2009年1月30日 星期五

日本生產下降情況“非常嚴重” 台灣旺旺集團主席




























2009年1月29日 星期四


North Korea Scrapping Accords With South Korea

North Korea unilaterally declared that it was scrapping agreements it had signed with South Korea to ease military tension on the divided Korean Peninsula.






對華出口發貨量開始低於上年同期﹐此後降幅一直呈加劇之勢。日本財務省(Ministry of Finance)週四發佈的數據顯示﹐去年12月﹐日本對華出口了價值7,500億日圓(83.9億美元)的貨物﹐較上年同期下降36%﹐降幅比11月份的25%和10月份的0.9%又有提高。

瑞銀證券(UBS Securities)駐東京的經濟學家Akira Maekawa說﹐雖然大家都知道對華出口正在下降﹐





﹐目前出現的經濟減速已經比10年前亞洲金融危機時要嚴重。雖然中國一直未公佈修正後的歷年季度增長率數據﹐因而無法把目前的經濟增長情況與往年作精確比較﹐但據高盛(Goldman Sachs)估計﹐中國去年第四季度的經濟增長率是1998年第二季度以來最慢的﹐高盛估計1998年第二季度中國的經濟增長率也是6.8%。

33歲的Cindy Wang是北京一家廣告公司的雇員﹐她說由於自己的飯碗遠不如以往牢靠﹐因此她現在正努力多存錢、少花錢。她所在公司的大多數客戶都是汽車生產商﹐這些公司為應對銷量下滑紛紛削減了廣告支出。Cindy Wang說﹐雖然她工作得很努力﹐卻不知道不久之後自己是否會被解僱。





康奈爾大學(Cornell University)教授埃斯瓦•普拉薩德(Eswar Prasad)說﹐沒有證據顯示減息會降低中國的家庭儲蓄率。




Andrew Batson



世界貿易組織 (WTO)26日破天荒裁定中國未能妥善保護多項商品的著作權及商標權,美國貿易代表署宣稱獲得勝利,對向中國求償邁前一步。歐巴馬政府並表示,將等開春後決定中國是否操縱匯率,美中兩國恐將再起貿易摩擦。


但WTO紛爭解決小組並未支持華府指稱中國將制裁仿冒門檻訂得太高的指控。對於中國認定商標仿冒與著作權盜版超過一定法律門檻才提出相關起訴,WTO小組 並未做出違反世貿規定的判決。美方表示,從名牌服飾到藥品等仿冒業者,可鑽此漏洞將仿冒件數維持在500件的最低標準以下,藉以逃避制裁。

美國代理貿易代表歐蓋爾 (Peter Allgeier)說,這點讓人感到失望。但他表示:「WTO小組發現中國的智慧財產權機制有缺失,不符合它對世貿組織的義務。這些發現對美國是一項重大勝利。」




白宮發言人古布斯表示,儘管財長蓋納上周在國會作證時宣稱歐巴馬相信中國操縱匯率,但新政府尚未對人民幣匯率長久以來爭議,作成政策決定。他說:「我認 為,美國政府將於春天決定的說法是正確的。」美國財部預定4月發布全球貨幣政策報告,屆時若點名中國操縱其貨幣,可能導致美中兩國的貿易摩擦加劇。

2009年1月26日 星期一

Fresh hope for US-China cooperation

其中 reverse scale 為 逆鱗

Anne Wu

Fresh hope for US-China cooperation

By Anne Wu January 26, 2009

ALONG WITH the inauguration of President Obama, this month marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of US-Chinese diplomatic relations. Hopefully, the new administration will inject fresh hope into the longstanding, but at times unsteady, relationship.

History tells us that usually it takes some time for new US presidents to fully develop their perceptions of and policies toward China. When President Bill Clinton first took office, he linked China's trade privileges to its human rights record; eventually he separated these two issues and learned to regard China as a strategic partner. When President George W. Bush was first elected, he considered China as a strategic competitor. Now Bush is regarded as Beijing's friend. Despite opposition at home, he did not change his mind about attending the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics.

No matter what change the new administration will bring about, there are some immutable factors in US-Chinese relations. First is mutual dependence; bilateral trade is a good example. China and the United States have become each other's second largest trade partner. In recent years, the US rate of investment in China remains higher than the average US rate elsewhere abroad. The second factor is mutual interest. There are many US foreign policy priorities - be it North Korean and Iranian nuclear issues or the financial crisis and climate change - that need China's partnership.

The power gap between China and the United States will not be changed easily. The rise of new powers, like China and India, understandably causes concern in the United States, though this is often because of overestimated capabilities. A more realistic understanding of China's power status, as well as its foreign policy oriented toward harmony, will help reduce the perceived Chinese threat and ease the spirit of competition.

The difference in values between the two countries will also remain. The exceptionalism and sense of mission on the US side will continue to cause issues concerning human rights and democracy, which are sensitive matters in bilateral relations. To be precise, it is not that China opposes human rights and democracy; it's the way the United States intervenes and its lack of understanding of Chinese values that frustrates China.

Stepping carefully around sensitive issues is crucial in maintaining a stable and constructive China-US relationship. An ancient Chinese philosopher tells the story of the dragon - that usually the dragon is gentle and you can ride on it. But under the throat of the dragon, there are some reverse scales that are untouchable. If you try to stroke those scales up, the dragon must kill you. Taiwan is one of China's reverse scales. It has been emphasized time and again by Chinese leaders that Taiwan is the most sensitive issue at the core of US-Chinese relations. In a survey in China seeking public opinion on "the most important areas in Sino-US relations," 80 percent of respondents chose "Taiwan."

Looking to the future, there are several important steps to handle relations between the two nations properly. First, it is important to envision bilateral relations in their largest dimensions because the way US-Chinese relations develop has a major impact on the world. If the world's largest developed country and largest developing country can create a model of cooperation, it would be a blessing for the whole world. Second, the two countries should build on existing strategic dialogues on political, economic, cultural, and other issues and create a crisis management mechanism, which is currently lacking. Last but not least, they should deepen mutual understanding at the grassroots level, including the general public and media.

The relationship with the United States is expected to remain one of China's most important. For Washington, relations with China may not claim as high a priority, given the many hot potatoes on the US plate. But the Chinese are hopeful. There is no choice but for the most powerful nation to work constructively with a reemerging power like China.

This year is the year of the bull in China. Hopefully, the inauguration of Barack Obama will usher in a bullish period for US-Chinese relations.

