2012年10月1日 星期一

中國稍有錢稍不幸福 When Growth Outpaces Happiness



Yarek Waszul

但是,我和同事進行了一項調查,對這些調查數據作出的分析中,卻沒有證據表明,普通中國人的幸福感比過去提高了。實際上,他們的生活滿意度低於 1990年。而滿意度降幅最大的,是那些處於財富金字塔最底層的三分之一人口。但即便對於頂層的三分之一人口,滿意度的提升也相當有限。
然而,對調查結果進行整理之後,我們發現,幸福感隨時間變化的趨勢呈現一個“U”形。生活滿意度從1990年到2005年前後,呈下降趨勢,到 2010年有所恢復,達到了略低於1990年的水平。在這個前所未有的經濟增長時期,幸福感卻出現這樣的“U”形趨勢,應該做何解釋呢?
在自由市場改革啟動之前,大多數中國城鎮工薪階層享受着所謂的“鐵飯碗”,即永久的工作,以及由僱主提供的廣泛的安全保障,其中包括食品補助、住 房、醫療、兒童保障 、養老金,並為成年子女提供工作。在這段時期,儘管中國城鎮居民的收入要低很多,但是他們的生活滿意度卻幾乎與發達國家的人一樣高。
20世紀90年代,中國經濟向私有化轉型,迅速打破了鐵飯碗。效率低下、盈利能力低下的國有企業中,數以十萬計的工人下崗。失去工作也意味着失去僱 主提供的安全保障。越來越多農民工進城務工,卻享受不到福利。仍然在崗的城市工薪階層,對自己的就業崗位是否安全、福利是否能夠持續,產生了越來越多的擔 憂。城鎮地區生活滿意度出現顯著下降。
對於就業安全的擔憂,在民眾對經濟狀況滿意度的感受中得到了反映。2007年,收入水平最低的三分之一中國人中,只有27%表示對自己的經濟狀況感 到滿意,這個數字與1990年的42%相比出現下降。收入水平最低的三分之一人口所反饋的健康狀況也出現下降,這反映了社會保障這張安全網的破碎,這些人 當中自稱健康狀況良好或很好的比例下降到了44%,而1990年的數字為54%。
中國的轉型與中歐及東歐國家的轉型,在若干方面存在相似性。我們掌握的中東歐國家生活滿意度數據,與中國相似。在幾乎所有國家,生活滿意度最初都出 現下降,隨後又回升到了略低於轉型前的水平。與幸福感變化的U形走向相伴隨的,是出現大規模失業、社會保障體系崩潰,以及隨後一定程度的好轉。
我們能從中國的轉型中學到些什麼?當然不是說中國應當回到社會主義制度,回歸那種粗放、低效的中央計劃模式。但中國的市場轉型,的確引發了普通中國 人對一些事情的擔憂,諸如能否找到並維持一份工作,能否獲得平價、可靠的醫療服務,以及贍養老人、撫養子女。值得肯定的是,中國政府近幾年採取了一些措施 擴大和改善失業及退休福利,此外還改善了醫療保障體系。然而社會安全網仍然需要大幅改進。
理乍得·A·伊斯特林(Richard A. Easterlin)是南加州大學(University of Southern California)經濟學教授,著有《幸福、增長和生命周期》(“Happiness, Growth and the Life Cycle”)。

