美國/中國 我們要談更大條的 Yang said Tuesday that Beijing and Washington need to build more trust, though he suggested the onus is on the US to respect Chinese interests on issues such as Taiwan and Tibet.
China says US should respect Chinese interests on Taiwan and Tibet issues to ...
Washington Post
開放瘦肉精美牛// 馬政府夜襲 民怨引爆
馬政府前天深夜突然宣布開放瘦肉精美國牛肉,引爆全民怒火。台灣農村陣線等11個公民團體昨天早上集結凱道抗議,他們高呼:「選前馬總統、選後兒皇帝」、「官僚殺人、禍害子孫」,並將血淋淋的美牛砸向馬英九總統的合成照片,表達不滿。 (記者王敏為攝) 農陣:選前馬總統 選後兒皇帝
〔記 者謝文華、鍾麗華、陳炳宏、何宗翰/綜合報導〕行政院前天深夜「突襲式」宣布開放瘦肉精美國牛肉,不但舉國譁然,同時也引爆養豬戶、養牛戶、農民團體及消 費者團體怒火,相關抗爭從昨天起將一波波上演。台灣農村陣線前晚漏夜緊急動員十一個公民團體,昨天早上集結凱道,將血淋淋的美牛砸向馬英九總統的合成照 片,高喊:「選前馬總統、選後兒皇帝」、「官僚殺人、禍害子孫」,要求政策轉彎、美國毒牛滾出台灣。
豬農罵聲四起 兩萬人明要抗爭
全 台豬農也罵聲四起,明天將強力動員逾兩萬人到立法院、農委會前抗爭。養豬協會痛批政府騙來騙去,說的話不可信,強調豬農群情激憤,豬糞、雞蛋都準備好了! 肉牛戶也痛批,馬政府所謂一國兩制,根本是「柿子挑軟的吃」,養牛戶人數雖少,但自己的產業自己救,他們將串連全國養牛戶,擇日到台北抗議。
苗 栗縣養豬協會總幹事何桶生昨指出,該協會會員最近收到黑函,恫嚇抗爭就要讓豬價下跌,會員群情激憤,明天將號召兩百多人北上陳情。何桶生說,該黑函並提 及,農委會已擬妥養豬戶的「離牧辦法」,四月起將補助毛豬拍賣價格,整廠離牧的建築物、廢水處理廠拆除都有補助,養豬戶必須簽署保證書不再養豬。但向農委 會求證後,農委會否認發函。
反美牛聯盟 今天到行政院抗議
學者憂心 瘦肉精牛肉往台灣倒
台 大穀雨社成員傅偉哲說,去年他和四位台灣青年透過福爾摩沙基金會赴美拜訪一三○位國會參眾議員時,多位議員即表態關切美牛、TIFA、軍購,他兩週前寫信 連繫其中一位參議員布朗,提及美牛銷台議題,布朗助理已回信透露,議員已指派主管貿易人員進行研究,希望他多提供民間資料。
馬政府硬幹 瘦肉精美牛有條件開放
針對美牛問題,國民黨昨日邀集行政與立法部門相關人員座談,後排左起外交部長楊進添、經濟部長施顏祥、農委會主委陳保基。 (記者方賓照攝) 政院:牛豬分離 排除內臟
〔記 者黃維助、王寓中、李宇欣、顏若瑾、王昶閔、謝文華/台北報導〕在民意強烈反彈、專家學者砲轟質疑下,一再重申沒有預設立場的馬政府,在馬英九總統這兩天 親自投入後,昨晚突然決定「有條件開放」瘦肉精美牛!在野黨立委表示,如果馬總統執意蠻幹、行政院一意孤行,不排除發動倒閣。
人民淪為俎上肉 民團憤怒
消 基會、主婦聯盟及公民團體聞訊同感錯愕和憤怒,質疑所謂的「專家會議」都是作假,從頭到尾,馬總統一個人說了算,人民只是任他宰割的「俎上肉」。包括台灣 農村陣線、全國青年反美牛瘦肉精聯盟、台大穀雨社、大南埔農村工作室等團體今天上午九點三十分,將集結凱達格蘭大道抗議。
力阻美牛 學者籲立法反制
在野批馬 不排除發動倒閣
對於政府「有條件解禁美牛」之說,消基會董事長蘇錦霞6日晚間接受訪問時表示「非常憤怒」,她說行政院一開始就設定要開放美牛進口,沒有採用專家學者意見;蘇錦霞強調,總統馬英九要說清楚,逼得台灣開放美牛進口的壓力是什麼,是為了美國免簽還是為開TIFA(台美貿易暨 ...