Anne Wu is an associate of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

READER COMMENTS (3) Post a comment
"Stepping carefully around sensitive issues..."
Does that mean ignoring the fact that China, where large quantities of our drugs are produced, doesn't have to bother letting the FDA (ha!) inspect its facilities? (That is, if the FDA ever gets around to it). What a nuisance those nasty old regulations are! Why can't we just concentrate on producing and profiting?
by robsv1 January 26, 9:01 AM
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What the US Government needs to develop is better relations with the American people. We, the people of America seem to be the last in line for any US Government help that could ease the pain of what has and is happening to the lower income sector of our country. Those that have struggled hard for the past 30 years trying to "make it" while the US Government is bouncing all over the world giving away our hard earned wealth to others, need to receive more attention and assistance. But, how silly of me, the US Government is so big, over powering, over taxing, and clueless about economics, what else can we expect. Good luck Obama, I don't think your going to have an easy time of it dealing with that worthless mess called Congress.
by BobRet January 26, 3:37 AM
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Anne Wu wrote "When President Bill Clinton first took office, he linked China's trade privileges to its human rights record; eventually he separated these two issues and learned to regard China as a strategic partner."

Yes... and Clinton illegally sold China top-secret technology for which he received considerable campaign contributions. (you left that part out)
by Oscarbozach January 26, 2:39 AM
Report Abuse

2009年1月25日 星期日

Pan-Asian Co-Productions

美國UCLA 大學之亞洲學院 有亞洲藝術網

APA Top Ten: Pan-Asian Co-Productions

2009年1月24日 星期六

Crisis in Europe and U.S. Hurts Asian Economies

Crisis in Europe and U.S. Hurts Asian Economies

Published: January 22, 2009

HONG KONG — Weak economic data from several Asian countries on Thursday highlighted the accelerating decline of growth in the region, mainly because of sagging demand from recession-struck Europe and the United States.

Japanese exports, critical to corporate giants like Sony and Toyota, plummeted in December, down 35 percent from a year earlier, the Japanese finance ministry said.

In China, economic growth slowed sharply in the fourth quarter, to 6.8 percent, and to 9 percent for all of 2008, down from 13 percent in 2007, the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics reported. And the South Korean economy shrank 3.4 percent in the fourth quarter compared with a year earlier.

The figures — particularly those from Japan and South Korea — were much worse than economists had projected, showing how hard it has become to assess the effect of the global slowdown.

Asia, once thought to have been relatively well insulated because of its limited exposure to American subprime mortgages, is now caught up in the worsening economic slowdown. Economies in the region have seen a pillar of economic growth — exports to the United States and Europe — collapse as consumer and corporate spending shrinks.

Richard Jerram, an economist at Macquarie in Tokyo, said that the Japan export figures were “predictably terrible.”

The slowdown in China has cooled hopes that demand from that giant economy might cushion the downturn in neighboring countries, and data Thursday heralded more pain to come as companies around Asia lower output and costs in response to sagging sales.

On Thursday, the Sony Corporation warned that it would probably post a net loss of 150 billion yen, or $1.7 billion, for the year ending in March. This is the first such loss for Sony in 14 years and represents a sharp reversal from the 370-billion-yen profit in the previous 12 months.

2009年1月23日 星期五

Japan launches satellites, eyes space business"息吹"號











Japan launches satellites, eyes space business

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:02pm EST

TOKYO, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Japan launched a satellite on Friday to monitor greenhouse gases along with seven smaller satellites in a mission that could boost business for the country's cash-hungry space programme.

The H-2A rocket, carrying the biggest number of satellites ever for a Japanese rocket, took off from the tiny island of Tanegashima 1,000 km (620 miles) south of Tokyo, after a delay of two days because of poor weather.

The main satellite will enable scientists to calculate the density of carbon dioxide and methane from 56,000 locations on the Earth's surface, which Japanese officials hope will contribute to global efforts to tackle climate change.

The mission is also a test for Japan as it sets its sights on the satellite-launch business in the face of competition from Europe, the United States and Russia, as well as newer entrants such as China and India. (Reporting by Chisa Fujioka)

2009年1月21日 星期三

陈水扁受审考验台湾民主 Chen's trial is a test for Taiwan's democracy

Chen's trial is a test for Taiwan's democracy

By David Pilling 2009-01-19


作者:英国《金融时报》亚洲版主编戴维·皮林(David Pilling) 2009-01-19

The arrest and internment of Chen Shui-bian, former president of Taiwan and burnt-out beacon of the island's miraculous democracy, has been tracked locally with all the intensity bestowed on the first OJ Simpson trial. Instead of blood stains and ill-fitting gloves, media in Taiwan and China have pored obsessively over the “Son of Taiwan's” prison conditions, down to the thickness of his gruel, as well as over the diaries and poems he has penned behind bars.

The most recent accusation was that the former leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive party had been caught by security cameras snacking on peanuts and chocolate bars while, supposedly, on a 16-day hunger strike against what he says is a politically motivated trial. It might be my personal bias, but almost more damaging than allegations that his two-term administration was scandalously corrupt is the idea that an embodiment of Taiwanese democracy should have been scarfing midnight snacks while boasting of supreme willpower in going without food. If true, this is a bit disappointing for the man whose election in 2000 cemented Taiwan's remarkable transition from authoritarian police state to multiparty liberal democracy.

Though there are farcical aspects to his incarceration, the outcome of his trial, which starts at the Taipei district court next week, matters. Taiwan, one of the few genuine democracies in Asia, needs to show it can simultaneously root out official corruption and maintain the independence of judiciary from political manipulation.

That is no easy matter in a state as divided as Taiwan, where political differences are often an expression of attitudes towards mainland China and to a voter's identity as a Chinese or a Taiwanese. Any suspicion that the Kuomintangparty, the nationalists who regained power last year following eight years in the wilderness, is out for revenge could open unbridgeable rifts among the island's 23m people.

Mr Chen's 2000 election represented the first – and only – transfer of power from the Kuomintang since the nationalists, led by Chiang Kai-shek, fled mainland China and set up on the island in 1949. The victory of
Mr Chen's party, which campaigned on a pro-independence and (ironically) anti-corruption stance, set the seal on a textbook transition from authoritarianism.

People round the region, not least in mainland China, watched as the sword of Taiwan's Kuomintang police state was refashioned into the ploughshare of a lively democracy. That has been a rare event in Asia, matched only in South Korea. Even in democratic Japan, the Liberal Democratic party has managed to conduct a series of elections over half a century without the inconvenience – save for one brief period in the early 1990s – of actually giving up office.

The test for Taiwanese democracy is an important event for China. Taiwan proves that democracy can take root in a Chinese political context. For obvious reasons, Beijing has chosen to view Mr Chen's camp as a nest of pro-independence vipers. In so far as his administration was proof that authoritarian governments need not last for ever, he set an unfortunate precedent in an island state regarded as a mere province of China.