Op-Ed Contributor

When Growth Outpaces Happiness



Los Angeles
CHINA’s new leaders, who will be anointed next month at the Communist Party’s 18th National Congress in Beijing, might want to rethink the Faustian bargain their predecessors embraced some 20 years ago: namely, that social stability could be bought by rapid economic growth.
As the recent riots at a Foxconn factory in northern China demonstrate, growth alone, even at sustained, spectacular rates, has not produced the kind of life satisfaction crucial to a stable society — an experience that shows how critically important good jobs and a strong social safety net are to people’s happiness.
Yarek Waszul
Starting in 1990, as China moved to a free-market economy, real per-capita consumption and gross domestic product doubled, then doubled again. Most households now have at least one color TV. Refrigerators and washing machines — rare before 1990 — are common in cities.
Yet there is no evidence that the Chinese people are, on average, any happier, according to an analysis of survey data that colleagues and I conducted. If anything, they are less satisfied than in 1990, and the burden of decreasing satisfaction has fallen hardest on the bottom third of the population in wealth. Satisfaction among Chinese in even the upper third has risen only moderately.
但是,我和同事进行了一项调查,对这些调查数据作出的分析中,却没有证 据表明,普通中国人的幸福感比过去提高了。实际上,他们的生活满意度低于1990年。而满意度降幅最大的,是那些处于财富金字塔最底层的三分之一人口。但 即便对于顶层的三分之一人口,满意度的提升也相当有限。
Our data were collected by five survey organizations, one of them Chinese, between 1990 and 2011. The surveys focused on urban areas, where growth has been concentrated. Participants were asked about their satisfaction with life as a whole, and their feelings were measured on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing strong satisfaction.
It is startling to find that Chinese people’s feelings of well-being have declined in a period of such momentous improvement in their economic lives. After all, most policy makers would confidently predict that a fourfold increase in a people’s material living standard would make them considerably happier.
And yet, piecing the surveys together, we found a U-shaped pattern of happiness over time, with life satisfaction declining from 1990 to the first part of this decade, and then recovering by 2010 to a level somewhat below the 1990 value. What explains the “U” at a time of unprecedented economic growth?
然而,对调查结果进行整理之后,我们发现,幸福感随时间变化的趋势呈现 一个“U”形。生活满意度从1990年到2005年前后,呈下降趋势,到2010年有所恢复,达到了略低于1990年的水平。在这个前所未有的经济增长时 期,幸福感却出现这样的“U”形趋势,应该做何解释呢?
Before free-market reforms kicked in, most urban Chinese workers enjoyed what was called an “iron rice bowl”: permanent jobs and an extensive employer-provided safety net, which included subsidized food, housing, health care, child care, pensions and jobs for grown children. Life satisfaction during this period among urban Chinese, despite their much lower levels of income, was almost as high as in the developed world.
在自由市场改革启动之前,大多数中国城镇工薪阶层享受着所谓的“铁饭 碗”,即永久的工作,以及由雇主提供的广泛的安全保障,其中包括食品补助、住房、医疗、儿童保障 、养老金,并为成年子女提供工作。在这段时期,尽管中国城镇居民的收入要低很多,但是他们的生活满意度却几乎与发达国家的人一样高。
The transition to a more private economy in the 1990s abruptly overturned the iron rice bowl. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese who worked at inefficient and unprofitable state companies were laid off. The loss of jobs also meant the loss of the employer-provided safety net. Growing numbers of rural migrants took city jobs that provided no benefits. Among urban workers still employed, concerns about job security and the continuation of benefits mounted. Life satisfaction in urban areas declined markedly.
20世纪90年代,中国经济向私有化转型,迅速打破了铁饭碗。效率低 下、盈利能力低下的国有企业中,数以十万计的工人下岗。失去工作也意味着失去雇主提供的安全保障。越来越多农民工进城务工,却享受不到福利。仍然在岗的城 市工薪阶层,对自己的就业岗位是否安全、福利是否能够持续,产生了越来越多的担忧。城镇地区生活满意度出现显著下降。
Although the rate of layoffs dropped considerably in the early 2000s and unemployment started falling, Chinese people’s concerns about jobs and safety-net benefits persisted.
Worries about job security are reflected in feelings of financial satisfaction. In 2007, only 27 percent of Chinese in the lowest third of the income distribution expressed satisfaction with their financial situation, down from 42 percent in 1990. Evidence of a fraying social safety net is indicated by the decline in self-reported health among the bottom third: those reporting that their health was good or very good dropped to 44 percent, compared with 54 percent in 1990.
对于就业安全的担忧,在民众对经济状况满意度的感受中得到了反映。 2007年,收入水平最低的三分之一中国人中,只有27%表示对自己的经济状况感到满意,这个数字与1990年的42%相比出现下降。收入水平最低的三分 之一人口所反馈的健康状况也出现下降,这反映了社会保障这张安全网的破碎,这些人当中自称健康状况良好或很好的比例下降到了44%,而1990年的数字为 54%。
China’s transition has been similar in several respects to the transitions of countries in Central and Eastern Europe, for which we have similar life-satisfaction data. In almost all countries, life satisfaction initially declined and then recovered to numbers somewhat below pre-transition levels. The U-shaped pattern in happiness was accompanied by the emergence of widespread joblessness, the dissolution of the safety net and a subsequent modest recovery.
中国的转型与中欧及东欧国家的转型,在若干方面存在相似性。我们掌握的 中东欧国家生活满意度数据,与中国相似。在几乎所有国家,生活满意度最初都出现下降,随后又回升到了略低于转型前的水平。与幸福感变化的U形走向相伴随 的,是出现大规模失业、社会保障体系崩溃,以及随后一定程度的好转。
The similarity ends there, however. In Europe, growth initially fell sharply before rebounding, tracking life-satisfaction numbers. In China, life satisfaction declined as output and consumption rapidly expanded. The difference shows that economic growth is not enough; job security and a social safety net are also critical to people’s happiness.
What can we learn from China’s transition? Certainly not that China should return to socialism and the gross inefficiencies of central planning. But its market transition has given birth to increasing concerns among everyday Chinese about such matters as finding and holding a job, the availability of reliable and affordable health care, and provision for children and the elderly. To its credit, the Chinese government has taken some steps in recent years to broaden and improve unemployment and pension benefits, as well as to upgrade the health care system. But the safety net remains in need of substantial repair.
我们能从中国的转型中学到些什么?当然不是说中国应当回到社会主义制 度,回归那种粗放、低效的中央计划模式。但中国的市场转型,的确引发了普通中国人对一些事情的担忧,诸如能否找到并维持一份工作,能否获得平价、可靠的医 疗服务,以及赡养老人、抚养子女。值得肯定的是,中国政府近几年采取了一些措施扩大和改善失业及退休福利,此外还改善了医疗保障体系。然而社会安全网仍然 需要大幅改进。
It is noteworthy that at a time when the need for a strong safety net is under attack in the United States, the world’s most fervent capitalist nation has inadvertently demonstrated its critical importance for people’s happiness.
Richard A. Easterlin is a professor of economics at the University of Southern California and the author of “Happiness, Growth and the Life Cycle.”
理查德·A·伊斯特林(Richard A. Easterlin)是南加州大学(University of Southern California)经济学教授,著有《幸福、增长和生命周期》(“Happiness, Growth and the Life Cycle”)。
