Politics as Leadership (1981),政治領導論
政治領導論 南京大學 1988
Robert Charles Tucker (May 29, 1918 – July 29, 2010) was an American political scientist and historian.
Political Leadership
Tucker practiced what he preached. Not only did he compare Soviet and tsarist Russian political leaders, but he also compared various types of political leadership in various contexts. In Politics as Leadership (1981), he argued that leadership is “the essence of politics.” He analyzed the diagnostic, prescriptive, and mobilizing functions of leadership. He surveyed “the process of political leadership,” “leadership through social movements,” and “leadership and the human situation.” He underscored that a leader’s definition of a situation could be self-fulfilling and must be communicated effectively to different audiences. And he elaborated on the key sociopsychological maxim that “situations defined as real are real in their consequences”:
The political process is influenced by many a material factor, but it has its prime locus in the mind. Not only is it a mental process when leaders learn about and analyze the causes of circumstances that have arisen, when they interpret the circumstances’ meaning in relation to various concerns, when they define the problem situation for their political communities and decide on what seems the proper prescription for collective action. Mental processes are also pivotally involved—now in the minds of followers or potential followers—when leadership appeals for positive response to its policy prescription.[28]
Tucker sharply contrasted constitutional and nonconstitutional states, especially their respective political cultures and leadership prerogatives:
What distinguishes constitutional forms of statehood ... is that no one, be it a ruling person, a government in power or a ruling party, may act on the principle L’Etat, c’est moi [I am the state]. For the state is the body of citizens, together with the collectively self-accepted system of laws by which they are governed and which center in the constitution.... The result is a disjunction between loyalty to the state and agreement with the policies of a particular government in power or acceptance of that government as a desirable one for the nation.... That, it seems, is the essence of constitutionalism as a political culture; open plurality of political groups or parties is an institutional derivative of this disjunction. Where constitutionalism does not exist, even though a constitutional charter may have been formally proclaimed, the authorities treat disagreement with the given government’s or ruling party’s policies, or disapproval of the government itself, as disloyalty to the state. In effect, they say: L’Etat, c’est nous [We are the state].[29]
Briefly stated, Tucker stressed the importance of political leadership. He contended that the psychological characteristics of autocrats varied greatly, as did their personal and policy priorities and their policymaking and administrative capabilities. He affirmed that oligarchs perceived opportunities and liabilities in diverse ways and often struggled over power and policy, especially at historical turning points with viable options. An avid scholar of Russian history, Tucker scrutinized the interaction between the tsarist autocracy and the revolutionary movement. He emphasized the Russian rather than the Marxian roots of Bolshevism. He highlighted the differences between Lenin’s one-party dictatorship and Stalin’s one-man dictatorship. He illuminated the similarities between tsarist and Stalinist state-building and social engineering. He elucidated the domestic and international politics of de-Stalinization in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. And he argued that the animosities, anxieties, and incompatibilities of the “two Russias” weakened the legitimacy, efficacy, and stability of tsarist, communist, and postcommunist regimes.