China's official media have not carped too loudly about the trial of a former president deemed to have abused his power for corrupt ends. That is a dangerous precedent for Beijing too. The worst anti-Chen venom has been limited largely to the websites where nationalist sentiment has revelled in the discomfort and embarrassment of a leader who dared to peddle his splittist agenda.

Certainly, Mr Chen's downfall and the revival of the Kuomintang under Ma Ying-jeou, elected in a landslide victory last year, has been superficially positive for Beijing's unification agenda. Mr Ma has warmed up the cross-Straits relationship, which had slipped into almost warlike rhetoric when the populist Mr Chen was nudging the island state towards an ever more explicit declaration of independence.

Symbolic of warming relations was last month's arrival of two pandas in Taipei. The cuddly duo, provocatively named the equivalent of “re” and “union” by the Beijing propaganda machine, had been refused admission by Mr Chen, who perhaps wanted to name them “bugger” and “off”.

Yet despite the rapprochement, Taiwanese public opinion has been remarkably stable, with a big majority continuing to favour maintenance of the “status quo”, code for de facto independence. The island's sense of Taiwanese identity has been strengthening. More than 95 per cent of its inhabitants are ethnic Chinese but there has been a sharp divide between those whose families have been there for hundreds of years and those who fled to the island in 1949. That divide has been narrowing. Before Mr Chen took power, only
30 per cent of people thought of themselves as Taiwanese first. That has now swelled to 70 per cent.

Growing confidence in Taiwan's identity and independent institutions suggest that liberal democracy has taken root. That does not mean that Mr Chen's arrest will not severely test Taiwanese democracy. Yet Taiwan has been here before. In 2004, the day before Mr Chen was re-elected by a hair's breadth, he narrowly missed assassination. Some Kuomintang supporters still insist the attack was staged to bring out the sympathy vote. Yet Taiwanese democracy survived. If it can come through that, it can come through almost anything.


不过,尽管两岸关系有所缓和,但台湾的民意却一直相当稳定,多数人依然赞成维持“现状”,即维持事实上的独立。岛内的台湾认同意识一直在增强。岛上 居民逾95%为华人,但在那些已定居数百年的居民与那些1949年逃至该岛的居民之间,存在着巨大的鸿沟。这个鸿沟近年在缩窄。陈水扁上台前,该岛只有 30%的人认为自己首先是台湾人,现在这个数字已经升至70%。

台湾人对台湾认同与独立体制的信心不断增强,表明自由民主已在这里生根。这并不意味着陈水扁的被捕不会严峻考验台湾民主。但是,台湾以前也经历过类 似情况。2004年,在陈水扁以微小优势再次当选的前一天,他险些被暗杀。有些国民党支持者依然坚持认为,那次袭击是陈水扁为博取同情票而上演的一场戏。 但无论如何,台湾的民主得以幸存。如果它那次可以化险为夷,那么它就能度过几乎一切难关。

2009年1月20日 星期二






















德语媒体 | 2009.01.23




奥巴马谈到有关镇压反对派的问题,中国检查官同样不许通过。奥巴马对'那些借助腐败和欺骗、通过不让别人表达其它看法来维护自己权力的人'发出了呼 吁,他说:'你们应该知道,你们站到了历史的反面'。这一段话与有关共产主义的段落都没有进入中国共产党的机关报《人民日报》。新浪和搜狐两个中国最大门 户网站也删去了这些句子。




长期以来,许多中国人不能想象,一个普通美国黑人家庭的儿子能成为总统。奥巴马上任以后,无数中国网民表现出很兴奋。一名网民写道,他过去本来仇视 美国,但现在这个国家使他敬佩。中国互联网论坛上有人指出,奥巴马的当选应该使人思考中国的民主问题,因为中国没有这样的选举。这样的言论现在还受到容 忍,没有被删除。

在中国,下台的美国总统并不像在欧洲那样明显不得人心,所以,奥巴马所说进行必要的变革,中国官方不一定视为好消息。政府控制的《中国日报》警告 说,不要试图搞保护主义,不要以冷战风格使双边关系'政治化'。《中国日报》以恳请的口气写道,如果奥巴马真是讲究实际的人,他就不应该抛弃其前任留下的 宝贵外交遗产。"





Getty Images
中國的經濟崛起增加了國民收入﹐但也引發了關於工人權利遭踐踏的怨言。為應對這一問題﹐中央政府於2008年1月起實施勞動保護的相關法律﹐也就是《勞動合同法》(Labor Contract Law)。這項法律旨在加強勞動安全﹐加大解雇員工難度﹐確保勞動者在被解雇時獲得按照每工作一年支付一個月工資計算的經濟補償。去年﹐中國增加了新的反就業歧視法規﹐使得員工可以更加簡便地對雇主提出起訴。



其中一個問題是製造業下滑。里昂證券中國採購經理指數(CLSA China Purchasing Managers Index)顯示﹐去年12月份中國製造業連續第五個月收縮。

深圳的勞工組織當代社會觀察研究所(Institute of Contemporary Observation)執行理事劉開明表示﹐勞動法的壓力可能迫使工廠乾脆關閉了事﹐而不是依據法律向工人支付應付工資。





貝克•麥肯斯國際律師事務所(Baker & McKenzie)專注於中國勞工問題的合伙人勞夫斯(Andreas Lauffs)表示﹐給企業這些自由最終可能削弱人們對於仍在發展階段的法治的信任。










Sky Canaves

2009年1月19日 星期一

台湾信用评级调降 中國外貿降幅創下十年之最



海關總署周二宣布,中國12月份的出口額比上年同期下降2.8%,較11月份2.2%的跌幅又有擴大。進口額的跌幅更大,12月份繼前月下跌17.9%之後又比上年同期下降了21.3% 。












2007年底,來自芝加哥的商人Colin Wu在義烏市場租下了12,000平方米的攤位,
打算出售美國華盛頓州生產的汽車潤滑劑、加拿大瓶裝礦泉水以及加州的Charles Shaw葡萄酒(俗稱兩美元葡萄酒)。

Colin Wu當時想,由於中國出現了一系列產品質量問題,
會有國內客戶願意多花些錢購買更安全、更健康的進口產品。然而天不隨人願,他說自己投入的1,000萬元(約150萬美元)幾乎都賠光了。Colin Wu租下的攤位現在只有約六分之一在使用,他正在考慮今年將生意全部停掉。

Colin Wu說,中國政府在幫助進口商開拓國內市場方面也做得不夠。
他說希望政府能降低進口稅,這樣他的產品就能具有價格競爭力。Colin Wu說,在加上關稅成本後,他的“兩美元葡萄酒”差不多要賣十美元了。


Mei Fong / Andrew Batson


惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)昨日调降了台湾信用评级展望,并表示,台湾政府激进的经济刺激计划很可能将政府债务推升至创纪录水平。蒙古的评级亦遭下调。



Fitch cuts Taiwan rating on debt fears

By Robin Kwong in Taipei and Geoff Dyer in Beijing 2009-01-20

Fitch Ratings yesterday lowered its outlook on Taiwan's credit rating, saying government debt is likely to be pushed to record levels by aggressive stimulus packages. Mongolia's rating was also cut.

