2011年10月12日 星期三

北京進退維谷 /緬甸政府開始釋放政治犯/ 台灣拍馬隨棍上



對比於吳淑珍的貪婪浮華,周顯得格外簡樸、自制,引人好感。她完全符合「凱薩之妻」法則,絕不過問政治,主動隔離外界,以堵倖進之門。而她的特立獨行尤其使人敬佩與欣賞。不過在國家的大典上穿 裝打扮的得體恰當,卻不是個人的事。蔣夫人宋美齡的高貴得體造型,在美國風靡政界、媒體,因此促成美援挹注中國抗日。


2011年 10月 13日 07:23 中國已無力擔當世界經濟引擎







紐約銀行(Bank of New York-Mellon)駐倫敦高級策略師德里克(Simon Derrick)說﹐食品分項指數同比上漲了10%﹐其中肉和禽類價格同比增長了近30%。




當 然﹐還有其它政策選擇可供中國政府使用﹐包括減少銀行存款準備金等。中國當局試圖放緩本國經濟增速時﹐中資銀行的存款準備金也被逐步推高。不過﹐這表明由 於北京方面不可能保證經濟軟著陸﹐所以中國不僅對人民幣匯率問題將一如既往持敏感態度﹐還可能很難加快人民幣當前穩定的升值步伐﹐亦很難為千瘡百孔的世界 經濟提供任何即時救助。

Count Even Less on China Now

Nicholas Hastings

China is headed for a much bumpier landing than the global economy would like.

For months now, the hope has been that lower Chinese inflation would provide the scope for lower interest rates and a way for Beijing to escape a nasty pop in the country’s property bubble. But, as the bubble starts to burst and the economy starts to shake, high food prices and the need to preserve social stability could well prevent the People’s Bank of China from easing policy and securing a soft landing.

A measure of just how large a threat the property sector now poses to the economy as well as to the country’s banking system came with the news that China’s sovereign wealth fund has been instructed to buy the shares of major Chinese lenders.

This came after the Nation Bureau of Statistics reported that prices fell or were unchanged in 46 out of 70 major Chinese cities during August. In July, the number was 31.

This coming Friday, new consumer price figures are expected to show that, as the economy slows, inflation is also subsiding. The consumer price index for September is forecast to fall to 6.1%, extending August’s decline to 6.2% from 6.5% in July.

This should clear the way for the PBOC to start reversing its recent rate increases, especially given that at least some of the fall in inflation is coming from lower prices in pork.

However, all is not quite so simple.

Simon Derrick, a senior strategist with Bank of New York-Mellon in London, said the food sub-index is up 10% on a year ago and, within this, meat and poultry prices are up nearly 30% on a year ago.

So, look for rate cuts to help property prices?

Forget it. Especially when food and the risk of social instability are at stake. This is China, remember. The economic equations that may seem to work obviously elsewhere, do not necessarily do the trick here. So Beijing is stuck between a rock and a hard place, unable to respond to the bursting of the property bubble with lower interest rates because of the threat that would pose to already high food prices.

And, there certainly doesn’t appear to be any early resolution. As Mr. Derrick reminds us, the PBOC advisor Li Daokui warned some time ago that inflation is “most likely chronic.”

Of course, China has other policy options at its disposal, including reduction in bank reserve requirements, which were pushed steadily higher as the authorities attempted to slow the economy down. Nonetheless, this implies that with Beijing unlikely to secure a ‘soft’ landing for the economy, China will remain as sensitive about its yuan exchange rate as it was before and is hardly likely to accelerate the current steady pace of appreciation and provide any immediate relief for the badly battered global economy.


新聞報導 | 2011.10.12







