2020年9月16日 星期三

A U.S. visit to Taiwan, and a warning from China. 美國週二對一家中國公司實施制裁,稱該公司協助中方在柬埔寨建立軍事基地,


  • A photograph taken by state-owned news media in Taiwan showed Under Secretary of State Keith Krach arriving in Taipei on Thursday.   Pool photo by Central News Agency

    A U.S. visit to Taiwan, and a warning from China

    A U.S. envoy arrived in Taiwan on Thursday to attend a memorial service for former President Lee Teng-hui. The Taiwanese Foreign Ministry said that the envoy, Keith Krach, was the highest-level official from the State Department to visit the island in decades.
    China responded to the news of Mr. Krach’s visit by sending two anti-submarine aircraft off the island’s coast, according to the Taiwanese Defense Ministry. The planes were warned off by the Taiwanese Air Force, it said.
    Details: Though the focus of the visit was the memorial service, Mr. Krach will also discuss economic issues and meet with President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday.
    Context: The Trump administration is increasingly seeking to counter China’s attempts to isolate Taiwan. Last month, Alex Azar, the health secretary, became the highest-level U.S. cabinet member to visit the island since 1979.
  • 美國週二對一家中國公司實施制裁,稱該公司協助中方在柬埔寨建立軍事基地此舉使美國向協助中國進行全球軍事擴張的公司施壓的行動進入一個新階段。
