Member Economies
APO membership is open to countries in Asia and the Pacific which
are members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific. Current membership is 20 economies, comprising
Bangladesh, Cambodia, Republic of China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India,
Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR,
Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Vietnam. These countries/economies pledge to assist each
other in their productivity drives in a spirit of mutual cooperation by
sharing knowledge, information, and experience.
Learn more about the APO members and their respective National Productivity Organizations (NPOs).
Learn more about the APO members and their respective National Productivity Organizations (NPOs).
印尼總統尤多約諾(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono)率領副總統等高官,在十月一日上午,
Lady Gaga cancels Indonesia gig - YouTube | |年5月17日 - 1 分鐘 - 上傳者:NMAWorldEdition
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Lady Gaga will have to cancel her sold-out show in Indonesia amid concerns her sexy clothes and dance moves undermine Islamic values and will corrupt the youth. 由於有人擔心女神卡卡的性感裝扮與舞步可能破壞伊斯蘭教價值觀,使年輕一代墮落,女神卡卡可能得取消門票已銷售一空的印尼演唱會。 National police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said Tuesday the permit for her June 3 "Born This Way Ball" concert had been denied. Jakarta police recommended the denial. Although Indonesia has a long history of religious tolerance, a small extremist fringe has become more vocal in recent years. A country of 240 million people, it has more Muslims than any other nation. 國家警察發言人阿瑪爾週二表示,女神卡卡6月3日「天生完美」演唱會的許可證申請遭到拒絕,是雅加達警方建議拒絕核發許可證。儘管印尼有長遠的宗教包容歷史,但仍有小群極端份子在最近幾年聲勢壯大。印尼有2.4億人口,穆斯林人數為全球最多。 Hard-liners have loudly criticized Lady Gaga, saying the suggestive nature of her show threatened to undermine the country’s moral fiber. Some threatened to use physical force to prevent her from stepping off the plane. 強硬派大聲批評女神卡卡,表示卡卡表演的性暗示特色恐將傷害該國的道德思想。有些人甚至威脅將以身體的力量阻擋她走下飛機。 Fans have been eagerly awaiting Lady Gaga, with every seat in Jakarta’s 52,000-seat Gelora Bung Karno stadium scooped up--half in the first two hours of sales. 粉絲焦急地等待女神卡卡到來,雅加達格羅拉蓬卡諾體育場5萬2000個座位的門票銷售一空,其中有半數是在開賣後2小時即售完。 "I’m very disappointed," said Mariska Renata, who had tickets to the Jakarta show. 買到雅加達演唱會門票的雷娜塔說,「我很失望」。 She said by bowing to the wishes of "troublemakers," authorities only give them more power. "We are mature enough to be able to separate our own moral values from arts and culture," Renata said. (AP) 她說,當局屈服於「麻煩製造者」的要求,只會讓他們權力更大。雷娜塔說,「我們已經夠成熟,可以把自己的道德價值觀和藝術與文化分開。」(美聯社) 新聞辭典: undermine:動詞,傷害、破壞。例句:The flow of water had undermined pillars supporting the roof. (水流破壞了支撐屋頂的支柱。) hard- liner:名詞,主張採取強硬路線者;不妥協者。例句:Neither hardliners nor reformers would be likely to want him as their leader.(不管是強硬派還是改革派都不太可能願意讓他領導。) scoop up:片語,(敏捷地)抱起,拿起,撿起。例句:He laughed and scooped her up in his arms. (他笑著將她抱到懷裡。) |
No.187 (2012/5/25)
日前東帝汶大舉慶祝獨立建國十週年紀念。 但面對全國有四分之一人口在印尼佔領的24年間喪生, 政治領袖都決定只往前看,掩蓋傷痕。
東帝汶在荷蘭結束殖民統治後,於1975年遭到印尼入侵,直到1 999年公投獨立為止,超過18萬人民在這段期間內死於抗爭、 疾病與飢荒。尤其是1999年公投後的動亂,印尼軍隊或親近印尼 的民兵勢力犯下罄竹難書的罪行。但多年來, 儘管國內外人權團體一再疾呼,政府應該追求正義, 成立國際法庭以審判犯下暴行者。但這個只有110萬人口的小國領 袖,多傾向於與印尼強鄰走向和解。
例如甫宣誓就職的總統魯安克(Taur Matan Ruak),是出身游擊隊的獨立戰爭英雄。他也已經明白表示, 無意碰觸舊傷痕:「我的立場很清楚,我不會停留在過去, 而要用放眼未來以激勵全國人民」。剛卸任的前總統, 同時也是諾貝爾和平獎得主霍塔(Jose
Ramos-Horta)也多次排除司法追訴的可能性。 外界認為,東帝汶推動兩國外交正常化的策略奏效, 可從印尼總統尤多約諾(Susilo Bambang
東帝汶是世界上最貧窮的國家之一, 與印尼的經貿往來是支撐這個國家的重要動力。 但對很多在殘暴戰爭中失去親人的人民來說, 這種經濟考量距離他們太過遙遠。
有家屬批評滿手血腥的軍方人士,如今或是從商, 或繼續在政府體系內服務,但從來不需面對司法追訴。 人權組織批評:「尋常百姓們在動亂中失去丈夫,遭到強暴, 子女被綁架,至今仍然不知親人下落,房屋被燒毀。他們生活艱難, 該怎麼要求他們原諒或寬恕」。
聯合國曾在此地成立重大罪行處(Serious Crimes
Unit),但在391個遭起訴的疑犯中, 真正被定罪的寥寥無幾。而且其中將近三百人, 或直屬印尼軍方或為親印尼部隊作戰, 早就逃往印尼過著自由的生活。