The downgrade of Taiwan's double A local-currency rating from stable to negative was the first such cut Fitch has made since it began assigning ratings to the country in late 2001.

Like other export-oriented Asian economies, Taiwan has been battered by the sudden slump in consumer demand in the US and Europe. The island saw economic growth fall into negative territory in last year's third quarter after reaching 4.56 per cent in the previous three months.

In response, Ma Ying-jeou, president, said his government would turn to the domestic economy to drive growth. He unveiled a number of stimulus packages, including the distribution of $2.5bn (€1.8bn, £1.7bn) in spending vouchers and earmarking $18bn in funds for loan guarantees for businesses. The economic ministry is also considering a bail-out for ailing memory-chip makers.

“In policy terms, stimulating economic growth seems to be a higher short-term priority than balancing the central government's general budget,” Fitch said.

The agency warned that Taiwan's recent spending on stimulus packages could limit its fiscal options should the global economic situation continue to deteriorate. “Government's fiscal policy is becoming less flexible as debt levels, approaching their legal ceilings, and non-debt financing resources are limited,” it said.

Officials countered that Taipei still had room to raise funds, as total debt was only 37 per cent of gross national product. “The government is raising debt to stimulate the economy after careful consideration of costs and benefits,” they said. “The measures should increase government revenues and lead to a balanced budget in the long term.”

Fitch forecasts Taiwan's economy will contract by 2.1 per cent this year.

且看中共的 震壓異議周年慶


Dissent in China

The year of living dissidently

Jan 15th 2009 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

For the government and its critics, a calendar mined with sensitive anniversaries

Illustration by Claudio Munoz

THE months ahead will be busy for Chinese dissidents. A string of sensitive anniversaries will evoke numerous petitions calling for political change. In December more than 300 of the country’s most prominent activists issued a wide-ranging appeal for democratic reform. On January 12th a group of them were at it again, no less quixotically, with a demand for a boycott of national state-owned television.

As China’s economic growth falters and unemployment rises, political activists—marginalised during the past few years of prosperity—will become a bigger worry to the government. The 20th anniversary on June 4th of the quashing of the Tiananmen Square protests will be the highlight of the dissident calendar. For Tibetans it will be the 50th anniversary on March 10th of an uprising that led to the Dalai Lama’s flight into exile in India. Followers of Falun Gong, a quasi-Buddhist sect, will want to mark the tenth anniversary on July 22nd of its banning. Ever fearful of instability, the government will be especially anxious to quell dissent in the build-up to celebrations on October 1st of 60 years of Communist Party rule.

Dissidents can take some pride in their first salvo of the season. Their petition, known as Charter 08, which they issued online in early December to mark the 60th anniversary of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was initially signed by 303 intellectuals. They included a wide range of lawyers, journalists, academics and activists. Organisers say that thousands more have added their names (by sending their details to an e-mail address), although the identities of many of them are difficult to verify.

Charter 08’s name was intended to recall that of Charter 77, a human-rights manifesto circulated by dissidents in Czechoslovakia in 1977. The Chinese version called for everything from private ownership of land to multiparty democracy. It said social tensions were building up and the number of protests was rapidly increasing, “indicating a tendency towards a disastrous loss of control”. Democratisation, it said, could “no longer be delayed”.

The authorities disagree. They quickly detained the chief organiser, Liu Xiaobo, a veteran Beijing activist, and threatened or questioned dozens of other signatories. Chinese internet-service providers removed postings about the document. A blog-hosting service, Bullog, home to several personal sites supportive of the charter, was shut down. A search in Chinese for the words Charter 08 on Google’s Chinese search engine now produces only a standard warning that “according to local laws, regulations and policies, some results have not been displayed”. Dai Qing, a prominent author and signatory, says the charter is unlikely to galvanise the public now that many cannot find it online to read.

The call for a boycott of the state broadcaster CCTV suggests some dissidents have not been deterred. Among the 22 people who signed the petition are seven, including its drafter, Ling Cangzhou, from Charter 08’s first group of signatories. The petition accuses CCTV of playing down reports about protests and other negative news. It mentions a CCTV report broadcast in September last year praising the quality controls on milk-powder production by Sanlu, a leading dairy company. Sanlu was revealed just a few days later to have been selling tainted baby formula that caused thousands of infants to fall sick.

The contaminated milk scandal, in which many other Chinese milk producers were also implicated, heightened public suspicion of officialdom just as concerns were beginning to grow about the impact on China of the global financial crisis. With a total of nearly 300,000 children affected by the milk, the government feared unrest. On January 1st police in Beijing detained five parents of sickened children for several hours, apparently to stop them holding a press conference to complain about compensation arrangements.

Officials allowed the press little access to the trial on December 31st of Sanlu’s boss, Tian Wenhua, and three other executives. Press reports say Ms Tian might be sentenced this week. Several officials have lost their jobs in connection with the scandal but none has been taken to court. Xu Zhiyong, a Beijing lawyer, says courts have ignored collective lawsuits he has filed on behalf of affected families. He is now planning to bring their cases to the Supreme Court. One of Mr Xu’s aides speculates that the government, anxious to put the tainted-milk affair behind it, wants families to accept out-of-court settlements.

Even the official media have given warning that 2009 could be troubled, as the economy wobbles. Liaowang, a weekly magazine, quoted a senior journalist as saying that China was entering a “peak period for mass incidents” (the usual official euphemism for protests and riots). The authorities, he said, could be tested by “even more conflicts and clashes”.

But few—even among dissidents—envisage upheaval on the scale of the pro-democracy protests in 1989. Hu Xingdou of the Beijing Institute of Technology says the public appetite for rapid political change still seems low. This month China’s police chief, Meng Jianzhu, said that as long as Beijing was stable, the whole country would be stable. To mark the anniversary festivities of the founding of the People’s Republic, the authorities will pull out every stop to ensure a trouble-free capital.

2009年1月14日 星期三

reliability of China data 抵制中央电视台 追求真理

Ask a Chinese official about the prospects for the economy this year and the response will be short and crisp – “8 per cent”. Some aim a touch higher, while a few others talk vaguely of risks. But none departs from the party line of uninterrupted high growth.

