2013年2月5日 星期二

中國軍艦「雷達瞄準」日艦 Scarborough Shoal/《南沙群島 危險地帶》Maritime disputes 'run deeper than economics' 中國將在三沙市設軍事警備區/ BBC Asia, 16 July 2012

 中國軍艦嚴重挑釁 「雷達瞄準」日艦
〔編譯林翠儀/綜合報導〕日本防衛相小野寺五典五日晚間證實,上月十九日 及三十日中國海軍船艦,兩度在釣魚台海域附近以雷達瞄準威嚇日本自衛隊的護衛艦和艦載直升機。對於這種極度挑釁的行為,日本已於五日向中國提出強烈抗議, 小野寺表示,只要稍有差池就會演變成非常危險的狀態。而中國外交部發言人華春瑩,在五日例行記者會上並未正面回應日方抗議雷達瞄準一事,僅強調中國公務船 巡航執法有據。
日 本朝日新聞報導,中國的一艘巡防艦上月三十日航行於釣魚台海域時,以雷達瞄準日本海上自衛隊的護衛艦「夕立號」,當時兩艦距離約三公里。而同樣的情形似也 發生在上月十九日,一艘中國巡防艦以雷達瞄準海上自衛隊護衛艦「大波號」上搭載的直升機,當時這架艦載直升機正在距離「大波號」數公里內飛行,由於直升機 對雷達瞄準的感應並不靈敏,數據分析檢證較花時間,至於三十日「夕立號」遭雷達瞄準,則是當場就能判斷,防衛省五日才公布這兩件事。
曾 任日駐中國大使館武官的小原凡司表示,開啟射控雷達照射對方等於昭告對方可以向其發動攻擊,是一種極為危險的行為;但中方此舉是否因為自衛隊護衛艦的某些 跡象讓中方認為是一種危險行為,或是根本就是純粹的挑釁,有必要冷靜地進行分析,畢竟日中雙方對何種舉動屬於危險行為缺乏相互了解。

由于无望达成双边共识,菲律宾政府决定将位于南中国海的一片岛礁(英文称“斯卡伯勒浅滩-Scarborough Shoal”,菲律宾称为“帕纳塔格礁-Kulumpol ng Panatag”,中国称为“黄岩岛”)的主权争议交由国际法庭仲裁。该国外长罗萨里奥周二(1月22日)通报说,菲方已召见中国驻菲大使,向她转达了马尼拉政府的这一立场。罗萨里奥称,和平解决领土争议的政治、外交可能性几乎已用尽。中国和菲律宾均视这一岛屿为本国领土。自菲方去年指控中国渔民在菲律宾专属经济区捕鱼作业以来,两国间领土争议加剧。



Maritime disputes 'run deeper than economics'

Where the South China Sea dispute between China and members of the ASEAN power bloc is concerned, there appears to be no easy solution. But, a code of conduct might be the first step toward finding one.
Deutsche Welle: Have there been any developments with regards to the South China Sea since the last ASEAN summit in July?
Gerhard Will: There has been a fair amount of change. A number of talks have been held behind the scenes after the debacle at the last ASEAN summit in Phnom Penh, where no joint declaration was issued. Meanwhile the ASEAN countries have given a six-point declaration of how such a code of conduct might look. As we have heard, there were discussions with China at an official level.
Would such a code of conduct reduce the military tension in the South China Sea?

Not necessarily. It may well be the case that the parties adopt such a code of conduct while at the same time making it clear they will not rule out any military option and that they are arming themselves accordingly.
How do you view China's role in efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the territorial dispute?
Chinese leadership knows very well that it should not push too far in the dispute with its neighbors in Southeast Asia. One needs good relations with one's neighbors to promote further economic development. There are two sides of the same coin: On the one hand, territorial sovereignty along with natural resources is an issue. On the other hand, it's also important to have peace in the region. So it is not unlikely that China would agree to such a code of conduct - one that would have no fixed rules but instead would be a list of behavioral guidelines.
A code of conduct would not mean China would give up its territorial claim; it would ensure that the status quo is maintained. So China might well agree to such a code without having to give up crucial elements of its position.
What is the significance of the territorial dispute for the ASEAN countries?
Some of the ASEAN countries are trying to use this conflict to bring about a greater cohesion between the ASEAN nations. Conversely, China is trying to do all that it can to frustrate these attempts and prevent a common stance among ASEAN countries from emerging. I would say that this dispute has a central importance within ASEAN, as, ultimately, it is all about relations with China. This is an issue that concerns all ASEAN countries.
Do you think the joint exploitation of natural resources in the South China Sea is nothing more than a utopian ideal?
I would not call it utopian. I would go as far as to say that it is probably the only peaceful solution to the dispute. China itself has repeatedly suggested joint exploration and development of projects. So far though, there have not been any projects where that would have worked. However, assuming that reason and economic factors are taken into consideration, joint resource management is the only way to solve the dispute. I think the idea that this conflict can be solved by drawing boundaries and setting up exclusive economic zones is utopian - who would control such long borders? Where borders exist, there will always be conflict.
How dangerous is the dispute?
It is indeed a very dangerous thing because it is not just about economic interests. If it were only about that, then, in my opinion, there would be a solution sooner or later. However, it is also about political legitimacy of the governments involved. The governments have to prove to the people that they are representing national interests. That goes just as much for China as it does for Vietnam and the Philippines. That is the aspect of domestic politics. But there is also the strategic dimension - the rivalry between China and the US in the South China Sea. That is really what makes the dispute so difficult - various participants in the conflict are interlinked with one another with regards to economic issues, domestic politics and the strategic interests of superpowers.
Dr Gerhard Will is a Southeast Asia expert with Berlin's German Institute for International and Security Affairs.


  • Date 15.11.2012
  • Author Hans Spross / Richard Connor
  • Editor Sarah Berning



據法新社報導,中國國防部週一(723)在其網站上通報說,中央軍委批准在南中國海設軍事警備區。此舉有可能使中國與越南、菲律賓等鄰國的關係更趨緊張。根據中國國防部的通報,軍事警備區將設在以西沙群島(Paracel Islands,帕拉塞爾群島,越南稱“黃沙群島”)為中心的三沙市,負責三沙地區的國防動員和預備役部隊的活動。通報雖未說明警備區將於何時設立完備,但在西沙群島派駐軍隊的計畫本身就有可能引發河內作出憤怒反應。北京上個月宣佈設立三沙市,作為管理西沙群島和南沙群島(Spratly Islands,斯普拉特利群島,越南稱“長沙群島”)的行政中心。昨天,越南首都發生民眾反華示威遊行。中國和南越曾分別管理南沙群島的部分地區,但在1974年的短期武裝衝突後,北京基本控制了該群島,但越南仍佔有該群島的若干島嶼。菲律賓、汶萊和馬來西亞等國也對南中國海提出部分主權要求。因相關爭議,東盟會議在本月13日結束後未能發表共同聲明。這在東盟45年歷史上尚屬首次。

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