2020年9月18日 星期五

U.S. Pushes Large Arms Sale to Taiwan, Including Jet Missiles That Can Hit China U.S. Pushes Large Arms Sale to Taiwan, Including Jet Missiles That Can Hit China

美國向台灣推銷大型武器,包括可能擊中中國的噴氣導彈 特朗普總統的戰略家試圖將他描繪成對中國強硬的政府,儘管早些時候採取了柔和的行動,但政府仍在提出一攬子計劃。 

U.S. Pushes Large Arms Sale to Taiwan, Including Jet Missiles That Can Hit China

U.S. Pushes Large Arms Sale to Taiwan, Including Jet Missiles That Can Hit China

By Edward Wong

The administration is proposing the packages as President Trump’s strategists try to paint him as being tough on China despite soft actions earlier.