The target of 8 per cent is to assure Chinese citizens that the authorities have the situation firmly under control. Yet given the obvious and sharp slowdown in the economy in recent months, this confident prediction has reopened a debate about the credibility of Beijing's growth statistics.

Since China's ability to weather the international financial crisis will help determine the depth of the global recession, investors all over the world are asking whether they can rely on official statements about the performance of the economy.

Few economists doubt the underlying trend of high growth in recent decades in China, but many believe that the authorities play down the volatility of the economy – under-reporting growth in boom periods and over-reporting in the years when activity is weak.

The suspicion was underlined yesterday when the Chinese statistics bureau announced that growth in 2007 had been revised up to 13 per cent from 11.9 per cent – the second significant revision of the gross domestic product figures for that year. The reliability of statistics will be at the fore again next week when last year's fourth quarter GDP figures are released, a period for which most indicators suggest there was a rapid slowdown.

Arthur Kroeber, editor of China Economic Quarterly, likens the situation to the way that some companies use flexibility in accounting rules to smooth out their earnings. “There is a clear pattern of massaging the growth figures,” he says. “The political incentives to manage the numbers at different levels of government are very powerful.”

Chinese statistics came under intense international scrutiny after the last prolonged slowdown, which followed the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98. While most of the region was mired in recession, Beijing said the economy grew by an impressive 7.8 per cent in 1998.

That claim was disputed by Thomas Rawski, an economist at the University of Pittsburgh, who used other Chinese data to conclude that growth was no higher than 2 per cent in that year and remained weak until 2001.

Between 1997 and 2000, he said, energy consumption dropped 12.8 per cent, while in 1997-98 domestic air travel rose only 2.2 per cent. The official numbers “defy economic logic”, he wrote, and added that Chinese economists even had a phrase for the manipulation of official statistics – jiabao fukuafeng, or “wind of falsification and embellishment”.

Since then several academics have posed questions about the robustness of the GDP numbers: Carsten Holz at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology said they should be “taken with a rock of salt”. Yet few are as pessimistic as Mr Rawski about growth in 1998, which many private economists put at about 5 per cent.

Two years ago, when the Chinese statistics bureau revised upwards growth figures for 1993-2004 to reflect better the expansion in the services sector, the result for 1998 was left unchanged – which some took as a tacit admission that the figure had been exaggerated.

However, some experts on the Chinese economy stand by the official numbers. Nicholas Lardy at the Peterson Institute in Washington says the strong increase in imports and tax revenues in the late 1990s indicates that growth was not that sluggish.

“There are so many different sources of information about the Chinese economy that it is hard to manipulate the growth figures that much,” he says.

Given the sharp slowdown in the economy since the autumn and renewed scrutiny of official growth numbers, Standard Chartered has created a composite of proxies to try to measure activity – industrial production, imports, freight traffic and bank credit.

The index, which suggests that official growth figures were exaggerated in the late 1990s, fell to its lowest level since 1994 at the end of last year – indicating that fourth quarter GDP was very weak.

Stephen Green, economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai, says “the authorities might be persuaded to massage up the official figures” if they were too bleak. However, he adds that a low figure for fourth quarter GDP would then make it easier to achieve 8 per cent growth in 2009.

如果向某个中国官员询问今年中国的经济前景,得到的回答将是简短而干脆的:“8%”。有些官员还会给出略高一点的目标,虽然少数几个也会含糊地提到各种风险,但都不会偏离中国共产党“持续快速增长”的基调。 百分之八的目标是为了让中国民众确信,当局牢固地掌控着经济形势。但是,由于最近几个月来经济增长明显大幅放缓,这种充满信心的预测使得中国政府公布的增长数据的可靠性,再度成为争论的对象。 中国抵御国际金融危机的能力,将有助于决定全球经济衰退的严重程度。因此,世界各地的投资者都在关心:关于中国经济表现的官方报告是否可靠?

鲜有经济学家怀疑近几十年来中国高增长的基本趋势,但很多人认为中国当局淡化了经济的波动性——在经济繁荣时期低报增长率,而在经济活力减弱的年份高报经济增长率。 这种怀疑在昨天再次凸显:中国国家统计局宣布,将2007年中国经济的增长率从11.9%修正为13%,。这是北京方面第二次对2007年的GDP 数据进行重大修正。下周,统计数据的可靠性问题将再次摆在人们面前:届时将公布2008年第四季度的GDP数据。大多数指标显示,这一时期的经济增长迅速 减缓。 《中国经济季刊》(China Economic Quarterly)主编葛艺豪(Arthur Kroeber)指出,这种情况就像有些公司利用会计规则的灵活性,消除收益出现的波动。他表示:“在增长数据上做手脚的模式是明显的。各级政府出于政治 考虑而操控数据的动机十分强大。” 上一次中国经济出现长期减速是在1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机之后。1998年,在亚洲大多数地区陷入衰退泥淖之时,北京报告称经济增长率达到令人侧目的7.8%。此后,中国的统计数据就受到严密的国际审视。 美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)经济学家托马斯•罗斯基(Thomas Rawski)对上述数据提出质疑,他运用中国其它方面的数据得出结论,称1998年中国经济增长不会超过2%,且到2001年为止一直持续疲软。 他表示,1997年至2000年间,中国的能源消耗减少了12.8%;而1997年至1998年间,中国国内航空客运仅增长了2.2%。他指出,中国官方的数据“与经济规律不符”,并补充道,中国的经济学专家甚至有一个专门的词汇来形容对官方数据的操纵:“假报浮夸风”。 从那之后,有数位学者对中国GDP的强劲数字提出质疑。香港科技大学的卡斯顿•霍兹(Carsten Holz)称应该对这些数据“有所保留”。不过,对于中国1998年的增长率,很少有人像罗斯基那样悲观,很多非官方的经济学家认为该年增长率应在5%左右。 两年前,中国国家统计局上调了1993至2004年间的数据,以更好地反映服务业的增长。而当时1998年的统计结果未被修订。有些人认为,这是在默认1998年的数据有所夸大。 不过,也有一些中国经济专家支持官方数字。美国华盛顿彼得森研究所(Peterson Institute)的尼古拉斯•拉迪(Nicholas Lardy)称,上世纪90年代后期中国进口和税收的大幅增长表明,经济增长并不是那么无力。 “中国经济的信息来源太多了,增长数字是很难被如此大幅度地操纵的。”他表示。 由于去年秋季以来经济增长明显放缓,以及国际上对中国公布的官方增长数据重新严加审查,渣打银行(Standard Chartered)制定了一个由工业产值、进口规模、货运量和银行信贷等替代指标构成的综合指数,试图借此衡量经济活动。 这一指数显示,上世纪90年代后期的官方增长数据有所夸大。2008年末该指数跌至1994年以来的最低水平,说明第四季度GDP增长十分缓慢。 渣打银行驻上海经济学家王志浩(Stephen Green)表示,如果数字过于惨谈,“中国当局或许会被迫调高官方数据”。但他同时表示,若2008年第四季度的数字较低,实现2009年经济增长8%的目标就会变得比较容易。