美農業部最新研究/豬餵萊克多巴胺 出現攻擊行為
農委會主委陳保基昨日在國民黨中常會針對美牛議題,再次強調食用萊克多巴胺所生產的肉品,並沒有人體副作用的報告。 (記者王敏為攝)現在人們開始質疑此人的適任 〔記者鍾麗華、彭顯鈞/綜合報導〕美國農業部最新研究指出,餵食萊克多巴胺的豬出現攻擊行為,而這種攻擊基因表現機制,人豬相通,恐導致人引起憂鬱、焦慮、自殺傾向。專家要求,應比照消保法的精神,美國藥廠要負舉證責任,證明人吃了萊克多巴胺不會有影響,才能解禁。
人豬相通 恐引焦慮自殺傾向
消基會推薦的美牛會議專家、全家聯合診所身心科醫師蘇偉碩,昨天公布美國農業部轄下農業研究所家畜行為研究單位,在二○一一年發表在「腦部研究(Brain Research)」科學期刊實驗報告。
學者︰應舉證不影響人體 才能開放
豬互咬 農委會︰與吃培林「不完全相關」
[科學人]吃的安全,誰來把關? | ![]() ■圖片來源:《科學人》
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「氣喘藥比培林毒」 陳揆惹議 民視 (2012-02-16 21:55)

紐約時報的台灣頁 (部分)

Taiwan is an island off the coast of China, a nation of some 23 million people who live in a state of ambiguity regarding mainland China, which claims it as part of its territory.
The island, long known to Westerners as Formosa, was seized by Japan in 1895. It returned to Chinese control with the end of World War II. In 1949, as the calamitous civil war that followed the departure of the Japanese came to an end, the defeated Nationalists fled to Taiwan, leaving the island and China in a formal state of war.
China’s singular aim is reunification, even if it requires military force, and each side has kept a wary eye on the other through decades of internal tumult. The question of their fraught relations — culturally close, politically suspicious — grows ever more urgent as China’s wealth and regional influence expand, and ever more obvious as mainlander tourism here surges.
In January 2012, Taiwan held its presidential elections — only the fifth time since Taiwan threw off single-party rule in 1996. During the election, voters were concerned with issues like stagnant wages, a growing wealth gap and steep housing prices that have frozen young urbanites out of the real estate market. They also considered another important issue: whether this vibrantly democratic island should speed, slow or halt its wary embrace of China.
On Jan. 14, Ma Ying-jeou was re-elected president by a comfortable margin, fending off a challenge from his main rival, Tsai Ing-wen, who criticized his handling of the economy but also sought to exploit fears among voters that Mr. Ma’s conciliatory approach toward China was eroding the island’s sovereignty.
Mr. Ma’s victory was welcomed by Taiwanese business leaders, who feared his defeat could irritate China and set back the détente that has served them well during the past three and a half years. China, which regards Taiwan as a renegade territory, had warned that a win by Ms. Tsai, whose party has traditionally backed formal independence, could threaten the “peaceful development of cross-strait ties.”
Mr. Ma, a Nationalist, has overseen a raft of agreements that have revolutionized the way ordinary Chinese and Taiwanese interact. There are now direct flights, postal service and new shipping routes between Taiwan and the mainland, and a landmark free trade agreement has slashed tariffs on hundreds of goods.
