousin of the president’s wife was arrested this month after receiving money from a man who wanted to clinch a parliamentary nomination from Mr Lee’s ruling party. The president’s approval rating hovers around 20%. Pardoning business bigwigs will not help it rise.

2008年8月14日 星期四
























Pakistan : Beyond Musharraf


The Americans arrive Georgia

Russia and Georgia

The Americans arrive

From Economist.com

What next for Georgia, as American military cargo-planes land in Tbilisi?


AMERICA'S George Bush delivered a stark warning to Russia this week that led Russia to begin to pull back its forces in Georgia. Mr Bush sent his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, to Georgia and told his defence secretary, Robert Gates, to organise a humanitarian-aid operation. The first American military aircraft landed at Tbilisi airport on Thursday August 14th.

This conflict is about more than the two separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, or displacing Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s hot-headed president. It is about Russia, resurgent and nationalistic, pushing its way back into the Caucasus and chasing others out, and reversing the losses Russia feels it has suffered since the end of the cold war.

The fact that Georgia is backed by the West made it a particularly appealing target. In fighting Georgia, Russia fought a proxy war with the West—especially with America (which had upgraded the Georgian army). All this was a payback for the humiliation that Russia suffered in the 1990s, and its answer to NATO’s bombing of Belgrade in 1999 and to America’s invasion of Iraq.

With the smoke of battle still in the air, it is impossible to say who actually started it. But, given the scale and promptness of Russia’s response, the script must have been written in Moscow. The rattling of sabres has been heard in both capitals for months, if not years. Russia imposed sanctions on Georgia and rounded up Georgians in Moscow. In revenge for the recognition of Kosovo’s independence earlier this year, Mr Putin established legal ties with the governments of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

In the late spring, Russia and Georgia came close to a clash over Abkhazia but diplomats pulled the two sides apart. A war in Georgia became a favourite subject in Moscow’s rumour mill. In early July Russia staged a massive military exercise on the border with South Ossetia. At the same time Russian jets flew over the region “to establish the situation” and “cool down Georgia’s hot-heads”, according to the Russians.

South Ossetia is a tiny patchwork of villages—Georgian and South Ossetian—which was easy to drag into a war. It is headed by a thuggish former Soviet official, Eduard Kokoity, and run by the Russian security services. It lives off smuggling and Russian money. In early August Georgian and South Ossetian separatists exchanged fire and explosive attacks. South Ossetia blew up a truck carrying Georgian policemen and attacked Georgian villages; Georgia fired back at the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.

What happened next is less clear. Russia claims that Mr Saakashvili treacherously broke a unilateral ceasefire he had just announced, ordering a massive offensive on Tskhinvali, ethnically cleansing South Ossetian villages and killing as many as 2,000 people. What triggered the Georgian action, says Mr Saakashvili, was the movement of Russian troops through the Roki tunnel that connects South Ossetia to Russia.

Georgia started to shell and invade Tskhinvali. Then the Russian army moved in. The picture Russia presented to the world seemed clear: Georgia was a reckless and dangerous aggressor and Russia had an obligation, as a peacekeeper in the region, to protect the victims. Russia’s response was predictable. One thing which almost all observers agree on is that Mr Saakashvili made a catastrophic mistake by walking into the Russian trap.

Russia was prepared for the war not only militarily, but also ideologically. Its campaign was crude but effective. While its forces were dropping bombs on Georgia, the Kremlin bombarded its own population with an astonishing propaganda campaign. One Russian deputy reflected the mood: “Today, it is quite obvious who the parties in the conflict are. They are the US, UK, Israel who participated in training the Georgian army, Ukraine who supplied it with weapons. We are facing a situation where there is a NATO aggression against us.”

In blue jeans and a sports jacket, Mr Putin, cast as the hero of the war, flew to the Russian side of the Caucasus mountain range to hear hair-raising stories from refugees that ranged from burning young girls alive to stabbing babies and running tanks over old women and children. These stories were whipped up into anti-Georgian and anti-Western hysteria. What Russia was doing, it seemed, was no different from what the West had done in its “humanitarian” interventions.

There was one difference, however. Russia was dealing with a crisis that it had deliberately created. Its biggest justification for military intervention was that it was formally protecting its own citizens. Soon after Mr Putin’s arrival in the Kremlin in 2000, Russia started to hand out passports to Abkhaz and South Ossetians, while also claiming the role of a neutral peacekeeper in the region. When the fighting broke out between Georgia and South Ossetia, Russia, which had killed tens of thousands of its own citizens in Chechnya, argued that it had to defend its nationals.

The biggest victims of this war are civilians in South Ossetia and Georgia. Militarily, Mr Putin has won. But all Russia has got from its victory so far is a ruined reputation, broken ties with Georgia, control over separatist enclaves (which it had anyway) and fear from other former Soviet republics.

A six-point peace plan negotiated by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, recognises Georgian sovereignty but not its integrity. In practice, this means that Russia will not allow Georgia back into Abkhazia and South Ossetia. According to the same plan, Russia should withdraw its troops to where they were before the war broke out.

The ceasefire is signed, but it still needs to be implemented. The early signs were not good with looting, killing and rapes in villages in both Georgia and South Ossetia. On Wednesday the Americans announced that they would send military aircraft and naval forces to deliver humanitarian aid to the Georgians. This seemed to make an impression on the Russians, who soon began to withdraw.

Other former Soviet republics, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Ukraine, have been dealt a lesson, about both Russia’s capacity to exert its influence and the weakness of Western commitments. America’s inability to stop or deter Russia from attacking its smaller neighbours has been devastatingly obvious in Georgia over the past week.

Yet the people who are likely in the end to pay the biggest price for the attack on Georgia are the Russians. This price will go well beyond any sanctions America or the European Union could impose. Like any foreign aggression, it will lead to further stifling of civil freedoms in Russia. The war in Georgia has demonstrated convincingly who is in charge in Russia. Just as the war in Chechnya helped Mr Putin’s rise to power in 1999, the war in Georgia may now keep him in power for years to come.