2012年7月23日 星期一

何事不淒然: Anger Swells After Floods 二個夢想家經選出廉能的馬英九

中國主辦奧運之後近4年,北京大暴雨致37人死 中國網民群情洶湧。
台北市某副市長領隊倫敦觀摩3: 他們學不會英國的節約和創意的……

Anger Swells After Floods Kill At Least 37 in Beijing 北京暴雨37死 /北京高樓大廈一大煙囪 白煙嬝嬝

 北京暴雨37死 網友罵翻

〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕中國北京二十一日遭遇六十一年來最大暴雨,城 區到處積水,造成至少三十七人死亡,主要機場有八萬人受困,地鐵人滿為患,受災人口近兩百萬。這場大雨讓北京市區變成一座巨大的游泳池,也暴露出北京嚴重 的排水問題,有不少網友罵翻天,還有人調侃說,玩水不用去(海南)三亞或馬爾地夫,到北京就行了。
北京這場罕見的暴雨連續下了十六個小時, 據稱全市平均降雨量達一百七十毫米,城區平均降雨量達兩百二十五毫米,降雨最多的地點在市郊鄰近山區的房山區河北鎮,降雨量高達四百六十毫米,是北京自一 九五一年開始有系統記錄氣象資料以來的最大降雨量,逾五萬民眾被迫緊急撤離家園。北京氣象局也發布自二○○五年建立天氣預警制度以來的第一個暴雨橙色預 警,且不排除發布最高級別的紅色預警。
暴 雨導致市區多條道路嚴重積水至少一公尺,二十多座下凹式立交橋區積水,造成交通中斷,部份路段甚至出現河水倒灌淹沒路面的狀況,從網友張貼在網路上的照片 或影片可看出,許多房屋和汽車幾乎完全滅頂。部份村莊有房子屋頂被掀開,電線桿、大樹被連根拔起或攔腰折斷,還有人遭雷擊喪生,經濟損失估計近百億人民 幣。
有網友在「新浪微博」(微網誌)上指出,北京台新聞報導說,為疏通橋下積水,管線工人竟要光著腳去探測井蓋,足足用了近一個小時還打不 開,「難道我們回了大清朝?」網友大罵,一個能花幾千億元辦奧運的城市,卻不能花錢提高下水道的技術,「再無道的皇帝也相信自己有百年基業,而現在對十 年、二十年基業都懶得費心了嗎?」
水淹腳踝 民眾淡定吃飯


中國主辦奧運之後近4年,北京大暴雨致37人死 中國網民群情洶湧。

Associated Press


Agence France-Presse/Getty Images


圖片:暴雨傾城 北京變澤國









Josh Chin
Anger Swells After Floods Kill At Least 37 in Beijing
The deaths of more than three dozen people in Beijing as a result of heavy rains on Saturday have prompted public expressions of grief and anger and led some in China to question how a city lauded for its shiny new infrastructure and rapid modernization could fail so tragically in the face of bad weather.

Urban areas of Beijing were hit with an average of nearly nine inches of rain over 16 hours on Saturday ─ the heaviest the Chinese capital has seen in six decades, according the state-run Xinhua news agency.

The deluge, which caused more than 31 road cave-ins, led to more than 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) in economic losses, Xinhua quoted Pan Anjun, deputy chief of the Beijing flood control headquarters, as saying. Even more shocking, at least 37 people died in the downpour, according to a statement released Wednesday night through the Beijing municipal government's official account on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service. Of those, 25 drowned, six were killed as a result of collapsed structures, five were electrocuted and one was struck by lighting, the statement said.

The downpour began around 1 p.m. and continued well into the night, turning the city's streets into temporary rivers, stranding cars and busses and producing lakes of waist-deep water at major intersections. The rains led to the cancellation of more than 500 outbound flights at the Beijing airport, stranding at least 80,000 travelers, state media said.

Among the worst hit areas was the suburban district of Fangshan, which saw just over 18 inches of rain over the course of the storm, according to Xinhua.

Nearly 70,000 residents had to be relocated ─ more than 20,000 of them from Fangshan ─ as a result of the rain and flooding, state media said.

News of the storm spread rapidly on social media, where users posted video footage of flooded intersections and where messages of support appeared alongside pointed questions about how a city that spent billions building facilities to host the Olympics could struggle so badly in dealing with a thunderstorm

Among the sharpest criticisms came in the form of a series of photos, posted to Sina Weibo around midnight, contrasting Beijing's flooded streets with images of sewer systems in other famous capitals, including Tokyo's massive 'Underground Temple' flood prevention system.

'Sewers are not a face-giving infrastructure project,' artist Li Yijia wrote in response to the images, repeating a sentiment widely expressed elsewhere on the site.

'Beijing's glossy appearance can't withstand the erosion of a bout of heavy rain,' wrote another Sina Weibo user. 'In just a few hours, Beijing is washed back into the old days. The city government hasn't stopped rebuilding this city, but they can't even deal with getting waterlogged.'

Perhaps sensitive to the tenor of conversation online, China's Ministry of Finance announced on Sunday that the central government had allocated 120 million yuan ($19 million) to help Beijing, the co
astal city of Tianjin and the northern province of Hebei fight floods, according to Xinhua.

Flood control authorities were still verifying statistics related to the downpour, Xinhua said.

Josh Chin

2012/1/12 BBC HardTalk 訪問Cheng Siwei 背景是北京高樓大廈
美中不足是背後有一大煙囪 白煙嬝嬝