中国 | 2009.01.13



据法新社报道,日本右翼政治家、政坛"常青树"石原慎太郎周二在一次新闻发布会上表示,由美国牵头的朝核问题六方会谈至今没有取得实质性进展,反而 使朝鲜对世界的核武器威胁与日俱增。他说:"我认为由中国来合并朝鲜是最简单的解决办法,这对美国也是件好事。我甚至猜想,这个解决路线已经有一定潜在的 基础了。"他还说:"我想中国不会拒绝这个建议的。"

此外,石原慎太郎还指出,这一想法"可能"会遭到韩国的反对,因为这个国家六十年来始终没有放弃朝鲜南北重新统一的希望。但是,石原慎太郎表示,假 如朝鲜真的成为中国的一部分,韩国也会从中受益。他还说:"假如韩国能够认可这一方案,我想朝鲜的极权统治会自然地土崩瓦解,朝鲜也会重新回到公民社会 中。"

76岁的石原慎太郎已经连任三届东京都知事。曾经著有数十部小说作品的石原向来以"语不惊人死不休"闻名,身为右翼保守派政治家的他曾经主张日本摆 脱二战之后的军事束缚,并主张将日本二战期间的侵略历史从教科书中删去,激烈言词曾多次引起中国和朝韩的强烈不满。近年来,石原对中国的态度有所转变,在 参加了北京奥运会的开幕式之后,盛赞中国"13亿人口的力量是多么了不起"。

2009年1月12日 星期一

Wipro Ltd.和MegaSoft 被封殺 中國建材質量問題

界銀行(World Bank)披露﹐又禁止了兩家印度外包企業──Wipro Ltd.和MegaSoft Consultants Ltd.──與其總部開展業務﹐從而使印度風雨飄搖的科技業再受重創。

就 在不到一週前﹐世界銀行將印度薩蒂揚軟件技術有限公司(Satyam Computer Services Ltd.)列入禁止開展業務的清單中。當時﹐薩蒂揚董事長拉馬林加•拉賈(B. Ramalinga Raju)承認虛增了10多億美元的利潤﹐這令該行業深感震驚。

世界銀行工作人員稱﹐世行曾在2007年6月封殺過Wipro﹐因這家公司被指控試圖以優惠價格向世行前首席信息長穆罕默德•穆赫辛(Mohammed Muhsin)提供股票期權﹐以換取合約。禁止與薩蒂揚開展業務的主要原因也與此相同。

還不清楚有關穆赫辛的問題是否也是Megasoft被封殺的主要原因。穆赫辛已從世界銀行退休﹐並被禁止再獲聘用。穆赫辛的律師霍其伯格(Joshua Hochberg)沒有即刻發佈評論。





Wipro的首席財務長塞納帕蒂(Suresh Senapaty)說﹐從2000年以來﹐公司累計從世界銀行獲得了不到100萬美元的收入﹐這個數額並不大﹐公司受到封殺對其業務幾乎沒有影響。




但在《華爾街日報》的一篇文章討論了這一政策後﹐世界銀行在週末改變了這一政策﹐公佈了禁止簽訂此類合約的三家公司名稱。世界銀行行長佐立克(Robert Zoellick)一直將消除困擾該行多年的腐敗問題放在首位。

Megasoft Ltd.首席執行長庫馬爾(G.V. Kumar)說﹐公司自2004年以來沒有同世界銀行做過任何業務﹐預計世界銀行此舉不會對公司業績造成任何影響。Megasoft Ltd.是Megasoft Consultants的母公司。



外包業是印度經濟的驕傲﹐共聘用了200萬人。在薩蒂揚的醜聞爆發前﹐印度外包業已經受到了全球經濟放緩的沖擊。不過可以肯定的是﹐作為外包的目的地﹐印度 相對於其它許多國家而言仍然擁有幾項競爭優勢──低工資﹐和比菲律賓及越南等地更多的熟練工程師和程序員。Forrester分析師蘇丁•阿普特 (Sudhin Apte)說﹐目前沒有其它可以取而代之的國家。

Infosys Technologies Ltd.定於週二公佈第三季度業績﹐是首家公佈業績的大型公司。





Bob Davis / Niraj Sheth / Romit Guha


IN BRIEF: n. - A wide flat board used to cover walls or partitions.

dry wall


2009年 01月 12日 13:14





Getty Images
家住坦帕附近的史密斯(Marty Smith)說:我最大的擔心是我們將被這套房子纏住脫不了手。他房子裡的空調已多次出問題。建築商Lennar Corp.最近對這套房子裡的空氣和幹牆進行了測試﹐預計結果將在幾週後出來。


業 務量在美國排名第二的Lennar已對至少50幢房屋進行了空氣質量檢測﹐並遷出了幾戶房主﹐以便拆除並替換幹牆﹐這是一道昂貴的工序。公司正在設法找到 儘量減少住戶干擾的辦法解決問題。Lennar還繼續對在位於佛羅里達的十多個項目進行測試﹐並將向州衛生部門通報測試結果。

Lennar佛羅里達州西南地區分部總裁麥克墨里(Darin McMurray)說﹐我們的首要擔心是我們的業主客戶。他說﹐公司將繼續為我們建造的房屋負責﹐並將與業主一起努力解決問題。


出問題的幹牆有很多是在中國生產的。其中一家生產商是可耐福石膏板(天津)有限公司(Knauf Plasterboard, Tianjin Co.)﹐它是德國建築材料公司可耐福國際公司(Knauf International GmbH.)的子公司。



佛羅里達珊瑚角的小型建築商Aubuchon Homes總裁阿布考恩(Gary Aubuchon)說﹐建築業現在的情況是﹐它再也無法承受哪怕一個負面問題。公司近期重新安置了一位房主﹐以便對其房屋進行空氣和幹墻測試﹐部分幹牆來自中國。






佛羅里達衛生署毒理學家克勞斯(David Krause)說﹐我們必須查清到底是幹牆引起的問題﹐還是只是巧合。

Michael Corkery

2009年1月11日 星期日

Toyota to start using S. Korean steel for vehicles made in Japan

Toyota to start using S. Korean steel for vehicles made in Japan




Desperate to cut costs amid a deteriorating economic climate, Toyota Motor Corp. will for the first time use imported processed steel for vehicles built in Japan, according to sources.