228中樞紀念 受難者家屬嗆郝
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中樞紀念二二八儀式昨在二二八和平公園舉行,人權陣線、政治學論壇成員在場外高舉標語,強調若兩岸統一,則「下一個二二八就是六四」。(記者劉信德攝) |
〔記 者王寓中/台北報導〕馬政府昨在北市二二八和平公園舉行「二二八事件六十五週年中樞紀念儀式」,場外場內都有抗議民眾。代表受難者家屬在會中致詞的潘英仁 說,部分族群的人權意識還停留在六十五年前的水準,他們質疑紀念二二八事件合法性的雜音使受難者家屬在黑暗中哭泣。台灣國辦公室創辦人王獻極則以自銬手銬 方式,抗議前行政院長郝柏村質疑二二八死亡人數的說法是侮辱台灣人民。另有人權陣線等團體高舉白布條,質疑兩岸若統一,二二八事件一定會再發生。
兩岸若統一 會再發生二二八事件
不滿郝言論 王獻極自銬手銬抗議
為 了抗議郝柏村對二二八死亡逾萬人的質疑,王獻極和民眾在二二八和平公園正門口,以手銬將自己銬在大門上,高喊口號,抗議郝柏村、抗議流氓政府侮辱台灣人 民;和平公園另一頭的公園路入口,也有人權陣線等團體高舉白布條,質疑兩岸若統一,二二八一定會再發生,而且就像六四天安門事件的重演。
只開放沒活動/嘉市228國家紀念公園 好冷清
預算未審 無法動支辦活動
這 座公園在啟用後由內政部移交給嘉義市府管理,市府有關人員昨天表示,市府有編列約上百萬元的維護與補助活動的預算,但市議會因故休會,今年度預算尚未審查 通過,無法動支執行,所以在二二八時並未舉辦活動。不過兩個多月前開園時,財團法人二二八事件紀念基金會策畫在公園內舉辦「愛 勇氣 二二八」的歷史資料影像展,目前仍持續展覽中。
嘉 義市二二八紀念文教基金會執行長江榮森表示,他們一再反映、爭取在二二八國家紀念公園設館,但沒獲得重視,該公園的展示空間僅有一個開放式長廊的牆面,已 由二二八事件紀念基金會於開園時策展,因此今年嘉義市二二八的資料影像等展覽與座談系列活動,仍維持在嘉義市二二八紀念館舉行。
居民:紀念公園 名不副實
紀念228 巴黎辦回顧演講會 【08:50】
法國年輕學者組成的法國台灣研究協會今天在巴黎法國東方語文學院(INALCO)演講廳,舉辦228紀念活動暨介紹法文版新書「被出賣的台灣」,並邀請出版社負責人魏延年(Rene Vienet)列席。
博士後研究員莫里耶--詹努(Damien Morier-Genoud)先對台灣戰後發生的228事件做概要說明,說明228在台灣社會從禁忌、到1980年代開始開放政治辯論和成為學術研究題目。
他舉出相關延伸閱讀書目,包括吳乃德、彭明敏的「自由的滋味」及葛超智(George H. Kerr)的「被出賣的台灣」。彭明敏和葛超智的著作自去年起出版法文版,都是由和魏延年同名的出版社(Editions Rene Vienet)出版。
紀念228遊行// 批馬道歉 說一套做一套
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台灣國家聯盟與台灣二二八關懷總會昨日舉辦大遊行,從台北市迪化街的永樂市場集結出發,最後抵達大稻埕碼頭,並放水燈迎回英靈。 (記者王藝菘攝) |
受難者家屬 斥郝柏村良心何在
〔記 者李欣芳、王寓中/台北報導〕二二八事件昨屆滿六十五週年,台灣國家聯盟與台灣二二八關懷總會舉辦二二八「自救護台灣」遊行,二二八受難者家屬高舉抗議標 語,痛批質疑二二八事件死傷逾萬人不是歷史真相的前行政院長郝柏村可恥。中樞及各縣市昨也分別舉行紀念儀式或追思音樂會,與會的受難者家屬也都痛批郝柏村 的言論,斥郝良心何在!
中樞紀念儀式昨在北市二二八和平公園舉行,馬英九總統代表政府,再度對所有過去政治受難者表達歉意。出席中樞紀念儀 式的郝柏村之子、台北市長郝龍斌表示,二二八是歷史的不幸事件,家屬的苦難應以同理心理解,歷史的教訓所有人都要記取,歷史的真相要盡一切努力查明,家屬 用大愛和寬容來看待二二八,更是大家應該學習的。因為只有把真相完全還原,讓所有受難者過去英烈的事蹟能夠得到澄清、彰顯,才能讓家屬走出歷史的陰影。
郝龍斌:盼還原真相 走出陰影
由 民間社團舉辦的二二八遊行,從永樂市場出發走到大稻埕碼頭,全長將近一.五公里,途中並行經當年二二八事件的衝突起點天馬茶房原址。雖然天候不佳,但仍有 不少民眾冒雨前往永樂市場集結,下午二時二十八分開始遊行時,雨勢暫停,不少人嘖嘖稱奇,主辦單位稱這是「天公疼台灣人!」
黃昆輝轟 馬要將台灣送給中國
立委籲10元硬幣 換陳澄波肖像