2013年12月1日 星期日

中國東海識別區China's AD 日本告狀:/ 逼美日韓訂新計?

Japan Takes Issue Over Airspace to Agency at U.N.

Japan has asked the International Civil Aviation Organization to look into whether China’s new air defense zone could threaten airline flights in the area.
Airlines Urged by U.S. to Give Notice to China
On November 23rd China declared a huge swathe of the airspace above the East China Sea henceforth to be part of a new Chinese "Air Defence Identification Zone". China's ADIZ covers the uninhabited Senkaku islands, which China calls the Diaoyu. This latest move represents a significant ratcheting-up of China's challenge to Japanese control of the Senkakus http://econ.st/1iWdFkY

Chinese Claim Forces Obama to Flesh Out His Asia Strategy

美韓日飛機均飛越東海識別區 中國無動靜

【於 慶中/綜合外電報導】雖然中國高調宣布設置東海防空識別區(East China Sea Air Defense Zone),引起美法等國關切,呼籲區域各國冷靜行事,但繼美國率先以B-52轟炸機自行飛越識別區後,南韓與日本也都有飛機逕行穿越,目前為止中國也並 未做出相應的軍事回應。

南韓軍方今天(28日)表示,一架南韓海軍P3C巡邏機,前天就已飛越中國新宣布的東海防空識別區,且事先並未知 會北京政府。根據《日本放送協會》(NHK)的報導,南韓海軍的P3C巡邏機前天從濟州島起飛,飛行在南韓與中國之間有管轄權爭議的暗礁周邊上空。但中國 沒有特別的反應。而日本《朝日新聞》也報導,日本自衛隊和海上保安廳飛機今天仍然繼續在中國公布的東海防空識別區內飛行,並沒有將飛行計劃事先通知中國, 中國也沒有讓戰機緊急升空應對。

China Sends Fighter Jets Into Disputed Air Zone

The Chinese jet fighters were sent in hours after Japan and South Korea defied demands by Beijing that it be notified of all traffic entering the zone.