Steel to be supplied by Posco, a major South Korean steelmaker, is several percent cheaper than that manufactured by Japanese rivals, the sources said.

Surging steel prices are among the factors behind Toyota's projected group operating loss of 150 billion yen for the year ending March.

Toyota will begin using Posco steel this spring for the inside of automobile bodies but not the outside, the sources said.

It has confirmed the quality of the South Korean steel through testing, they said.

Toyota is also considering buying Posco's steel for vehicles to be assembled in North America to diversify procurement sources, the sources said.

Posco is constructing a factory in Mexico, to be completed by the end of 2009.

Toyota plans to press Japanese and other steelmakers to lower prices around the world, citing Posco's competition, the sources said.

Some Japanese automakers, such as Nissan Motor Co. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp., have already used Posco steel in vehicles built in Japan.

Toyota, however, has limited the use of Posco steel to vehicles it manufactures in Thailand and sells in emerging markets.

Toyota had agreed to accept a price hike of more than 30 percent from the previous year for products it buys from major domestic steelmakers in the current business year through March.

The hike translates into a hefty increase of between 25,000 yen and 30,000 yen per ton of steel products.

Coupled with price increases of other materials, Toyota's annual procurement costs have shot up by more than 300 billion yen.

Toyota takes the lead in price negotiations in Japan between automakers and steelmakers.

Automakers are expected to step up calls for reducing steel prices during the negotiations for the new business year.(IHT/Asahi: January 12,2009)

China officials 'lost millions'

China officials 'lost millions'

Map of Guangdong

Officials from China's southern Guangdong province are reported to have gambled away more than $3m (£2m) of public money in recent years.

Chinese media reports said more than 50 officials had been investigated and six had been jailed or punished.

The officials lost the money gambling at casinos in Macau, on cruise ships off Hong Kong, and betting on football matches, reports said.

President Hu Jintao has said battling corruption is a key priority.

The heaviest sentence was given to Wu Xingkui, the Communist Party of China (CPC) number two in the town of Yunfu.

Mr Wu was handed a four-year jail term for embezzling large sums of public money to finance his gambling habit, the state-run China Daily newspaper reported.

The paper said he was found guilty of losing 520,000 yuan ($76,000) on soccer bets and 70,000 yuan playing mahjong, in addition to thousands of yuan of public money while on a cruise in Hong Kong on 1 January 2004.

Ironically, Mr Wu had carried out several operations against gambling, pornography and drugs.

Several other CPC party officials were also handed jail terms, expelled from the party, or put on probation in what should be a "clear warning" to all officials, a spokesman for the discipline commission told the China Daily.

上汽放棄雙龍 牽動中韓關係

上汽放棄雙龍 牽動中韓關係


















2009年1月8日 星期四

偶像崇拜陰魂: Mao 赤柬

The Man on Mao's Right: From Harvard Yard to Tiananmen Square, My Life Inside China's Foreign Ministry

by Ji Chaozhu (Author)

中国 | 2009.01.08


今天(1月8日)是周恩来逝世33周年纪念日。除了几篇回忆和评论文章之外,中国媒体对此并没有给予太大的关注。这与中国国内近年来兴起的"毛泽东热"形 成了巨大反差。而就在1月5日,中国左翼网站乌有之乡发出了将"纪念毛泽东活动"日常化的倡议。德国之声记者石涛就此对胡星斗教授进行了电话采访。

“乌有之乡”网倡议的内容包括佩戴毛泽东像章,用"毛主席万岁"等口号彼此问候,呼吁集资修建毛泽东像,以及向刊登批评毛泽东内容的媒体施 加压力等等。这份倡议刊登之后引起了网民的巨大反响,支持的人并不在少数。针对这样的情况,中国社会问题专家,北京理工大学胡星斗教授发表长文,认为这是 近乎于"邪教"的活动。以下是胡星斗教授与德国之声的访谈全文:


胡星斗:目前中国的改革出现了一些失误。在这样的情况下,一些受到改革损害的人就自然而然的更加怀念毛泽东,更 多的人就集合到左派的旗帜下。其实对于这样一种状况,我们也是理解的,因为他们认为改革是很不公平的。改革使得广大弱势群体的权益受到了损害。因此他们主 张回到毛泽东的时代,他们认为毛泽东能够给中国普通的工人农民更多的平等的权利。对于这样一种言论,我认为都属于言论自由的范畴。但是乌有之乡现在搞得这 个倡议,我认为就是要把毛泽东邪教化,是在创立一种邪教。他们把文革期间那些个人崇拜的做法又搬到现在,而且还要变本加厉。要求热爱毛泽东的人每天都要唱 歌,而且见面分手的时候都要喊"毛主席万岁"什么的,让我们感觉到回到文革期间。




胡星斗:中国的左翼知识份子理论上而言应该更多的同情民众,同情弱势群体。但是实际上,那些极左分子几乎没有任 何人参与过实际的对弱势群体的支持,或者参与维权的。所以那些极左知识分子更多的只是崇拜毛泽东,崇拜毛泽东的集权的一些做法。目前中国的偏右的知识份子 反而是参与了民众的维权。当然我并不反对左,也不反对右,我只是反对极左和极右。一般观点偏左一些没关系,也有很多人认为我是属于左派。观点左一点没关 系,但不要走到极左,也就是极力维护专制体制,以及对毛的无条件个人崇拜。


胡星斗:确实是这样的。我们改革开放之后主要搞经济建设,对于其他方面采取的是"向前看,不争论"的态度,这样 的策略从当时来看是正确的,是为了避免纠缠历史问题,(否则)改革开放很难进行。但是现在改革开放也三十年了,我们有必要回顾一下历史。如果我们这个民族 对于历史经验教训从来不总结,那么我们这个民族就很难进步,就很难吸取这些经验教训。由于长期以来我们对于文化大革命等极左的东西采取回避态度,对毛泽东 过去的错误也是不允许评论,所以很多年轻人是非不分,对历史的错误不清楚,因此他们就会产生一些错误的认识。在加上看到很多极左派的文章,把改革开放失误 归咎于搞市场经济,而不是归咎于毛的政治体制的落后。


时事风云 | 2009.01.08




本周三,将近4万柬埔寨人聚集在首都体育馆内欢庆"胜利纪念日",纪念红色高棉倒台30周年。柬埔寨参议院主席谢辛在讲话中将红色高棉统治柬埔寨的 时期称为该国最黑暗的一段历史,并感谢越军拯救了柬埔寨人民免遭种族灭绝之灾。一位年轻的女大学生说,1月7日这一天对她来说具有生日一样的意义:"我是 在红色高棉政权倒台之后出生的,但是我经常听父母讲起他们在那段时期受的苦难。这一天对我和我父母来说具有特别的意义。如果没有"胜利纪念日",就不会有 今天的我们。"



一位经历了红色高棉统治而幸免遇难的柬埔寨妇女讲到,在1月7日这一天,她全家几代人在一起回顾那段历史:"我们讲述那段历史,有人问我,你们怎么 生还下来的?为什么情况会是那样,为什么会发生这样的事?为什么,为什么。我说,我也始终在脑海里思考一个问题:他们为什么会这么对待我的家人,他们为什 么这么对待柬埔寨人民?"

