2019年5月6日 星期一

Brunei 汶萊想關起門來做的,世界反了;Shariah law applies death sentence for homosexuality

Brunei will not impose the death penalty on those convicted of having gay sex, in an apparent bid to temper international condemnation following its roll out of strict new Islamic laws last month.


Brunei backs down on gay sex death penalty after international backlash

汶萊達魯薩蘭國(馬來語:Negara Brunei Darussalam;爪夷文:بروني دارالسلام‎),也作汶萊和平之國[a],簡稱汶萊或文萊[b],舊亦稱婆羅乃[8]。汶萊是北婆三邦之一,位於婆羅洲北岸、南中國海南岸,整個國土被砂拉越所分割、環繞。 1984年1月1日脫離英國和平獨立,1月7日加入東協。經濟狀況頗佳,2014年人均GDP名列亞洲總第五位、除波斯灣國家外的第二位(列新加坡之後),石油和天然氣的生產和出口約佔國內生產總值的67%,社會福利之程度與範圍皆非常完善,更以不需要繳稅的國家聞名。

DW News

Brunei government has announced additions to its Islamic penal code, which include brutal punishments like chopping off limbs for theft or stoning people to death for homosexual activity.



Brunei Shariah law applies death sentence for homosexuality
Rights groups are outraged as the Brunei government has announced additions to its Islamic penal code, including death by stoning and whipping. DW spoke with human rights activist Matthew Woolfe about the consequences.