The agreements opened the gates to the deluge of Chinese tourists — 213,000 arrived in November, 30 percent more than in November 2010 — who buoyed the local economy with more than $3 billion in spending in 2011. Other firsts include a pair of giant pandas from China, an early reward for Mr. Ma’s Beijing-friendly gestures, and nearly 1,000 mainland students who now study at Taiwan universities.
The burst of contact has reawakened old sensitivities and raised new ones.
General Information on Taiwan
Official Name:Republic of China
Capital: Taipei (Current local time)
Government Type: Multiparty democracy
Population: 22,858,872
Area: 35,980 sq km
Languages: Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka dialects
Literacy: Total Population: 96.1%
GDP Per Capita: $29,500
Web site: Gio.gov.tw
Taiwan Vote Stirs Chinese Hopes for Democracy
After avidly following Taiwan’s presidential campaign online, many mainland Chinese expressed the desire to one day soon choose their own leaders.
January 17, 2012Ma Ying-jeou Is Re-elected as Taiwan’s President
A second term for Ma Ying-jeou will probably suit Beijing, which has matched his enthusiasm for cross-strait reconciliation with a variety of economic and trade pacts.
January 15, 2012Former U.S. Envoy’s Remarks Cause Uproar in Taiwan
Douglas H. Paal, speaking as a private citizen, said a victory by the main presidential challenger in Taiwan could threaten the region’s stability and make Washington uneasy.
January 14, 2012Nuclear Power Emerges as Election Issue in Taiwan
The leading challenger in Taiwan’s presidential election wants to end the country’s reliance on nuclear energy, but her critics say that Taiwan lacks feasible alternatives.
January 13, 2012Why Taiwan’s Future Matters
Taiwan can serve as a model for democratizing forces in China.
January 13, 2012Taiwan Vote Lures Back Expatriates in China
The growing political heft of the Taishang, the name given to Taiwanese in China who have staked their livelihoods on its economy, has become a point of contention in a presidential race that has raised questions about embracing Beijing.
January 12, 2012In Taiwan Elections, Question of China Looms
When voters go to the polls next week, one issue underlies all others: whether this vibrantly democratic island should speed, slow or halt its wary embrace of China.
January 5, 2012China Resident Swims to Taiwan, Drawn by Election
A resident of mainland China was arrested after he spent seven hours paddling through the sea in an effort to witness Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election, the authorities said.
December 9, 2011To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan
President Obama should negotiate with China to write off American debt in exchange for an end to America’s defense arrangement with Taiwan.
November 11, 2011Taiwan Arms Sale Draws Angry, but Familiar, Reaction From China
A $5.8 billion package of weapon sales drew an angry reaction from China on Thursday, with the Foreign Affairs Ministry warning of serious harm to diplomatic relations.
September 23, 2011Obama Administration Decides Against Selling F-16’s to Taiwan
The administration will instead help the island refurbish its fleet, according to people briefed on the matter, but critics say it is buckling to pressure from Beijing.
September 19, 2011Kinmen Seeks to Evolve as China and Taiwan Improve Ties
As relations between Taiwan and China have warmed, Kinmen has stood as a test case for how some Taiwanese are calibrating their growing dependence on economic ties with China.
September 17, 2011The Phantom Menace
Phantom states field armies, hold elections, and run economies, yet they inhabit a foggy space between de facto statehood and international legitimacy.
August 16, 2011As Chinese Visit Taiwan, the Cultural Influence Is Subdued
The rules of engagement put travelers through an exhausting gantlet of museums, monuments and jade shops with little free time to rub elbows with the locals.
August 11, 2011China and Taiwan Reunite Painting
The reunification of an ancient painting at a museum in Taiwan has become a metaphor for the possibility of reconciliation between the two countries.
July 6, 2011