然而,并非所有柬埔寨人都对过去这段可怕的历史感兴趣。其中不仅有当年红色高棉的支持者和帮凶,还有大部分普通民众出于宗教原因,不愿意重温历史。 据说,这样会打扰遇难者在阴间灵魂不得安宁。此外,据金边文献纪录馆负责人张友克介绍说,红色高棉政权当年的一些思想理论至今还被许多柬埔寨人推崇,特别 是那些对今天柬埔寨政治发展深感失望的人:"许多人还是红色高棉的支持者,因为他们对现在的政府太失望。他们的观点是,在红色高棉统治时期没有腐败现象。 红色高棉犯的错误是没有让人民填饱肚子,而且杀害人民。除了这两点,红色高棉是个很不错的政府。这种观点在柬埔寨是很普遍的。红色高棉政权的思想理论还没 有消失。这就是目前的一大问题。"


Bernd Musch-Borowska


China Losing Taste for Debt From the U.S.
Beijing is starting to keep more of its money at home, which could have painful effects for U.S. borrowers.

Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases
A group of former prostitutes in South Korea have accused some of their country’s former leaders of encouraging them to have sex with American soldiers.

Financial Scandal at Outsourcing Company Rattles a Developing Country
Satyam Computer Services, one of India’s largest outsourcing companies, significantly inflated earnings and assets for years, the chairman said before resigning.

2009年1月5日 星期一


德语媒体 | 2009.01.05





"法庭审理只允许挑选出的中国媒体出席旁听,被告的辩护人是谁,律师们如何辩护,均不为人知。…… 对这样棘手的案子,法官不能严格按法律做出判决、司法人员也不能独立做出决定,这是中国司法的特点。相反,党组织的一个委员会将定定夺如何判决。不能排除 共产党杀一儆百、判处三鹿集团总裁田文华死刑的可能性,但她认罪的态度也许可以使她得到从宽判刑的处理。










中国 | 2009.01.05


近年来,基督教在中国发展迅速。其中所谓的"家庭教会",也就是没有得到中国官方"三自爱国教会"认可的民间教会团体,扮演了重要角色。2008年11月 底,中国民政局宣布取缔中国家庭教会联合会,12月21日,该会负责人张明选遭到逮捕。这一连串事件的发生,让人对于中国家庭教会的命运产生疑问。德国之 声记者采访了中国家庭教会成员、成都独立知识分子王怡,请他分析家庭教会在中国的处境和前景。 

德国之声:11月28日,中国国家民政部发布"取缔决定书",取缔中国家庭教会联合会。这个决定作出之后,包括您在内的一 些基督教法律人士发表了一份声明,其中指出中国宪法虽然规定民众有"结社自由",但现行法律实际上却等于"全面剥夺了公民的结社自由"。出现这种现象的原 因是什么呢?

王怡:其实不仅是针对基督教会,包括非宗教的民间社团也基本上是不可能合法登记存在的。因为中国目前的社会团体登记条例,其中有两个很重要的东西, 一个是规定所有的社会团体成立必须经过政府主管部门审查同意,这个基本上就把路卡死了。教会必须要有主管部门,当然就是宗教局,必须由它审查。不是登记, 不是备案制,是要审查同意。所以中国今天民间独立的家庭教会不可能被审查同意,包括教会以外的其他民间团体也几乎不可能注册一个真正的NGO。通常是两个 情况,一个是挂靠在某个主管部门,部委或者官方的某个协会下面才可能拿到牌照;第二就是到工商部门按照公司注册,本来NGO是免税的,但是必须按照公司那 套高成本的运作。家庭教会不能够接受主管部门的审查,因此与政府部门的冲突大一些。第二个是特别与教会有关的,同一个行政区域里相同业务的社会团体只能有 一家,只要有了就不再审批第二家。就比如全国只有一个工会,教会也只有一个,就是三自爱国基督教会。


王怡:从广泛的意义上讲,有一个很大的压力,要求改革社团登记,允许公民自由结社。因为市场经济社会开放。大部分的民间结社,政府也在考虑可以放宽 一点,比如江浙一带商人组织的商会团体等,老实说对政府也没有什么政治上的敏感性。对于这些组织,考虑是不是要放宽主要是从非政治因素的考虑,比如主管部 门的利益,官僚主义还有一些传统思维方式的转变。如果政府可以选择的话,他们是愿意这样,如果你们要成立一个钓鱼协会,商人社团,可以考虑放宽社团登记, 但宗教类的,其他知识分子的结社肯定不会放宽。可是法律是普遍性的,如果整个社团登记改革在市场压力下必须进行的话,那么怎么来对付家庭教会,这些他们不 愿意放开的部分呢?这是他们的矛盾,也就是"难言之隐"。


王怡:我觉得,08年是处于一种"又逼迫又放开"的张力状态。奥运会之后,我个人看法是,政府现在在重新考虑对家庭教会的态度问题。有一些不断打压 的事件和以前一样还是陆续发生。但另一方面,我们看到一些类似于建嵘这样的学者在官方体制内公开提出家庭教会合法化的问题,甚至包括"三自教会"的官员也 有人发言说可以考虑接纳家庭教会的问题。包括国务院下属一个智囊研究所也主办了一个中国家庭教会研讨会。我看,在未来还是一个拉锯的过程,政府在考虑,不 可能对基督教进行大规模的打压和逼迫,尤其是在城市中。但是它也不愿意放开。因此政府也想找出一个在法律和政治上可以接受的方式。我想会经过一个过程,但 我不知道需要一年,两年还是三年。我想会有这么一个拉锯和谈判的过程。这个谈判是一个比喻的说法,不是一定要在一个房间里谈。谈判桌不一定是在一个封闭的 房间,可能是在法庭上,也可能是在教会与政府各部门的各种方式接触中。以前这种接触主要是对抗型的接触,现在有可能这种接触可能更多是对话或者谈判型的接 触。


